
age author description
2013-08-01 Brian Neal Follow up to last commit. Re-orient the r-pentomino. Added progress display. default tip
2013-07-26 Brian Neal Chapter 7, exercise 2. R-Pentomino game of life.
2013-07-26 Brian Neal Forgot to add these. Needed for Chapter 6.
2013-01-19 Brian Neal Chapter 6, exercise 4, part 4. A Turing Machine drawer.
2013-01-17 Brian Neal Got a first draft Turing Machine working for chapter 6,
2013-01-15 Brian Neal Chapter 6, exercise 3: exploring rule 110 cellular automata.
2013-01-13 Brian Neal Chapter 6, exercise 2, #4. Wrote a program to output the center column of
2013-01-13 Brian Neal Chapter 6, exercise 2, create a linear congruential generator.
2013-01-12 Brian Neal Create a circular cellular automaton for ch 6, exercise 1.
2013-01-12 Brian Neal Chapter 6, exercise 1: simple program to play with CA and CADrawer.
2013-01-11 Brian Neal Comment out the calculation of L as it may take a long time.
2013-01-11 Brian Neal Chapter 5.6, exercise 7. Exploring the Texas road network.
2013-01-11 Brian Neal Chapter 5.5, exercise 6, #3: compute WS clustering coefficient
2013-01-10 Brian Neal Chapter 5.5, exercise 6, #2: plot P(k) vs. k for a WS graph.
2013-01-10 Brian Neal Added a check to see if we were calculating the probabilities correctly.
2013-01-10 Brian Neal bisection() wasn't returning the index like it should. Added some simple tests.
2013-01-10 Brian Neal Chapter 5, exercise 6, #1: Barab?si and Albert.
2013-01-08 Brian Neal Chapter 5.4, exercise 5: Pareto distribution and city populations.
2013-01-08 Brian Neal Chapter 5.4, exercise 4, Pareto distributions.
2013-01-07 Brian Neal Chapter 5, exercise 3.
2013-01-06 Brian Neal Use a linear scale on the y-axis.
2013-01-05 Brian Neal Exercise 1 in chapter 5.1 (Zipf's law).
2013-01-05 Brian Neal Added a version of Dijkstra that uses a heap.
2013-01-05 Brian Neal Implement Floyd-Warshall all pairs shortest path algorithm.
2013-01-04 Brian Neal A stab at the L(p)/L(0) plot.
2013-01-02 Brian Neal Working on the SmallWorldGraph exercises.
2013-01-01 Brian Neal Added exercises 1 and 2 from chapter 4.
2012-12-30 Brian Neal 3.6 exercise 6: characterize LinearMap, BetterMap, and HashMap using pyplot.
2012-12-27 Brian Neal Finally completing Ch. 3, exercise 5: write a TreeMap that uses a red-black
2012-12-27 Brian Neal Added the remove() method to the red-black tree.
2012-12-27 Brian Neal Rework the red-black tree based on Julienne Walker's tutorial.
2012-12-20 Brian Neal The insert operation on the red-black tree seems to be working.
2012-12-19 Brian Neal Oops, make it importable.
2012-12-19 Brian Neal Starting a redblacktree.py module for Section 3.4, Exercise 4.
2012-12-11 Brian Neal Completing Ch 3.3, exercise 4.2.
2012-12-11 Brian Neal Completing Ch 3.4 exercise 4.1.
2012-12-11 Brian Neal Adding author's Map.py as ch3ex4.py to represent the original version before
2012-12-11 Brian Neal Added the bisection() function for Ch 3.3 exercise 3.
2012-12-04 Brian Neal Chapter 2.7, exercise 7; a generator to create identifiers.
2012-12-04 Brian Neal Added a program that does 2.3 exercise 6 (Paul Erdos).
2012-12-04 Brian Neal Improvements to Graph's bfs.
2012-12-03 Brian Neal Section 2.4, exercise 5, create an is_connected() method for the Graph.
2012-12-02 Brian Neal Update for section 2.2, exercise 4, random graphs.
2012-12-01 Brian Neal Completed chapter 2, exercise 3 on regular graphs.
2012-11-30 Brian Neal Updates to Graph.py after looking at Prof. Downey's code.
2012-11-30 Brian Neal Adding .hgignore file.
2012-11-30 Brian Neal Adding GraphWorld.py from the website.
2012-11-30 Brian Neal Exercise 2: created Graph.py.
2012-11-30 Brian Neal Adding GraphCode.py as obtained from the website.