bgneal@44: """Chapter 6, exercise 4 in Allen Downey's Think Complexity book. bgneal@44: bgneal@44: The goal of this exercise is to implement a Turing machine. bgneal@44: See bgneal@44: bgneal@44: 1. Start with a copy of named Add attributes to represent the bgneal@44: location of the head, the action table and the state register. bgneal@44: bgneal@44: 2. Override step to implement a Turing machine update. bgneal@44: bgneal@44: 3. For the action table, use the rules for a 3-state busy beaver. bgneal@44: bgneal@44: """ bgneal@44: import numpy bgneal@44: bgneal@44: # Tape head direction constants; None is also a legitimate value to indicate bgneal@44: # no movement: bgneal@44: bgneal@44: LEFT, RIGHT = range(2) bgneal@44: bgneal@44: bgneal@44: class TapeError(Exception): bgneal@44: """Raised when the tape head goes out of our array bounds.""" bgneal@44: pass bgneal@44: bgneal@44: bgneal@44: class TM(object): bgneal@44: """ bgneal@44: A Turing Machine based upon the cellular automaton ( in Think bgneal@44: Complexity. bgneal@44: bgneal@44: The tape is divided into cells where each cell can contain a symbol from bgneal@44: a finite alphabet. We use unsigned 8-bit integers, where 0 is the special bgneal@44: blank symbol. bgneal@44: The tape head can read & write symbols onto the tape at its current bgneal@44: position. The tape head can be moved according to the action table. bgneal@44: A state register stores the machine's current state. A state value of None bgneal@44: indicates the machine should halt. bgneal@44: An action table controls how the machine operates. Each entry in the table bgneal@44: is of the form: bgneal@44: (state, input) => (write_symbol, direction, new_state) bgneal@44: bgneal@44: where: bgneal@44: state: current machine state bgneal@44: input: current symbol under the machine's tape head bgneal@44: write_symbol: the symbol to write onto the tape; None means don't write bgneal@44: anything bgneal@44: direction: the direction to move the head; can be either LEFT, RIGHT, or bgneal@44: None to indicate no movement. bgneal@44: next_state: the new state to transition to bgneal@44: bgneal@44: """ bgneal@44: def __init__(self, init_state, actions, n=100, m=50): bgneal@44: """Parameters: bgneal@44: bgneal@44: init_state : the initial state of the machine bgneal@44: bgneal@44: actions : the action table dictionary: bgneal@44: the keys are of the form (state, input) bgneal@44: the values are a tuple of the form (write_symbol, direction, bgneal@44: next_state) bgneal@44: bgneal@44: n : the number of rows in the numpy array bgneal@44: m : the number of columns in the numpy array bgneal@44: bgneal@44: The caller is free to intialize the first row in the array and/or move bgneal@44: the head prior to calling loop() or step(). Otherwise the tape will be bgneal@44: all blanks and the head placed in the middle. bgneal@44: bgneal@44: """ bgneal@44: # We use a numpy array to store the state of the tape at each step. bgneal@44: self.n = n bgneal@44: self.m = m bgneal@44: self.array = numpy.zeros((n, m), dtype=numpy.int8) bgneal@44: bgneal@44: # the head is initially in the center of the first row bgneal@44: = 1 # the next row to update bgneal@44: self.head = m / 2 # head position bgneal@44: self.actions = actions # action table bgneal@44: self.state = init_state # state bgneal@44: bgneal@44: def loop(self, steps=1): bgneal@44: """Attempts to execute the given number of steps. May exit early if the bgneal@44: machine is already halted or halts during execution. bgneal@44: bgneal@44: Returns the number of steps executed. bgneal@44: bgneal@44: """ bgneal@44: actual = 0 # actual number of steps executed bgneal@44: for i in xrange(steps): bgneal@44: if self.state is None: bgneal@44: break # machine has halted bgneal@44: self.step() bgneal@44: actual += 1 bgneal@44: bgneal@44: return actual bgneal@44: bgneal@44: def step(self): bgneal@44: """Executes one time step by computing the next row of the array.""" bgneal@44: i = - 1 # the previous state of the tape bgneal@44: j = # the row to write bgneal@44: += 1 bgneal@44: bgneal@44: a = self.array bgneal@44: a[j, :] = a[i, :] # copy previous state of the tape to next row bgneal@44: bgneal@44: # read the symbol on the tape at the head position bgneal@44: symbol = a[j, self.head] bgneal@44: bgneal@44: # see what we are supposed to do bgneal@44: write_symbol, direction, next_state = self.actions[self.state, symbol] bgneal@44: bgneal@44: # write a new symbol bgneal@44: if write_symbol is not None: bgneal@44: a[j, self.head] = write_symbol bgneal@44: bgneal@44: # move the head bgneal@44: if direction == LEFT: bgneal@44: if self.head > 0: bgneal@44: self.head -= 1 bgneal@44: else: bgneal@44: raise TapeError("ran out tape moving LEFT") bgneal@44: elif direction == RIGHT: bgneal@44: if self.head < self.m - 1: bgneal@44: self.head += 1 bgneal@44: else: bgneal@44: raise TapeError("ran out tape moving RIGHT") bgneal@44: bgneal@44: # change state bgneal@44: self.state = next_state bgneal@44: bgneal@44: def get_array(self, start=0, end=None): bgneal@44: """Gets a slice of columns from the array, with slice indices bgneal@44: (start, end). Avoid copying if possible. bgneal@44: """ bgneal@44: if start==0 and end==None: bgneal@44: return self.array bgneal@44: else: bgneal@44: return self.array[:, start:end] bgneal@44: bgneal@44: bgneal@44: if __name__ == '__main__': bgneal@44: # Test the Turing Machine with the rules for a 3-state, 2 symbol busy beaver bgneal@44: bgneal@44: A, B, C = range(3) bgneal@44: bgneal@44: actions = { bgneal@44: (A, 0): (1, RIGHT, B), bgneal@44: (B, 0): (1, LEFT, A), bgneal@44: (C, 0): (1, LEFT, B), bgneal@44: (A, 1): (1, LEFT, C), bgneal@44: (B, 1): (1, RIGHT, B), bgneal@44: (C, 1): (1, RIGHT, None), bgneal@44: } bgneal@44: bgneal@44: n = 15 bgneal@44: m = 10 bgneal@44: tm = TM(A, actions, n, m) bgneal@44: bgneal@44: count = tm.loop(n - 1) bgneal@44: print count bgneal@44: print tm.array