view @ 24:5c2c4ce095ef

A stab at the L(p)/L(0) plot. I still don't quite get how the graphs in the Watts and Strogatz paper were generated. My results have basically the same shape, but don't converge to 0. I'm not sure how this is possible if the rewire function does not remove edges.
author Brian Neal <>
date Thu, 03 Jan 2013 18:41:13 -0600
parents 84e183b40c63
line wrap: on
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"""Section 4.2, exercise 2.

"The following implementation of a BFS contains two performance errors. What are
they? What is the actual order of growth for this algorithm?

def bfs(top_node, visit):
    'Breadth-first search on a graph, starting at top_node.'
    visited = set()
    queue = [top_node]
    while len(queue):
        curr_node = queue.pop(0)    # Dequeue
        visit(curr_node)            # Visit the node

        # Enqueue non-visited and non-enqueued children
        queue.extend(c for c in curr_node.children
                     if c not in visited and c not in queue)

Test this code with a range of graph sizes and check your analysis. Then use
a FIFO implementation to fix the errors and confirm that your algorithm is


I think the 2 performance errors are:
    1) Using a list as the queue, and popping element 0.
    2) Doing a linear search to see if the child node is already in the queue.

To characterize this bfs, I'll inherit from my Graph class and add
a flawed_bfs() method which implements the above. I'll then plot both the
flawed_bfs and the bfs method I wrote earlier.

This program tests complete graphs. The flawed_bfs is plotted along with a curve
of slope 3, which fits well, and shows that this search is O(|V|^3). Next, the bfs
method is plotted with a curve of slope 2, which fits well. This shows that bfs
is quadratic, or O(|V|^2), on a complete graph, which is what we expect.

import timeit
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

from Graph import Graph, Vertex

class FlawedGraph(Graph):

    def flawed_bfs(self, start, visit=None):
        """A breadth-first search with performance problems."""
        visited = set()
        queue = [start]
        while len(queue):
            curr_node = queue.pop(0)
            if visit:

            queue.extend(c for c in self.out_vertices(curr_node)
                            if c not in visited and c not in queue)

GRAPH = None
V = None

def test_graph_search():

    if METHOD == 'flawed_bfs':

def test_func():

    elapsed = timeit.timeit('test_graph_search()',
        setup='from __main__ import test_graph_search', number=1)
    return elapsed

def test(method):
    """Tests the given function with a range of values for n.

    Returns a list of ns and a list of run times.
    global GRAPH, METHOD, V

    METHOD = method
    factor = 10

    # test (f) over a range of values for (n)
    ns = []
    ts = []
    for i in range(10, 50):
        n = factor * i

        GRAPH = FlawedGraph()
        V = None
        # Add n vertices and connect them
        for i in range(n):
            v = Vertex()
            if not V:
                V = v

        GRAPH.add_all_edges()   # make g a complete graph

        t = test_func()

        print n, t

    return ns, ts

def plot(ns, ts, label, color='blue', exp=1.0):
    """Plots data and a fitted curve.

    ns: sequence of n (problem size)
    ts: sequence of t (run time)
    label: string label for the data curve
    color: string color for the data curve
    exp: exponent (slope) for the fitted curve
    tfit = fit(ns, ts, exp)
    pyplot.plot(ns, tfit, color='0.7', linewidth=2, linestyle='dashed')
    pyplot.plot(ns, ts, label=label, color=color, linewidth=3)

def fit(ns, ts, exp=1.0, index=-1):
    """Fits a curve with the given exponent.

    Use the given index as a reference point, and scale all other
    points accordingly.
    nref = ns[index]
    tref = ts[index]

    tfit = []
    for n in ns:
        ratio = float(n) / nref
        t = ratio**exp * tref

    return tfit

def make_fig(funcs):
    pyplot.ylabel('run time (s)')

    colors = ['red', 'green']

    for func, color in zip(funcs, colors):
        data = test(func)
        exp = 3.0 if func == 'flawed_bfs' else 2.0
        plot(*data, label=func, color=color, exp=exp)


def main(script):
    make_fig(['flawed_bfs', 'bfs'])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys