
age author description
2012-06-12 Brian Neal For issue #15, add date information to forum search results.
2012-06-12 Brian Neal Update default settings module in manage.py.
2012-05-24 Brian Neal Forum topic & post updates now affect the RSS feed data in Redis.
2012-05-23 Brian Neal Include links to video attachments in forum post RSS feeds.
2012-05-12 Brian Neal Putting the colophon, privacy policy, and TOS under the fixed page scheme.
2012-05-12 Brian Neal For Django 1.4 directory changes, fix path in fabfile.py.
2012-05-12 Brian Neal Created a "fixed page" facility.
2012-05-11 Brian Neal Merge.
2012-05-11 Brian Neal Added docutils as a dev requirement.
2012-05-11 Brian Neal Add docutils to requirements.txt.
2012-05-11 Brian Neal Add a __future__ import for with for production server.
2012-05-11 Brian Neal Added .rst support for the /about/ flatpage.
2012-05-11 Brian Neal Merge.
2012-05-11 Brian Neal For bitbucket issue #8, insert .rst files into flatpages.
2012-05-06 Brian Neal Update production requirements.txt after Django 1.4 upgrade.
2012-05-05 Brian Neal Added a requirements_dev.txt file since with Python 2.7 we no longer
2012-05-05 Brian Neal For Django 1.4, rearranged project structure for new manage.py.
2012-05-05 Brian Neal Use the static() function to serve MEDIA files in development.
2012-05-05 Brian Neal For Django 1.4, added the admin password reset feature.
2012-05-05 Brian Neal Correct my Redis API error in unit test.
2012-05-05 Brian Neal Fix bug in donations test.
2012-05-05 Brian Neal For Django 1.4, the check_password function moved.
2012-05-05 Brian Neal For Django 1.4, add clickjacking protection via new middleware.
2012-05-04 Brian Neal For Django 1.4, use django.conf.urls instead of django.conf.urls.defaults.
2012-05-03 Brian Neal For Django 1.4, update to newer versions of cache_page usage.
2012-05-03 Brian Neal For Django 1.4, remove verify_exists from model field definitions.
2012-05-03 Brian Neal For Django 1.4, add a require_debug_false logging filter.
2012-05-03 Brian Neal For Django 1.4, remove the obsolete setting ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX.
2012-04-29 Brian Neal Now developing on Ubuntu 12.04 with Python 2.7.
2012-03-10 Brian Neal For bitbucket issue #7, provide a bar graph indication of inbox and outbox
2012-03-08 Brian Neal Tweaks to the contests application: show the winners on the list page.
2012-03-04 Brian Neal For bitbucket issue #6, try to improve quoting messages.
2012-03-04 Brian Neal For bitbucket issue #5, rework the duplicate email checking in the registration
2012-02-14 Brian Neal The ajax login didn't work from the register page. I think this is because
2012-02-10 Brian Neal For bitbucket issue #4, deactivate users for spam when accepting flagged user
2012-02-09 Brian Neal For bitbucket issue #3, ensure that changes to Profile, Post & Topic models
2012-02-07 Brian Neal Minor tweak to contest template to clear floating images.
2012-02-03 Brian Neal Changed the avatar upload_to path to not rely on the user supplied name,
2012-02-03 Brian Neal Adding the RFB banner block.
2012-02-03 Brian Neal Creating a simple banner / ad campaign application, initially as a RFB / SG101
2012-01-29 Brian Neal Merging change to requirements.txt made on production server.
2012-01-29 Brian Neal For bitbucket issue #1, add open graph meta tags to forum topics.
2012-01-27 Brian Neal Reinstalled my fork of elsewhere with pip install -e so that the repo URL is
2012-01-27 Brian Neal Updated requirements.txt after using my fork of django-elsewhere.
2012-01-27 Brian Neal Prepare to use my forked version of elsewhere that has staticfiles support.
2012-01-26 Brian Neal For bitbucket issue #2, tweak the admin settings for the Post model to
2012-01-18 Brian Neal More last minute updates to the SOPA page.
2012-01-15 Brian Neal Updated the SOPA page.
2012-01-15 Brian Neal Altered the open graph meta tags tag to generate tags for the home page
2012-01-14 Brian Neal Adding SG101 protest page for SOPA & PIPA.
2012-01-14 Brian Neal Update requirements.txt & .hgignore.
2012-01-14 Brian Neal Correct the hg pull command in the fabfile.
2012-01-14 Brian Neal Change fabfile to use hg instead of svn.
2012-01-13 Brian Neal Initial version of the phantombrigade application.
2012-01-13 Brian Neal Created a .hgignore file.
2012-01-11 Brian Neal Updated requirements.txt file after updating to latest Haystack.
2012-01-10 convert-repo update tags
2012-01-09 Brian Neal For #243, create a contests application.
2012-01-07 Brian Neal Update the copyright year in the base template.
2011-12-31 Brian Neal Added a command to fix the old 1.0 POTD smileys to match the new.
2011-12-31 Brian Neal Added a "fix-mode" for the potd comment importer command such that it
2011-12-31 Brian Neal Update the list of name changes.
2011-12-31 Brian Neal Adding import commands for the 1.0 POTD & comments.
2011-12-27 Brian Neal Clean up the birthday block. Get rid of space between name and comma. Get rid
2011-12-26 Brian Neal Updated to Haystack 1.2.6. Got the latest Haystack, xapian backend, and
2011-12-25 Brian Neal For #242, move the updating of the POTD sequence into a new signals module.
2011-12-23 Brian Neal Adding a fabric file.
2011-12-23 Brian Neal Update MP3 compilation block with a link to the 2011 comp on archive.org.
2011-12-22 Brian Neal For #241, add a URL to view the last post in a forum topic.
2011-12-21 Brian Neal Must urlencode the filenames.
2011-12-21 Brian Neal Adding some management commands to the downloads application to help manage
2011-12-19 Brian Neal For #194, we no longer need the mailer application.
2011-12-19 Brian Neal For #194, create a task to run the queued_search's process_search_queue command periodically.
2011-12-19 Brian Neal Fix for trying to redis.mget() and empty list of keys.
2011-12-18 Brian Neal Was catching redis.RedisError exception, but already had local variable called redis. This seemed to work in development, but failed on Python 2.5.
2011-12-18 Brian Neal Created Celery tasks to process new posts and topics. Keep the updated topic set in Redis.
2011-12-17 Brian Neal Use a case-insensitive sort for the who's online list. Clarify the max users statistic wording.
2011-12-17 Brian Neal Created stats for users (number of users and list of newest users).
2011-12-17 Brian Neal For #194, rework the who's online and max users functions.
2011-12-16 Brian Neal For #194, add a celery task for purging deleted private messages.
2011-12-15 Brian Neal Moved the imports from the top of the file into the task function. This seemed to prevent some strange import errors that only occurred on the production server. I don't know if the problems were related to mod_wsgi or Python 2.5 or what.
2011-12-15 Brian Neal For #194, add a celery beat task for Django & forum cleanup.
2011-12-14 Brian Neal For #194, convert the POTD management command to a celery task.
2011-12-13 Brian Neal Minor tweaks to base settings.
2011-12-13 Brian Neal Using celery to send mail out of the request/response cycle.
2011-12-11 Brian Neal Adding in Celery to the settings so we can try to get it running in production.
2011-12-11 Brian Neal Converted production environment to a virtualenv; had to tweak some paths and the .wsgi file accordingly.
2011-12-08 Brian Neal After creating a virtualenv (finally), adding a requirements file.
2011-12-07 Brian Neal For #237, use Redis as the source of posts for the RSS feeds to hopefully eliminate some slow queries.
2011-12-04 Brian Neal Created a centralized spot to get a Redis connection so that settings can be managed in one place.
2011-12-04 Brian Neal Some users are still having problems with the pop-up login. I think they are actually getting 403s because of the CSRF protection. So I have modified the base template to always have a javascript variable called csrf_token available when they aren't logged in. The ajax_login.js script was then modified to send this value with the ajax post. Fingers crossed.
2011-12-03 Brian Neal Added the rate_limit_clear management command, to delete IP addresses from the rate limit datastore.
2011-12-03 Brian Neal Refactor the logic in the rate limiter decorator. Check to see if the request was ajax, as the ajax view always returns 200. Have to decode the JSON response to see if an error occurred or not.
2011-12-03 Brian Neal Made some tweaks to the ajax login javascript.
2011-12-03 Brian Neal Changed the lockout time on logins to 2 minutes.
2011-12-03 Brian Neal For #240, make the login dialog a bit taller so no scroll bar appears on Firefox.
2011-12-03 Brian Neal For #240, tweaked the Javascript to be able to submit the form when enter is typed.
2011-12-03 Brian Neal For #240, add an "ajaxy" login via a jQuery UI pop-up dialog to streamline the login process.
2011-11-30 Brian Neal For #236, switch to a settings package scheme.
2011-11-24 Brian Neal Removed the warning about AT&T and sbcglobal on the registration page. Added "text" classes to the registration text widgets.
2011-11-22 Brian Neal Adding Ariel's (DreadInBabylon) awesome new news topic icons.
2011-11-06 Brian Neal Backout last change. Stay xhtml for now.
2011-11-05 Brian Neal Configure jPlayer to show hours in the duration.
2011-11-05 Brian Neal Changed to HMTL5 in base template.
2011-10-22 Brian Neal For #235, some minor news tweaks. The submitted by text is now a link to the author's profile. Only show 1 textarea to the user when submitting a new news story. The admin can paste into the 2nd one if needed.
2011-10-22 Brian Neal Added a custom tag to display a link to a profile. Refactored the avatar tag to optionally display a profile link around the image. Removed the width and height attributes from the avatar image tag. I think this was causing disk hits whenever those properties were not cached. The avatar tag is now an inclusion tag.
2011-10-20 Brian Neal For #233; add social media sharing buttons to the photo of the day app.
2011-10-20 Brian Neal For #233, switched to asynchronous loading of the social media sharing javascript. Also switched to Facebook's javascript SDK instead of using an iframe for the like/share button.
2011-10-19 Brian Neal For #232, add some javascript to resize large images in user comments.
2011-10-19 Brian Neal For #234, update jPlayer to 2.0.1.
2011-10-19 Brian Neal For #233; add social media sharing buttons to podcast pages.
2011-10-18 Brian Neal For #233, add a meta description field for news stories. This field will get put in the open graph meta tag for better descriptions when shared on social media sites.
2011-10-18 Brian Neal For #233, make sure og:url and og:image are fully qualified (http://).
2011-10-18 Brian Neal For #233; first commit for adding social media sharing buttons to news stories.
2011-10-15 Brian Neal For #232, added some javascript to resize pics inside forum posts if they are too big.
2011-10-14 Brian Neal Fix #231: add a 'view my forum posts' link to profile.
2011-10-07 Brian Neal Fixing #230; add a scrollbar to the PM popup dialog if necessary. This wasn't as easy as I thought. Had to wrap the PM text in a div with its styling (max-height and overflow). If I then resized the dialog, I'd get two scrollbars. So for now, made the dialog non-resizable.
2011-10-05 Brian Neal Fixing #229: Download details view with a bogus download ID produces internal server error isntead of a 404.
2011-09-25 Brian Neal Refactor RateLimiter so that if Redis is not running, everything still runs normally (minus the rate limiting protection). My assumption that creating a Redis connection would throw an exception if Redis wasn't running was wrong. The exceptions actually occur when you issue a command. This is for #224.
2011-09-11 Brian Neal Updating to MarkitUp 1.1.12. Merging vendor branch changes into trunk.