
age author description
2009-07-12 Brian Neal #29 - Implementing the forgotten password reset process.
2009-07-10 Brian Neal #24 - Make the default date for a birthday today - 30 years. This allows you to select any month with the picker if the field is initially blank.
2009-07-10 Brian Neal #25 Fix problem with redirect after changing password.
2009-07-05 Brian Neal First checkin of forums. Have noticed cascading delete behavior. Will try to prevent this next.
2009-07-01 Brian Neal #13 Added logging to registration.
2009-07-01 Brian Neal #20 Upgrade to jQuery UI 1.7.2.
2009-07-01 Brian Neal #19 Use new google maps API key for the entire surfguitar101.com domain.
2009-07-01 Brian Neal Created a bool_icon template tag to graphically display an icon to represent yes/no. Updated profile template to use it.
2009-07-01 Brian Neal #18 - Add time zone field to user profile.
2009-06-28 Brian Neal GCalendar: should have committed this with the previous change. A single error message is produced instead of a list now.
2009-06-28 Brian Neal #16, GCalendar: clean up exception class. Put a try catch around the ExecuteBatch, as I saw it fail. No need to add any logging.
2009-06-27 Brian Neal Donations: make an ordered list of the donors.
2009-06-27 Brian Neal Donations: made the donations debug flag be in local_settings. Changed the donations template to be a two column display of stats and donors.
2009-06-27 Brian Neal Donations: cleaned up logging. Use settings.DONATIONS_DEBUG to decide how to filter on test_ipn records.
2009-06-27 Brian Neal Added breadcrumb navigation to the donations thanks page.
2009-06-27 Brian Neal Sigh, changed the donations data format because it seems to be different than the stand-alone IPN tester. The month name doesn't have a dot after it.
2009-06-27 Brian Neal Make the donations debug business name be found in the local_settings as it can change frequently.
2009-06-24 Brian Neal Donations: tested IPN logic with the Paypal developer sandbox.
2009-06-24 Brian Neal Donations: make item number a string instead of an integer.
2009-06-24 Brian Neal Updating settings.py with my correct Paypal sandbox developer email.
2009-06-24 Brian Neal #11 Update Blueprints to 0.9. Also update the conditional IE specific include of the ie.css file. Hopefully this will resolve some issues seen with IE8.
2009-06-23 Brian Neal Change the FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS to 0644.
2009-06-23 Brian Neal Fix a trailing comma in the auto-complete widget's generated javascript.
2009-06-23 Brian Neal #6; Fix elsewhere list display problems. Also fix incorrect XHTML.
2009-06-23 Brian Neal #3, #4: clear caches when saving profile, bulletins, and news. Broke up the stuff on the home page for finer control of caching.
2009-06-21 Brian Neal Fix xhtml error in POTD template.
2009-06-21 Brian Neal Controlling the avatars directory in order to get the default avatar.
2009-06-21 Brian Neal Send email based on setting in local_settings.py.
2009-06-21 Brian Neal Fix path in wsgi file; disable the OFFLINE switch so we can start testing.
2009-06-21 Brian Neal For reasons I don't get, the prod server doesn't like auth.models.User.
2009-06-21 Brian Neal Fix typo in wsgi file.
2009-06-21 Brian Neal Added a .wsgi file and an offline.html file.
2009-06-20 Brian Neal Membermap bug: in the signal handler, if the user isn't on the map, just bail out.
2009-06-19 Brian Neal Breaking down and controlling all media files, including javascript libraries.
2009-06-17 Brian Neal Added a signal handler for the user model to create a UserProfile for new users.
2009-06-14 Brian Neal Added support for caching. The avatar template tag now uses the cache.
2009-06-12 Brian Neal Removed old legal application urls from main urls file. (Forgot to do this in last commit.) Added flatpages support. Added some links on the base template.
2009-06-12 Brian Neal Deleting the legal application. Will use Flatpages for this.
2009-06-12 Brian Neal Don't send plaintext password in confirmation email for site registration.
2009-06-12 Brian Neal Donations; reworked the IPN handling and added logging.
2009-06-11 Brian Neal Added basic logging to settings.py. The send_email function is now logging. Removed remnants of the DebugLog model.
2009-06-11 Brian Neal Removed the database logging stuff. Will replace with Python logging.
2009-06-11 Brian Neal Added IPN logic to the donations module. Added a thank-you view. Need to add logging to the IPN function.
2009-06-07 Brian Neal Donations: first cut at a donations view and a form built for paypal.
2009-06-04 Brian Neal Donations: created a DonationManager that can retrieve monthly stats.
2009-06-03 Brian Neal Slideshow for home page; Initial checkin for the donations application.
2009-05-05 Brian Neal Created a current_news template tag for the home page.
2009-05-03 Brian Neal Remove fields in the user profile that were superceded by the django-elsewhere application: website, icq, aim, etc.
2009-05-03 Brian Neal Decided against having an elsewhere templates directory. Just put that stuff in bio.
2009-05-03 Brian Neal Initial integration of django-elsewhere.
2009-04-22 Brian Neal Added bulletins template tag.
2009-04-21 Brian Neal Use jQuery $.trim() in shoutbox.js.
2009-04-19 Brian Neal Added logos to the downloads and weblinks navigation templates.
2009-04-19 Brian Neal Center the text in the IRC status block.
2009-04-19 Brian Neal News tweaks to story and story summary templates.
2009-04-19 Brian Neal Added a latest_downloads template tag. Made the comments view the details view for a download. Changed get_absolute_url to point to this new view.
2009-04-19 Brian Neal Downloads: provide a count of search results on the search results template.
2009-04-19 Brian Neal Webinks: added a navigation template tag so views don't have to keep constructing the searc form. Also provided a count of search results on the template.
2009-04-19 Brian Neal Created a template tag for the latest weblinks: latest_weblinks. This necessitated adding a get_absolute_url function for the Link model along with a new view for it.
2009-04-19 Brian Neal First steps at scratching out a home page. Will need to develop some template tags now to fill it out.
2009-04-19 Brian Neal Added a BSD style license file.
2009-04-19 Brian Neal Correct typo in the clear_cache() method on the SmileyManager.
2009-04-18 Brian Neal Added a style for errorslist based on blueprints form error class.
2009-04-18 Brian Neal Added comments.png icon to the download template.
2009-04-18 Brian Neal Added get_absolute_url() for my comments. Had to add a get_absolute_url() function for downloads in the process.
2009-04-16 Brian Neal Shoutbox work: shouts now have absolute URLs. Shouts can now be flagged as abuse. Minor tweak to breadcrumbs css. Added flag date to comments admin.
2009-04-15 Brian Neal Changed the shoutbox: posts are now made by Ajax. The smiley farm is loaded only on demand. jQuery is now in the base template. May add scrolling later.
2009-04-14 Brian Neal Update jquery-ui and theme version that is hosted on google. In preparation for having jquery on every page (?), make it so that the autocomplete plug is using the 'global' jquery, and not the one that came with it. It seems to work okay with jquery 1.3.2.
2009-04-12 Brian Neal Make the POTD pic in the block link to the POTD page.
2009-04-12 Brian Neal News: removed the lxml stuff. Based on Jacob Kaplan-Moss suggestion, use html5lib to clean html. Added that functionality in a new core.html module.
2009-04-12 Brian Neal Removed markitUp! from the downloads admin. It was looking weird. Try it without it.
2009-04-12 Brian Neal Added tiny_mce to the GPP_THIRD_PARTY_JS setting. Updated code to use it.
2009-04-11 Brian Neal Use DRY principle to manage third party javascript libraries. Created script_tags template tags to generate the correct link and script tags for 3rd party libraries. The settings.py file is the only place where the full path name is specified.
2009-04-11 Brian Neal Display news links and send to friend on the summary page. Use icons.
2009-04-11 Brian Neal Got rid of the pseudo cancel buttons on various forms. Replaced them with cancel links.
2009-04-11 Brian Neal Adjusted weblinks link template. Use an icon for reporting broken link.
2009-04-11 Brian Neal Got rid of the core.SiteConfig model and all usage.
2009-04-06 gremmie Initial import of sg101 stuff from private repository.
2009-04-06 gremmie Initial import of sg101 trunk, tags, and branches.