2012-01-10 |
convert-repo |
update tags
2012-01-09 |
Brian Neal |
For #243, create a contests application.
2012-01-07 |
Brian Neal |
Update the copyright year in the base template.
2011-12-31 |
Brian Neal |
Added a command to fix the old 1.0 POTD smileys to match the new.
2011-12-31 |
Brian Neal |
Added a "fix-mode" for the potd comment importer command such that it
2011-12-31 |
Brian Neal |
Update the list of name changes.
2011-12-31 |
Brian Neal |
Adding import commands for the 1.0 POTD & comments.
2011-12-27 |
Brian Neal |
Clean up the birthday block. Get rid of space between name and comma. Get rid
2011-12-26 |
Brian Neal |
Updated to Haystack 1.2.6. Got the latest Haystack, xapian backend, and
2011-12-25 |
Brian Neal |
For #242, move the updating of the POTD sequence into a new signals module.
2011-12-23 |
Brian Neal |
Adding a fabric file.
2011-12-23 |
Brian Neal |
Update MP3 compilation block with a link to the 2011 comp on archive.org.
2011-12-22 |
Brian Neal |
For #241, add a URL to view the last post in a forum topic.
2011-12-21 |
Brian Neal |
Must urlencode the filenames.
2011-12-21 |
Brian Neal |
Adding some management commands to the downloads application to help manage
2011-12-19 |
Brian Neal |
For #194, we no longer need the mailer application.
2011-12-19 |
Brian Neal |
For #194, create a task to run the queued_search's process_search_queue command periodically.
2011-12-19 |
Brian Neal |
Fix for trying to redis.mget() and empty list of keys.
2011-12-18 |
Brian Neal |
Was catching redis.RedisError exception, but already had local variable called redis. This seemed to work in development, but failed on Python 2.5.
2011-12-18 |
Brian Neal |
Created Celery tasks to process new posts and topics. Keep the updated topic set in Redis.
2011-12-17 |
Brian Neal |
Use a case-insensitive sort for the who's online list. Clarify the max users statistic wording.
2011-12-17 |
Brian Neal |
Created stats for users (number of users and list of newest users).
2011-12-17 |
Brian Neal |
For #194, rework the who's online and max users functions.
2011-12-16 |
Brian Neal |
For #194, add a celery task for purging deleted private messages.
2011-12-15 |
Brian Neal |
Moved the imports from the top of the file into the task function. This seemed to prevent some strange import errors that only occurred on the production server. I don't know if the problems were related to mod_wsgi or Python 2.5 or what.
2011-12-15 |
Brian Neal |
For #194, add a celery beat task for Django & forum cleanup.
2011-12-14 |
Brian Neal |
For #194, convert the POTD management command to a celery task.
2011-12-13 |
Brian Neal |
Minor tweaks to base settings.
2011-12-13 |
Brian Neal |
Using celery to send mail out of the request/response cycle.
2011-12-11 |
Brian Neal |
Adding in Celery to the settings so we can try to get it running in production.
2011-12-11 |
Brian Neal |
Converted production environment to a virtualenv; had to tweak some paths and the .wsgi file accordingly.
2011-12-08 |
Brian Neal |
After creating a virtualenv (finally), adding a requirements file.
2011-12-07 |
Brian Neal |
For #237, use Redis as the source of posts for the RSS feeds to hopefully eliminate some slow queries.
2011-12-04 |
Brian Neal |
Created a centralized spot to get a Redis connection so that settings can be managed in one place.
2011-12-04 |
Brian Neal |
Some users are still having problems with the pop-up login. I think they are actually getting 403s because of the CSRF protection. So I have modified the base template to always have a javascript variable called csrf_token available when they aren't logged in. The ajax_login.js script was then modified to send this value with the ajax post. Fingers crossed.
2011-12-03 |
Brian Neal |
Added the rate_limit_clear management command, to delete IP addresses from the rate limit datastore.
2011-12-03 |
Brian Neal |
Refactor the logic in the rate limiter decorator. Check to see if the request was ajax, as the ajax view always returns 200. Have to decode the JSON response to see if an error occurred or not.
2011-12-03 |
Brian Neal |
Made some tweaks to the ajax login javascript.
2011-12-03 |
Brian Neal |
Changed the lockout time on logins to 2 minutes.
2011-12-03 |
Brian Neal |
For #240, make the login dialog a bit taller so no scroll bar appears on Firefox.
2011-12-03 |
Brian Neal |
For #240, tweaked the Javascript to be able to submit the form when enter is typed.
2011-12-03 |
Brian Neal |
For #240, add an "ajaxy" login via a jQuery UI pop-up dialog to streamline the login process.
2011-11-30 |
Brian Neal |
For #236, switch to a settings package scheme.
2011-11-24 |
Brian Neal |
Removed the warning about AT&T and sbcglobal on the registration page. Added "text" classes to the registration text widgets.
2011-11-22 |
Brian Neal |
Adding Ariel's (DreadInBabylon) awesome new news topic icons.
2011-11-06 |
Brian Neal |
Backout last change. Stay xhtml for now.
2011-11-05 |
Brian Neal |
Configure jPlayer to show hours in the duration.
2011-11-05 |
Brian Neal |
Changed to HMTL5 in base template.
2011-10-22 |
Brian Neal |
For #235, some minor news tweaks. The submitted by text is now a link to the author's profile. Only show 1 textarea to the user when submitting a new news story. The admin can paste into the 2nd one if needed.
2011-10-22 |
Brian Neal |
Added a custom tag to display a link to a profile. Refactored the avatar tag to optionally display a profile link around the image. Removed the width and height attributes from the avatar image tag. I think this was causing disk hits whenever those properties were not cached. The avatar tag is now an inclusion tag.
2011-10-20 |
Brian Neal |
For #233; add social media sharing buttons to the photo of the day app.
2011-10-20 |
Brian Neal |
For #233, switched to asynchronous loading of the social media sharing javascript. Also switched to Facebook's javascript SDK instead of using an iframe for the like/share button.
2011-10-19 |
Brian Neal |
For #232, add some javascript to resize large images in user comments.
2011-10-19 |
Brian Neal |
For #234, update jPlayer to 2.0.1.
2011-10-19 |
Brian Neal |
For #233; add social media sharing buttons to podcast pages.
2011-10-18 |
Brian Neal |
For #233, add a meta description field for news stories. This field will get put in the open graph meta tag for better descriptions when shared on social media sites.
2011-10-18 |
Brian Neal |
For #233, make sure og:url and og:image are fully qualified (http://).
2011-10-18 |
Brian Neal |
For #233; first commit for adding social media sharing buttons to news stories.
2011-10-15 |
Brian Neal |
For #232, added some javascript to resize pics inside forum posts if they are too big.
2011-10-14 |
Brian Neal |
Fix #231: add a 'view my forum posts' link to profile.
2011-10-07 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #230; add a scrollbar to the PM popup dialog if necessary. This wasn't as easy as I thought. Had to wrap the PM text in a div with its styling (max-height and overflow). If I then resized the dialog, I'd get two scrollbars. So for now, made the dialog non-resizable.
2011-10-05 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #229: Download details view with a bogus download ID produces internal server error isntead of a 404.
2011-09-25 |
Brian Neal |
Refactor RateLimiter so that if Redis is not running, everything still runs normally (minus the rate limiting protection). My assumption that creating a Redis connection would throw an exception if Redis wasn't running was wrong. The exceptions actually occur when you issue a command. This is for #224.
2011-09-11 |
Brian Neal |
Updating to MarkitUp 1.1.12. Merging vendor branch changes into trunk.
2011-09-09 |
Brian Neal |
Add a link to John Blair's 50 years of surf music article on the banner.
2011-09-06 |
Brian Neal |
Updating the warning on the registration page; it is now only AT&T and Sbcglobal that aren't getting our mail.
2011-09-06 |
Brian Neal |
Putting the 50 years of surf music banner on the base template so all pages get it.
2011-09-05 |
Brian Neal |
Adding Ferenc's 50 years of surf music banner.
2011-08-27 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #224; make sure we block IP's that have tripped the rate limiter or have been manually blocked.
2011-08-25 |
Brian Neal |
Implement rate limiting on registration and login for #224.
2011-08-17 |
Brian Neal |
For #227: only enqueue user profiles if the user has changed the content we have in the search index.
2011-08-17 |
Brian Neal |
For #227; rework last commit slightly (r508). Adapt the desired forums signal signature to the queued_search API instead of the other way around.
2011-08-17 |
Brian Neal |
Smarter search index updating for forums. This work is for #227.
2011-08-07 |
Brian Neal |
Adding a basic forums test that exercises adding a new topic, post, and editing a post.
2011-07-24 |
Brian Neal |
Add the ability to conditionally add model instances to the search index on update. This is not perfect, as some instances should be deleted from the index if they are updated such that they should not be in the index anymore. Will think about and address that later.
2011-07-24 |
Brian Neal |
Upgrading to markitup version 1.1.11. This fixes #226.
2011-07-09 |
Brian Neal |
Add raw_id_fields to the FlaggedPostAdmin.
2011-07-09 |
Brian Neal |
Fix links to events on the google sync page in GCalendar admin.
2011-07-09 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #225; for some reason MySQL finds the user 'John' when searching for 'John ' (note trailing space). This doesn't happen on SQLite. This causes a NoReverseMatch when searching for 'John ' in the member search. The solution is to call strip() on the form field contents in the clean_username() method of the search form.
2011-07-05 |
Brian Neal |
Adding a priority field to news stories for front page display purposes. This fixes #223.
2011-07-05 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #222. Verified all the fields have been validated before trying to use them in the form.clean() method.
2011-07-03 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #221. Found some additional cases where the forum moderator check was failing. Replaced this code with calls to the new permissions module.
2011-07-02 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #221. Also combined all permissions checks into a new module, permissions.py. This allows us to cache user, category, and forum groups information since it rarely changes.
2011-07-02 |
Brian Neal |
Finishing up #220. Updated to GData v2.0 and using the new OAuth access token.
2011-07-01 |
Brian Neal |
Working on #220. Can't test locally, so committing in increments.
2011-07-01 |
Brian Neal |
Working on #220. Can't test locally, so committing in increments.
2011-06-30 |
Brian Neal |
Working on #220. Can't test locally, so committing in increments.
2011-06-30 |
Brian Neal |
Working on #220. Can't test locally, so committing in increments.
2011-06-30 |
Brian Neal |
Working on #220. Can't test locally, so committing in increments.
2011-06-30 |
Brian Neal |
Working on #220. Can't test locally, so committing in increments.
2011-06-30 |
Brian Neal |
Working on #220. Can't test locally, so committing in increments.
2011-06-26 |
Brian Neal |
Adding google verification file.
2011-06-25 |
Brian Neal |
Template touch-up for #219.
2011-06-25 |
Brian Neal |
Template touch-up for #219.
2011-06-25 |
Brian Neal |
For #219, rework the polls views for a better flow. Added some tests for the views.
2011-06-13 |
Brian Neal |
For #218, put back the logic that updates the topic last visit after you make a post.
2011-06-08 |
Brian Neal |
Attempting to fix #218; update the topic last visit time with 'now' when viewing the last page of a topic, otherwise use the creation time of the last post on the page.
2011-06-04 |
Brian Neal |
Tweaking the birthday block; now display a list of people for each day and bold the current day.
2011-06-04 |
Brian Neal |
Upate the notice on the registration template to include MSN along with Hotmail.
2011-05-26 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #217; upgrade TinyMCE to 3.4.2 and enable the paste plugin.
2011-05-25 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing the link to the private messages options tab in the PM notification email.
2011-05-21 |
Brian Neal |
Added total vote information to the poll templates. Cache the total votes in the model instance.
2011-05-21 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #216; added anti-ballot stuffing feature to the polls application.
2011-05-18 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #214; don't need a custom model search view. All the info is in the template. Wrote a template tag to extract the info from the request context and urlencode them.
2011-05-14 |
Brian Neal |
Fix typo on home page discovered by a guy from the Temptations.
2011-05-13 |
Brian Neal |
For #211, added message quotas; can't send or receive private messages if your outbox/inbox quota has been exceeded.
2011-05-13 |
Brian Neal |
Fix some typos and wording in the registration template.
2011-05-12 |
Brian Neal |
For #211; update the URL in the private messages notification email. Messages no longer have a get_absolute_url() method. Just send people to the main messages index.
2011-05-06 |
Brian Neal |
For #213, create permalinks for forum topics.
2011-05-06 |
Brian Neal |
For #211; limit private message sizes to 8K.
2011-05-06 |
Brian Neal |
More work on #211. The compose view now returns the tab fragment HTML so errors can be displayed correctly.
2011-05-05 |
Brian Neal |
Fix bug where messages were never getting replied to.
2011-05-03 |
Brian Neal |
Making the jquery tabbed version of the messages app the current version and removing the old. Also figured out how to dynamically update the base template's count of unread messages when messages are read.
2011-05-01 |
Brian Neal |
Gave the beta private messages a 'compose to' view. Tweaked the color of the tables to match the jquery ui theme.
2011-04-26 |
Brian Neal |
Added a global method to change the cursor to an hourglass when an AJAX request fires.
2011-04-26 |
Brian Neal |
Show number of posts in a topic when displaying forum topic search results. Fixing #212.
2011-04-26 |
Brian Neal |
Initial beta-test commit of a revamped, jquery ui tab-based PM system. This is for #211.
2011-04-24 |
Brian Neal |
Fix typo discovered by Shari.
2011-04-23 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #203; use Redis for who's online function.
2011-04-21 |
Brian Neal |
Tweaking birthday block
2011-04-21 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #207; adding a birthday block.
2011-04-20 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #210; forums unread status problems. Use the topic update_date instead of creation_date when selecting topics inside the tracked window.
2011-04-18 |
Brian Neal |
Tweaking text on some registration templates.
2011-04-16 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #202. Guard against an empty email recipient list to prevent mail errors. We log a warning if this happens.
2011-04-16 |
Brian Neal |
Tweak quoting for Markdown. Fixing #209.
2011-04-10 |
Brian Neal |
As a follow up to r447, use jQuery to vertically align the model checkboxes.
2011-04-10 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #205; search result pagination wasn't including models. Created a custom model search form so that the query term and model selections would persist across pages.
2011-04-09 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #204; added the ability to search on forum topics.
2011-04-07 |
Brian Neal |
Downloads admin improvements: don't filter by user or IP address. Made the is_public editable on the change list page.
2011-04-07 |
Brian Neal |
Created import scripts for downloads and download comments.
2011-04-02 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #201; fix up the text a bit.
2011-04-02 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #201; add a warning to the registration template about hotmail refusing sg101 mail.
2011-04-02 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #177; added a view to display the last x active topics (where x is between 10 and 50). Added a link to the view on the forum query drop down.
2011-04-02 |
Brian Neal |
Fixes for #200; fix bug in deciding which forums have unread posts.
2011-04-01 |
Brian Neal |
Trying to fix #200; found a bug in the get_forum_unread_status() function. Added some db indexes.
2011-03-31 |
Brian Neal |
Cosmetic tweaks; break in download definition list; padding added for news story containers.
2011-03-27 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #183; add instructions on the edit elsewhere links form to get your facebook user id.
2011-03-27 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #199; redid the downloads so the user has more control about how to save the file.
2011-03-27 |
Brian Neal |
In support of #161; improve query performance of the feed view; also cache the feed view in urls.py.
2011-03-27 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #198; add a media player to the podcast pages.
2011-03-26 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #197; add a badge for photo of the day; forgot to add the camera icon.
2011-03-26 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #197; add a badge for photo of the day.
2011-03-26 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #193; reduce news query counts by grabbing tags and comment counts in bulk. Increased news items per page from 5 to 10.
2011-03-26 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #196; add status messages in the admin after approving news and links.
2011-03-25 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #195; don't escape text in plain text emails.
2011-03-25 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing grammar in a comment only.
2011-03-25 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #192; cache some forum stats and have them be computed outside of the request/response cycle. Update the template tag to just read the cache.
2011-03-24 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #186; after upgrading to Django 1.3, can remove the kludge on the cycle tag in the forums topic.html template.
2011-03-24 |
Brian Neal |
Another try at #191 after getting some good advice in a django-users thread.
2011-03-23 |
Brian Neal |
For #178; using the queued_search app to update the search index. Installed redis and dependencies.
2011-03-23 |
Brian Neal |
Another tweak to the forum feeds query; see #191.
2011-03-21 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #175; add an auto-subscribe and auto-favorite forum topic feature. Added 2 flags to the user profile. Added 2 functions that are called on the post post-save signal that auto-favorite and auto-subscribe the post creator if they have requested this service.
2011-03-20 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #190; calendar admin always reports 1 event being approved.
2011-03-19 |
Brian Neal |
For #191; r410 is wrong: it is returning the wrong posts. Rework. MySQL is not using an index on our query, and it is taking 10+ seconds. Replace this slow query with a loop that loops over the public forums, then sorts and returns the posts.
2011-03-19 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #191; terrible performance on the combined forums RSS feed query. Use an .extra() clause to force the WHERE on a query to use the primary key.
2011-03-17 |
Brian Neal |
Revert r323. Send out forum topic subscription emails as people post. Don't limit them.
2011-03-16 |
Brian Neal |
For #187; tune forums RSS settings. Set TTL to 1 hour; return 30 forum posts instead of 10; cache feed for 15 minutes instead of an hour.
2011-03-16 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #188; improve number of SQL queries for mark all forums read and add the button on the view topics with unread posts view.
2011-03-16 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #189; 500 error when deleting forum topic subscription.
2011-03-09 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #185; add a global forums catchup button.
2011-03-09 |
Brian Neal |
Humanize the forum stats by adding the intcomma filter.
2011-03-09 |
Brian Neal |
Adding a solid-background css class. Making the news stories use it to block out the rays.
2011-03-09 |
Brian Neal |
Added logic to the forums javascript that adds the proper CSS class (odd or even) to a new post.
2011-03-08 |
Brian Neal |
Trying a tweak to put background colors on posts in topics. Forgot to commit the css changes.
2011-03-08 |
Brian Neal |
Trying a tweak to put background colors on posts in topics.
2011-03-08 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #156; improve upon the work done in r397. Use the forum last visit record if there is no topic last visit record.
2011-03-08 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #184; fix typo in date template filter string that is causing the wrong date to be displayed on the max users online statistic.
2011-03-07 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #156. Making it possible to goto the first unread post in a thread. Made the 'New' icon a link; when displayed on a topic, takes you to the first unread post.
2011-03-06 |
Brian Neal |
Improved the IRC view and block to point to instructions on how to get started with IRC.
2011-03-06 |
Brian Neal |
Added raw_id_fields for submitter on news stories and pending stories.
2011-03-06 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #181; delete PM's if we can. Add ability for a sender to take back a PM if they delete it before it has been read.
2011-03-06 |
Brian Neal |
Adding some try/except around some key points in the code to protect against some IntegrityErrors. We log when these happens but otherwise keep going. Tickets: #160 and #169.
2011-03-05 |
Brian Neal |
Updated the markdown help template for the new strikethrough and newline handling.
2011-03-05 |
Brian Neal |
For #176; cache the output of the latest poll block template tag.
2011-03-05 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #176; add a side block for current polls.
2011-03-05 |
Brian Neal |
To support #174; add a link to a store flat page on the base template.
2011-03-05 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #181; flagged comments need raw_id_fields for the user and comment foreign keys.
2011-03-05 |
Brian Neal |
Minor cosmetic tweaks; center text in IRC block. Add a break after avatar on shout history view.
2011-03-05 |
Brian Neal |
Following up on #168; redo some code to make it more DRY. Added a function on the profile to reset the text fields.
2011-03-05 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #170; clean old user and anonymous last visit records.
2011-03-05 |
Brian Neal |
Changes to oembed to support vimeo.
2011-03-05 |
Brian Neal |
Trying to fix #180 again. Changed the syntax for strikethrough to 3 dashes to make it less harder to do accidently.
2011-03-05 |
Brian Neal |
Fixed #158; Wrote a script to replace text in forum posts. Used it to fix up the beta.surfguitar101.com/media/ problem that came up during the initial conversion to the new site.
2011-03-04 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #172; add a forums jump box.
2011-03-04 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #155; adding some links to the mp3 comps in the base template.
2011-03-04 |
Brian Neal |
Fix 180; Add strikethrough capability to markdown via an extension. Also control in SVN the extensions we are using.
2011-03-04 |
Brian Neal |
Remove YouTube's web beacon.
2011-03-04 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #179; provide links to sender & receiver profiles when viewing private messages. Also provided a legend on the inbox to state what bold and italic message titles mean.
2011-03-03 |
Brian Neal |
Trying out a markdown extension to hopefully fix #166.
2011-03-02 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #163; make plain links linkable in Markdown. Use an extension found here: https://github.com/r0wb0t/markdown-urlize.
2011-03-02 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #167: broken images on markdown cheat sheet.
2011-03-02 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #173; display donors in order by date, ascending on the main view.
2011-03-02 |
Brian Neal |
Fix #171; forums weren't assigning badge ownership correctly when pre-fetching data.
2011-03-02 |
Brian Neal |
Fix #168; when nailing a spammer, clear their profile text fields. Guard against topics and forums that don't exist when deleting posts in the signal handler. Make the forum stats template tag only display the latest active users.
2011-03-02 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #165: add a way to filter users in the admin by join date; add an admin action to approve a pending user; added a honeypot type field to the registration form.
2011-02-28 |
Brian Neal |
As part of #165 add a security question to the registration form.
2011-02-28 |
Brian Neal |
Fix #164; have the calendar display times in the user's time zone. If the user isn't logged in, just use US/Pacific. Default the calendar mode to agenda mode.
2011-02-27 |
Brian Neal |
Fix #162; make username larger in forum posts.
2011-02-27 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #157; added goto the top of page intra-page links on forums and yahoo group templates.
2011-02-27 |
Brian Neal |
Moved the social block up higher, just below the main nav.
2011-02-27 |
Brian Neal |
Created a social side block so we can remove the obtrusive twitter bulletin.
2011-02-27 |
Brian Neal |
Fix #153. Update verbiage on the donations thanks template to meet Paypal guidelines for making it a auto-return page.
2011-02-26 |
Brian Neal |
Adding the sg101 IRC bot code to SVN. This code is pretty rough and needs love, but it gets the job done (one of my first Python apps). This fixes #150.
2011-02-26 |
Brian Neal |
Fix typo that referred to non-existant setting MAX_AVATAR_SIZE.
2011-02-26 |
Brian Neal |
Working around a strange CSS problem when bulletins are active. This should probably be investigated later.
2011-02-26 |
Brian Neal |
Tweak tinyMCE config so it doesn't change URLs into relative URLs.
2011-02-26 |
Brian Neal |
Adding a robots.txt file.
2011-02-26 |
Brian Neal |
Adding a script I had to write on the fly to filter out posts from the posts csv file that had no parent topics. MyISAM let me get away with that, but InnoDB won't.
2011-02-25 |
Brian Neal |
Import from future with_statement for Python 2.5 in import_old_links and podcasts scripts.
2011-02-25 |
Brian Neal |
Added credit to Abe & Fady for testing on the colophon. Adjusted copyright on base.html.
2011-02-24 |
Brian Neal |
Committing DreadInBabylon's default avatar.
2011-02-24 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #152; POTD was saving thumbnail every night and making tons of thumbnail directories all over. Also added thumbnail images in the admin.
2011-02-23 |
Brian Neal |
Various small changes to reduce database hits.
2011-02-22 |
Brian Neal |
Some optimizations to reduce database query times.
2011-02-22 |
Brian Neal |
Modified the implementation of the avatar tag to look for an attribute 'user_profile' on the user object. If present, this is assumed to be the profile. This improves the performance of the member list and some forum views.
2011-02-20 |
Brian Neal |
Adjusting the auto-complete to only require 1 character minimum before querying, and return 15 results instead of 10.
2011-02-20 |
Brian Neal |
New scheme for serving media files in debug mode after updating django trunk.
2011-02-20 |
Brian Neal |
Turning the django debug toolbar on again after updating django trunk.
2011-02-20 |
Brian Neal |
Fixing #149; adding the ygroup application: an archive of the old Yahoo Group messages.
2011-02-12 |
Brian Neal |
Fix #148; Django now requires AJAX posts to present the CSRF token. Added code suggested by Django docs to shoutbox.js. Since shoutbox.js is on every page, it should cover all cases.
2011-02-09 |
Brian Neal |
Fix bad grammar in comment.
2011-02-08 |
Brian Neal |
Removed a raise of CommandError, which was left over from when this code started life as a Django management command.
2011-02-08 |
Brian Neal |
Added a tool to translate the old Yahoo Group posts from JSON to CSV suitable for mysqlimport.
2011-02-05 |
Brian Neal |
Fix a bug where you'd get an error when trying to delete a forum thread (topic does not exist). Apparently when you call topic.delete() the posts would get deleted, but the signal handler for each one would run, and it would try to update the topic's post count or something, but the topic was gone? Reworked the code a bit and explicitly delete the posts first. I also added a sync() call on the parent forum since post counts were not getting adjusted.