bgneal@310: {% load url from future %}
bgneal@205: {% load tagging_tags %}
bgneal@493: {% load bio_tags %}
gremmie@1: {% load comment_tags %}
bgneal@484: {% load core_tags %}
bgneal@380: <div class="news-story-container solid-background">
bgneal@32: {% if on_home %}
bgneal@32: <h3><a href="{{ story.get_absolute_url }}">{{ story.title }}</a></h3>
bgneal@32: {% else %}
bgneal@5: <h4><a href="{{ story.get_absolute_url }}">{{ story.title }}</a></h4>
bgneal@32: {% endif %}
gremmie@1: <div class="news-details">
bgneal@493:    Submitted by {% profile_link story.submitter.username %} on {{ story.date_submitted|date:"F d, Y" }}.
gremmie@1: </div>
bgneal@310: <a href="{% url 'news-category' slug=story.category.slug %}">
gremmie@1: <img src="{{ story.category.icon.url }}" alt="{{ story.category.title }}" title="{{ story.category.title }}" 
gremmie@1:    class="news-icon" /></a>
gremmie@1: <div class="news-content">
gremmie@1:    {{ story.short_text|safe }}
gremmie@1: </div>
bgneal@5: {% if story.long_text %}
gremmie@1: <p>
bgneal@312: <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/bullet_go.png" alt="Read More" />
bgneal@5: <a href="{{ story.get_absolute_url }}">There is more to this story, continue reading ...</a>
bgneal@5: </p>
gremmie@1: {% endif %}
bgneal@5: <hr />
bgneal@5: <p>
bgneal@310: Category: <a href="{% url 'news-category' slug=story.category.slug %}">{{ story.category.title }}</a>
bgneal@312: <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/comments.png" alt="Comments" title="Comments" />
bgneal@399: <a href="{{ story.get_absolute_url }}">{{ story.comment_count }} comment{{ story.comment_count|pluralize }}</a>
bgneal@312: <a href="{{ story.get_absolute_url }}"><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/link.png" alt="Permalink" title="Permalink" /></a>
bgneal@5: {% if user.is_authenticated %}
bgneal@312: <a href="{% url 'news.views.email_story' %}"><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/email_go.png"
bgneal@5:    alt="Send this story to a friend" title="Send this story to a friend" /></a>
bgneal@5: {% endif %}
gremmie@1: </p>
bgneal@399: {% if story.tag_list %}
gremmie@1: <div class="news-tags">
bgneal@312:    <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/tag_blue.png" alt="Tags" title="Tags" /> Tags:
gremmie@1:    <ul>
bgneal@399:       {% for tag in story.tag_list %}
bgneal@310:          <li><a href="{% url 'news-tag_page' tag_name=tag %}">{{ tag }}</a></li>
gremmie@1:       {% endfor %}
gremmie@1:    </ul>
gremmie@1: </div>
gremmie@1: {% endif %}
bgneal@484: {% social_sharing story.title story.get_absolute_url %}
gremmie@1: </div>