bgneal@510: Django==1.3.1 bgneal@510: -e git+ bgneal@510: MySQL-python==1.2.3 bgneal@510: django-debug-toolbar==0.8.5 bgneal@510: -e git+ bgneal@510: -e git+ bgneal@510: django-tagging==0.3.1 bgneal@510: gdata==2.0.15 bgneal@510: html5lib==0.90 bgneal@510: pytz==2011n bgneal@510: -e git+ bgneal@510: queues==0.6.1 bgneal@510: -e git+ bgneal@510: repoze.timeago==0.5 bgneal@510: -e git+ bgneal@510: # bgneal@510: # There were two packages that I punted on and hacked into my virtualenv by symlinking to the global bgneal@510: # Python 2.6 site-packages (actually dist-packages): bgneal@510: # PIL bgneal@510: # xapian