gremmie@1: {% extends 'base.html' %} gremmie@1: {% load downloads_tags %} bgneal@133: {% load core_tags %} gremmie@1: {% block title %}Add Download{% endblock %} gremmie@1: {% block custom_css %} gremmie@1: {{ }} bgneal@312: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ STATIC_URL }}css/downloads.css" /> gremmie@1: {% endblock %} gremmie@1: {% block content %} gremmie@1: <h2>Downloads</h2> bgneal@241: {% include 'downloads/navigation.html' %} gremmie@1: <h3>Add Download</h3> gremmie@1: gremmie@1: <p>Use the following form to upload a file. Please note the following:</p> gremmie@1: <ul> gremmie@1: <li>Please submit an upload only once.</li> gremmie@1: <li>All files are reviewed before being made available in the Downloads area.</li> gremmie@1: <li>Only certain file types are allowed.</li> gremmie@1: <li>Your username and IP address will be recorded, so please do not abuse the system.</li> gremmie@1: </ul> gremmie@1: gremmie@1: <h4>Terms of Use</h4> gremmie@1: gremmie@1: <p>By uploading a file, you agree to the following terms:</p> gremmie@1: <ol> gremmie@1: <li>You are allowing SurfGuitar101 to host the file for an undetermined amount of time.</li> gremmie@1: <li>This agreement will serve as your "Written" consent for SurfGuitar101 to host the file.</li> gremmie@1: <li>The owners of SurfGuitar101 are absolved of any liability claims resulting from the use of or hosting of your file.</li> gremmie@1: <li>You acknowledge you have permission to upload and distribute the file.</li> gremmie@1: <li>The file may be removed at any time at the discretion of the staff of SurfGuitar101.</li> gremmie@1: </ol> gremmie@1: bgneal@194: <form action="." method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="downloads-add">{% csrf_token %} gremmie@1: <fieldset> gremmie@1: <legend>Upload Form</legend> gremmie@1: <table> gremmie@1: {{ add_form.as_table }} gremmie@1: <tr> gremmie@1: <th> </th> gremmie@1: <td> bgneal@133: {% comment_dialogs %} gremmie@1: <input type="submit" name="submit_button" value="Add Download" /> gremmie@1: </td> gremmie@1: </table> gremmie@1: </fieldset> gremmie@1: </form> gremmie@1: gremmie@1: {% endblock %}