bgneal@36: {% extends 'base.html' %}
bgneal@310: {% load url from future %}
bgneal@36: {% block title %}Thanks For The Donation{% endblock %}
bgneal@36: {% block content %}
bgneal@310: <div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="{% url 'donations-index' %}">Donations</a> &raquo; Thanks</div>
bgneal@36: <h2>Thank-You For The Donation!</h2>
bgneal@317: <p>
bgneal@317: Thank-you for your donation to <strong></strong>, it is greatly appreciated!
bgneal@340: We couldn't maintain this site without support from people like you. You rock!
bgneal@340: </p>
bgneal@340: <p>
bgneal@340: Your PayPal transaction has been completed, and a recipt for your donation has been emailed to you. You may log into your account at <a href="">PayPal</a> to view details of this transaction.
bgneal@317: </p>
bgneal@36: {% endblock %}