bgneal@108: {% extends 'base.html' %}
bgneal@127: {% load forum_tags %}
bgneal@108: {% block title %}Forums: New Post{% endblock %}
bgneal@108: {% block custom_js %}{{ }}{% endblock %}
bgneal@108: {% block content %}
bgneal@283: {% forum_navigation topic "New Post" %}
bgneal@108: {% if can_post %}
bgneal@108: <div class="forum-block">
bgneal@108: <a name="forum-reply-form"></a>
bgneal@285: {% show_form "New Post" form "Submit Post" 0 %}
bgneal@108: {% else %}
bgneal@108:    {% if topic.locked %}
bgneal@108:    <p>This topic is locked.</p>
bgneal@108:    {% else %}
bgneal@108:    <p>You don't have permission to post to this topic.</p>
bgneal@108:    {% endif %}
bgneal@108: {% endif %}
bgneal@127: </div>
bgneal@108: {% endblock %}