bgneal@265: """
bgneal@265: This file contains common utility functions for manipulating images for
bgneal@265: the rest of the applications in the project.
bgneal@265: """
bgneal@265: from PIL import ImageFile
bgneal@265: from PIL import Image
bgneal@265: def parse_image(file):
bgneal@265:     """
bgneal@265:     Returns a PIL Image from the supplied Django file object.
bgneal@265:     Throws IOError if the file does not parse as an image file or some other
bgneal@265:     I/O error occurred.
bgneal@265:     """
bgneal@265:     parser = ImageFile.Parser()
bgneal@265:     for chunk in file.chunks():
bgneal@265:         parser.feed(chunk)
bgneal@265:     image = parser.close()
bgneal@265:     return image
bgneal@265: def downscale_image_square(image, size):
bgneal@265:     """
bgneal@265:     Scale an image to the square dimensions given by size (in pixels).
bgneal@265:     The new image is returned.
bgneal@265:     If the image is already smaller than (size, size) then no scaling
bgneal@265:     is performed and the image is returned unchanged.
bgneal@265:     """
bgneal@265:     # don't upscale
bgneal@265:     if (size, size) >= image.size:
bgneal@265:         return image
bgneal@265:     (w, h) = image.size
bgneal@265:     if w > h:
bgneal@265:         diff = (w - h) / 2
bgneal@265:         image = image.crop((diff, 0, w - diff, h))
bgneal@265:     elif h > w:
bgneal@265:         diff = (h - w) / 2
bgneal@265:         image = image.crop((0, diff, w, h - diff))
bgneal@265:     image = image.resize((size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS)
bgneal@265:     return image