bgneal@89: {% load avatar_tags %} bgneal@105: {% load forum_tags %} bgneal@107: bgneal@89: bgneal@89: bgneal@105: {{ post.user.username }}
bgneal@105: {% avatar post.user %} bgneal@96: Joined: {{ post.user.date_joined|date:"M d, Y" }}
bgneal@117: Posts: {{ post.user_profile.forum_post_count }}
bgneal@121: {% if post.user_profile.location %} bgneal@117: Location: {{ post.user_profile.location }}
bgneal@121: {% endif %} bgneal@204: {% for bo in post.user_profile.badge_ownership %} bgneal@204: {{ bo.badge_count_str }} bgneal@204: {% endfor %} bgneal@121: {% if user.is_authenticated %} bgneal@121:

bgneal@121: bgneal@121: PM bgneal@121: {% if not post.user_profile.hide_email %} bgneal@121: Email{% endif %} bgneal@121:

bgneal@121: {% endif %} bgneal@89: bgneal@89: bgneal@215:
bgneal@114: {% if post.unread %}New{% endif %} bgneal@98: Link bgneal@120: Posted on {% forum_date post.creation_date user %} bgneal@216: {% if can_moderate %}from IP: {{ post.user_ip }}{% endif %} bgneal@89:
bgneal@89: {{ post.html|safe }} bgneal@121: {% if post.user_profile.signature_html %} bgneal@121: —{{ post.user_profile.signature_html|safe }} bgneal@121: {% endif %} bgneal@113: {% if post.has_been_edited %} bgneal@106:

Last edited: {{ post.update_date|date:"M d, Y H:i:s" }}

bgneal@113: {% endif %} bgneal@89:
bgneal@285: {% if post.attach_list %} bgneal@285:
bgneal@285: {% for item in post.attach_list %} bgneal@285:
{{ item.html|safe }}
bgneal@285: {% endfor %} bgneal@285:
bgneal@285: {% endif %} bgneal@98:
bgneal@108: {% if can_reply %} bgneal@108: Reply with quote bgneal@108: {% endif %} bgneal@105: {% post_edit_button post user can_moderate MEDIA_URL %} bgneal@98: bgneal@98: Flag bgneal@106: {% if can_moderate %} bgneal@107: Delete post bgneal@215: {% if post.user != user and post.user_profile.is_stranger %} bgneal@215:
bgneal@215: Stranger options: bgneal@215: bgneal@215: Acquaintance bgneal@212: bgneal@212: Spammer bgneal@212: {% endif %} bgneal@105: {% endif %} bgneal@98:
bgneal@89: bgneal@89: