bgneal@215: {% extends 'base.html' %}
bgneal@310: {% load url from future %}
bgneal@215: {% block title %}Account Suspension Status{% endblock %}
bgneal@215: {% block content %}
bgneal@215: <h2>Account Suspension Status</h2>
bgneal@215: {% if not is_active %}
bgneal@215: <p class="error">
bgneal@215: Your post has tripped our spam filter. Your account has been suspended pending
bgneal@215: a review of your post. If this was a mistake, we sincerely apologize and promise
bgneal@215: your account will be restored soon. We regret having to take this drastic measure, but
bgneal@215: the high volume of spam we recieve has forced us to take this action. If you have any
bgneal@310: questions, please feel to <a href="{% url 'contact-form' %}">contact us</a>.
bgneal@215: </p>
bgneal@215: {% else %}
bgneal@215: <p class="success">
bgneal@215: Your account has been restored and you should be able to make comments and forum
bgneal@215: posts. We apologize for any inconvenience.
bgneal@215: </p>
bgneal@215: {% endif %}
bgneal@215: {% endblock %}