bgneal@119: {% extends 'base.html' %}
bgneal@283: {% load forum_tags %}
bgneal@119: {% block title %}Forums: Split Topic{% endblock %}
bgneal@119: {% block custom_js %}{{ }}{% endblock %}
bgneal@119: {% block content %}
bgneal@283: {% forum_navigation topic "Split Topic" %}
bgneal@119: <div class="forum-block">
bgneal@119:    <p>
bgneal@119:    Using the form below, you can split a topic into two. You can either specify which posts get
bgneal@119:    split to the new topic ("Split Selected Posts"), or by selecting a post such that all posts
bgneal@119:    at or below the selection get split ("Split At Selected Post").
bgneal@119:    <p>
bgneal@194:    <form action="." method="post">{% csrf_token %}
bgneal@119:    <table>
bgneal@119:    {{ form.as_table }}
bgneal@119:    <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>
bgneal@119:    <input type="submit" name="split-selected" value="Split Selected Posts" />
bgneal@119:       <input type="submit" name="split-at" value="Split At Selected Post" /></td></tr>
bgneal@119:    </table>
bgneal@119: <table class="forum-topic" id="forum-topic">
bgneal@119: {% for post in posts %}
bgneal@119: <tr class="forum-post {% cycle 'odd' 'even' %}" id="post-{{ }}">
bgneal@119:    <td class="forum-post-author">{{ post.user.username }}</td>
bgneal@119:    <td class="forum-post-body">
bgneal@119:       <div class="forum-post-info quiet">
bgneal@312:       <a href="{{ post.get_absolute_url }}"><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/link.png" alt="Link" title="Link to this post" /></a>
bgneal@119:          Posted on {{ post.creation_date|date:"M d, Y H:i" }} from IP: {{ post.user_ip }}
bgneal@119:       </div>
bgneal@119:       <div class="forum-post-body-split">
bgneal@119:          {{ post.html|safe }}
bgneal@119:       </div>
bgneal@119:    </td>
bgneal@119:    <td class="forum-post-split-check">
bgneal@119:       {% if not forloop.first %}
bgneal@119:       <input type="checkbox" name="post_ids" value="{{ }}" />
bgneal@119:       {% endif %}
bgneal@119:    </td>
bgneal@119: </tr>
bgneal@119: {% endfor %}
bgneal@119: </table>
bgneal@119: </form>
bgneal@119: </div>
bgneal@119: {% endblock %}