bgneal@215: {% extends 'base.html' %} bgneal@310: {% load url from future %} bgneal@215: {% block title %}Promote Stranger: {{ post.user.username }}{% endblock %} bgneal@215: {% block content %} bgneal@215: <h2>Promote Stranger: {{ post.user.username }}</h2> bgneal@215: bgneal@215: {% if can_moderate and can_promote %} bgneal@215: <p>All new users are considered "<em>strangers</em>" until approved by a moderator. bgneal@215: Strangers have their posts automatically scanned for spam phrases. Moderators can also instantly bgneal@215: deactivate stranger accounts if the spam filter does not catch them. If you promote a stranger, bgneal@215: these checks (which are somewhat expensive for the webserver) will no longer be performed, bgneal@215: and moderators won't be able to deactivate them on the spot. You may wish to wait until the user bgneal@215: has posted at least 10 times before making your decision.</p> bgneal@215: <p>Please confirm that you wish to promote the new user bgneal@310: <a href="{% url 'bio-view_profile' username=post.user.username %}">{{ post.user.username }}</a> from bgneal@310: <em>stranger</em> status based on <a href="{% url 'forums-goto_post' %}">this post</a>. bgneal@215: </p> bgneal@215: <form action="." method="post">{% csrf_token %} bgneal@215: <input type="submit" value="Yes, {{ post.user.username }} seems legit and is not a stranger" /> bgneal@215: </form> bgneal@215: {% else %} bgneal@215: {% if can_moderate %} bgneal@215: <p>That user is no longer a stranger, and can't be promoted again.</p> bgneal@215: {% else %} bgneal@215: <p>Sorry, but you don't have permission to promote users in that post's forum.</p> bgneal@215: {% endif %} bgneal@215: {% endif %} bgneal@215: <hr /> bgneal@215: <p> bgneal@310: <a href="{% url 'forums-goto_post' %}">Return to the post</a>. bgneal@215: </p> bgneal@215: {% endblock %}