bgneal@232: {% extends 'base.html' %}
bgneal@283: {% load forum_tags %}
bgneal@232: {% block title %}Forums: {{ page_title }}{% endblock %}
bgneal@232: {% block custom_js %}
bgneal@232: <script type="text/javascript">
bgneal@232: //<![CDATA[
bgneal@232: $(document).ready(function() {
bgneal@232:    $('#master_check').click(function() {
bgneal@232:       var master_checked = this.checked;
bgneal@232:       $('.topic_box').each(function(index) {
bgneal@232:          this.checked = master_checked;
bgneal@232:       });
bgneal@232:    });
bgneal@232:    $('#topic_form').submit(function() {
bgneal@232:       var checked = false;
bgneal@232:       $('.topic_box').each(function(index) {
bgneal@232:          checked = checked || this.checked;
bgneal@232:       });
bgneal@232:       if (!checked) {
bgneal@232:          alert("Please select some topics to remove.");
bgneal@232:          return false;
bgneal@232:       }
bgneal@232:       return confirm("Are you sure you wish to remove the selected topics from your list?");
bgneal@232:    });
bgneal@232: });
bgneal@232: //]]>
bgneal@232: </script>
bgneal@280: {% include "forums/forum_query.js" %}
bgneal@232: {% endblock %}
bgneal@232: {% block content %}
bgneal@283: {% forum_navigation page_title %}
bgneal@280: {% include "forums/forum_query.html" %}
bgneal@232: <p>{{ description }}</p>
bgneal@232: {% include 'forums/pagination.html' %}
bgneal@232: <form id="topic_form" action="." method="post">{% csrf_token %}
bgneal@232: <table class="forum-topic-table">
bgneal@232:    <thead>
bgneal@232:       <tr>
bgneal@232:          <th>Forum</th>
bgneal@232:          <th>Topic</th>
bgneal@232:          <th><input type="checkbox" id="master_check" /></th>
bgneal@232:       </tr>
bgneal@232:    </thead>
bgneal@232:    <tbody>
bgneal@232:       {% for topic in page.object_list %}
bgneal@232:          <tr>
bgneal@232:             <td><a href="{{ }}">{{ }}</a></td>
bgneal@232:             <td><a href="{{ topic.get_absolute_url }}">{{ }}</a></td>
bgneal@232:             <td><input type="checkbox" class="topic_box" name="delete_ids" value="{{ }}" /></td>
bgneal@232:          </tr>
bgneal@232:       {% empty %}
bgneal@232:          <tr><td colspan="3"><em>No topics found</em></td></tr>
bgneal@232:       {% endfor %}
bgneal@232:    </tbody>
bgneal@232: </table>
bgneal@232: {% include 'forums/pagination.html' %}
bgneal@232: {% if page.object_list %}
bgneal@232: <input type="hidden" name="page" value="{{ page.number }}" />
bgneal@232: <input type="submit" name="delete_selected" value="Delete Selected" />
bgneal@232: {% endif %}
bgneal@232: </form>
bgneal@232: {% endblock %}