bgneal@35: {% extends 'base.html' %} bgneal@310: {% load url from future %} bgneal@35: {% block title %}Donations{% endblock %} bgneal@35: {% block content %} bgneal@35: <h2>Donations</h2> bgneal@35: <p> bgneal@35: is a member supported website. We don't display ads or have other forms of bgneal@35: sponsorship. If you enjoy this website, the forums, chatting in IRC, the podcasts, surf music news, bgneal@35: the show calendar, and everything else, please consider making a small donation to help cover server bgneal@35: and hosting costs. bgneal@35: </p> bgneal@35: <p> bgneal@35: We are currently using Paypal to receive donations. You don't have to be a Paypal member to donate; bgneal@35: major credit cards are also accepted. If you really don't do Paypal, please bgneal@310: <a href="{% url 'contact-form' %}">contact me</a> and we can work something else out. bgneal@35: </p> bgneal@35: <p>Thank you for donating to!</p> bgneal@66: <div class="span-9 append-1"> bgneal@35: <h3>Statistics for {% now "F, Y" %}:</h3> bgneal@35: <table> bgneal@35: <tr><th>Goal:</th><td>${{ goal }}</td></tr> bgneal@35: <tr><th>Gross:</th><td>${{ gross }}</td></tr> bgneal@35: <tr><th>Net:</th><td>${{ net }}</td></tr> bgneal@35: <tr><th>Left to Go:</th><td>${{ left }}</td></tr> bgneal@35: </table> bgneal@66: </div> bgneal@66: <div class="span-9 last"> bgneal@66: <h3>Donors for {% now "F, Y" %}:</h3> bgneal@35: {% if donations %} bgneal@67: <ol> bgneal@35: {% for donation in donations %} bgneal@35: <li> bgneal@35: {% if donation.is_anonymous %} bgneal@35: {{ anonymous }} bgneal@35: {% else %} bgneal@35: {% if donation.user %} bgneal@310: <a href="{% url 'bio-view_profile' donation.user.username %}">{{ donation.user.username }}</a> bgneal@35: {% else %} bgneal@35: {{ donation.donor }} bgneal@35: {% endif %} bgneal@35: {% endif %} bgneal@35: </li> bgneal@35: {% endfor %} bgneal@67: </ol> bgneal@66: {% else %} bgneal@66: <p>We haven't received any donations this month. You could be the first!</p> bgneal@35: {% endif %} bgneal@66: </div> bgneal@35: bgneal@66: <div class="span-19 last"> bgneal@35: <form action="{{ form_action }}" method="post"> bgneal@35: <fieldset> bgneal@35: <legend>Make A Donation</legend> bgneal@35: <p>Please select an amount:</p> bgneal@35: <ul class="icon-list"> bgneal@66: <li><input name="amount" type="radio" value="" id="amount_other_r" /> bgneal@35: <label for="amount_other">Other:</label> bgneal@35: <input name="amount" type="text" value="25.00" id="amount_other" size="7" /></li> bgneal@35: <li><input name="amount" type="radio" value="5.00" id="amount_5" /> bgneal@35: <label for="amount_5">$5</label></li> bgneal@35: <li><input name="amount" type="radio" value="10.00" id="amount_10" /> bgneal@35: <label for="amount_10">$10</label></li> bgneal@35: <li><input name="amount" type="radio" value="15.00" id="amount_15" /> bgneal@35: <label for="amount_15">$15</label></li> bgneal@35: <li><input name="amount" type="radio" value="20.00" id="amount_20" /> bgneal@35: <label for="amount_20">$20</label></li> bgneal@35: </ul> bgneal@35: {% if user.is_authenticated %} bgneal@35: <input type="hidden" name="custom" value="{{ user.username }}" /> bgneal@35: <p>You are currently logged in. Would you like your site username listed with your donation?</p> bgneal@35: <ul class="icon-list"> bgneal@35: <li><input name="item_number" type="radio" value="{{ item_number }}" id="name_yes" /> bgneal@35: <label for="name_yes">Yes, list me as {{ user.username }}</label></li> bgneal@35: {% else %} bgneal@310: <p>You are not currently logged in. Please <a href="{% url 'accounts-login' %}">log in</a> bgneal@35: if you would like your site username listed with your donation. Otherwise you can have your bgneal@35: actual name (from Paypal) listed, or you can be listed as {{ anonymous }}.</p> bgneal@35: <ul class="icon-list"> bgneal@35: <li><input name="item_number" type="radio" value="{{ item_number }}" id="name_yes" /> bgneal@35: <label for="name_yes">Yes, list my name as gathered from Paypal</label></li> bgneal@35: {% endif %} bgneal@35: <li><input name="item_number" type="radio" value="{{ item_anon_number }}" id="name_no" /> bgneal@35: <label for="name_no">No, list me as {{ anonymous }}</label></li> bgneal@35: </ul> bgneal@35: <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_donations" /> bgneal@35: <input type="hidden" name="business" value="{{ business }}" /> bgneal@35: <input type="hidden" name="charset" value="utf-8" /> bgneal@310: <input type="hidden" name="return" value="http://{{ domain }}{% url 'donations-thanks' %}" /> bgneal@35: <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD" /> bgneal@35: <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="{{ item_name }}" /> bgneal@35: <input type="hidden" name="rm" value="1" /> bgneal@35: <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="0" /> bgneal@35: <input type="hidden" name="cn" value="Do you have any comments for {{ domain }}?" /> bgneal@35: <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1" /> bgneal@310: <input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="http://{{ domain }}{% url 'donations-index' %}" /> bgneal@35: bgneal@35: bgneal@35: <p><input type="image" src="" name="I1" bgneal@35: alt="Submit Button" /></p> bgneal@35: </fieldset> bgneal@35: </form> bgneal@66: </div> bgneal@35: {% endblock %}