gremmie@1: {% extends 'base.html' %}
gremmie@1: {% block title %}IRC Channel Status{% endblock %}
gremmie@1: {% block content %}
gremmie@1: <h2>Who is Chatting in IRC?</h2>
gremmie@1: {% if nicks %}
gremmie@1: <ul>
gremmie@1:    {% for nick in nicks %}
gremmie@1:       <li>{{ }}</li>
gremmie@1:    {% endfor %}
gremmie@1: </ul>
gremmie@1: <p>Join them in the <a href="irc://,needpass">#ShallowEnd</a>!</p>
gremmie@1: {% else %}
gremmie@1: <p><a href="irc://,needpass">#ShallowEnd</a> is empty at this time.</p>
gremmie@1: {% endif %}
bgneal@373: <p>
bgneal@373: What is IRC? IRC stands for <em>Internet Relay Chat</em>. IRC has been around since the late 1980's, and is a form of real-time Internet text messaging, or chatting. We have our own IRC server here at, and it is a fun way to talk to your fellow SG101-ers. We often gather in IRC to listen to a podcast or Internet radio show, to plan site events, or to just shoot the breeze. Come on in, all are welcome!
bgneal@373: </p>
bgneal@373: <p>
bgneal@373: <strong>If you are a beginner</strong>, please check out <a href="/forums/topic/5103/">this forum thread</a>, which has some instructions for getting started using Chatzilla, a Firefox addon. We may also do a screencast in the future to explain how to get up and running. Please <a href="/contact/">contact us</a> if you need help getting started.
bgneal@373: </p>
bgneal@373: <p>
bgneal@373: <strong>If you are an IRC pro</strong>, here are the details for getting connected with your favorite IRC client.
bgneal@373: </p>
bgneal@373: <ul>
bgneal@373:    <li>Server address: <em></em></li>
bgneal@373:    <li>Port: <em>6667</em> (the default)</li>
bgneal@373:    <li>Server password: <em>morereverb</em></li>
bgneal@373:    <li>Main channel: <em>#ShallowEnd</em></li>
bgneal@373: </ul>
gremmie@1: {% endblock %}