bgneal@158: <p>Hit <code>ESC</code> or click the <code>X</code> to close this window.</p>
bgneal@158: <table class="grid">
bgneal@127:    <tr><th>&nbsp;</th><th>Type This</th><th>To See This</th></tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Paragrahs</th>
bgneal@127:       <td>
bgneal@127: <pre>Paragraphs must be separated by a blank line.
bgneal@127: Here is another paragraph.
bgneal@127: </pre></td>
bgneal@127:       <td>
bgneal@127:          <p>Paragraphs must be separated by a blank line.</p>
bgneal@127:          <p>Here is another paragraph.</p>
bgneal@127:       </td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Manual Line Breaks</th>
bgneal@127:       <td>
bgneal@127: <pre>To insert a line break  
bgneal@127: end a line with two or more spaces.
bgneal@127: </pre></td>
bgneal@127:       <td>
bgneal@127:          <p>To insert a line break <br />
bgneal@127:          end a line with two or more spaces.</p>
bgneal@127:       </td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Emphasis</th>
bgneal@127:       <td>
bgneal@127: <pre>*italic*
bgneal@127: _italic_
bgneal@127: **bold**
bgneal@127: __bold__</pre></td>
bgneal@127:       <td><i>italic</i><br />
bgneal@127:          <i>italic</i><br />
bgneal@127:          <b>bold</b><br />
bgneal@127:          <b>bold</b></td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Inline links</th>
bgneal@127:       <td>A link to [Google](</td>
bgneal@127:       <td>A link to <a href="">Google</a>.</td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Reference links</th>
bgneal@127:       <td>A link to [Google][id]. Then anywhere else in the
bgneal@127:          text, define the link on its own line.<br/>
bgneal@127:          [id]: </td>
bgneal@127:       <td>A link to <a href="">Google</a>. Then
bgneal@127:       anywhere else in the text, define the link on its own line.</td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Inline Images</th>
bgneal@256:       <td>![alt text]( "Smile").</td>
bgneal@256:       <td><img src="/media/icons/emoticon_smile.png" alt="alt text" title="Smile" /></td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Reference Images</th>
bgneal@127:       <td>![alt text][id]<br />
bgneal@256:       [id]: "Smile"</td>
bgneal@127:       </td>
bgneal@256:       <td><img src="/media/icons/emoticon_smile.png" alt="alt text" title="Smile" /></td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Bullet List</th>
bgneal@127:       <td>
bgneal@127:       <pre>* One
bgneal@127: * Two
bgneal@127: * Three</pre></td>
bgneal@127:       <td>
bgneal@127:          <ul>
bgneal@127:          <li>One</li>
bgneal@127:          <li>Two</li>
bgneal@127:          <li>Three</li>
bgneal@127:          </ul>
bgneal@127:       </td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Numbered List</th>
bgneal@127:       <td>
bgneal@127:       <pre>1. One
bgneal@127: 1. Two
bgneal@127: 1. Three</pre></td>
bgneal@127:       <td>
bgneal@127:          <ol>
bgneal@127:          <li>One</li>
bgneal@127:          <li>Two</li>
bgneal@127:          <li>Three</li>
bgneal@127:          </ol>
bgneal@127:       </td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Blockquotes</th>
bgneal@127:       <td><pre>John said:
bgneal@127: &gt; Email style angle brackets
bgneal@127: &gt; are used for quotes.</pre></td>
bgneal@127:       <td><p>John said:</p>
bgneal@127:          <blockquote><p>Email-style angle brackets are used for blockquotes.</p></blockquote></td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Code Spans</th>
bgneal@127:       <td><pre>`&lt;code&gt;` spans are delimited by backticks.</pre></td>
bgneal@127:       <td><p><code>&lt;code&gt;</code> spans are delimited by backticks.</p></td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Code Blocks</th>
bgneal@127:       <td><pre>First insert a blank line.
bgneal@127:     Then indent every line 
bgneal@127:     of a code block by at least
bgneal@127:     4 spaces. This is useful to 
bgneal@127:     display tablature.
bgneal@127: </pre></td>
bgneal@127:       <td>
bgneal@127: <p>First insert a blank line.</p>
bgneal@127: <pre><code>Then indent every line 
bgneal@127: of a code block by at least
bgneal@127: 4 spaces. This is useful to 
bgneal@127: display tablature.
bgneal@127: </code></pre>
bgneal@127:       </td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Header 1</th>
bgneal@127:       <td>
bgneal@127:       <pre>Header 1
bgneal@127: ========
bgneal@127: </pre></td>
bgneal@127:       <td><h1>Header 1</h1></td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Header 2</th>
bgneal@127:       <td>
bgneal@127:       <pre>Header 2
bgneal@127: --------
bgneal@127: </pre></td>
bgneal@127:       <td><h2>Header 2</h2></td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Header 1</th>
bgneal@127:       <td><pre># Header 1</pre></td>
bgneal@127:       <td><h1>Header 1</h1></td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Header 2</th>
bgneal@127:       <td><pre>## Header 2</pre></td>
bgneal@127:       <td><h2>Header 2</h2></td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Header 3</th>
bgneal@127:       <td><pre>### Header 3</pre></td>
bgneal@127:       <td><h3>Header 3</h3></td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127:    <tr>
bgneal@127:       <th>Header 6</th>
bgneal@127:       <td><pre>###### Header 6</pre></td>
bgneal@127:       <td><h6>Header 6</h6></td>
bgneal@127:    </tr>
bgneal@127: </table>
bgneal@127: <p>
bgneal@127: More help:
bgneal@127: </p>
bgneal@127: <ul>
bgneal@127:    <li><a href="" target="_blank">Markdown Basics</a></li>
bgneal@127:    <li><a href="" target="_blank">Markdown Reference</a></li>
bgneal@127: </ul>
bgneal@127: <p>Hit <code>ESC</code> or click the <code>X</code> to close this window.</p>