bgneal@292: """ bgneal@292: Misc data for the legacy management commands. bgneal@292: bgneal@292: """ bgneal@292: bgneal@292: # Over time various users asked me to change their username. The legacy site bgneal@292: # rarely stored foreign keys to users; instead it stored the name of the user bgneal@292: # at the time. This dictionary contains mappings from old usernames to new bgneal@292: # usernames. bgneal@292: bgneal@292: KNOWN_USERNAME_CHANGES = { bgneal@292: 'cavefishbutchdelux': 'butchdelux', bgneal@535: 'findicator1': 'WaveOhhh', bgneal@535: 'tikimania': 'Tikitena', bgneal@292: 'sandyfeet': 'RickRhoades', bgneal@535: 'crumb': 'crumble', bgneal@535: 'allenbridgewater': 'Outerwave_Allen', bgneal@535: 'reddtyde': 'Redd_Tyde', bgneal@535: 'fendershowman63': 'Abe', bgneal@535: 'hearteater': 'JoshHeartless', bgneal@535: 'surfdaddy': 'zzero', bgneal@535: 'frisbie': 'zzero', bgneal@535: 'retroactivegammarays': 'Retroactive_Taj', bgneal@535: 'mrrebel': 'Eddie_Bertrand', bgneal@535: 'doublecoil': 'Showman', bgneal@292: } bgneal@292: