bgneal@29: {% extends 'bio/base.html' %} bgneal@29: {% block title %}Edit Your Elsewhere Links{% endblock %} bgneal@29: {% block content %} bgneal@29: <h2>Edit Your Elsewhere Links</h2> bgneal@29: <h3>Social Networks</h3> bgneal@29: {% if request.user.social_network_profiles.all %} bgneal@29: <ul> bgneal@29: {% for profile in request.user.social_network_profiles.all %} bgneal@29: <li> bgneal@29: <img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}elsewhere/{{ profile.icon_name }}" alt="{{ }}" /> bgneal@29: <a href="{{ profile.url }}" rel="me">{{ }}</a> bgneal@194: <form id="delete-network-{{ }}" method="post" action=".">{% csrf_token %} bgneal@29: <input type="hidden" name="delete_id" value="{{ }}" /> bgneal@29: <input type="submit" name="delete-sn-form" value="Delete" class="button" /> bgneal@29: </form> bgneal@29: </li> bgneal@29: {% endfor %} bgneal@29: </ul> bgneal@29: {% else %} bgneal@29: <p>No social network profiles.</p> bgneal@29: {% endif %} bgneal@29: bgneal@194: <form method="post" action=".">{% csrf_token %} bgneal@137: <fieldset> bgneal@137: <legend>Add a Social Network</legend> bgneal@29: {{ sn_form.as_p }} bgneal@137: <p>For MySpace, you must enter your bgneal@137: <a href="" target="_blank">Myspace Friend ID</a> bgneal@137: in the <i>Username</i> box.</p> bgneal@29: <p><input type="submit" name="sn-form" value="Add Social Network" class="button" /></p> bgneal@137: </fieldset> bgneal@29: </form> bgneal@29: <hr /> bgneal@29: <h3>Instant Messengers</h3> bgneal@29: {% if request.user.instant_messenger_profiles.all %} bgneal@29: <ul> bgneal@29: {% for profile in request.user.instant_messenger_profiles.all %} bgneal@29: <li> bgneal@29: <img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}elsewhere/{{ profile.icon_name }}" alt="{{ }}" /> bgneal@29: {{ }}: <a href="{{ profile.url }}">{{ profile.username }}</a> bgneal@194: <form id="delete-messenger-{{ }}" method="post" action=".">{% csrf_token %} bgneal@29: <input type="hidden" name="delete_id" value="{{ }}" /> bgneal@29: <input type="submit" name="delete-im-form" value="Delete" class="button" /> bgneal@29: </form> bgneal@29: </li> bgneal@29: {% endfor %} bgneal@29: </ul> bgneal@29: {% else %} bgneal@29: <p>No instant messenger profiles.</p> bgneal@29: {% endif %} bgneal@29: bgneal@194: <form method="post" action=".">{% csrf_token %} bgneal@137: <fieldset> bgneal@137: <legend>Add an Instant Messenger</legend> bgneal@29: {{ im_form.as_p }} bgneal@29: <p><input type="submit" name="im-form" value="Add Instant Messenger" class="button" /></p> bgneal@137: </fieldset> bgneal@29: </form> bgneal@29: <hr /> bgneal@29: <h3>Websites</h3> bgneal@29: {% if request.user.website_profiles.all %} bgneal@29: <ul> bgneal@29: {% for profile in request.user.website_profiles.all %} bgneal@29: <li> bgneal@29: <img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}icons/world.png" alt="{{ }}" /> bgneal@29: <a href="{{ profile.url }}" rel="me">{{ }}</a> bgneal@194: <form id="delete-website-{{ }}" method="post" action=".">{% csrf_token %} bgneal@29: <input type="hidden" name="delete_id" value="{{ }}" /> bgneal@29: <input type="submit" name="delete-w-form" value="Delete" class="button" /> bgneal@29: </form> bgneal@29: </li> bgneal@29: {% endfor %} bgneal@29: </ul> bgneal@29: {% else %} bgneal@29: <p>No website profiles.</p> bgneal@29: {% endif %} bgneal@29: bgneal@194: <form method="post" action=".">{% csrf_token %} bgneal@137: <fieldset> bgneal@137: <legend>Add a Website</legend> bgneal@29: {{ w_form.as_p }} bgneal@29: <p><input type="submit" name="w-form" value="Add Website" class="button" /></p> bgneal@137: </fieldset> bgneal@29: </form> bgneal@29: <hr /> bgneal@29: <p><a href="{% url bio-edit_profile %}">Back to Your Profile</a></p> bgneal@29: {% endblock %}