bgneal@86: {% extends 'base.html' %} bgneal@310: {% load url from future %} bgneal@127: {% load forum_tags %} bgneal@86: {% block title %}Forums: {{ }}{% endblock %} bgneal@107: {% block custom_js %}{{ }}{% endblock %} bgneal@86: {% block content %} bgneal@283: {% forum_navigation topic %} bgneal@86: bgneal@86: <div class="forum-block"> bgneal@104: {% if topic.sticky %} bgneal@312: <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/asterisk_orange.png" alt="Sticky" title="Sticky" /> bgneal@104: {% endif %} bgneal@102: {% if topic.locked %} bgneal@312: <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/lock.png" alt="Lock" title="This topic is locked" /> bgneal@104: {% endif %} bgneal@104: {% if can_reply %} bgneal@104: {% if topic.locked or topic.sticky %}•{% endif %} bgneal@87: {% if last_page %} bgneal@102: <a href="#forum-reply-form">New Reply</a> bgneal@87: {% else %} bgneal@102: <a href="./?page={{ page.paginator.num_pages }}#forum-reply-form">New Reply</a> bgneal@87: {% endif %} bgneal@102: {% endif %} bgneal@310: • <a href="{% url 'forums-new_topic' slug=forum.slug %}">New Topic</a> bgneal@97: {{ page_nav }} bgneal@86: bgneal@89: <table class="forum-topic" id="forum-topic"> bgneal@90: {% for post in page.object_list %} bgneal@89: {% include 'forums/display_post.html' %} bgneal@86: {% endfor %} bgneal@86: </table> bgneal@97: {{ page_nav }} bgneal@109: {% if can_moderate %} bgneal@109: <div class="forum-mod-controls"> bgneal@310: <form action="{% url 'forums-mod_topic_stick' %}" method="post">{% csrf_token %} bgneal@109: <input type="submit" value="{% if topic.sticky %}Unstick{% else %}Stick{% endif %} Topic" /> bgneal@109: </form> bgneal@310: <form action="{% url 'forums-mod_topic_lock' %}" method="post">{% csrf_token %} bgneal@109: <input type="submit" value="{% if topic.locked %}Unlock{% else %}Lock{% endif %} Topic" /> bgneal@109: </form> bgneal@310: <form action="{% url 'forums-mod_topic_delete' %}" method="post">{% csrf_token %} bgneal@109: <input type="submit" value="Delete Topic" id="forum-mod-del-topic" /> bgneal@109: </form> bgneal@312: <a href="{% url 'forums-mod_topic_move' %}"><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/application_go.png" alt="Move Topic" title="Move Topic" /></a> bgneal@310: <a href="{% url 'forums-mod_topic_move' %}">Move this topic</a> bgneal@312: <a href="{% url 'forums-mod_topic_split' %}"><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/arrow_branch.png" alt="Split Topic" title="Split Topic" /></a> bgneal@310: <a href="{% url 'forums-mod_topic_split' %}">Split this topic</a> bgneal@109: </div> bgneal@109: {% endif %} bgneal@90: bgneal@104: {% if last_page and can_reply %} bgneal@87: <a name="forum-reply-form"></a> bgneal@285: {% show_form "Reply to Topic" form "Submit Reply" 1 %} bgneal@86: {% endif %} bgneal@181: bgneal@181: {% if user.is_authenticated %} bgneal@310: <form action={% if is_favorite %}"{% url 'forums-unfavorite_topic' %}"{% else %}"{% url 'forums-favorite_topic' %}"{% endif %} method="post">{% csrf_token %} bgneal@232: <fieldset> bgneal@232: <legend>Favorite Options</legend> bgneal@232: <p> bgneal@232: {% if is_favorite %} bgneal@312: <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/delete.png" alt="Favorite" /> bgneal@232: You currently have saved this topic in your list of favorites. bgneal@232: <input type="submit" value="Remove from favorites" /> bgneal@232: {% else %} bgneal@312: <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/add.png" alt="Favorite" /> bgneal@232: Would you like to save this topic to your favorites list? bgneal@232: <input type="submit" value="Save to favorites" /> bgneal@232: {% endif %} bgneal@232: </p> bgneal@232: <p> bgneal@232: To manage all your forum topic favorites, please visit your bgneal@310: <a href="{% url 'forums-manage_favorites' %}">favorites page</a>. bgneal@232: </p> bgneal@232: </fieldset> bgneal@232: </form> bgneal@232: bgneal@310: <form action={% if is_subscribed %}"{% url 'forums-unsubscribe_topic' %}"{% else %}"{% url 'forums-subscribe_topic' %}"{% endif %} method="post">{% csrf_token %} bgneal@181: <fieldset> bgneal@181: <legend>Subscription Options</legend> bgneal@181: <p> bgneal@181: {% if is_subscribed %} bgneal@312: <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/email_delete.png" alt="Email" /> bgneal@181: You are currently subscribed to this topic and will receive an email when new replies are posted. bgneal@181: <input type="submit" value="Unsubscribe Me" /> bgneal@181: {% else %} bgneal@312: <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/email_add.png" alt="Email" /> bgneal@181: Would you like to receive an email when someone replies to this topic? bgneal@181: <input type="submit" value="Subscribe via Email" /> bgneal@181: {% endif %} bgneal@181: </p> bgneal@181: <p> bgneal@181: To manage all your forum topic subscriptions, please visit your bgneal@310: <a href="{% url 'forums-manage_subscriptions' %}">subscriptions page</a>. bgneal@181: </p> bgneal@181: </fieldset> bgneal@181: </form> bgneal@181: {% endif %} bgneal@86: </div> bgneal@86: {% endblock %}