gremmie@1: {% extends 'base.html' %}
bgneal@131: {% load core_tags %}
gremmie@1: {% block title %}{{ title }}{% endblock %}
gremmie@1: {% block custom_js %}
gremmie@1: {{ }}
gremmie@1: {% endblock %}
gremmie@1: {% block content %}
gremmie@1: <div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="{% url gcalendar-index %}">Calendar</a> &raquo; {{ title }}</div>
gremmie@1: <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
gremmie@1: <p>Use this form to add or change an event on our calendar. Please note the following:</p>
gremmie@1: <ul>
gremmie@1:    <li>If applicable, please fill out the <strong>Where</strong> field as completely as you can. 
gremmie@1:    Google will generate a Google map from this information.</li>
gremmie@1:    <li>Currently, images and smilies won't show up correctly on the Google calendar. If you would
gremmie@1:    like to include an image, add a link to it instead.</li>
gremmie@1:    <li>Once submitted, your event will be reviewed by the site staff for approval. Normally it will appear on
gremmie@1:    the calendar within 24 hours.</li>
gremmie@1: </ul>
gremmie@1: <form id="id_gcal_event_form" action="." method="post">
gremmie@1: <table>
gremmie@1: {% if form.non_field_errors %}
gremmie@1: <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>{{ form.non_field_errors }}</td></tr>
gremmie@1: {% endif %}
gremmie@1: <tr><th>What:</th><td>{{ form.what.errors }}{{ form.what }}</td></tr>
gremmie@1: <tr><th>When:</th><td>
gremmie@1:       {{ form.start_date.errors }}{{ form.start_date }}
gremmie@1:       {{ form.start_time.errors }}{{ form.start_time }} to
gremmie@1:       {{ form.end_date.errors }}{{ form.end_date }}
gremmie@1:       {{ form.end_time.errors }}{{ form.end_time }}
gremmie@1:       {{ form.all_day.errors }}{{ form.all_day }} <strong>All Day</strong><br />
gremmie@1:       <div id="id_tz_stuff">
gremmie@1:       {{ form.time_zone.errors }}
gremmie@1:       <strong>Time Zone:</strong> <select id="id_tz_area"></select> <select id="id_tz_location"></select>
gremmie@1:       {{ form.time_zone }}
gremmie@1:       </div>
gremmie@1: </td></tr>
gremmie@1: <tr><th>Where:</th><td>{{ form.where.errors }}{{ form.where }}</td></tr>
gremmie@1: <tr><th>Details:</th><td>{{ form.description.errors }}{{ form.description }}</td></tr>
gremmie@1: {# form.as_p #}
bgneal@131: <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>{% comment_dialogs %}<input type="submit" name="submit_button" value="Submit" /></td></tr>
gremmie@1: </table>
gremmie@1: </form>
gremmie@1: <p><a href="{% url gcalendar-index %}">&laquo; Back to the Event Calendar</a></p>
gremmie@1: {% endblock %}