- Putting the colophon, privacy policy, and TOS under the fixed page scheme.2012-05-12, by Brian Neal
- For Django 1.4 directory changes, fix path in, by Brian Neal
- Created a "fixed page" facility.2012-05-12, by Brian Neal
- Merge.2012-05-10, by Brian Neal
- Added docutils as a dev requirement.2012-05-10, by Brian Neal
- Add docutils to requirements.txt.2012-05-10, by Brian Neal
- Add a __future__ import for with for production server.2012-05-10, by Brian Neal
- Added .rst support for the /about/ flatpage.2012-05-10, by Brian Neal
- Merge.2012-05-10, by Brian Neal
- For bitbucket issue #8, insert .rst files into flatpages.2012-05-10, by Brian Neal
- Update production requirements.txt after Django 1.4 upgrade.2012-05-06, by Brian Neal
- Added a requirements_dev.txt file since with Python 2.7 we no longer2012-05-05, by Brian Neal
- For Django 1.4, rearranged project structure for new, by Brian Neal
- Use the static() function to serve MEDIA files in development.2012-05-05, by Brian Neal
- For Django 1.4, added the admin password reset feature.2012-05-05, by Brian Neal