view static/js/tiny_mce/plugins/paste/editor_plugin_src.js @ 629:f4c043cf55ac

Wiki integration. Requests don't always have sessions. In particular this occurs when a request is made without a trailing slash. The Common middleware redirects when this happens, and the middleware process_request() processing stops before a session can get added. So just set an attribute on the request object for each operation. This seemed weird to me at first, but there are plenty of examples of this in the Django code base already.
author Brian Neal <>
date Tue, 13 Nov 2012 13:50:06 -0600
parents 6c182ceb7147
line wrap: on
line source
 * editor_plugin_src.js
 * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
 * Released under LGPL License.
 * License:
 * Contributing:

(function() {
	var each = tinymce.each,
		defs = {
			paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste : true,
			paste_enable_default_filters : true,
			paste_block_drop : false,
			paste_retain_style_properties : "none",
			paste_strip_class_attributes : "mso",
			paste_remove_spans : false,
			paste_remove_styles : false,
			paste_remove_styles_if_webkit : true,
			paste_convert_middot_lists : true,
			paste_convert_headers_to_strong : false,
			paste_dialog_width : "450",
			paste_dialog_height : "400",
			paste_text_use_dialog : false,
			paste_text_sticky : false,
			paste_text_sticky_default : false,
			paste_text_notifyalways : false,
			paste_text_linebreaktype : "p",
			paste_text_replacements : [
				[/\u2026/g, "..."],
				[/[\x93\x94\u201c\u201d]/g, '"'],
				[/[\x60\x91\x92\u2018\u2019]/g, "'"]

	function getParam(ed, name) {
		return ed.getParam(name, defs[name]);

	tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.PastePlugin', {
		init : function(ed, url) {
			var t = this;

			t.editor = ed;
			t.url = url;

			// Setup plugin events
			t.onPreProcess = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(t);
			t.onPostProcess = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(t);

			// Register default handlers

			// Register optional preprocess handler
			t.onPreProcess.add(function(pl, o) {
				ed.execCallback('paste_preprocess', pl, o);

			// Register optional postprocess
			t.onPostProcess.add(function(pl, o) {
				ed.execCallback('paste_postprocess', pl, o);

			ed.onKeyDown.addToTop(function(ed, e) {
				// Block ctrl+v from adding an undo level since the default logic in tinymce.Editor will add that
				if (((tinymce.isMac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey) && e.keyCode == 86) || (e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 45))
					return false; // Stop other listeners

			// Initialize plain text flag
			ed.pasteAsPlainText = getParam(ed, 'paste_text_sticky_default');

			// This function executes the process handlers and inserts the contents
			// force_rich overrides plain text mode set by user, important for pasting with execCommand
			function process(o, force_rich) {
				var dom = ed.dom, rng, nodes;

				// Execute pre process handlers
				t.onPreProcess.dispatch(t, o);

				// Create DOM structure
				o.node = dom.create('div', 0, o.content);

				// If pasting inside the same element and the contents is only one block
				// remove the block and keep the text since Firefox will copy parts of pre and h1-h6 as a pre element
				if (tinymce.isGecko) {
					rng = ed.selection.getRng(true);
					if (rng.startContainer == rng.endContainer && rng.startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
						nodes ='p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre', o.node);

						// Is only one block node and it doesn't contain word stuff
						if (nodes.length == 1 && o.content.indexOf('__MCE_ITEM__') === -1)
							dom.remove(nodes.reverse(), true);

				// Execute post process handlers
				t.onPostProcess.dispatch(t, o);

				// Serialize content
				o.content = ed.serializer.serialize(o.node, {getInner : 1});

				// Plain text option active?
				if ((!force_rich) && (ed.pasteAsPlainText)) {
					t._insertPlainText(ed, dom, o.content);

					if (!getParam(ed, "paste_text_sticky")) {
						ed.pasteAsPlainText = false;
						ed.controlManager.setActive("pastetext", false);
				} else {

			// Add command for external usage
			ed.addCommand('mceInsertClipboardContent', function(u, o) {
				process(o, true);

			if (!getParam(ed, "paste_text_use_dialog")) {
				ed.addCommand('mcePasteText', function(u, v) {
					var cookie = tinymce.util.Cookie;

					ed.pasteAsPlainText = !ed.pasteAsPlainText;
					ed.controlManager.setActive('pastetext', ed.pasteAsPlainText);

					if ((ed.pasteAsPlainText) && (!cookie.get("tinymcePasteText"))) {
						if (getParam(ed, "paste_text_sticky")) {
						} else {

						if (!getParam(ed, "paste_text_notifyalways")) {
							cookie.set("tinymcePasteText", "1", new Date(new Date().getFullYear() + 1, 12, 31))

			ed.addButton('pastetext', {title: 'paste.paste_text_desc', cmd: 'mcePasteText'});
			ed.addButton('selectall', {title: 'paste.selectall_desc', cmd: 'selectall'});

			// This function grabs the contents from the clipboard by adding a
			// hidden div and placing the caret inside it and after the browser paste
			// is done it grabs that contents and processes that
			function grabContent(e) {
				var n, or, rng, oldRng, sel = ed.selection, dom = ed.dom, body = ed.getBody(), posY, textContent;

				// Check if browser supports direct plaintext access
				if (e.clipboardData || dom.doc.dataTransfer) {
					textContent = (e.clipboardData || dom.doc.dataTransfer).getData('Text');

					if (ed.pasteAsPlainText) {
						process({content : textContent.replace(/\r?\n/g, '<br />')});

				if (dom.get('_mcePaste'))

				// Create container to paste into
				n = dom.add(body, 'div', {id : '_mcePaste', 'class' : 'mcePaste', 'data-mce-bogus' : '1'}, '\uFEFF\uFEFF');

				// If contentEditable mode we need to find out the position of the closest element
				if (body != ed.getDoc().body)
					posY = dom.getPos(ed.selection.getStart(), body).y;
					posY = body.scrollTop + dom.getViewPort().y;

				// Styles needs to be applied after the element is added to the document since WebKit will otherwise remove all styles
				dom.setStyles(n, {
					position : 'absolute',
					left : -10000,
					top : posY,
					width : 1,
					height : 1,
					overflow : 'hidden'

				if (tinymce.isIE) {
					// Store away the old range
					oldRng = sel.getRng();

					// Select the container
					rng = dom.doc.body.createTextRange();

					// Remove container

					// Check if the contents was changed, if it wasn't then clipboard extraction failed probably due
					// to IE security settings so we pass the junk though better than nothing right
					if (n.innerHTML === '\uFEFF\uFEFF') {

					// Restore the old range and clear the contents before pasting

					// For some odd reason we need to detach the the mceInsertContent call from the paste event
					// It's like IE has a reference to the parent element that you paste in and the selection gets messed up
					// when it tries to restore the selection
					setTimeout(function() {
						// Process contents
						process({content : n.innerHTML});
					}, 0);

					// Block the real paste event
					return tinymce.dom.Event.cancel(e);
				} else {
					function block(e) {

					// Block mousedown and click to prevent selection change
					dom.bind(ed.getDoc(), 'mousedown', block);
					dom.bind(ed.getDoc(), 'keydown', block);

					or = ed.selection.getRng();

					// Move select contents inside DIV
					n = n.firstChild;
					rng = ed.getDoc().createRange();
					rng.setStart(n, 0);
					rng.setEnd(n, 2);

					// Wait a while and grab the pasted contents
					window.setTimeout(function() {
						var h = '', nl;

						// Paste divs duplicated in paste divs seems to happen when you paste plain text so lets first look for that broken behavior in WebKit
						if (!'div.mcePaste > div.mcePaste').length) {
							nl ='div.mcePaste');

							// WebKit will split the div into multiple ones so this will loop through then all and join them to get the whole HTML string
							each(nl, function(n) {
								var child = n.firstChild;

								// WebKit inserts a DIV container with lots of odd styles
								if (child && child.nodeName == 'DIV' && && {
									dom.remove(child, 1);

								// Remove apply style spans
								each('span.Apple-style-span', n), function(n) {
									dom.remove(n, 1);

								// Remove bogus br elements
								each('br[data-mce-bogus]', n), function(n) {

								// WebKit will make a copy of the DIV for each line of plain text pasted and insert them into the DIV
								if (n.parentNode.className != 'mcePaste')
									h += n.innerHTML;
						} else {
							// Found WebKit weirdness so force the content into plain text mode
							h = '<pre>' + dom.encode(textContent).replace(/\r?\n/g, '<br />') + '</pre>';

						// Remove the nodes
						each('div.mcePaste'), function(n) {

						// Restore the old selection
						if (or)

						process({content : h});

						// Unblock events ones we got the contents
						dom.unbind(ed.getDoc(), 'mousedown', block);
						dom.unbind(ed.getDoc(), 'keydown', block);
					}, 0);

			// Check if we should use the new auto process method			
			if (getParam(ed, "paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste")) {
				// Is it's Opera or older FF use key handler
				if (tinymce.isOpera || /Firefox\/2/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
					ed.onKeyDown.addToTop(function(ed, e) {
						if (((tinymce.isMac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey) && e.keyCode == 86) || (e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 45))
				} else {
					// Grab contents on paste event on Gecko and WebKit
					ed.onPaste.addToTop(function(ed, e) {
						return grabContent(e);

			ed.onInit.add(function() {
				ed.controlManager.setActive("pastetext", ed.pasteAsPlainText);

				// Block all drag/drop events
				if (getParam(ed, "paste_block_drop")) {
					ed.dom.bind(ed.getBody(), ['dragend', 'dragover', 'draggesture', 'dragdrop', 'drop', 'drag'], function(e) {

						return false;

			// Add legacy support

		getInfo : function() {
			return {
				longname : 'Paste text/word',
				author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
				authorurl : '',
				infourl : '',
				version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion

		_preProcess : function(pl, o) {
			var ed = this.editor,
				h = o.content,
				grep = tinymce.grep,
				explode = tinymce.explode,
				trim = tinymce.trim,
				len, stripClass;

			//console.log('Before preprocess:' + o.content);

			function process(items) {
				each(items, function(v) {
					// Remove or replace
					if (v.constructor == RegExp)
						h = h.replace(v, '');
						h = h.replace(v[0], v[1]);
			if (ed.settings.paste_enable_default_filters == false) {

			// IE9 adds BRs before/after block elements when contents is pasted from word or for example another browser
			if (tinymce.isIE && document.documentMode >= 9)
				process([[/(?:<br>&nbsp;[\s\r\n]+|<br>)*(<\/?(h[1-6r]|p|div|address|pre|form|table|tbody|thead|tfoot|th|tr|td|li|ol|ul|caption|blockquote|center|dl|dt|dd|dir|fieldset)[^>]*>)(?:<br>&nbsp;[\s\r\n]+|<br>)*/g, '$1']]);

			// Detect Word content and process it more aggressive
			if (/class="?Mso|style="[^"]*\bmso-|w:WordDocument/i.test(h) || o.wordContent) {
				o.wordContent = true;			// Mark the pasted contents as word specific content
				//console.log('Word contents detected.');

				// Process away some basic content
					/^\s*(&nbsp;)+/gi,				// &nbsp; entities at the start of contents
					/(&nbsp;|<br[^>]*>)+\s*$/gi		// &nbsp; entities at the end of contents

				if (getParam(ed, "paste_convert_headers_to_strong")) {
					h = h.replace(/<p [^>]*class="?MsoHeading"?[^>]*>(.*?)<\/p>/gi, "<p><strong>$1</strong></p>");

				if (getParam(ed, "paste_convert_middot_lists")) {
						[/<!--\[if !supportLists\]-->/gi, '$&__MCE_ITEM__'],					// Convert supportLists to a list item marker
						[/(<span[^>]+(?:mso-list:|:\s*symbol)[^>]+>)/gi, '$1__MCE_ITEM__'],		// Convert mso-list and symbol spans to item markers
						[/(<p[^>]+(?:MsoListParagraph)[^>]+>)/gi, '$1__MCE_ITEM__']				// Convert mso-list and symbol paragraphs to item markers (FF)

					// Word comments like conditional comments etc

					// Remove comments, scripts (e.g., msoShowComment), XML tag, VML content, MS Office namespaced tags, and a few other tags

					// Convert <s> into <strike> for line-though
					[/<(\/?)s>/gi, "<$1strike>"],

					// Replace nsbp entites to char since it's easier to handle
					[/&nbsp;/gi, "\u00a0"]

				// Remove bad attributes, with or without quotes, ensuring that attribute text is really inside a tag.
				// If JavaScript had a RegExp look-behind, we could have integrated this with the last process() array and got rid of the loop. But alas, it does not, so we cannot.
				do {
					len = h.length;
					h = h.replace(/(<[a-z][^>]*\s)(?:id|name|language|type|on\w+|\w+:\w+)=(?:"[^"]*"|\w+)\s?/gi, "$1");
				} while (len != h.length);

				// Remove all spans if no styles is to be retained
				if (getParam(ed, "paste_retain_style_properties").replace(/^none$/i, "").length == 0) {
					h = h.replace(/<\/?span[^>]*>/gi, "");
				} else {
					// We're keeping styles, so at least clean them up.
					// CSS Reference:

						// Convert <span style="mso-spacerun:yes">___</span> to string of alternating breaking/non-breaking spaces of same length
							function(str, spaces) {
								return (spaces.length > 0)? spaces.replace(/./, " ").slice(Math.floor(spaces.length/2)).split("").join("\u00a0") : "";

						// Examine all styles: delete junk, transform some, and keep the rest
							function(str, tag, style) {
								var n = [],
									i = 0,
									s = explode(trim(style).replace(/&quot;/gi, "'"), ";");

								// Examine each style definition within the tag's style attribute
								each(s, function(v) {
									var name, value,
										parts = explode(v, ":");

									function ensureUnits(v) {
										return v + ((v !== "0") && (/\d$/.test(v)))? "px" : "";

									if (parts.length == 2) {
										name = parts[0].toLowerCase();
										value = parts[1].toLowerCase();

										// Translate certain MS Office styles into their CSS equivalents
										switch (name) {
											case "mso-padding-alt":
											case "mso-padding-top-alt":
											case "mso-padding-right-alt":
											case "mso-padding-bottom-alt":
											case "mso-padding-left-alt":
											case "mso-margin-alt":
											case "mso-margin-top-alt":
											case "mso-margin-right-alt":
											case "mso-margin-bottom-alt":
											case "mso-margin-left-alt":
											case "mso-table-layout-alt":
											case "mso-height":
											case "mso-width":
											case "mso-vertical-align-alt":
												n[i++] = name.replace(/^mso-|-alt$/g, "") + ":" + ensureUnits(value);

											case "horiz-align":
												n[i++] = "text-align:" + value;

											case "vert-align":
												n[i++] = "vertical-align:" + value;

											case "font-color":
											case "mso-foreground":
												n[i++] = "color:" + value;

											case "mso-background":
											case "mso-highlight":
												n[i++] = "background:" + value;

											case "mso-default-height":
												n[i++] = "min-height:" + ensureUnits(value);

											case "mso-default-width":
												n[i++] = "min-width:" + ensureUnits(value);

											case "mso-padding-between-alt":
												n[i++] = "border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:" + ensureUnits(value);

											case "text-line-through":
												if ((value == "single") || (value == "double")) {
													n[i++] = "text-decoration:line-through";

											case "mso-zero-height":
												if (value == "yes") {
													n[i++] = "display:none";

										// Eliminate all MS Office style definitions that have no CSS equivalent by examining the first characters in the name
										if (/^(mso|column|font-emph|lang|layout|line-break|list-image|nav|panose|punct|row|ruby|sep|size|src|tab-|table-border|text-(?!align|decor|indent|trans)|top-bar|version|vnd|word-break)/.test(name)) {

										// If it reached this point, it must be a valid CSS style
										n[i++] = name + ":" + parts[1];		// Lower-case name, but keep value case

								// If style attribute contained any valid styles the re-write it; otherwise delete style attribute.
								if (i > 0) {
									return tag + ' style="' + n.join(';') + '"';
								} else {
									return tag;

			// Replace headers with <strong>
			if (getParam(ed, "paste_convert_headers_to_strong")) {
					[/<h[1-6][^>]*>/gi, "<p><strong>"],
					[/<\/h[1-6][^>]*>/gi, "</strong></p>"]

				// Copy paste from Java like Open Office will produce this junk on FF
				[/Version:[\d.]+\nStartHTML:\d+\nEndHTML:\d+\nStartFragment:\d+\nEndFragment:\d+/gi, '']

			// Class attribute options are: leave all as-is ("none"), remove all ("all"), or remove only those starting with mso ("mso").
			// Note:-  paste_strip_class_attributes: "none", verify_css_classes: true is also a good variation.
			stripClass = getParam(ed, "paste_strip_class_attributes");

			if (stripClass !== "none") {
				function removeClasses(match, g1) {
						if (stripClass === "all")
							return '';

						var cls = grep(explode(g1.replace(/^(["'])(.*)\1$/, "$2"), " "),
							function(v) {
								return (/^(?!mso)/i.test(v));

						return cls.length ? ' class="' + cls.join(" ") + '"' : '';

				h = h.replace(/ class="([^"]+)"/gi, removeClasses);
				h = h.replace(/ class=([\-\w]+)/gi, removeClasses);

			// Remove spans option
			if (getParam(ed, "paste_remove_spans")) {
				h = h.replace(/<\/?span[^>]*>/gi, "");

			//console.log('After preprocess:' + h);

			o.content = h;

		 * Various post process items.
		_postProcess : function(pl, o) {
			var t = this, ed = t.editor, dom = ed.dom, styleProps;

			if (ed.settings.paste_enable_default_filters == false) {
			if (o.wordContent) {
				// Remove named anchors or TOC links
				each('a', o.node), function(a) {
					if (!a.href || a.href.indexOf('#_Toc') != -1)
						dom.remove(a, 1);

				if (getParam(ed, "paste_convert_middot_lists")) {
					t._convertLists(pl, o);

				// Process styles
				styleProps = getParam(ed, "paste_retain_style_properties"); // retained properties

				// Process only if a string was specified and not equal to "all" or "*"
				if ((, "string")) && (styleProps !== "all") && (styleProps !== "*")) {
					styleProps = tinymce.explode(styleProps.replace(/^none$/i, ""));

					// Retains some style properties
					each('*', o.node), function(el) {
						var newStyle = {}, npc = 0, i, sp, sv;

						// Store a subset of the existing styles
						if (styleProps) {
							for (i = 0; i < styleProps.length; i++) {
								sp = styleProps[i];
								sv = dom.getStyle(el, sp);

								if (sv) {
									newStyle[sp] = sv;

						// Remove all of the existing styles
						dom.setAttrib(el, 'style', '');

						if (styleProps && npc > 0)
							dom.setStyles(el, newStyle); // Add back the stored subset of styles
						else // Remove empty span tags that do not have class attributes
							if (el.nodeName == 'SPAN' && !el.className)
								dom.remove(el, true);

			// Remove all style information or only specifically on WebKit to avoid the style bug on that browser
			if (getParam(ed, "paste_remove_styles") || (getParam(ed, "paste_remove_styles_if_webkit") && tinymce.isWebKit)) {
				each('*[style]', o.node), function(el) {
			} else {
				if (tinymce.isWebKit) {
					// We need to compress the styles on WebKit since if you paste <img border="0" /> it will become <img border="0" style="... lots of junk ..." />
					// Removing the mce_style that contains the real value will force the Serializer engine to compress the styles
					each('*', o.node), function(el) {

		 * Converts the most common bullet and number formats in Office into a real semantic UL/LI list.
		_convertLists : function(pl, o) {
			var dom = pl.editor.dom, listElm, li, lastMargin = -1, margin, levels = [], lastType, html;

			// Convert middot lists into real semantic lists
			each('p', o.node), function(p) {
				var sib, val = '', type, html, idx, parents;

				// Get text node value at beginning of paragraph
				for (sib = p.firstChild; sib && sib.nodeType == 3; sib = sib.nextSibling)
					val += sib.nodeValue;

				val = p.innerHTML.replace(/<\/?\w+[^>]*>/gi, '').replace(/&nbsp;/g, '\u00a0');

				// Detect unordered lists look for bullets
				if (/^(__MCE_ITEM__)+[\u2022\u00b7\u00a7\u00d8o\u25CF]\s*\u00a0*/.test(val))
					type = 'ul';

				// Detect ordered lists 1., a. or ixv.
				if (/^__MCE_ITEM__\s*\w+\.\s*\u00a0+/.test(val))
					type = 'ol';

				// Check if node value matches the list pattern: o&nbsp;&nbsp;
				if (type) {
					margin = parseFloat( || 0);

					if (margin > lastMargin)

					if (!listElm || type != lastType) {
						listElm = dom.create(type);
						dom.insertAfter(listElm, p);
					} else {
						// Nested list element
						if (margin > lastMargin) {
							listElm = li.appendChild(dom.create(type));
						} else if (margin < lastMargin) {
							// Find parent level based on margin value
							idx = tinymce.inArray(levels, margin);
							parents = dom.getParents(listElm.parentNode, type);
							listElm = parents[parents.length - 1 - idx] || listElm;

					// Remove middot or number spans if they exists
					each('span', p), function(span) {
						var html = span.innerHTML.replace(/<\/?\w+[^>]*>/gi, '');

						// Remove span with the middot or the number
						if (type == 'ul' && /^__MCE_ITEM__[\u2022\u00b7\u00a7\u00d8o\u25CF]/.test(html))
						else if (/^__MCE_ITEM__[\s\S]*\w+\.(&nbsp;|\u00a0)*\s*/.test(html))

					html = p.innerHTML;

					// Remove middot/list items
					if (type == 'ul')
						html = p.innerHTML.replace(/__MCE_ITEM__/g, '').replace(/^[\u2022\u00b7\u00a7\u00d8o\u25CF]\s*(&nbsp;|\u00a0)+\s*/, '');
						html = p.innerHTML.replace(/__MCE_ITEM__/g, '').replace(/^\s*\w+\.(&nbsp;|\u00a0)+\s*/, '');

					// Create li and add paragraph data into the new li
					li = listElm.appendChild(dom.create('li', 0, html));

					lastMargin = margin;
					lastType = type;
				} else
					listElm = lastMargin = 0; // End list element

			// Remove any left over makers
			html = o.node.innerHTML;
			if (html.indexOf('__MCE_ITEM__') != -1)
				o.node.innerHTML = html.replace(/__MCE_ITEM__/g, '');

		 * Inserts the specified contents at the caret position.
		_insert : function(h, skip_undo) {
			var ed = this.editor, r = ed.selection.getRng();

			// First delete the contents seems to work better on WebKit when the selection spans multiple list items or multiple table cells.
			if (!ed.selection.isCollapsed() && r.startContainer != r.endContainer)
				ed.getDoc().execCommand('Delete', false, null);

			ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, h, {skip_undo : skip_undo});

		 * Instead of the old plain text method which tried to re-create a paste operation, the
		 * new approach adds a plain text mode toggle switch that changes the behavior of paste.
		 * This function is passed the same input that the regular paste plugin produces.
		 * It performs additional scrubbing and produces (and inserts) the plain text.
		 * This approach leverages all of the great existing functionality in the paste
		 * plugin, and requires minimal changes to add the new functionality.
		 * Speednet - June 2009
		_insertPlainText : function(ed, dom, h) {
			var i, len, pos, rpos, node, breakElms, before, after,
				w = ed.getWin(),
				d = ed.getDoc(),
				sel = ed.selection,
				is =,
				inArray = tinymce.inArray,
				linebr = getParam(ed, "paste_text_linebreaktype"),
				rl = getParam(ed, "paste_text_replacements");

			function process(items) {
				each(items, function(v) {
					if (v.constructor == RegExp)
						h = h.replace(v, "");
						h = h.replace(v[0], v[1]);

			if ((typeof(h) === "string") && (h.length > 0)) {
				// If HTML content with line-breaking tags, then remove all cr/lf chars because only tags will break a line
				if (/<(?:p|br|h[1-6]|ul|ol|dl|table|t[rdh]|div|blockquote|fieldset|pre|address|center)[^>]*>/i.test(h)) {
				} else {
					// Otherwise just get rid of carriage returns (only need linefeeds)

					[/<\/(?:p|h[1-6]|ul|ol|dl|table|div|blockquote|fieldset|pre|address|center)>/gi, "\n\n"],		// Block tags get a blank line after them
					[/<br[^>]*>|<\/tr>/gi, "\n"],				// Single linebreak for <br /> tags and table rows
					[/<\/t[dh]>\s*<t[dh][^>]*>/gi, "\t"],		// Table cells get tabs betweem them
					/<[a-z!\/?][^>]*>/gi,						// Delete all remaining tags
					[/&nbsp;/gi, " "],							// Convert non-break spaces to regular spaces (remember, *plain text*)
					[/(?:(?!\n)\s)*(\n+)(?:(?!\n)\s)*/gi, "$1"],	// Cool little RegExp deletes whitespace around linebreak chars.
					[/\n{3,}/g, "\n\n"],							// Max. 2 consecutive linebreaks
					/^\s+|\s+$/g									// Trim the front & back

				h = dom.decode(tinymce.html.Entities.encodeRaw(h));

				// Delete any highlighted text before pasting
				if (!sel.isCollapsed()) {
					d.execCommand("Delete", false, null);

				// Perform default or custom replacements
				if (is(rl, "array") || (is(rl, "array"))) {
				else if (is(rl, "string")) {
					process(new RegExp(rl, "gi"));

				// Treat paragraphs as specified in the config
				if (linebr == "none") {
						[/\n+/g, " "]
				else if (linebr == "br") {
						[/\n/g, "<br />"]
				else {
						[/\n\n/g, "</p><p>"],
						[/\n/g, "<br />"]

				// This next piece of code handles the situation where we're pasting more than one paragraph of plain
				// text, and we are pasting the content into the middle of a block node in the editor.  The block
				// node gets split at the selection point into "Para A" and "Para B" (for the purposes of explaining).
				// The first paragraph of the pasted text is appended to "Para A", and the last paragraph of the
				// pasted text is prepended to "Para B".  Any other paragraphs of pasted text are placed between
				// "Para A" and "Para B".  This code solves a host of problems with the original plain text plugin and
				// now handles styles correctly.  (Pasting plain text into a styled paragraph is supposed to make the
				// plain text take the same style as the existing paragraph.)
				if ((pos = h.indexOf("</p><p>")) != -1) {
					rpos = h.lastIndexOf("</p><p>");
					node = sel.getNode(); 
					breakElms = [];		// Get list of elements to break 

					do {
						if (node.nodeType == 1) {
							// Don't break tables and break at body
							if (node.nodeName == "TD" || node.nodeName == "BODY") {

							breakElms[breakElms.length] = node;
					} while (node = node.parentNode);

					// Are we in the middle of a block node?
					if (breakElms.length > 0) {
						before = h.substring(0, pos);
						after = "";

						for (i=0, len=breakElms.length; i<len; i++) {
							before += "</" + breakElms[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() + ">";
							after += "<" + breakElms[breakElms.length-i-1].nodeName.toLowerCase() + ">";

						if (pos == rpos) {
							h = before + after + h.substring(pos+7);
						else {
							h = before + h.substring(pos+4, rpos+4) + after + h.substring(rpos+7);

				// Insert content at the caret, plus add a marker for repositioning the caret
				ed.execCommand("mceInsertRawHTML", false, h + '<span id="_plain_text_marker">&nbsp;</span>');

				// Reposition the caret to the marker, which was placed immediately after the inserted content.
				// Needs to be done asynchronously (in window.setTimeout) or else it doesn't work in all browsers.
				// The second part of the code scrolls the content up if the caret is positioned off-screen.
				// This is only necessary for WebKit browsers, but it doesn't hurt to use for all.
				window.setTimeout(function() {
					var marker = dom.get('_plain_text_marker'),
						elm, vp, y, elmHeight;, false);
					d.execCommand("Delete", false, null);
					marker = null;

					// Get element, position and height
					elm = sel.getStart();
					vp = dom.getViewPort(w);
					y = dom.getPos(elm).y;
					elmHeight = elm.clientHeight;

					// Is element within viewport if not then scroll it into view
					if ((y < vp.y) || (y + elmHeight > vp.y + vp.h)) {
						d.body.scrollTop = y < vp.y ? y : y - vp.h + 25;
				}, 0);

		 * This method will open the old style paste dialogs. Some users might want the old behavior but still use the new cleanup engine.
		_legacySupport : function() {
			var t = this, ed = t.editor;

			// Register command(s) for backwards compatibility
			ed.addCommand("mcePasteWord", function() {{
					file: t.url + "/pasteword.htm",
					width: parseInt(getParam(ed, "paste_dialog_width")),
					height: parseInt(getParam(ed, "paste_dialog_height")),
					inline: 1

			if (getParam(ed, "paste_text_use_dialog")) {
				ed.addCommand("mcePasteText", function() {{
						file : t.url + "/pastetext.htm",
						width: parseInt(getParam(ed, "paste_dialog_width")),
						height: parseInt(getParam(ed, "paste_dialog_height")),
						inline : 1

			// Register button for backwards compatibility
			ed.addButton("pasteword", {title : "paste.paste_word_desc", cmd : "mcePasteWord"});

	// Register plugin
	tinymce.PluginManager.add("paste", tinymce.plugins.PastePlugin);