view static/js/markitup/sets/markdown/set.js @ 631:f36d1a168be7

For issue 27, disable login dialog button during POST. This seems to prevent multiple logins most of the time. You can still bang on the enter key and sometimes get more through.
author Brian Neal <>
date Wed, 14 Nov 2012 20:57:05 -0600
parents 2e90b63520b8
children ad69236e8501
line wrap: on
line source
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// markItUp!
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (C) 2008 Jay Salvat
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// MarkDown tags example
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Feel free to add more tags
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
mySettings = {
	previewParserPath: '/comments/markdown/',
	previewParserVar: 'data',
    previewInWindow: false,
    previewAutoRefresh: false,
    previewPosition: 'after',
	onShiftEnter:		{keepDefault:false, openWith:'\n\n'},
	markupSet: [
		{name:'Bold', key:'B', openWith:'**', closeWith:'**'},
		{name:'Italic', key:'I', openWith:'_', closeWith:'_'},
		{name:'Strike', key:'S', openWith:'---', closeWith:'---'},
		{separator:'---------------' },
		{name:'Bulleted List', openWith:'- ' },
		{name:'Numeric List', openWith:function(markItUp) {
			return markItUp.line+'. ';
		{separator:'---------------' },
		{name:'Picture', key:'P', replaceWith:'![image]([![Url:!:http://]!])'},
		{name:'Link', key:'L', openWith:'[', closeWith:']([![Url:!:http://]!])', placeHolder:'Your text to link here...' },
		{name:'Quotes', openWith:'> '},
		{name:'Code Block / Code', openWith:'(!(\t|!|`)!)', closeWith:'(!(`)!)'},
        {name:'Smilies', className:'smilies', dropMenu: [
            {name:'Argh', replaceWith:' :argh: ', className:'col1-1' },
            {name:'Grin', replaceWith:' :-D ', className:'col1-2' },
            {name:'Razz', replaceWith:' :-P ', className:'col1-3' },
            {name:'Confused', replaceWith:' o_O ', className:'col1-4' },
            {name:'Cool', replaceWith:' 8^) ', className:'col1-5' },
            {name:'Cry', replaceWith:' :-( ', className:'col2-1' },
            {name:'Dead', replaceWith:' x_x ', className:'col2-2' },
            {name:'Embarrassed', replaceWith:' :-# ', className:'col2-3' },
            {name:'LOL', replaceWith:' :lol: ', className:'col2-4' },
            {name:'Mad', replaceWith:' X-( ', className:'col2-5' },
            {name:'No', replaceWith:' :no: ', className:'col3-1' },
            {name:'None', replaceWith:' :-| ', className:'col3-2' },
            {name:'Shock', replaceWith:' :shock: ', className:'col3-3' },
            {name:'Sigh', replaceWith:' :sigh: ', className:'col3-4' },
            {name:'Smile', replaceWith:' :-) ', className:'col3-5' },
            {name:'Uh-oh', replaceWith:' :uh-oh: ', className:'col4-1' },
            {name:'Whatever', replaceWith:' :whatever: ', className:'col4-2' },
            {name:'Wink', replaceWith:' ;-) ', className:'col4-3' },
            {name:'Yes', replaceWith:' :yes: ', className:'col4-4' },
            {name:'Sleep', replaceWith:' :sleep: ', className:'col4-5' }
		{name:'Preview', call:'preview', className:"preview"}

// mIu nameSpace to avoid conflict.
miu = {
	markdownTitle: function(markItUp, char) {
		heading = '';
		n = $.trim(markItUp.selection||markItUp.placeHolder).length;
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			heading += char;
		return '\n'+heading;

$(document).ready(function() {

   var firstTimeSmiley = true;
   $('#more_smileys_link').click(function () {
       var smileyTarget = $('.smileyTarget')[0];
       if (firstTimeSmiley) {
            url: '/smiley/farm/extra/',
            type: 'GET',
            dataType: 'html',
            success: function(data, textStatus) {
               var img = $('#smiley_busy');
               $('#smileys_dialog_popup .smiley_farm img').click(function() {
                  smileyTarget.value += ' ' + this.alt + ' ';
               firstTimeSmiley = false;
            error: function (xhr, textStatus, ex) {
               alert('Oops, an error occurred: ' + xhr.statusText + ' - ' + xhr.responseText);
       return false;
   $('#markdown_help_dialog_popup').dialog({autoOpen: false, width: 720, height: 600});
   var firstTimeMdHelp = true;
   $('#markdown_help_link').click(function () {
       if (firstTimeMdHelp) {
            url: '/core/markdown_help/',
            type: 'GET',
            dataType: 'html',
            success: function(data, textStatus) {
               var img = $('#markdown_busy');
               firstTimeMdHelp = false;
            error: function (xhr, textStatus, ex) {
               alert('Oops, an error occurred: ' + xhr.statusText + ' - ' + xhr.responseText);
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