view bio/ @ 631:f36d1a168be7

For issue 27, disable login dialog button during POST. This seems to prevent multiple logins most of the time. You can still bang on the enter key and sometimes get more through.
author Brian Neal <>
date Wed, 14 Nov 2012 20:57:05 -0600
parents ee87ea74d46b
children 0b6bf9c5a982
line wrap: on
line source
Signal handlers & signals for the bio application.

from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
import django.dispatch

from donations.models import Donation
from weblinks.models import Link
from downloads.models import Download
from news.models import Story
from potd.models import Photo

def on_user_save(sender, **kwargs):
    This signal handler ensures that every User has a corresonding
    UserProfile. It is called after User instance is saved. It creates
    a UserProfile for the User if the created argument is True.

    created = kwargs['created']
    if created:
        user = kwargs['instance']
        profile = UserProfile()
        profile.user = user

def on_donation_save(sender, **kwargs):
    This function is called after a Donation is saved.
    If the Donation was newly created and not anonymous,
    award the user a contributor pin.

    if kwargs['created']:
        donation = kwargs['instance']
        if not donation.is_anonymous and donation.user:
            bio.badges.award_badge(bio.badges.CONTRIBUTOR_PIN, donation.user)

def on_link_save(sender, **kwargs):
    This function is called after a Link is saved. If the Link was newly
    created, award the user a link pin.

    if kwargs['created']:
        link = kwargs['instance']
        bio.badges.award_badge(bio.badges.LINK_PIN, link.user)

def on_download_save(sender, **kwargs):
    This function is called after a Download is saved. If the Download was
    newly created, award the user a download pin.

    if kwargs['created']:
        download = kwargs['instance']
        bio.badges.award_badge(bio.badges.DOWNLOAD_PIN, download.user)

def on_story_save(sender, **kwargs):
    This function is called after a Story is saved. If the Story was
    newly created, award the user a news pin.

    if kwargs['created']:
        story = kwargs['instance']
        bio.badges.award_badge(bio.badges.NEWS_PIN, story.submitter)

def on_photo_save(sender, **kwargs):
    This function is called after a Photo is saved. If the Photo was
    newly created, award the user a POTD pin.

    if kwargs['created']:
        photo = kwargs['instance']
        bio.badges.award_badge(bio.badges.POTD_PIN, photo.user)

post_save.connect(on_user_save, sender=User, dispatch_uid='bio.signals')
post_save.connect(on_donation_save, sender=Donation, dispatch_uid='bio.signals')
post_save.connect(on_link_save, sender=Link, dispatch_uid='bio.signals')
post_save.connect(on_download_save, sender=Download, dispatch_uid='bio.signals')
post_save.connect(on_story_save, sender=Story, dispatch_uid='bio.signals')
post_save.connect(on_photo_save, sender=Photo, dispatch_uid='bio.signals')

# Signals for the bio application
# This signal is sent whenever a profile has had its textual content updated.
# The provided arguments to the receiver function are:
#   - sender - the profile model instance

profile_content_update = django.dispatch.Signal(providing_args=[])

def notify_profile_content_update(profile):
    Convenience function to send the profile content update signal.


# To avoid circular imports
import bio.badges
from bio.models import UserProfile