view bio/flag_data.json @ 631:f36d1a168be7

For issue 27, disable login dialog button during POST. This seems to prevent multiple logins most of the time. You can still bang on the enter key and sometimes get more through.
author Brian Neal <>
date Wed, 14 Nov 2012 20:57:05 -0600
parents 678a1a2ef55a
line wrap: on
line source
    "ad": "Andorra", 
    "ae": "United Arab Emirates", 
    "af": "Afghanistan", 
    "ag": "Antigua and Barbuda", 
    "ai": "Anguilla", 
    "al": "Albania", 
    "am": "Armenia", 
    "ao": "Angola", 
    "aq": "Antarctica", 
    "ar": "Argentina", 
    "as": "American Samoa", 
    "at": "Austria", 
    "au": "Australia", 
    "aw": "Aruba", 
    "ax": "Åland Islands", 
    "az": "Azerbaijan", 
    "ba": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 
    "bb": "Barbados", 
    "bd": "Bangladesh", 
    "be": "Belgium", 
    "bf": "Burkina Faso", 
    "bg": "Bulgaria", 
    "bh": "Bahrain", 
    "bi": "Burundi", 
    "bj": "Benin", 
    "bl": "Saint Barthélemy", 
    "bm": "Bermuda", 
    "bn": "Brunei Darussalam", 
    "bo": "Bolivia", 
    "br": "Brazil", 
    "bs": "Bahamas", 
    "bt": "Bhutan", 
    "bw": "Botswana", 
    "by": "Belarus", 
    "bz": "Belize", 
    "ca": "Canada", 
    "cd": "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the", 
    "cf": "Central African Republic", 
    "cg": "Congo", 
    "ch": "Switzerland", 
    "ci": "Côte d'Ivoire", 
    "cl": "Chile", 
    "cm": "Cameroon", 
    "cn": "China", 
    "co": "Colombia", 
    "cr": "Costa Rica", 
    "cu": "Cuba", 
    "cv": "Cape Verde", 
    "cy": "Cyprus", 
    "cz": "Czech Republic", 
    "de": "Germany", 
    "dj": "Djibouti", 
    "dk": "Denmark", 
    "dm": "Dominica", 
    "do": "Dominican Republic", 
    "dz": "Algeria", 
    "ec": "Ecuador", 
    "ee": "Estonia", 
    "eg": "Egypt", 
    "eh": "Western Sahara", 
    "er": "Eritrea", 
    "es": "Spain", 
    "et": "Ethiopia", 
    "fi": "Finland", 
    "fj": "Fiji", 
    "fk": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", 
    "fm": "Micronesia, Federated States of", 
    "fo": "Faroe Islands", 
    "fr": "France", 
    "ga": "Gabon", 
    "gb": "United Kingdom", 
    "gd": "Grenada", 
    "ge": "Georgia", 
    "gg": "Guernsey", 
    "gh": "Ghana", 
    "gl": "Greenland", 
    "gm": "Gambia", 
    "gn": "Guinea", 
    "gq": "Equatorial Guinea", 
    "gr": "Greece", 
    "gs": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", 
    "gt": "Guatemala", 
    "gu": "Guam", 
    "gw": "Guinea-Bissau", 
    "gy": "Guyana", 
    "hk": "Hong Kong", 
    "hn": "Honduras", 
    "hr": "Croatia", 
    "ht": "Haiti", 
    "hu": "Hungary", 
    "id": "Indonesia", 
    "ie": "Ireland", 
    "il": "Israel", 
    "im": "Isle of Man", 
    "in": "India", 
    "iq": "Iraq", 
    "ir": "Iran, Islamic Republic of", 
    "is": "Iceland", 
    "it": "Italy", 
    "je": "Jersey", 
    "jm": "Jamaica", 
    "jo": "Jordan", 
    "jp": "Japan", 
    "ke": "Kenya", 
    "kg": "Kyrgyzstan", 
    "kh": "Cambodia", 
    "ki": "Kiribati", 
    "km": "Comoros", 
    "kn": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", 
    "kp": "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of", 
    "kr": "Korea, Republic of", 
    "kw": "Kuwait", 
    "ky": "Cayman Islands", 
    "kz": "Kazakhstan", 
    "la": "Lao People's Democratic Republic", 
    "lb": "Lebanon", 
    "lc": "Saint Lucia", 
    "li": "Liechtenstein", 
    "lk": "Sri Lanka", 
    "lr": "Liberia", 
    "ls": "Lesotho", 
    "lt": "Lithuania", 
    "lu": "Luxembourg", 
    "lv": "Latvia", 
    "ly": "Libya", 
    "ma": "Morocco", 
    "mc": "Monaco", 
    "md": "Moldova", 
    "me": "Montenegro", 
    "mg": "Madagascar", 
    "mh": "Marshall Islands", 
    "mk": "Macedonia, Republic of", 
    "ml": "Mali", 
    "mm": "Myanmar", 
    "mn": "Mongolia", 
    "mo": "Macao", 
    "mp": "Northern Mariana Islands", 
    "mr": "Mauritania", 
    "ms": "Montserrat", 
    "mt": "Malta", 
    "mu": "Mauritius", 
    "mv": "Maldives", 
    "mw": "Malawi", 
    "mx": "Mexico", 
    "my": "Malaysia", 
    "mz": "Mozambique", 
    "na": "Namibia", 
    "ne": "Niger", 
    "nf": "Norfolk Island", 
    "ng": "Nigeria", 
    "ni": "Nicaragua", 
    "nl": "Netherlands", 
    "no": "Norway", 
    "np": "Nepal", 
    "nr": "Nauru", 
    "nz": "New Zealand", 
    "om": "Oman", 
    "pa": "Panama", 
    "pe": "Peru", 
    "pg": "Papua New Guinea", 
    "ph": "Philippines", 
    "pk": "Pakistan", 
    "pl": "Poland", 
    "pn": "Pitcairn", 
    "pr": "Puerto Rico", 
    "ps": "Palestinian Territory, Occupied", 
    "pt": "Portugal", 
    "pw": "Palau", 
    "py": "Paraguay", 
    "qa": "Qatar", 
    "ro": "Romania", 
    "rs": "Serbia", 
    "ru": "Russian Federation", 
    "rw": "Rwanda", 
    "sa": "Saudi Arabia", 
    "sb": "Solomon Islands", 
    "sc": "Seychelles", 
    "sd": "Sudan", 
    "se": "Sweden", 
    "sg": "Singapore", 
    "sh": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha", 
    "si": "Slovenia", 
    "sk": "Slovakia", 
    "sl": "Sierra Leone", 
    "sm": "San Marino", 
    "sn": "Senegal", 
    "so": "Somalia", 
    "sr": "Suriname", 
    "st": "Sao Tome and Principe", 
    "sv": "El Salvador", 
    "sy": "Syrian Arab Republic", 
    "sz": "Swaziland", 
    "tc": "Turks and Caicos Islands", 
    "td": "Chad", 
    "tg": "Togo", 
    "th": "Thailand", 
    "tj": "Tajikistan", 
    "tl": "Timor-Leste", 
    "tm": "Turkmenistan", 
    "tn": "Tunisia", 
    "to": "Tonga", 
    "tr": "Turkey", 
    "tt": "Trinidad and Tobago", 
    "tv": "Tuvalu", 
    "tw": "Taiwan", 
    "tz": "Tanzania, United Republic of", 
    "ua": "Ukraine", 
    "ug": "Uganda", 
    "us": "United States", 
    "uy": "Uruguay", 
    "uz": "Uzbekistan", 
    "vc": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", 
    "ve": "Venezuela", 
    "vg": "Virgin Islands, British", 
    "vi": "Virgin Islands, U.S.", 
    "vn": "Viet Nam", 
    "vu": "Vanuatu", 
    "ws": "Samoa", 
    "ye": "Yemen", 
    "za": "South Africa", 
    "zm": "Zambia", 
    "zw": "Zimbabwe"