view static/js/tiny_mce/utils/form_utils.js @ 429:d0f0800eef0c

Making the jquery tabbed version of the messages app the current version and removing the old. Also figured out how to dynamically update the base template's count of unread messages when messages are read.
author Brian Neal <>
date Tue, 03 May 2011 02:56:58 +0000
parents 88b2b9cb8c1f
children 6c182ceb7147
line wrap: on
line source
 * form_utils.js
 * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
 * Released under LGPL License.
 * License:
 * Contributing:

var themeBaseURL = tinyMCEPopup.editor.baseURI.toAbsolute('themes/' + tinyMCEPopup.getParam("theme"));

function getColorPickerHTML(id, target_form_element) {
	var h = "";

	h += '<a id="' + id + '_link" href="javascript:;" onclick="tinyMCEPopup.pickColor(event,\'' + target_form_element +'\');" onmousedown="return false;" class="pickcolor">';
	h += '<span id="' + id + '" title="' + tinyMCEPopup.getLang('browse') + '">&nbsp;</span></a>';

	return h;

function updateColor(img_id, form_element_id) {
	document.getElementById(img_id).style.backgroundColor = document.forms[0].elements[form_element_id].value;

function setBrowserDisabled(id, state) {
	var img = document.getElementById(id);
	var lnk = document.getElementById(id + "_link");

	if (lnk) {
		if (state) {
			lnk.setAttribute("realhref", lnk.getAttribute("href"));
			tinyMCEPopup.dom.addClass(img, 'disabled');
		} else {
			if (lnk.getAttribute("realhref"))
				lnk.setAttribute("href", lnk.getAttribute("realhref"));

			tinyMCEPopup.dom.removeClass(img, 'disabled');

function getBrowserHTML(id, target_form_element, type, prefix) {
	var option = prefix + "_" + type + "_browser_callback", cb, html;

	cb = tinyMCEPopup.getParam(option, tinyMCEPopup.getParam("file_browser_callback"));

	if (!cb)
		return "";

	html = "";
	html += '<a id="' + id + '_link" href="javascript:openBrowser(\'' + id + '\',\'' + target_form_element + '\', \'' + type + '\',\'' + option + '\');" onmousedown="return false;" class="browse">';
	html += '<span id="' + id + '" title="' + tinyMCEPopup.getLang('browse') + '">&nbsp;</span></a>';

	return html;

function openBrowser(img_id, target_form_element, type, option) {
	var img = document.getElementById(img_id);

	if (img.className != "mceButtonDisabled")
		tinyMCEPopup.openBrowser(target_form_element, type, option);

function selectByValue(form_obj, field_name, value, add_custom, ignore_case) {
	if (!form_obj || !form_obj.elements[field_name])

	var sel = form_obj.elements[field_name];

	var found = false;
	for (var i=0; i<sel.options.length; i++) {
		var option = sel.options[i];

		if (option.value == value || (ignore_case && option.value.toLowerCase() == value.toLowerCase())) {
			option.selected = true;
			found = true;
		} else
			option.selected = false;

	if (!found && add_custom && value != '') {
		var option = new Option(value, value);
		option.selected = true;
		sel.options[sel.options.length] = option;
		sel.selectedIndex = sel.options.length - 1;

	return found;

function getSelectValue(form_obj, field_name) {
	var elm = form_obj.elements[field_name];

	if (elm == null || elm.options == null || elm.selectedIndex === -1)
		return "";

	return elm.options[elm.selectedIndex].value;

function addSelectValue(form_obj, field_name, name, value) {
	var s = form_obj.elements[field_name];
	var o = new Option(name, value);
	s.options[s.options.length] = o;

function addClassesToList(list_id, specific_option) {
	// Setup class droplist
	var styleSelectElm = document.getElementById(list_id);
	var styles = tinyMCEPopup.getParam('theme_advanced_styles', false);
	styles = tinyMCEPopup.getParam(specific_option, styles);

	if (styles) {
		var stylesAr = styles.split(';');

		for (var i=0; i<stylesAr.length; i++) {
			if (stylesAr != "") {
				var key, value;

				key = stylesAr[i].split('=')[0];
				value = stylesAr[i].split('=')[1];

				styleSelectElm.options[styleSelectElm.length] = new Option(key, value);
	} else {
		tinymce.each(tinyMCEPopup.editor.dom.getClasses(), function(o) {
			styleSelectElm.options[styleSelectElm.length] = new Option(o.title || o['class'], o['class']);

function isVisible(element_id) {
	var elm = document.getElementById(element_id);

	return elm && != "none";

function convertRGBToHex(col) {
	var re = new RegExp("rgb\\s*\\(\\s*([0-9]+).*,\\s*([0-9]+).*,\\s*([0-9]+).*\\)", "gi");

	var rgb = col.replace(re, "$1,$2,$3").split(',');
	if (rgb.length == 3) {
		r = parseInt(rgb[0]).toString(16);
		g = parseInt(rgb[1]).toString(16);
		b = parseInt(rgb[2]).toString(16);

		r = r.length == 1 ? '0' + r : r;
		g = g.length == 1 ? '0' + g : g;
		b = b.length == 1 ? '0' + b : b;

		return "#" + r + g + b;

	return col;

function convertHexToRGB(col) {
	if (col.indexOf('#') != -1) {
		col = col.replace(new RegExp('[^0-9A-F]', 'gi'), '');

		r = parseInt(col.substring(0, 2), 16);
		g = parseInt(col.substring(2, 4), 16);
		b = parseInt(col.substring(4, 6), 16);

		return "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")";

	return col;

function trimSize(size) {
	return size.replace(/([0-9\.]+)px|(%|in|cm|mm|em|ex|pt|pc)/, '$1$2');

function getCSSSize(size) {
	size = trimSize(size);

	if (size == "")
		return "";

	// Add px
	if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(size))
		size += 'px';

	return size;

function getStyle(elm, attrib, style) {
	var val = tinyMCEPopup.dom.getAttrib(elm, attrib);

	if (val != '')
		return '' + val;

	if (typeof(style) == 'undefined')
		style = attrib;

	return tinyMCEPopup.dom.getStyle(elm, style);