view static/js/tiny_mce/plugins/autosave/editor_plugin_src.js @ 429:d0f0800eef0c

Making the jquery tabbed version of the messages app the current version and removing the old. Also figured out how to dynamically update the base template's count of unread messages when messages are read.
author Brian Neal <>
date Tue, 03 May 2011 02:56:58 +0000
parents 88b2b9cb8c1f
children 6c182ceb7147
line wrap: on
line source
 * editor_plugin_src.js
 * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
 * Released under LGPL License.
 * License:
 * Contributing:
 * Adds auto-save capability to the TinyMCE text editor to rescue content
 * inadvertently lost. This plugin was originally developed by Speednet
 * and that project can be found here:
 * The plugin attempts to use the most advanced features available in the current browser to save
 * as much content as possible.  There are a total of four different methods used to autosave the
 * content.  In order of preference, they are:
 * 1. localStorage - A new feature of HTML 5, localStorage can store megabytes of data per domain
 * on the client computer. Data stored in the localStorage area has no expiration date, so we must
 * manage expiring the data ourselves.  localStorage is fully supported by IE8, and it is supposed
 * to be working in Firefox 3 and Safari 3.2, but in reality is is flaky in those browsers.  As
 * HTML 5 gets wider support, the AutoSave plugin will use it automatically. In Windows Vista/7,
 * localStorage is stored in the following folder:
 * C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStore\[tempFolder]
 * 2. sessionStorage - A new feature of HTML 5, sessionStorage works similarly to localStorage,
 * except it is designed to expire after a certain amount of time.  Because the specification
 * around expiration date/time is very loosely-described, it is preferrable to use locaStorage and
 * manage the expiration ourselves.  sessionStorage has similar storage characteristics to
 * localStorage, although it seems to have better support by Firefox 3 at the moment.  (That will
 * certainly change as Firefox continues getting better at HTML 5 adoption.)
 * 3. UserData - A very under-exploited feature of Microsoft Internet Explorer, UserData is a
 * way to store up to 128K of data per "document", or up to 1MB of data per domain, on the client
 * computer.  The feature is available for IE 5+, which makes it available for every version of IE
 * supported by TinyMCE.  The content is persistent across browser restarts and expires on the
 * date/time specified, just like a cookie.  However, the data is not cleared when the user clears
 * cookies on the browser, which makes it well-suited for rescuing autosaved content.  UserData,
 * like other Microsoft IE browser technologies, is implemented as a behavior attached to a
 * specific DOM object, so in this case we attach the behavior to the same DOM element that the
 * TinyMCE editor instance is attached to.

(function(tinymce) {
	// Setup constants to help the compressor to reduce script size
	var PLUGIN_NAME = 'autosave',
		RESTORE_DRAFT = 'restoredraft',
		TRUE = true,
		Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher;

	 * This plugin adds auto-save capability to the TinyMCE text editor to rescue content
	 * inadvertently lost. By using localStorage.
	 * @class tinymce.plugins.AutoSave
	tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.AutoSave', {
		 * Initializes the plugin, this will be executed after the plugin has been created.
		 * This call is done before the editor instance has finished it's initialization so use the onInit event
		 * of the editor instance to intercept that event.
		 * @method init
		 * @param {tinymce.Editor} ed Editor instance that the plugin is initialized in.
		 * @param {string} url Absolute URL to where the plugin is located.
		init : function(ed, url) {
			var self = this, settings = ed.settings;

			self.editor = ed;

			// Parses the specified time string into a milisecond number 10m, 10s etc.
			function parseTime(time) {
				var multipels = {
					s : 1000,
					m : 60000

				time = /^(\d+)([ms]?)$/.exec('' + time);

				return (time[2] ? multipels[time[2]] : 1) * parseInt(time);

			// Default config
				ask_before_unload : TRUE,
				interval : '30s',
				retention : '20m',
				minlength : 50
			}, function(value, key) {
				key = PLUGIN_NAME + '_' + key;

				if (settings[key] === undefined)
					settings[key] = value;

			// Parse times
			settings.autosave_interval = parseTime(settings.autosave_interval);
			settings.autosave_retention = parseTime(settings.autosave_retention);

			// Register restore button
			ed.addButton(RESTORE_DRAFT, {
				title : PLUGIN_NAME + ".restore_content",
				onclick : function() {
					if (ed.getContent({draft: true}).replace(/\s|&nbsp;|<\/?p[^>]*>|<br[^>]*>/gi, "").length > 0) {
						// Show confirm dialog if the editor isn't empty
							PLUGIN_NAME + ".warning_message",
							function(ok) {
								if (ok)
					} else

			// Enable/disable restoredraft button depending on if there is a draft stored or not
			ed.onNodeChange.add(function() {
				var controlManager = ed.controlManager;

				if (controlManager.get(RESTORE_DRAFT))
					controlManager.setDisabled(RESTORE_DRAFT, !self.hasDraft());

			ed.onInit.add(function() {
				// Check if the user added the restore button, then setup auto storage logic
				if (ed.controlManager.get(RESTORE_DRAFT)) {
					// Setup storage engine

					// Auto save contents each interval time
					setInterval(function() {
					}, settings.autosave_interval);

			 * This event gets fired when a draft is stored to local storage.
			 * @event onStoreDraft
			 * @param {tinymce.plugins.AutoSave} sender Plugin instance sending the event.
			 * @param {Object} draft Draft object containing the HTML contents of the editor.
			self.onStoreDraft = new Dispatcher(self);

			 * This event gets fired when a draft is restored from local storage.
			 * @event onStoreDraft
			 * @param {tinymce.plugins.AutoSave} sender Plugin instance sending the event.
			 * @param {Object} draft Draft object containing the HTML contents of the editor.
			self.onRestoreDraft = new Dispatcher(self);

			 * This event gets fired when a draft removed/expired.
			 * @event onRemoveDraft
			 * @param {tinymce.plugins.AutoSave} sender Plugin instance sending the event.
			 * @param {Object} draft Draft object containing the HTML contents of the editor.
			self.onRemoveDraft = new Dispatcher(self);

			// Add ask before unload dialog only add one unload handler
			if (!unloadHandlerAdded) {
				window.onbeforeunload = tinymce.plugins.AutoSave._beforeUnloadHandler;
				unloadHandlerAdded = TRUE;

		 * Returns information about the plugin as a name/value array.
		 * The current keys are longname, author, authorurl, infourl and version.
		 * @method getInfo
		 * @return {Object} Name/value array containing information about the plugin.
		getInfo : function() {
			return {
				longname : 'Auto save',
				author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
				authorurl : '',
				infourl : '',
				version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion

		 * Returns an expiration date UTC string.
		 * @method getExpDate
		 * @return {String} Expiration date UTC string.
		getExpDate : function() {
			return new Date(
				new Date().getTime() + this.editor.settings.autosave_retention

		 * This method will setup the storage engine. If the browser has support for it.
		 * @method setupStorage
		setupStorage : function(ed) {
			var self = this, testKey = PLUGIN_NAME + '_test', testVal = "OK";

			self.key = PLUGIN_NAME +;

			// Loop though each storage engine type until we find one that works
				function() {
					// Try HTML5 Local Storage
					if (localStorage) {
						localStorage.setItem(testKey, testVal);

						if (localStorage.getItem(testKey) === testVal) {

							return localStorage;

				function() {
					// Try HTML5 Session Storage
					if (sessionStorage) {
						sessionStorage.setItem(testKey, testVal);

						if (sessionStorage.getItem(testKey) === testVal) {

							return sessionStorage;

				function() {
					// Try IE userData
					if (tinymce.isIE) {
						ed.getElement().style.behavior = "url('#default#userData')";

						// Fake localStorage on old IE
						return {
							autoExpires : TRUE,

							setItem : function(key, value) {
								var userDataElement = ed.getElement();

								userDataElement.setAttribute(key, value);
								userDataElement.expires = self.getExpDate();"TinyMCE");

							getItem : function(key) {
								var userDataElement = ed.getElement();


								return userDataElement.getAttribute(key);

							removeItem : function(key) {
			], function(setup) {
				// Try executing each function to find a suitable storage engine
				try { = setup();

					if (
						return false;
				} catch (e) {
					// Ignore

		 * This method will store the current contents in the the storage engine.
		 * @method storeDraft
		storeDraft : function() {
			var self = this, storage =, editor = self.editor, expires, content;

			// Is the contents dirty
			if (storage) {
				// If there is no existing key and the contents hasn't been changed since
				// it's original value then there is no point in saving a draft
				if (!storage.getItem(self.key) && !editor.isDirty())

				// Store contents if the contents if longer than the minlength of characters
				content = editor.getContent({draft: true});
				if (content.length > editor.settings.autosave_minlength) {
					expires = self.getExpDate();

					// Store expiration date if needed IE userData has auto expire built in
					if (! + "_expires", expires);, content);
					self.onStoreDraft.dispatch(self, {
						expires : expires,
						content : content

		 * This method will restore the contents from the storage engine back to the editor.
		 * @method restoreDraft
		restoreDraft : function() {
			var self = this, storage =;

			if (storage) {
				content = storage.getItem(self.key);

				if (content) {
					self.onRestoreDraft.dispatch(self, {
						content : content

		 * This method will return true/false if there is a local storage draft available.
		 * @method hasDraft
		 * @return {boolean} true/false state if there is a local draft.
		hasDraft : function() {
			var self = this, storage =, expDate, exists;

			if (storage) {
				// Does the item exist at all
				exists = !!storage.getItem(self.key);
				if (exists) {
					// Storage needs autoexpire
					if (! {
						expDate = new Date(storage.getItem(self.key + "_expires"));

						// Contents hasn't expired
						if (new Date().getTime() < expDate.getTime())
							return TRUE;

						// Remove it if it has
					} else
						return TRUE;

			return false;

		 * Removes the currently stored draft.
		 * @method removeDraft
		removeDraft : function() {
			var self = this, storage =, key = self.key, content;

			if (storage) {
				// Get current contents and remove the existing draft
				content = storage.getItem(key);
				storage.removeItem(key + "_expires");

				// Dispatch remove event if we had any contents
				if (content) {
					self.onRemoveDraft.dispatch(self, {
						content : content

		"static" : {
			// Internal unload handler will be called before the page is unloaded
			_beforeUnloadHandler : function(e) {
				var msg;

				tinymce.each(tinyMCE.editors, function(ed) {
					// Store a draft for each editor instance
					if (ed.plugins.autosave)

					// Never ask in fullscreen mode
					if (ed.getParam("fullscreen_is_enabled"))

					// Setup a return message if the editor is dirty
					if (!msg && ed.isDirty() && ed.getParam("autosave_ask_before_unload"))
						msg = ed.getLang("autosave.unload_msg");

				return msg;

	tinymce.PluginManager.add('autosave', tinymce.plugins.AutoSave);