view static/js/tiny_mce_init_std.js @ 943:cf9918328c64

Haystack tweaks for Django 1.7.7. I had to upgrade to Haystack 2.3.1 to get it to work with Django 1.7.7. I also had to update the Xapian backend. But I ran into problems. On my laptop anyway (Ubuntu 14.0.4), xapian gets mad when search terms are greater than 245 chars (or something) when indexing. So I created a custom field that would simply omit terms greater than 64 chars and used this field everywhere I previously used a CharField. Secondly, the custom search form was broken now. Something changed in the Xapian backend and exact searches stopped working. Fortunately the auto_query (which I was using originally and broke during an upgrade) started working again. So I cut the search form back over to doing an auto_query. I kept the form the same (3 fields) because I didn't want to change the form and I think it's better that way.
author Brian Neal <>
date Wed, 13 May 2015 20:25:07 -0500
parents 639af9e6bd78
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