view gcalendar/ @ 943:cf9918328c64

Haystack tweaks for Django 1.7.7. I had to upgrade to Haystack 2.3.1 to get it to work with Django 1.7.7. I also had to update the Xapian backend. But I ran into problems. On my laptop anyway (Ubuntu 14.0.4), xapian gets mad when search terms are greater than 245 chars (or something) when indexing. So I created a custom field that would simply omit terms greater than 64 chars and used this field everywhere I previously used a CharField. Secondly, the custom search form was broken now. Something changed in the Xapian backend and exact searches stopped working. Fortunately the auto_query (which I was using originally and broke during an upgrade) started working again. So I cut the search form back over to doing an auto_query. I kept the form the same (3 fields) because I didn't want to change the form and I think it's better that way.
author Brian Neal <>
date Wed, 13 May 2015 20:25:07 -0500
parents 9165edfb1709
children 4aadaf3bc234
line wrap: on
line source
This file contains the automatic admin site definitions for the gcalendar application.

from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import render

from gcalendar.models import Event
from gcalendar.calendar import Calendar, CalendarError
from gcalendar import oauth

import bio.badges

class EventAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ['what', 'user', 'start_date', 'where', 'date_submitted',
            'status', 'is_approved', 'google_html']
    list_filter = ['start_date', 'status']
    date_hierarchy = 'start_date'
    search_fields = ['what', 'where', 'description']
    raw_id_fields = ['user']
    exclude = ['html', 'google_id', 'google_url']
    save_on_top = True
    actions = ['approve_events']

    pending_states = {
        Event.NEW: Event.NEW_APRV,
        Event.EDIT_REQ: Event.EDIT_APRV,
        Event.DEL_REQ: Event.DEL_APRV,

    def get_urls(self):
        urls = super(EventAdmin, self).get_urls()
        my_urls = patterns('',
        return my_urls + urls

    def approve_events(self, request, qs):
        Ratchets the selected events forward to the approved state.
        Ignores events that aren't in the proper state.
        count = 0
        for event in qs:
            if event.status in self.pending_states:
                event.status = self.pending_states[event.status]
                count += 1

                if event.status == Event.NEW_APRV:
                    bio.badges.award_badge(bio.badges.CALENDAR_PIN, event.user)

        msg = "1 event was" if count == 1 else "%d events were" % count
        msg += " approved."
        self.message_user(request, msg)

    approve_events.short_description = "Approve selected events"

    def google_sync(self, request):
        View to synchronize approved event changes with Google calendar.

        # Get pending events
        events = Event.pending_events.all()

        # Check status of credentials file
        cred_status = oauth.check_credentials_status()

        msgs = []
        err_msg = ''
        if request.method == 'POST':
            credentials = oauth.get_credentials()
            if credentials:
                    cal = Calendar(calendar_id=settings.GCAL_CALENDAR_ID,
                except CalendarError, e:
                    err_msg = str(e)
                    events = Event.pending_events.all()
                    msgs.append('All events processed successfully.')
                    events = Event.objects.none()
                self.message_user(request, "Invalid or missing credentials",

        return render(request, 'gcalendar/google_sync.html', {
            'cred_status': cred_status,
            'messages': msgs,
            'err_msg': err_msg,
            'events': events,

    def authorize(self, request):
        This view generates the authorization URL and redirects the user to it.
        site = Site.objects.get_current()
        callback_url = 'http://%s%s' % (site.domain,
        auth_url = oauth.get_auth_url(callback_url)
        return HttpResponseRedirect(auth_url)

    def auth_return(self, request):
        This view is called by Google after the user has authorized us access to
        their data. We call into the oauth module to process the authorization
        code and exchange it for tokens.
        except oauth.OAuthError as e:
            self.message_user(request, str(e), level=messages.ERROR)

        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:gcalendar-google_sync')), EventAdmin)