view static/js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_src.js @ 322:c3d3d7114749

Fix #148; Django now requires AJAX posts to present the CSRF token. Added code suggested by Django docs to shoutbox.js. Since shoutbox.js is on every page, it should cover all cases.
author Brian Neal <>
date Sat, 12 Feb 2011 21:37:17 +0000
parents 88b2b9cb8c1f
children 6c182ceb7147
line wrap: on
line source
(function(win) {
	var whiteSpaceRe = /^\s*|\s*$/g,

	var tinymce = {
		majorVersion : '3',

		minorVersion : '3.9',

		releaseDate : '2010-09-08',

		_init : function() {
			var t = this, d = document, na = navigator, ua = na.userAgent, i, nl, n, base, p, v;

			t.isOpera = win.opera && opera.buildNumber;

			t.isWebKit = /WebKit/.test(ua);

			t.isIE = !t.isWebKit && !t.isOpera && (/MSIE/gi).test(ua) && (/Explorer/gi).test(na.appName);

			t.isIE6 = t.isIE && /MSIE [56]/.test(ua);

			t.isGecko = !t.isWebKit && /Gecko/.test(ua);

			t.isMac = ua.indexOf('Mac') != -1;

			t.isAir = /adobeair/i.test(ua);

			t.isIDevice = /(iPad|iPhone)/.test(ua);

			// TinyMCE .NET webcontrol might be setting the values for TinyMCE
			if (win.tinyMCEPreInit) {
				t.suffix = tinyMCEPreInit.suffix;
				t.baseURL = tinyMCEPreInit.base;
				t.query = tinyMCEPreInit.query;

			// Get suffix and base
			t.suffix = '';

			// If base element found, add that infront of baseURL
			nl = d.getElementsByTagName('base');
			for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
				if (v = nl[i].href) {
					// Host only value like or
					if (/^https?:\/\/[^\/]+$/.test(v))
						v += '/';

					base = v ? v.match(/.*\//)[0] : ''; // Get only directory

			function getBase(n) {
				if (n.src && /tiny_mce(|_gzip|_jquery|_prototype|_full)(_dev|_src)?.js/.test(n.src)) {
					if (/_(src|dev)\.js/g.test(n.src))
						t.suffix = '_src';

					if ((p = n.src.indexOf('?')) != -1)
						t.query = n.src.substring(p + 1);

					t.baseURL = n.src.substring(0, n.src.lastIndexOf('/'));

					// If path to script is relative and a base href was found add that one infront
					// the src property will always be an absolute one on non IE browsers and IE 8
					// so this logic will basically only be executed on older IE versions
					if (base && t.baseURL.indexOf('://') == -1 && t.baseURL.indexOf('/') !== 0)
						t.baseURL = base + t.baseURL;

					return t.baseURL;

				return null;

			// Check document
			nl = d.getElementsByTagName('script');
			for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
				if (getBase(nl[i]))

			// Check head
			n = d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
			if (n) {
				nl = n.getElementsByTagName('script');
				for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
					if (getBase(nl[i]))


		is : function(o, t) {
			if (!t)
				return o !== undefined;

			if (t == 'array' && (o.hasOwnProperty && o instanceof Array))
				return true;

			return typeof(o) == t;

		each : function(o, cb, s) {
			var n, l;

			if (!o)
				return 0;

			s = s || o;

			if (o.length !== undefined) {
				// Indexed arrays, needed for Safari
				for (n=0, l = o.length; n < l; n++) {
					if (, o[n], n, o) === false)
						return 0;
			} else {
				// Hashtables
				for (n in o) {
					if (o.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
						if (, o[n], n, o) === false)
							return 0;

			return 1;

		map : function(a, f) {
			var o = [];

			tinymce.each(a, function(v) {

			return o;

		grep : function(a, f) {
			var o = [];

			tinymce.each(a, function(v) {
				if (!f || f(v))

			return o;

		inArray : function(a, v) {
			var i, l;

			if (a) {
				for (i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
					if (a[i] === v)
						return i;

			return -1;

		extend : function(o, e) {
			var i, l, a = arguments;

			for (i = 1, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
				e = a[i];

				tinymce.each(e, function(v, n) {
					if (v !== undefined)
						o[n] = v;

			return o;

		trim : function(s) {
			return (s ? '' + s : '').replace(whiteSpaceRe, '');

		create : function(s, p) {
			var t = this, sp, ns, cn, scn, c, de = 0;

			// Parse : <prefix> <class>:<super class>
			s = /^((static) )?([\w.]+)(:([\w.]+))?/.exec(s);
			cn = s[3].match(/(^|\.)(\w+)$/i)[2]; // Class name

			// Create namespace for new class
			ns = t.createNS(s[3].replace(/\.\w+$/, ''));

			// Class already exists
			if (ns[cn])

			// Make pure static class
			if (s[2] == 'static') {
				ns[cn] = p;

				if (this.onCreate)
					this.onCreate(s[2], s[3], ns[cn]);


			// Create default constructor
			if (!p[cn]) {
				p[cn] = function() {};
				de = 1;

			// Add constructor and methods
			ns[cn] = p[cn];
			t.extend(ns[cn].prototype, p);

			// Extend
			if (s[5]) {
				sp = t.resolve(s[5]).prototype;
				scn = s[5].match(/\.(\w+)$/i)[1]; // Class name

				// Extend constructor
				c = ns[cn];
				if (de) {
					// Add passthrough constructor
					ns[cn] = function() {
						return sp[scn].apply(this, arguments);
				} else {
					// Add inherit constructor
					ns[cn] = function() {
						this.parent = sp[scn];
						return c.apply(this, arguments);
				ns[cn].prototype[cn] = ns[cn];

				// Add super methods
				t.each(sp, function(f, n) {
					ns[cn].prototype[n] = sp[n];

				// Add overridden methods
				t.each(p, function(f, n) {
					// Extend methods if needed
					if (sp[n]) {
						ns[cn].prototype[n] = function() {
							this.parent = sp[n];
							return f.apply(this, arguments);
					} else {
						if (n != cn)
							ns[cn].prototype[n] = f;

			// Add static methods
			t.each(p['static'], function(f, n) {
				ns[cn][n] = f;

			if (this.onCreate)
				this.onCreate(s[2], s[3], ns[cn].prototype);

		walk : function(o, f, n, s) {
			s = s || this;

			if (o) {
				if (n)
					o = o[n];

				tinymce.each(o, function(o, i) {
					if (, o, i, n) === false)
						return false;

					tinymce.walk(o, f, n, s);

		createNS : function(n, o) {
			var i, v;

			o = o || win;

			n = n.split('.');
			for (i=0; i<n.length; i++) {
				v = n[i];

				if (!o[v])
					o[v] = {};

				o = o[v];

			return o;

		resolve : function(n, o) {
			var i, l;

			o = o || win;

			n = n.split('.');
			for (i = 0, l = n.length; i < l; i++) {
				o = o[n[i]];

				if (!o)

			return o;

		addUnload : function(f, s) {
			var t = this;

			f = {func : f, scope : s || this};

			if (!t.unloads) {
				function unload() {
					var li = t.unloads, o, n;

					if (li) {
						// Call unload handlers
						for (n in li) {
							o = li[n];

							if (o && o.func), 1); // Send in one arg to distinct unload and user destroy

						// Detach unload function
						if (win.detachEvent) {
							win.detachEvent('onbeforeunload', fakeUnload);
							win.detachEvent('onunload', unload);
						} else if (win.removeEventListener)
							win.removeEventListener('unload', unload, false);

						// Destroy references
						t.unloads = o = li = w = unload = 0;

						// Run garbarge collector on IE
						if (win.CollectGarbage)

				function fakeUnload() {
					var d = document;

					// Is there things still loading, then do some magic
					if (d.readyState == 'interactive') {
						function stop() {
							// Prevent memory leak
							d.detachEvent('onstop', stop);

							// Call unload handler
							if (unload)

							d = 0;

						// Fire unload when the currently loading page is stopped
						if (d)
							d.attachEvent('onstop', stop);

						// Remove onstop listener after a while to prevent the unload function
						// to execute if the user presses cancel in an onbeforeunload
						// confirm dialog and then presses the browser stop button
						win.setTimeout(function() {
							if (d)
								d.detachEvent('onstop', stop);
						}, 0);

				// Attach unload handler
				if (win.attachEvent) {
					win.attachEvent('onunload', unload);
					win.attachEvent('onbeforeunload', fakeUnload);
				} else if (win.addEventListener)
					win.addEventListener('unload', unload, false);

				// Setup initial unload handler array
				t.unloads = [f];
			} else

			return f;

		removeUnload : function(f) {
			var u = this.unloads, r = null;

			tinymce.each(u, function(o, i) {
				if (o && o.func == f) {
					u.splice(i, 1);
					r = f;
					return false;

			return r;

		explode : function(s, d) {
			return s ? || ','), tinymce.trim) : s;

		_addVer : function(u) {
			var v;

			if (!this.query)
				return u;

			v = (u.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&') + this.query;

			if (u.indexOf('#') == -1)
				return u + v;

			return u.replace('#', v + '#');


	// Initialize the API

	// Expose tinymce namespace to the global namespace (window)
	win.tinymce = win.tinyMCE = tinymce;

tinymce.create('tinymce.util.Dispatcher', {
	scope : null,
	listeners : null,

	Dispatcher : function(s) {
		this.scope = s || this;
		this.listeners = [];

	add : function(cb, s) {
		this.listeners.push({cb : cb, scope : s || this.scope});

		return cb;

	addToTop : function(cb, s) {
		this.listeners.unshift({cb : cb, scope : s || this.scope});

		return cb;

	remove : function(cb) {
		var l = this.listeners, o = null;

		tinymce.each(l, function(c, i) {
			if (cb == c.cb) {
				o = cb;
				l.splice(i, 1);
				return false;

		return o;

	dispatch : function() {
		var s, a = arguments, i, li = this.listeners, c;

		// Needs to be a real loop since the listener count might change while looping
		// And this is also more efficient
		for (i = 0; i<li.length; i++) {
			c = li[i];
			s = c.cb.apply(c.scope, a);

			if (s === false)

		return s;


(function() {
	var each = tinymce.each;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.util.URI', {
		URI : function(u, s) {
			var t = this, o, a, b;

			// Trim whitespace
			u = tinymce.trim(u);

			// Default settings
			s = t.settings = s || {};

			// Strange app protocol or local anchor
			if (/^(mailto|tel|news|javascript|about|data):/i.test(u) || /^\s*#/.test(u)) {
				t.source = u;

			// Absolute path with no host, fake host and protocol
			if (u.indexOf('/') === 0 && u.indexOf('//') !== 0)
				u = (s.base_uri ? s.base_uri.protocol || 'http' : 'http') + '://mce_host' + u;

			// Relative path http:// or protocol relative //path
			if (!/^\w*:?\/\//.test(u))
				u = (s.base_uri.protocol || 'http') + '://mce_host' + t.toAbsPath(s.base_uri.path, u);

			// Parse URL (Credits goes to Steave,
			u = u.replace(/@@/g, '(mce_at)'); // Zope 3 workaround, they use @@something
			u = /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)([^:\/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/)?((?:(([^:@]*):?([^:@]*))?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/.exec(u);
			each(["source","protocol","authority","userInfo","user","password","host","port","relative","path","directory","file","query","anchor"], function(v, i) {
				var s = u[i];

				// Zope 3 workaround, they use @@something
				if (s)
					s = s.replace(/\(mce_at\)/g, '@@');

				t[v] = s;

			if (b = s.base_uri) {
				if (!t.protocol)
					t.protocol = b.protocol;

				if (!t.userInfo)
					t.userInfo = b.userInfo;

				if (!t.port && == 'mce_host')
					t.port = b.port;

				if (! || == 'mce_host') =;

				t.source = '';

			//t.path = t.path || '/';

		setPath : function(p) {
			var t = this;

			p = /^(.*?)\/?(\w+)?$/.exec(p);

			// Update path parts
			t.path = p[0]; = p[1];
			t.file = p[2];

			// Rebuild source
			t.source = '';

		toRelative : function(u) {
			var t = this, o;

			if (u === "./")
				return u;

			u = new tinymce.util.URI(u, {base_uri : t});

			// Not on same domain/port or protocol
			if (( != 'mce_host' && != && || t.port != u.port || t.protocol != u.protocol)
				return u.getURI();

			o = t.toRelPath(t.path, u.path);

			// Add query
			if (u.query)
				o += '?' + u.query;

			// Add anchor
			if (u.anchor)
				o += '#' + u.anchor;

			return o;
		toAbsolute : function(u, nh) {
			var u = new tinymce.util.URI(u, {base_uri : this});

			return u.getURI( == && this.protocol == u.protocol ? nh : 0);

		toRelPath : function(base, path) {
			var items, bp = 0, out = '', i, l;

			// Split the paths
			base = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf('/'));
			base = base.split('/');
			items = path.split('/');

			if (base.length >= items.length) {
				for (i = 0, l = base.length; i < l; i++) {
					if (i >= items.length || base[i] != items[i]) {
						bp = i + 1;

			if (base.length < items.length) {
				for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
					if (i >= base.length || base[i] != items[i]) {
						bp = i + 1;

			if (bp == 1)
				return path;

			for (i = 0, l = base.length - (bp - 1); i < l; i++)
				out += "../";

			for (i = bp - 1, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
				if (i != bp - 1)
					out += "/" + items[i];
					out += items[i];

			return out;

		toAbsPath : function(base, path) {
			var i, nb = 0, o = [], tr, outPath;

			// Split paths
			tr = /\/$/.test(path) ? '/' : '';
			base = base.split('/');
			path = path.split('/');

			// Remove empty chunks
			each(base, function(k) {
				if (k)

			base = o;

			// Merge relURLParts chunks
			for (i = path.length - 1, o = []; i >= 0; i--) {
				// Ignore empty or .
				if (path[i].length == 0 || path[i] == ".")

				// Is parent
				if (path[i] == '..') {

				// Move up
				if (nb > 0) {


			i = base.length - nb;

			// If /a/b/c or /
			if (i <= 0)
				outPath = o.reverse().join('/');
				outPath = base.slice(0, i).join('/') + '/' + o.reverse().join('/');

			// Add front / if it's needed
			if (outPath.indexOf('/') !== 0)
				outPath = '/' + outPath;

			// Add traling / if it's needed
			if (tr && outPath.lastIndexOf('/') !== outPath.length - 1)
				outPath += tr;

			return outPath;

		getURI : function(nh) {
			var s, t = this;

			// Rebuild source
			if (!t.source || nh) {
				s = '';

				if (!nh) {
					if (t.protocol)
						s += t.protocol + '://';

					if (t.userInfo)
						s += t.userInfo + '@';

					if (
						s +=;

					if (t.port)
						s += ':' + t.port;

				if (t.path)
					s += t.path;

				if (t.query)
					s += '?' + t.query;

				if (t.anchor)
					s += '#' + t.anchor;

				t.source = s;

			return t.source;

(function() {
	var each = tinymce.each;

	tinymce.create('static tinymce.util.Cookie', {
		getHash : function(n) {
			var v = this.get(n), h;

			if (v) {
				each(v.split('&'), function(v) {
					v = v.split('=');
					h = h || {};
					h[unescape(v[0])] = unescape(v[1]);

			return h;

		setHash : function(n, v, e, p, d, s) {
			var o = '';

			each(v, function(v, k) {
				o += (!o ? '' : '&') + escape(k) + '=' + escape(v);

			this.set(n, o, e, p, d, s);

		get : function(n) {
			var c = document.cookie, e, p = n + "=", b;

			// Strict mode
			if (!c)

			b = c.indexOf("; " + p);

			if (b == -1) {
				b = c.indexOf(p);

				if (b != 0)
					return null;
			} else
				b += 2;

			e = c.indexOf(";", b);

			if (e == -1)
				e = c.length;

			return unescape(c.substring(b + p.length, e));

		set : function(n, v, e, p, d, s) {
			document.cookie = n + "=" + escape(v) +
				((e) ? "; expires=" + e.toGMTString() : "") +
				((p) ? "; path=" + escape(p) : "") +
				((d) ? "; domain=" + d : "") +
				((s) ? "; secure" : "");

		remove : function(n, p) {
			var d = new Date();

			d.setTime(d.getTime() - 1000);

			this.set(n, '', d, p, d);

tinymce.create('static tinymce.util.JSON', {
	serialize : function(o) {
		var i, v, s = tinymce.util.JSON.serialize, t;

		if (o == null)
			return 'null';

		t = typeof o;

		if (t == 'string') {
			v = '\bb\tt\nn\ff\rr\""\'\'\\\\';

			return '"' + o.replace(/([\u0080-\uFFFF\x00-\x1f\"])/g, function(a, b) {
				i = v.indexOf(b);

				if (i + 1)
					return '\\' + v.charAt(i + 1);

				a = b.charCodeAt().toString(16);

				return '\\u' + '0000'.substring(a.length) + a;
			}) + '"';

		if (t == 'object') {
			if (o.hasOwnProperty && o instanceof Array) {
					for (i=0, v = '['; i<o.length; i++)
						v += (i > 0 ? ',' : '') + s(o[i]);

					return v + ']';

				v = '{';

				for (i in o)
					v += typeof o[i] != 'function' ? (v.length > 1 ? ',"' : '"') + i + '":' + s(o[i]) : '';

				return v + '}';

		return '' + o;

	parse : function(s) {
		try {
			return eval('(' + s + ')');
		} catch (ex) {
			// Ignore


tinymce.create('static tinymce.util.XHR', {
	send : function(o) {
		var x, t, w = window, c = 0;

		// Default settings
		o.scope = o.scope || this;
		o.success_scope = o.success_scope || o.scope;
		o.error_scope = o.error_scope || o.scope;
		o.async = o.async === false ? false : true; = || '';

		function get(s) {
			x = 0;

			try {
				x = new ActiveXObject(s);
			} catch (ex) {

			return x;

		x = w.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : get('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') || get('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');

		if (x) {
			if (x.overrideMimeType)
				x.overrideMimeType(o.content_type); || ( ? 'POST' : 'GET'), o.url, o.async);

			if (o.content_type)
				x.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', o.content_type);

			x.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');


			function ready() {
				if (!o.async || x.readyState == 4 || c++ > 10000) {
					if (o.success && c < 10000 && x.status == 200), '' + x.responseText, x, o);
					else if (o.error), c > 10000 ? 'TIMED_OUT' : 'GENERAL', x, o);

					x = null;
				} else
					w.setTimeout(ready, 10);

			// Syncronous request
			if (!o.async)
				return ready();

			// Wait for response, onReadyStateChange can not be used since it leaks memory in IE
			t = w.setTimeout(ready, 10);

(function() {
	var extend = tinymce.extend, JSON = tinymce.util.JSON, XHR = tinymce.util.XHR;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.util.JSONRequest', {
		JSONRequest : function(s) {
			this.settings = extend({
			}, s);
			this.count = 0;

		send : function(o) {
			var ecb = o.error, scb = o.success;

			o = extend(this.settings, o);

			o.success = function(c, x) {
				c = JSON.parse(c);

				if (typeof(c) == 'undefined') {
					c = {
						error : 'JSON Parse error.'

				if (c.error) || o.scope, c.error, x);
				else || o.scope, c.result);

			o.error = function(ty, x) { || o.scope, ty, x);
			}; = JSON.serialize({
				id : || 'c' + (this.count++),
				method : o.method,
				params : o.params

			// JSON content type for Ruby on rails. Bug: #1883287
			o.content_type = 'application/json';


		'static' : {
			sendRPC : function(o) {
				return new tinymce.util.JSONRequest().send(o);
(function(tinymce) {
	// Shorten names
	var each = tinymce.each,
		is =,
		isWebKit = tinymce.isWebKit,
		isIE = tinymce.isIE,
		boolAttrs = makeMap('checked,compact,declare,defer,disabled,ismap,multiple,nohref,noresize,noshade,nowrap,readonly,selected'),
		mceAttribs = makeMap('src,href,style,coords,shape'),
		encodedChars = {'&' : '&amp;', '"' : '&quot;', '<' : '&lt;', '>' : '&gt;'},
		encodeCharsRe = /[<>&\"]/g,
		simpleSelectorRe = /^([a-z0-9],?)+$/i,
		tagRegExp = /<(\w+)((?:\s+\w+(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\s]+))?)*)(\s*\/?)>/g,
		attrRegExp = /(\w+)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"((?:\\.|[^"])*)")|(?:'((?:\\.|[^'])*)')|([^>\s]+)))?/g;

	function makeMap(str) {
		var map = {}, i;

		str = str.split(',');
		for (i = str.length; i >= 0; i--)
			map[str[i]] = 1;

		return map;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.dom.DOMUtils', {
		doc : null,
		root : null,
		files : null,
		pixelStyles : /^(top|left|bottom|right|width|height|borderWidth)$/,
		props : {
			"for" : "htmlFor",
			"class" : "className",
			className : "className",
			checked : "checked",
			disabled : "disabled",
			maxlength : "maxLength",
			readonly : "readOnly",
			selected : "selected",
			value : "value",
			id : "id",
			name : "name",
			type : "type"

		DOMUtils : function(d, s) {
			var t = this, globalStyle;

			t.doc = d; = window;
			t.files = {};
			t.cssFlicker = false;
			t.counter = 0;
			t.boxModel = !tinymce.isIE || d.compatMode == "CSS1Compat"; 
			t.stdMode = d.documentMode === 8;

			t.settings = s = tinymce.extend({
				keep_values : false,
				hex_colors : 1,
				process_html : 1
			}, s);

			// Fix IE6SP2 flicker and check it failed for pre SP2
			if (tinymce.isIE6) {
				try {
					d.execCommand('BackgroundImageCache', false, true);
				} catch (e) {
					t.cssFlicker = true;

			// Build styles list
			if (s.valid_styles) {
				t._styles = {};

				// Convert styles into a rule list
				each(s.valid_styles, function(value, key) {
					t._styles[key] = tinymce.explode(value);

			tinymce.addUnload(t.destroy, t);

		getRoot : function() {
			var t = this, s = t.settings;

			return (s && t.get(s.root_element)) || t.doc.body;

		getViewPort : function(w) {
			var d, b;

			w = !w ? : w;
			d = w.document;
			b = this.boxModel ? d.documentElement : d.body;

			// Returns viewport size excluding scrollbars
			return {
				x : w.pageXOffset || b.scrollLeft,
				y : w.pageYOffset || b.scrollTop,
				w : w.innerWidth || b.clientWidth,
				h : w.innerHeight || b.clientHeight

		getRect : function(e) {
			var p, t = this, sr;

			e = t.get(e);
			p = t.getPos(e);
			sr = t.getSize(e);

			return {
				x : p.x,
				y : p.y,
				w : sr.w,
				h : sr.h

		getSize : function(e) {
			var t = this, w, h;

			e = t.get(e);
			w = t.getStyle(e, 'width');
			h = t.getStyle(e, 'height');

			// Non pixel value, then force offset/clientWidth
			if (w.indexOf('px') === -1)
				w = 0;

			// Non pixel value, then force offset/clientWidth
			if (h.indexOf('px') === -1)
				h = 0;

			return {
				w : parseInt(w) || e.offsetWidth || e.clientWidth,
				h : parseInt(h) || e.offsetHeight || e.clientHeight

		getParent : function(n, f, r) {
			return this.getParents(n, f, r, false);

		getParents : function(n, f, r, c) {
			var t = this, na, se = t.settings, o = [];

			n = t.get(n);
			c = c === undefined;

			if (se.strict_root)
				r = r || t.getRoot();

			// Wrap node name as func
			if (is(f, 'string')) {
				na = f;

				if (f === '*') {
					f = function(n) {return n.nodeType == 1;};
				} else {
					f = function(n) {
						return, na);

			while (n) {
				if (n == r || !n.nodeType || n.nodeType === 9)

				if (!f || f(n)) {
					if (c)
						return n;

				n = n.parentNode;

			return c ? o : null;

		get : function(e) {
			var n;

			if (e && this.doc && typeof(e) == 'string') {
				n = e;
				e = this.doc.getElementById(e);

				// IE and Opera returns meta elements when they match the specified input ID, but getElementsByName seems to do the trick
				if (e && !== n)
					return this.doc.getElementsByName(n)[1];

			return e;

		getNext : function(node, selector) {
			return this._findSib(node, selector, 'nextSibling');

		getPrev : function(node, selector) {
			return this._findSib(node, selector, 'previousSibling');

		select : function(pa, s) {
			var t = this;

			return tinymce.dom.Sizzle(pa, t.get(s) || t.get(t.settings.root_element) || t.doc, []);

		is : function(n, selector) {
			var i;

			// If it isn't an array then try to do some simple selectors instead of Sizzle for to boost performance
			if (n.length === undefined) {
				// Simple all selector
				if (selector === '*')
					return n.nodeType == 1;

				// Simple selector just elements
				if (simpleSelectorRe.test(selector)) {
					selector = selector.toLowerCase().split(/,/);
					n = n.nodeName.toLowerCase();

					for (i = selector.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
						if (selector[i] == n)
							return true;

					return false;

			return tinymce.dom.Sizzle.matches(selector, n.nodeType ? [n] : n).length > 0;

		add : function(p, n, a, h, c) {
			var t = this;

			return, function(p) {
				var e, k;

				e = is(n, 'string') ? t.doc.createElement(n) : n;
				t.setAttribs(e, a);

				if (h) {
					if (h.nodeType)
						t.setHTML(e, h);

				return !c ? p.appendChild(e) : e;

		create : function(n, a, h) {
			return this.add(this.doc.createElement(n), n, a, h, 1);

		createHTML : function(n, a, h) {
			var o = '', t = this, k;

			o += '<' + n;

			for (k in a) {
				if (a.hasOwnProperty(k))
					o += ' ' + k + '="' + t.encode(a[k]) + '"';

			if (
				return o + '>' + h + '</' + n + '>';

			return o + ' />';

		remove : function(node, keep_children) {
			return, function(node) {
				var parent, child;

				parent = node.parentNode;

				if (!parent)
					return null;

				if (keep_children) {
					while (child = node.firstChild) {
						// IE 8 will crash if you don't remove completely empty text nodes
						if (!tinymce.isIE || child.nodeType !== 3 || child.nodeValue)
							parent.insertBefore(child, node);

				return parent.removeChild(node);

		setStyle : function(n, na, v) {
			var t = this;

			return, function(e) {
				var s, i;

				s =;

				// Camelcase it, if needed
				na = na.replace(/-(\D)/g, function(a, b){
					return b.toUpperCase();

				// Default px suffix on these
				if (t.pixelStyles.test(na) && (, 'number') || /^[\-0-9\.]+$/.test(v)))
					v += 'px';

				switch (na) {
					case 'opacity':
						// IE specific opacity
						if (isIE) {
							s.filter = v === '' ? '' : "alpha(opacity=" + (v * 100) + ")";

							if (!n.currentStyle || !n.currentStyle.hasLayout)
								s.display = 'inline-block';

						// Fix for older browsers
						s[na] = s['-moz-opacity'] = s['-khtml-opacity'] = v || '';

					case 'float':
						isIE ? s.styleFloat = v : s.cssFloat = v;
						s[na] = v || '';

				// Force update of the style data
				if (t.settings.update_styles)
					t.setAttrib(e, '_mce_style');

		getStyle : function(n, na, c) {
			n = this.get(n);

			if (!n)
				return false;

			// Gecko
			if (this.doc.defaultView && c) {
				// Remove camelcase
				na = na.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(a){
					return '-' + a;

				try {
					return this.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(n, null).getPropertyValue(na);
				} catch (ex) {
					// Old safari might fail
					return null;

			// Camelcase it, if needed
			na = na.replace(/-(\D)/g, function(a, b){
				return b.toUpperCase();

			if (na == 'float')
				na = isIE ? 'styleFloat' : 'cssFloat';

			// IE & Opera
			if (n.currentStyle && c)
				return n.currentStyle[na];


		setStyles : function(e, o) {
			var t = this, s = t.settings, ol;

			ol = s.update_styles;
			s.update_styles = 0;

			each(o, function(v, n) {
				t.setStyle(e, n, v);

			// Update style info
			s.update_styles = ol;
			if (s.update_styles)
				t.setAttrib(e, s.cssText);

		setAttrib : function(e, n, v) {
			var t = this;

			// Whats the point
			if (!e || !n)

			// Strict XML mode
			if (t.settings.strict)
				n = n.toLowerCase();

			return, function(e) {
				var s = t.settings;

				switch (n) {
					case "style":
						if (!is(v, 'string')) {
							each(v, function(v, n) {
								t.setStyle(e, n, v);


						// No mce_style for elements with these since they might get resized by the user
						if (s.keep_values) {
							if (v && !t._isRes(v))
								e.setAttribute('_mce_style', v, 2);
								e.removeAttribute('_mce_style', 2);
						} = v;

					case "class":
						e.className = v || ''; // Fix IE null bug

					case "src":
					case "href":
						if (s.keep_values) {
							if (s.url_converter)
								v = || t, v, n, e);

							t.setAttrib(e, '_mce_' + n, v, 2);

					case "shape":
						e.setAttribute('_mce_style', v);

				if (is(v) && v !== null && v.length !== 0)
					e.setAttribute(n, '' + v, 2);
					e.removeAttribute(n, 2);

		setAttribs : function(e, o) {
			var t = this;

			return, function(e) {
				each(o, function(v, n) {
					t.setAttrib(e, n, v);

		getAttrib : function(e, n, dv) {
			var v, t = this;

			e = t.get(e);

			if (!e || e.nodeType !== 1)
				return false;

			if (!is(dv))
				dv = '';

			// Try the mce variant for these
			if (/^(src|href|style|coords|shape)$/.test(n)) {
				v = e.getAttribute("_mce_" + n);

				if (v)
					return v;

			if (isIE && t.props[n]) {
				v = e[t.props[n]];
				v = v && v.nodeValue ? v.nodeValue : v;

			if (!v)
				v = e.getAttribute(n, 2);

			// Check boolean attribs
			if (/^(checked|compact|declare|defer|disabled|ismap|multiple|nohref|noshade|nowrap|readonly|selected)$/.test(n)) {
				if (e[t.props[n]] === true && v === '')
					return n;

				return v ? n : '';

			// Inner input elements will override attributes on form elements
			if (e.nodeName === "FORM" && e.getAttributeNode(n))
				return e.getAttributeNode(n).nodeValue;

			if (n === 'style') {
				v = v ||;

				if (v) {
					v = t.serializeStyle(t.parseStyle(v), e.nodeName);

					if (t.settings.keep_values && !t._isRes(v))
						e.setAttribute('_mce_style', v);

			// Remove Apple and WebKit stuff
			if (isWebKit && n === "class" && v)
				v = v.replace(/(apple|webkit)\-[a-z\-]+/gi, '');

			// Handle IE issues
			if (isIE) {
				switch (n) {
					case 'rowspan':
					case 'colspan':
						// IE returns 1 as default value
						if (v === 1)
							v = '';


					case 'size':
						// IE returns +0 as default value for size
						if (v === '+0' || v === 20 || v === 0)
							v = '';


					case 'width':
					case 'height':
					case 'vspace':
					case 'checked':
					case 'disabled':
					case 'readonly':
						if (v === 0)
							v = '';


					case 'hspace':
						// IE returns -1 as default value
						if (v === -1)
							v = '';


					case 'maxlength':
					case 'tabindex':
						// IE returns default value
						if (v === 32768 || v === 2147483647 || v === '32768')
							v = '';


					case 'multiple':
					case 'compact':
					case 'noshade':
					case 'nowrap':
						if (v === 65535)
							return n;

						return dv;

					case 'shape':
						v = v.toLowerCase();

						// IE has odd anonymous function for event attributes
						if (n.indexOf('on') === 0 && v)
							v = ('' + v).replace(/^function\s+\w+\(\)\s+\{\s+(.*)\s+\}$/, '$1');

			return (v !== undefined && v !== null && v !== '') ? '' + v : dv;

		getPos : function(n, ro) {
			var t = this, x = 0, y = 0, e, d = t.doc, r;

			n = t.get(n);
			ro = ro || d.body;

			if (n) {
				// Use getBoundingClientRect on IE, Opera has it but it's not perfect
				if (isIE && !t.stdMode) {
					n = n.getBoundingClientRect();
					e = t.boxModel ? d.documentElement : d.body;
					x = t.getStyle('html')[0], 'borderWidth'); // Remove border
					x = (x == 'medium' || t.boxModel && !t.isIE6) && 2 || x;

					return {x : n.left + e.scrollLeft - x, y : + e.scrollTop - x};

				r = n;
				while (r && r != ro && r.nodeType) {
					x += r.offsetLeft || 0;
					y += r.offsetTop || 0;
					r = r.offsetParent;

				r = n.parentNode;
				while (r && r != ro && r.nodeType) {
					x -= r.scrollLeft || 0;
					y -= r.scrollTop || 0;
					r = r.parentNode;

			return {x : x, y : y};

		parseStyle : function(st) {
			var t = this, s = t.settings, o = {};

			if (!st)
				return o;

			function compress(p, s, ot) {
				var t, r, b, l;

				// Get values and check it it needs compressing
				t = o[p + '-top' + s];
				if (!t)

				r = o[p + '-right' + s];
				if (t != r)

				b = o[p + '-bottom' + s];
				if (r != b)

				l = o[p + '-left' + s];
				if (b != l)

				// Compress
				o[ot] = l;
				delete o[p + '-top' + s];
				delete o[p + '-right' + s];
				delete o[p + '-bottom' + s];
				delete o[p + '-left' + s];

			function compress2(ta, a, b, c) {
				var t;

				t = o[a];
				if (!t)

				t = o[b];
				if (!t)

				t = o[c];
				if (!t)

				// Compress
				o[ta] = o[a] + ' ' + o[b] + ' ' + o[c];
				delete o[a];
				delete o[b];
				delete o[c];

			st = st.replace(/&(#?[a-z0-9]+);/g, '&$1_MCE_SEMI_'); // Protect entities

			each(st.split(';'), function(v) {
				var sv, ur = [];

				if (v) {
					v = v.replace(/_MCE_SEMI_/g, ';'); // Restore entities
					v = v.replace(/url\([^\)]+\)/g, function(v) {ur.push(v);return 'url(' + ur.length + ')';});
					v = v.split(':');
					sv = tinymce.trim(v[1]);
					sv = sv.replace(/url\(([^\)]+)\)/g, function(a, b) {return ur[parseInt(b) - 1];});

					sv = sv.replace(/rgb\([^\)]+\)/g, function(v) {
						return t.toHex(v);

					if (s.url_converter) {
						sv = sv.replace(/url\([\'\"]?([^\)\'\"]+)[\'\"]?\)/g, function(x, c) {
							return 'url(' + || t, t.decode(c), 'style', null) + ')';

					o[tinymce.trim(v[0]).toLowerCase()] = sv;

			compress("border", "", "border");
			compress("border", "-width", "border-width");
			compress("border", "-color", "border-color");
			compress("border", "-style", "border-style");
			compress("padding", "", "padding");
			compress("margin", "", "margin");
			compress2('border', 'border-width', 'border-style', 'border-color');

			if (isIE) {
				// Remove pointless border
				if (o.border == 'medium none')
					o.border = '';

			return o;

		serializeStyle : function(o, name) {
			var t = this, s = '';

			function add(v, k) {
				if (k && v) {
					// Remove browser specific styles like -moz- or -webkit-
					if (k.indexOf('-') === 0)

					switch (k) {
						case 'font-weight':
							// Opera will output bold as 700
							if (v == 700)
								v = 'bold';


						case 'color':
						case 'background-color':
							v = v.toLowerCase();

					s += (s ? ' ' : '') + k + ': ' + v + ';';

			// Validate style output
			if (name && t._styles) {
				each(t._styles['*'], function(name) {
					add(o[name], name);

				each(t._styles[name.toLowerCase()], function(name) {
					add(o[name], name);
			} else
				each(o, add);

			return s;

		loadCSS : function(u) {
			var t = this, d = t.doc, head;

			if (!u)
				u = '';

			head ='head')[0];

			each(u.split(','), function(u) {
				var link;

				if (t.files[u])

				t.files[u] = true;
				link = t.create('link', {rel : 'stylesheet', href : tinymce._addVer(u)});

				// IE 8 has a bug where dynamically loading stylesheets would produce a 1 item remaining bug
				// This fix seems to resolve that issue by realcing the document ones a stylesheet finishes loading
				// It's ugly but it seems to work fine.
				if (isIE && d.documentMode) {
					link.onload = function() {
						link.onload = null;


		addClass : function(e, c) {
			return, function(e) {
				var o;

				if (!c)
					return 0;

				if (this.hasClass(e, c))
					return e.className;

				o = this.removeClass(e, c);

				return e.className = (o != '' ? (o + ' ') : '') + c;

		removeClass : function(e, c) {
			var t = this, re;

			return, function(e) {
				var v;

				if (t.hasClass(e, c)) {
					if (!re)
						re = new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + c + "(\\s+|$)", "g");

					v = e.className.replace(re, ' ');
					v = tinymce.trim(v != ' ' ? v : '');

					e.className = v;

					// Empty class attr
					if (!v) {

					return v;

				return e.className;

		hasClass : function(n, c) {
			n = this.get(n);

			if (!n || !c)
				return false;

			return (' ' + n.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + c + ' ') !== -1;

		show : function(e) {
			return this.setStyle(e, 'display', 'block');

		hide : function(e) {
			return this.setStyle(e, 'display', 'none');

		isHidden : function(e) {
			e = this.get(e);

			return !e || == 'none' || this.getStyle(e, 'display') == 'none';

		uniqueId : function(p) {
			return (!p ? 'mce_' : p) + (this.counter++);

		setHTML : function(e, h) {
			var t = this;

			return, function(e) {
				var x, i, nl, n, p, x;

				h = t.processHTML(h);

				if (isIE) {
					function set() {
						// Remove all child nodes
						while (e.firstChild)

						try {
							// IE will remove comments from the beginning
							// unless you padd the contents with something
							e.innerHTML = '<br />' + h;
						} catch (ex) {
							// IE sometimes produces an unknown runtime error on innerHTML if it's an block element within a block element for example a div inside a p
							// This seems to fix this problem

							// Create new div with HTML contents and a BR infront to keep comments
							x = t.create('div');
							x.innerHTML = '<br />' + h;

							// Add all children from div to target
							each (x.childNodes, function(n, i) {
								// Skip br element
								if (i)

					// IE has a serious bug when it comes to paragraphs it can produce an invalid
					// DOM tree if contents like this <p><ul><li>Item 1</li></ul></p> is inserted
					// It seems to be that IE doesn't like a root block element placed inside another root block element
					if (t.settings.fix_ie_paragraphs)
						h = h.replace(/<p><\/p>|<p([^>]+)><\/p>|<p[^\/+]\/>/gi, '<p$1 _mce_keep="true">&nbsp;</p>');


					if (t.settings.fix_ie_paragraphs) {
						// Check for odd paragraphs this is a sign of a broken DOM
						nl = e.getElementsByTagName("p");
						for (i = nl.length - 1, x = 0; i >= 0; i--) {
							n = nl[i];

							if (!n.hasChildNodes()) {
								if (!n._mce_keep) {
									x = 1; // Is broken


					// Time to fix the madness IE left us
					if (x) {
						// So if we replace the p elements with divs and mark them and then replace them back to paragraphs
						// after we use innerHTML we can fix the DOM tree
						h = h.replace(/<p ([^>]+)>|<p>/ig, '<div $1 _mce_tmp="1">');
						h = h.replace(/<\/p>/gi, '</div>');

						// Set the new HTML with DIVs

						// Replace all DIV elements with the _mce_tmp attibute back to paragraphs
						// This is needed since IE has a annoying bug see above for details
						// This is a slow process but it has to be done. :(
						if (t.settings.fix_ie_paragraphs) {
							nl = e.getElementsByTagName("DIV");
							for (i = nl.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
								n = nl[i];

								// Is it a temp div
								if (n._mce_tmp) {
									// Create new paragraph
									p = t.doc.createElement('p');

									// Copy all attributes
									n.cloneNode(false).outerHTML.replace(/([a-z0-9\-_]+)=/gi, function(a, b) {
										var v;

										if (b !== '_mce_tmp') {
											v = n.getAttribute(b);

											if (!v && b === 'class')
												v = n.className;

											p.setAttribute(b, v);

									// Append all children to new paragraph
									for (x = 0; x<n.childNodes.length; x++)

									// Replace div with new paragraph
				} else
					e.innerHTML = h;

				return h;

		processHTML : function(h) {
			var t = this, s = t.settings, codeBlocks = [];

			if (!s.process_html)
				return h;

			if (isIE) {
				h = h.replace(/&apos;/g, '&#39;'); // IE can't handle apos
				h = h.replace(/\s+(disabled|checked|readonly|selected)\s*=\s*[\"\']?(false|0)[\"\']?/gi, ''); // IE doesn't handle default values correct

			// Fix some issues
			h = h.replace(/<a( )([^>]+)\/>|<a\/>/gi, '<a$1$2></a>'); // Force open

			// Store away src and href in _mce_src and mce_href since browsers mess them up
			if (s.keep_values) {
				// Wrap scripts and styles in comments for serialization purposes
				if (/<script|noscript|style/i.test(h)) {
					function trim(s) {
						// Remove prefix and suffix code for element
						s = s.replace(/(<!--\[CDATA\[|\]\]-->)/g, '\n');
						s = s.replace(/^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]*$/g, '');
						s = s.replace(/^\s*(\/\/\s*<!--|\/\/\s*<!\[CDATA\[|<!--|<!\[CDATA\[)[\r\n]*/g, '');
						s = s.replace(/\s*(\/\/\s*\]\]>|\/\/\s*-->|\]\]>|-->|\]\]-->)\s*$/g, '');

						return s;

					// Wrap the script contents in CDATA and keep them from executing
					h = h.replace(/<script([^>]+|)>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi, function(v, attribs, text) {
						// Force type attribute
						if (!attribs)
							attribs = ' type="text/javascript"';

						// Convert the src attribute of the scripts
						attribs = attribs.replace(/src=\"([^\"]+)\"?/i, function(a, url) {
							if (s.url_converter)
								url = t.encode( || t, t.decode(url), 'src', 'script'));

							return '_mce_src="' + url + '"';

						// Wrap text contents
						if (tinymce.trim(text)) {
							text = '<!--\nMCE_SCRIPT:' + (codeBlocks.length - 1) + '\n// -->';

						return '<mce:script' + attribs + '>' + text + '</mce:script>';

					// Wrap style elements
					h = h.replace(/<style([^>]+|)>([\s\S]*?)<\/style>/gi, function(v, attribs, text) {
						// Wrap text contents
						if (text) {
							text = '<!--\nMCE_SCRIPT:' + (codeBlocks.length - 1) + '\n-->';

						return '<mce:style' + attribs + '>' + text + '</mce:style><style ' + attribs + ' _mce_bogus="1">' + text + '</style>';

					// Wrap noscript elements
					h = h.replace(/<noscript([^>]+|)>([\s\S]*?)<\/noscript>/g, function(v, attribs, text) {
						return '<mce:noscript' + attribs + '><!--' + t.encode(text).replace(/--/g, '&#45;&#45;') + '--></mce:noscript>';

				h = h.replace(/<!\[CDATA\[([\s\S]+)\]\]>/g, '<!--[CDATA[$1]]-->');

				// This function processes the attributes in the HTML string to force boolean
				// attributes to the attr="attr" format and convert style, src and href to _mce_ versions
				function processTags(html) {
					return html.replace(tagRegExp, function(match, elm_name, attrs, end) {
						return '<' + elm_name + attrs.replace(attrRegExp, function(match, name, value, val2, val3) {
							var mceValue;

							name = name.toLowerCase();
							value = value || val2 || val3 || "";

							// Treat boolean attributes
							if (boolAttrs[name]) {
								// false or 0 is treated as a missing attribute
								if (value === 'false' || value === '0')

								return name + '="' + name + '"';

							// Is attribute one that needs special treatment
							if (mceAttribs[name] && attrs.indexOf('_mce_' + name) == -1) {
								mceValue = t.decode(value);

								// Convert URLs to relative/absolute ones
								if (s.url_converter && (name == "src" || name == "href"))
									mceValue = || t, mceValue, name, elm_name);

								// Process styles lowercases them and compresses them
								if (name == 'style')
									mceValue = t.serializeStyle(t.parseStyle(mceValue), name);

								return name + '="' + value + '"' + ' _mce_' + name + '="' + t.encode(mceValue) + '"';

							return match;
						}) + end + '>';

				h = processTags(h);

				// Restore script blocks
				h = h.replace(/MCE_SCRIPT:([0-9]+)/g, function(val, idx) {
					return codeBlocks[idx];

			return h;

		getOuterHTML : function(e) {
			var d;

			e = this.get(e);

			if (!e)
				return null;

			if (e.outerHTML !== undefined)
				return e.outerHTML;

			d = (e.ownerDocument || this.doc).createElement("body");

			return d.innerHTML;

		setOuterHTML : function(e, h, d) {
			var t = this;

			function setHTML(e, h, d) {
				var n, tp;

				tp = d.createElement("body");
				tp.innerHTML = h;

				n = tp.lastChild;
				while (n) {
					t.insertAfter(n.cloneNode(true), e);
					n = n.previousSibling;


			return, function(e) {
				e = t.get(e);

				// Only set HTML on elements
				if (e.nodeType == 1) {
					d = d || e.ownerDocument || t.doc;

					if (isIE) {
						try {
							// Try outerHTML for IE it sometimes produces an unknown runtime error
							if (isIE && e.nodeType == 1)
								e.outerHTML = h;
								setHTML(e, h, d);
						} catch (ex) {
							// Fix for unknown runtime error
							setHTML(e, h, d);
					} else
						setHTML(e, h, d);

		decode : function(s) {
			var e, n, v;

			// Look for entities to decode
			if (/&[\w#]+;/.test(s)) {
				// Decode the entities using a div element not super efficient but less code
				e = this.doc.createElement("div");
				e.innerHTML = s;
				n = e.firstChild;
				v = '';

				if (n) {
					do {
						v += n.nodeValue;
					} while (n = n.nextSibling);

				return v || s;

			return s;

		encode : function(str) {
			return ('' + str).replace(encodeCharsRe, function(chr) {
				return encodedChars[chr];

		insertAfter : function(node, reference_node) {
			reference_node = this.get(reference_node);

			return, function(node) {
				var parent, nextSibling;

				parent = reference_node.parentNode;
				nextSibling = reference_node.nextSibling;

				if (nextSibling)
					parent.insertBefore(node, nextSibling);

				return node;

		isBlock : function(n) {
			if (n.nodeType && n.nodeType !== 1)
				return false;

			n = n.nodeName || n;

			return blockRe.test(n);

		replace : function(n, o, k) {
			var t = this;

			if (is(o, 'array'))
				n = n.cloneNode(true);

			return, function(o) {
				if (k) {
					each(tinymce.grep(o.childNodes), function(c) {

				return o.parentNode.replaceChild(n, o);

		rename : function(elm, name) {
			var t = this, newElm;

			if (elm.nodeName != name.toUpperCase()) {
				// Rename block element
				newElm = t.create(name);

				// Copy attribs to new block
				each(t.getAttribs(elm), function(attr_node) {
					t.setAttrib(newElm, attr_node.nodeName, t.getAttrib(elm, attr_node.nodeName));

				// Replace block
				t.replace(newElm, elm, 1);

			return newElm || elm;

		findCommonAncestor : function(a, b) {
			var ps = a, pe;

			while (ps) {
				pe = b;

				while (pe && ps != pe)
					pe = pe.parentNode;

				if (ps == pe)

				ps = ps.parentNode;

			if (!ps && a.ownerDocument)
				return a.ownerDocument.documentElement;

			return ps;

		toHex : function(s) {
			var c = /^\s*rgb\s*?\(\s*?([0-9]+)\s*?,\s*?([0-9]+)\s*?,\s*?([0-9]+)\s*?\)\s*$/i.exec(s);

			function hex(s) {
				s = parseInt(s).toString(16);

				return s.length > 1 ? s : '0' + s; // 0 -> 00

			if (c) {
				s = '#' + hex(c[1]) + hex(c[2]) + hex(c[3]);

				return s;

			return s;

		getClasses : function() {
			var t = this, cl = [], i, lo = {}, f = t.settings.class_filter, ov;

			if (t.classes)
				return t.classes;

			function addClasses(s) {
				// IE style imports
				each(s.imports, function(r) {

				each(s.cssRules || s.rules, function(r) {
					// Real type or fake it on IE
					switch (r.type || 1) {
						// Rule
						case 1:
							if (r.selectorText) {
								each(r.selectorText.split(','), function(v) {
									v = v.replace(/^\s*|\s*$|^\s\./g, "");

									// Is internal or it doesn't contain a class
									if (/\.mce/.test(v) || !/\.[\w\-]+$/.test(v))

									// Remove everything but class name
									ov = v;
									v = v.replace(/.*\.([a-z0-9_\-]+).*/i, '$1');

									// Filter classes
									if (f && !(v = f(v, ov)))

									if (!lo[v]) {
										cl.push({'class' : v});
										lo[v] = 1;

						// Import
						case 3:

			try {
				each(t.doc.styleSheets, addClasses);
			} catch (ex) {
				// Ignore

			if (cl.length > 0)
				t.classes = cl;

			return cl;

		run : function(e, f, s) {
			var t = this, o;

			if (t.doc && typeof(e) === 'string')
				e = t.get(e);

			if (!e)
				return false;

			s = s || this;
			if (!e.nodeType && (e.length || e.length === 0)) {
				o = [];

				each(e, function(e, i) {
					if (e) {
						if (typeof(e) == 'string')
							e = t.doc.getElementById(e);

						o.push(, e, i));

				return o;

			return, e);

		getAttribs : function(n) {
			var o;

			n = this.get(n);

			if (!n)
				return [];

			if (isIE) {
				o = [];

				// Object will throw exception in IE
				if (n.nodeName == 'OBJECT')
					return n.attributes;

				// IE doesn't keep the selected attribute if you clone option elements
				if (n.nodeName === 'OPTION' && this.getAttrib(n, 'selected'))
					o.push({specified : 1, nodeName : 'selected'});

				// It's crazy that this is faster in IE but it's because it returns all attributes all the time
				n.cloneNode(false).outerHTML.replace(/<\/?[\w:\-]+ ?|=[\"][^\"]+\"|=\'[^\']+\'|=[\w\-]+|>/gi, '').replace(/[\w:\-]+/gi, function(a) {
					o.push({specified : 1, nodeName : a});

				return o;

			return n.attributes;

		destroy : function(s) {
			var t = this;

			if (; = t.doc = t.root = = null;

			// Manual destroy then remove unload handler
			if (!s)

		createRng : function() {
			var d = this.doc;

			return d.createRange ? d.createRange() : new tinymce.dom.Range(this);

		nodeIndex : function(node, normalized) {
			var idx = 0, lastNodeType, lastNode, nodeType;

			if (node) {
				for (lastNodeType = node.nodeType, node = node.previousSibling, lastNode = node; node; node = node.previousSibling) {
					nodeType = node.nodeType;

					// Normalize text nodes
					if (normalized && nodeType == 3) {
						if (nodeType == lastNodeType || !node.nodeValue.length)

					lastNodeType = nodeType;

			return idx;

		split : function(pe, e, re) {
			var t = this, r = t.createRng(), bef, aft, pa;

			// W3C valid browsers tend to leave empty nodes to the left/right side of the contents, this makes sense
			// but we don't want that in our code since it serves no purpose for the end user
			// For example if this is chopped:
			//   <p>text 1<span><b>CHOP</b></span>text 2</p>
			// would produce:
			//   <p>text 1<span></span></p><b>CHOP</b><p><span></span>text 2</p>
			// this function will then trim of empty edges and produce:
			//   <p>text 1</p><b>CHOP</b><p>text 2</p>
			function trim(node) {
				var i, children = node.childNodes;

				if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.getAttribute('_mce_type') == 'bookmark')

				for (i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)

				if (node.nodeType != 9) {
					// Keep non whitespace text nodes
					if (node.nodeType == 3 && node.nodeValue.length > 0)

					if (node.nodeType == 1) {
						// If the only child is a bookmark then move it up
						children = node.childNodes;
						if (children.length == 1 && children[0] && children[0].nodeType == 1 && children[0].getAttribute('_mce_type') == 'bookmark')
							node.parentNode.insertBefore(children[0], node);

						// Keep non empty elements or img, hr etc
						if (children.length || /^(br|hr|input|img)$/i.test(node.nodeName))


				return node;

			if (pe && e) {
				// Get before chunk
				r.setStart(pe.parentNode, t.nodeIndex(pe));
				r.setEnd(e.parentNode, t.nodeIndex(e));
				bef = r.extractContents();

				// Get after chunk
				r = t.createRng();
				r.setStart(e.parentNode, t.nodeIndex(e) + 1);
				r.setEnd(pe.parentNode, t.nodeIndex(pe) + 1);
				aft = r.extractContents();

				// Insert before chunk
				pa = pe.parentNode;
				pa.insertBefore(trim(bef), pe);

				// Insert middle chunk
				if (re)
					pa.replaceChild(re, e);
					pa.insertBefore(e, pe);

				// Insert after chunk
				pa.insertBefore(trim(aft), pe);

				return re || e;

		bind : function(target, name, func, scope) {
			var t = this;

			if (! = new tinymce.dom.EventUtils();

			return, name, func, scope || this);

		unbind : function(target, name, func) {
			var t = this;

			if (! = new tinymce.dom.EventUtils();

			return, name, func);

		_findSib : function(node, selector, name) {
			var t = this, f = selector;

			if (node) {
				// If expression make a function of it using is
				if (is(f, 'string')) {
					f = function(node) {
						return, selector);

				// Loop all siblings
				for (node = node[name]; node; node = node[name]) {
					if (f(node))
						return node;

			return null;

		_isRes : function(c) {
			// Is live resizble element
			return /^(top|left|bottom|right|width|height)/i.test(c) || /;\s*(top|left|bottom|right|width|height)/i.test(c);

		walk : function(n, f, s) {
			var d = this.doc, w;

			if (d.createTreeWalker) {
				w = d.createTreeWalker(n, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);

				while ((n = w.nextNode()) != null) || this, n);
			} else
				tinymce.walk(n, f, 'childNodes', s);

		toRGB : function(s) {
			var c = /^\s*?#([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{1,2})([0-9A-F]{2})?\s*?$/.exec(s);

			if (c) {
				// #FFF -> #FFFFFF
				if (!is(c[3]))
					c[3] = c[2] = c[1];

				return "rgb(" + parseInt(c[1], 16) + "," + parseInt(c[2], 16) + "," + parseInt(c[3], 16) + ")";

			return s;

	tinymce.DOM = new tinymce.dom.DOMUtils(document, {process_html : 0});

(function(ns) {
	// Range constructor
	function Range(dom) {
		var t = this,
			doc = dom.doc,
			EXTRACT = 0,
			CLONE = 1,
			DELETE = 2,
			TRUE = true,
			FALSE = false,
			START_OFFSET = 'startOffset',
			START_CONTAINER = 'startContainer',
			END_CONTAINER = 'endContainer',
			END_OFFSET = 'endOffset',
			extend = tinymce.extend,
			nodeIndex = dom.nodeIndex;

		extend(t, {
			// Inital states
			startContainer : doc,
			startOffset : 0,
			endContainer : doc,
			endOffset : 0,
			collapsed : TRUE,
			commonAncestorContainer : doc,

			// Range constants
			START_TO_END : 1,
			END_TO_END : 2,
			END_TO_START : 3,

			// Public methods
			setStart : setStart,
			setEnd : setEnd,
			setStartBefore : setStartBefore,
			setStartAfter : setStartAfter,
			setEndBefore : setEndBefore,
			setEndAfter : setEndAfter,
			collapse : collapse,
			selectNode : selectNode,
			selectNodeContents : selectNodeContents,
			compareBoundaryPoints : compareBoundaryPoints,
			deleteContents : deleteContents,
			extractContents : extractContents,
			cloneContents : cloneContents,
			insertNode : insertNode,
			surroundContents : surroundContents,
			cloneRange : cloneRange

		function setStart(n, o) {
			_setEndPoint(TRUE, n, o);

		function setEnd(n, o) {
			_setEndPoint(FALSE, n, o);

		function setStartBefore(n) {
			setStart(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n));

		function setStartAfter(n) {
			setStart(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n) + 1);

		function setEndBefore(n) {
			setEnd(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n));

		function setEndAfter(n) {
			setEnd(n.parentNode, nodeIndex(n) + 1);

		function collapse(ts) {
			if (ts) {
			} else {

			t.collapsed = TRUE;

		function selectNode(n) {

		function selectNodeContents(n) {
			setStart(n, 0);
			setEnd(n, n.nodeType === 1 ? n.childNodes.length : n.nodeValue.length);

		function compareBoundaryPoints(h, r) {
			var sc = t[START_CONTAINER], so = t[START_OFFSET], ec = t[END_CONTAINER], eo = t[END_OFFSET];

			// Check START_TO_START
			if (h === 0)
				return _compareBoundaryPoints(sc, so, sc, so);

			// Check START_TO_END
			if (h === 1)
				return _compareBoundaryPoints(sc, so, ec, eo);

			// Check END_TO_END
			if (h === 2)
				return _compareBoundaryPoints(ec, eo, ec, eo);

			// Check END_TO_START
			if (h === 3)
				return _compareBoundaryPoints(ec, eo, sc, so);

		function deleteContents() {

		function extractContents() {
			return _traverse(EXTRACT);

		function cloneContents() {
			return _traverse(CLONE);

		function insertNode(n) {
			var startContainer = this[START_CONTAINER],
				startOffset = this[START_OFFSET], nn, o;

			// Node is TEXT_NODE or CDATA
			if ((startContainer.nodeType === 3 || startContainer.nodeType === 4) && startContainer.nodeValue) {
				if (!startOffset) {
					// At the start of text
					startContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(n, startContainer);
				} else if (startOffset >= startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
					// At the end of text
					dom.insertAfter(n, startContainer);
				} else {
					// Middle, need to split
					nn = startContainer.splitText(startOffset);
					startContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(n, nn);
			} else {
				// Insert element node
				if (startContainer.childNodes.length > 0)
					o = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];

				if (o)
					startContainer.insertBefore(n, o);

		function surroundContents(n) {
			var f = t.extractContents();


		function cloneRange() {
			return extend(new Range(dom), {
				startContainer : t[START_CONTAINER],
				startOffset : t[START_OFFSET],
				endContainer : t[END_CONTAINER],
				endOffset : t[END_OFFSET],
				collapsed : t.collapsed,
				commonAncestorContainer : t.commonAncestorContainer

		// Private methods

		function _getSelectedNode(container, offset) {
			var child;

			if (container.nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */)
				return container;

			if (offset < 0)
				return container;

			child = container.firstChild;
			while (child && offset > 0) {
				child = child.nextSibling;

			if (child)
				return child;

			return container;

		function _isCollapsed() {

		function _compareBoundaryPoints(containerA, offsetA, containerB, offsetB) {
			var c, offsetC, n, cmnRoot, childA, childB;

			// In the first case the boundary-points have the same container. A is before B
			// if its offset is less than the offset of B, A is equal to B if its offset is
			// equal to the offset of B, and A is after B if its offset is greater than the
			// offset of B.
			if (containerA == containerB) {
				if (offsetA == offsetB)
					return 0; // equal

				if (offsetA < offsetB)
					return -1; // before

				return 1; // after

			// In the second case a child node C of the container of A is an ancestor
			// container of B. In this case, A is before B if the offset of A is less than or
			// equal to the index of the child node C and A is after B otherwise.
			c = containerB;
			while (c && c.parentNode != containerA)
				c = c.parentNode;

			if (c) {
				offsetC = 0;
				n = containerA.firstChild;

				while (n != c && offsetC < offsetA) {
					n = n.nextSibling;

				if (offsetA <= offsetC)
					return -1; // before

				return 1; // after

			// In the third case a child node C of the container of B is an ancestor container
			// of A. In this case, A is before B if the index of the child node C is less than
			// the offset of B and A is after B otherwise.
			c = containerA;
			while (c && c.parentNode != containerB) {
				c = c.parentNode;

			if (c) {
				offsetC = 0;
				n = containerB.firstChild;

				while (n != c && offsetC < offsetB) {
					n = n.nextSibling;

				if (offsetC < offsetB)
					return -1; // before

				return 1; // after

			// In the fourth case, none of three other cases hold: the containers of A and B
			// are siblings or descendants of sibling nodes. In this case, A is before B if
			// the container of A is before the container of B in a pre-order traversal of the
			// Ranges' context tree and A is after B otherwise.
			cmnRoot = dom.findCommonAncestor(containerA, containerB);
			childA = containerA;

			while (childA && childA.parentNode != cmnRoot)
				childA = childA.parentNode;

			if (!childA)
				childA = cmnRoot;

			childB = containerB;
			while (childB && childB.parentNode != cmnRoot)
				childB = childB.parentNode;

			if (!childB)
				childB = cmnRoot;

			if (childA == childB)
				return 0; // equal

			n = cmnRoot.firstChild;
			while (n) {
				if (n == childA)
					return -1; // before

				if (n == childB)
					return 1; // after

				n = n.nextSibling;

		function _setEndPoint(st, n, o) {
			var ec, sc;

			if (st) {
				t[START_OFFSET] = o;
			} else {
				t[END_CONTAINER] = n;
				t[END_OFFSET] = o;

			// If one boundary-point of a Range is set to have a root container
			// other than the current one for the Range, the Range is collapsed to
			// the new position. This enforces the restriction that both boundary-
			// points of a Range must have the same root container.
			ec = t[END_CONTAINER];
			while (ec.parentNode)
				ec = ec.parentNode;

			while (sc.parentNode)
				sc = sc.parentNode;

			if (sc == ec) {
				// The start position of a Range is guaranteed to never be after the
				// end position. To enforce this restriction, if the start is set to
				// be at a position after the end, the Range is collapsed to that
				// position.
				if (_compareBoundaryPoints(t[START_CONTAINER], t[START_OFFSET], t[END_CONTAINER], t[END_OFFSET]) > 0)
			} else

			t.collapsed = _isCollapsed();
			t.commonAncestorContainer = dom.findCommonAncestor(t[START_CONTAINER], t[END_CONTAINER]);

		function _traverse(how) {
			var c, endContainerDepth = 0, startContainerDepth = 0, p, depthDiff, startNode, endNode, sp, ep;

				return _traverseSameContainer(how);

			for (c = t[END_CONTAINER], p = c.parentNode; p; c = p, p = p.parentNode) {
				if (p == t[START_CONTAINER])
					return _traverseCommonStartContainer(c, how);


			for (c = t[START_CONTAINER], p = c.parentNode; p; c = p, p = p.parentNode) {
				if (p == t[END_CONTAINER])
					return _traverseCommonEndContainer(c, how);


			depthDiff = startContainerDepth - endContainerDepth;

			startNode = t[START_CONTAINER];
			while (depthDiff > 0) {
				startNode = startNode.parentNode;

			endNode = t[END_CONTAINER];
			while (depthDiff < 0) {
				endNode = endNode.parentNode;

			// ascend the ancestor hierarchy until we have a common parent.
			for (sp = startNode.parentNode, ep = endNode.parentNode; sp != ep; sp = sp.parentNode, ep = ep.parentNode) {
				startNode = sp;
				endNode = ep;

			return _traverseCommonAncestors(startNode, endNode, how);

		 function _traverseSameContainer(how) {
			var frag, s, sub, n, cnt, sibling, xferNode;

			if (how != DELETE)
				frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();

			// If selection is empty, just return the fragment
			if (t[START_OFFSET] == t[END_OFFSET])
				return frag;

			// Text node needs special case handling
			if (t[START_CONTAINER].nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
				// get the substring
				s = t[START_CONTAINER].nodeValue;
				sub = s.substring(t[START_OFFSET], t[END_OFFSET]);

				// set the original text node to its new value
				if (how != CLONE) {

					// Nothing is partially selected, so collapse to start point

				if (how == DELETE)

				return frag;

			// Copy nodes between the start/end offsets.
			n = _getSelectedNode(t[START_CONTAINER], t[START_OFFSET]);
			cnt = t[END_OFFSET] - t[START_OFFSET];

			while (cnt > 0) {
				sibling = n.nextSibling;
				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);

				if (frag)
					frag.appendChild( xferNode );

				n = sibling;

			// Nothing is partially selected, so collapse to start point
			if (how != CLONE)

			return frag;

		function _traverseCommonStartContainer(endAncestor, how) {
			var frag, n, endIdx, cnt, sibling, xferNode;

			if (how != DELETE)
				frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();

			n = _traverseRightBoundary(endAncestor, how);

			if (frag)

			endIdx = nodeIndex(endAncestor);
			cnt = endIdx - t[START_OFFSET];

			if (cnt <= 0) {
				// Collapse to just before the endAncestor, which
				// is partially selected.
				if (how != CLONE) {

				return frag;

			n = endAncestor.previousSibling;
			while (cnt > 0) {
				sibling = n.previousSibling;
				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);

				if (frag)
					frag.insertBefore(xferNode, frag.firstChild);

				n = sibling;

			// Collapse to just before the endAncestor, which
			// is partially selected.
			if (how != CLONE) {

			return frag;

		function _traverseCommonEndContainer(startAncestor, how) {
			var frag, startIdx, n, cnt, sibling, xferNode;

			if (how != DELETE)
				frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();

			n = _traverseLeftBoundary(startAncestor, how);
			if (frag)

			startIdx = nodeIndex(startAncestor);
			++startIdx;  // Because we already traversed it....

			cnt = t[END_OFFSET] - startIdx;
			n = startAncestor.nextSibling;
			while (cnt > 0) {
				sibling = n.nextSibling;
				xferNode = _traverseFullySelected(n, how);

				if (frag)

				n = sibling;

			if (how != CLONE) {

			return frag;

		function _traverseCommonAncestors(startAncestor, endAncestor, how) {
			var n, frag, commonParent, startOffset, endOffset, cnt, sibling, nextSibling;

			if (how != DELETE)
				frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();

			n = _traverseLeftBoundary(startAncestor, how);
			if (frag)

			commonParent = startAncestor.parentNode;
			startOffset = nodeIndex(startAncestor);
			endOffset = nodeIndex(endAncestor);

			cnt = endOffset - startOffset;
			sibling = startAncestor.nextSibling;

			while (cnt > 0) {
				nextSibling = sibling.nextSibling;
				n = _traverseFullySelected(sibling, how);

				if (frag)

				sibling = nextSibling;

			n = _traverseRightBoundary(endAncestor, how);

			if (frag)

			if (how != CLONE) {

			return frag;

		function _traverseRightBoundary(root, how) {
			var next = _getSelectedNode(t[END_CONTAINER], t[END_OFFSET] - 1), parent, clonedParent, prevSibling, clonedChild, clonedGrandParent, isFullySelected = next != t[END_CONTAINER];

			if (next == root)
				return _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, FALSE, how);

			parent = next.parentNode;
			clonedParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, FALSE, how);

			while (parent) {
				while (next) {
					prevSibling = next.previousSibling;
					clonedChild = _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, FALSE, how);

					if (how != DELETE)
						clonedParent.insertBefore(clonedChild, clonedParent.firstChild);

					isFullySelected = TRUE;
					next = prevSibling;

				if (parent == root)
					return clonedParent;

				next = parent.previousSibling;
				parent = parent.parentNode;

				clonedGrandParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, FALSE, how);

				if (how != DELETE)

				clonedParent = clonedGrandParent;

		function _traverseLeftBoundary(root, how) {
			var next = _getSelectedNode(t[START_CONTAINER], t[START_OFFSET]), isFullySelected = next != t[START_CONTAINER], parent, clonedParent, nextSibling, clonedChild, clonedGrandParent;

			if (next == root)
				return _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, TRUE, how);

			parent = next.parentNode;
			clonedParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, TRUE, how);

			while (parent) {
				while (next) {
					nextSibling = next.nextSibling;
					clonedChild = _traverseNode(next, isFullySelected, TRUE, how);

					if (how != DELETE)

					isFullySelected = TRUE;
					next = nextSibling;

				if (parent == root)
					return clonedParent;

				next = parent.nextSibling;
				parent = parent.parentNode;

				clonedGrandParent = _traverseNode(parent, FALSE, TRUE, how);

				if (how != DELETE)

				clonedParent = clonedGrandParent;

		function _traverseNode(n, isFullySelected, isLeft, how) {
			var txtValue, newNodeValue, oldNodeValue, offset, newNode;

			if (isFullySelected)
				return _traverseFullySelected(n, how);

			if (n.nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
				txtValue = n.nodeValue;

				if (isLeft) {
					offset = t[START_OFFSET];
					newNodeValue = txtValue.substring(offset);
					oldNodeValue = txtValue.substring(0, offset);
				} else {
					offset = t[END_OFFSET];
					newNodeValue = txtValue.substring(0, offset);
					oldNodeValue = txtValue.substring(offset);

				if (how != CLONE)
					n.nodeValue = oldNodeValue;

				if (how == DELETE)

				newNode = n.cloneNode(FALSE);
				newNode.nodeValue = newNodeValue;

				return newNode;

			if (how == DELETE)

			return n.cloneNode(FALSE);

		function _traverseFullySelected(n, how) {
			if (how != DELETE)
				return how == CLONE ? n.cloneNode(TRUE) : n;


	ns.Range = Range;

(function() {
	function Selection(selection) {
		var t = this, invisibleChar = '\uFEFF', range, lastIERng, dom = selection.dom, TRUE = true, FALSE = false;

		// Returns a W3C DOM compatible range object by using the IE Range API
		function getRange() {
			var ieRange = selection.getRng(), domRange = dom.createRng(), element, collapsed;

			// If selection is outside the current document just return an empty range
			element = ieRange.item ? ieRange.item(0) : ieRange.parentElement();
			if (element.ownerDocument != dom.doc)
				return domRange;

			// Handle control selection or text selection of a image
			if (ieRange.item || !element.hasChildNodes()) {
				domRange.setStart(element.parentNode, dom.nodeIndex(element));
				domRange.setEnd(domRange.startContainer, domRange.startOffset + 1);

				return domRange;

			collapsed = selection.isCollapsed();

			function findEndPoint(start) {
				var marker, container, offset, nodes, startIndex = 0, endIndex, index, parent, checkRng, position;

				// Setup temp range and collapse it
				checkRng = ieRange.duplicate();

				// Create marker and insert it at the end of the endpoints parent
				marker = dom.create('a');
				parent = checkRng.parentElement();

				// If parent doesn't have any children then set the container to that parent and the index to 0
				if (!parent.hasChildNodes()) {
					domRange[start ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](parent, 0);

				position = ieRange.compareEndPoints(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', checkRng);
				if (position > 0) {
					// The position is after the end of the parent element.
					// This is the case where IE puts the caret to the left edge of a table.
					domRange[start ? 'setStartAfter' : 'setEndAfter'](parent);

				// Setup node list and endIndex
				nodes = tinymce.grep(parent.childNodes);
				endIndex = nodes.length - 1;
				// Perform a binary search for the position
				while (startIndex <= endIndex) {
					index = Math.floor((startIndex + endIndex) / 2);

					// Insert marker and check it's position relative to the selection
					parent.insertBefore(marker, nodes[index]);
					position = ieRange.compareEndPoints(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', checkRng);
					if (position > 0) {
						// Marker is to the right
						startIndex = index + 1;
					} else if (position < 0) {
						// Marker is to the left
						endIndex = index - 1;
					} else {
						// Maker is where we are
						found = true;

				// Setup container
				container = position > 0 || index == 0 ? marker.nextSibling : marker.previousSibling;

				// Handle element selection
				if (container.nodeType == 1) {

					// Find offset and container
					offset = dom.nodeIndex(container);
					container = container.parentNode;

					// Move the offset if we are setting the end or the position is after an element
					if (!start || index > 0)
				} else {
					// Calculate offset within text node
					if (position > 0 || index == 0) {
						checkRng.setEndPoint(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', ieRange);
						offset = checkRng.text.length;
					} else {
						checkRng.setEndPoint(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', ieRange);
						offset = container.nodeValue.length - checkRng.text.length;


				domRange[start ? 'setStart' : 'setEnd'](container, offset);

			// Find start point

			// Find end point if needed
			if (!collapsed)

			return domRange;

		this.addRange = function(rng) {
			var ieRng, ctrlRng, startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset, doc = selection.dom.doc, body = doc.body;

			function setEndPoint(start) {
				var container, offset, marker, tmpRng, nodes;

				marker = dom.create('a');
				container = start ? startContainer : endContainer;
				offset = start ? startOffset : endOffset;
				tmpRng = ieRng.duplicate();

				if (container == doc) {
					container = body;
					offset = 0;

				if (container.nodeType == 3) {
					container.parentNode.insertBefore(marker, container);
					tmpRng.moveStart('character', offset);
					ieRng.setEndPoint(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', tmpRng);
				} else {
					nodes = container.childNodes;

					if (nodes.length) {
						if (offset >= nodes.length) {
							dom.insertAfter(marker, nodes[nodes.length - 1]);
						} else {
							container.insertBefore(marker, nodes[offset]);

					} else {
						// Empty node selection for example <div>|</div>
						marker = doc.createTextNode(invisibleChar);

					ieRng.setEndPoint(start ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToEnd', tmpRng);

			// Destroy cached range

			// Setup some shorter versions
			startContainer = rng.startContainer;
			startOffset = rng.startOffset;
			endContainer = rng.endContainer;
			endOffset = rng.endOffset;
			ieRng = body.createTextRange();

			// If single element selection then try making a control selection out of it
			if (startContainer == endContainer && startContainer.nodeType == 1 && startOffset == endOffset - 1) {
				if (startOffset == endOffset - 1) {
					try {
						ctrlRng = body.createControlRange();
					} catch (ex) {
						// Ignore

			// Set start/end point of selection

			// Select the new range and scroll it into view;

		this.getRangeAt = function() {
			// Setup new range if the cache is empty
			if (!range || !tinymce.dom.RangeUtils.compareRanges(lastIERng, selection.getRng())) {
				range = getRange();

				// Store away text range for next call
				lastIERng = selection.getRng();

			// IE will say that the range is equal then produce an invalid argument exception
			// if you perform specific operations in a keyup event. For example Ctrl+Del.
			// This hack will invalidate the range cache if the exception occurs
			try {
			} catch (ex) {
				range = getRange();
				lastIERng = null;

			// Return cached range
			return range;

		this.destroy = function() {
			// Destroy cached range and last IE range to avoid memory leaks
			lastIERng = range = null;

		// IE has an issue where you can't select/move the caret by clicking outside the body if the document is in standards mode
		if (selection.dom.boxModel) {
			(function() {
				var doc = dom.doc, body = doc.body, started, startRng;

				// Make HTML element unselectable since we are going to handle selection by hand
				doc.documentElement.unselectable = TRUE;

				// Return range from point or null if it failed
				function rngFromPoint(x, y) {
					var rng = body.createTextRange();

					try {
						rng.moveToPoint(x, y);
					} catch (ex) {
						// IE sometimes throws and exception, so lets just ignore it
						rng = null;

					return rng;

				// Fires while the selection is changing
				function selectionChange(e) {
					var pointRng;

					// Check if the button is down or not
					if (e.button) {
						// Create range from mouse position
						pointRng = rngFromPoint(e.x, e.y);

						if (pointRng) {
							// Check if pointRange is before/after selection then change the endPoint
							if (pointRng.compareEndPoints('StartToStart', startRng) > 0)
								pointRng.setEndPoint('StartToStart', startRng);
								pointRng.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', startRng);;
					} else

				// Removes listeners
				function endSelection() {
					dom.unbind(doc, 'mouseup', endSelection);
					dom.unbind(doc, 'mousemove', selectionChange);
					started = 0;

				// Detect when user selects outside BODY
				dom.bind(doc, 'mousedown', function(e) {
					if ( === 'HTML') {
						if (started)

						started = 1;

						// Setup start position
						startRng = rngFromPoint(e.x, e.y);
						if (startRng) {
							// Listen for selection change events
							dom.bind(doc, 'mouseup', endSelection);
							dom.bind(doc, 'mousemove', selectionChange);;

	// Expose the selection object
	tinymce.dom.TridentSelection = Selection;

 * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v1.0
 *  Copyright 2009, The Dojo Foundation
 *  Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
 *  More information:

var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
	done = 0,
	toString = Object.prototype.toString,
	hasDuplicate = false,
	baseHasDuplicate = true;

// Here we check if the JavaScript engine is using some sort of
// optimization where it does not always call our comparision
// function. If that is the case, discard the hasDuplicate value.
//   Thus far that includes Google Chrome.
[0, 0].sort(function(){
	baseHasDuplicate = false;
	return 0;

var Sizzle = function(selector, context, results, seed) {
	results = results || [];
	context = context || document;

	var origContext = context;

	if ( context.nodeType !== 1 && context.nodeType !== 9 ) {
		return [];
	if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
		return results;

	var parts = [], m, set, checkSet, extra, prune = true, contextXML = Sizzle.isXML(context),
		soFar = selector, ret, cur, pop, i;
	// Reset the position of the chunker regexp (start from head)
	do {
		m = chunker.exec(soFar);

		if ( m ) {
			soFar = m[3];
			parts.push( m[1] );
			if ( m[2] ) {
				extra = m[3];
	} while ( m );

	if ( parts.length > 1 && origPOS.exec( selector ) ) {
		if ( parts.length === 2 && Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ) {
			set = posProcess( parts[0] + parts[1], context );
		} else {
			set = Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ?
				[ context ] :
				Sizzle( parts.shift(), context );

			while ( parts.length ) {
				selector = parts.shift();

				if ( Expr.relative[ selector ] ) {
					selector += parts.shift();
				set = posProcess( selector, set );
	} else {
		// Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
		// (but not if it'll be faster if the inner selector is an ID)
		if ( !seed && parts.length > 1 && context.nodeType === 9 && !contextXML &&
				Expr.match.ID.test(parts[0]) && !Expr.match.ID.test(parts[parts.length - 1]) ) {
			ret = Sizzle.find( parts.shift(), context, contextXML );
			context = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set )[0] : ret.set[0];

		if ( context ) {
			ret = seed ?
				{ expr: parts.pop(), set: makeArray(seed) } :
				Sizzle.find( parts.pop(), parts.length === 1 && (parts[0] === "~" || parts[0] === "+") && context.parentNode ? context.parentNode : context, contextXML );
			set = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set ) : ret.set;

			if ( parts.length > 0 ) {
				checkSet = makeArray(set);
			} else {
				prune = false;

			while ( parts.length ) {
				cur = parts.pop();
				pop = cur;

				if ( !Expr.relative[ cur ] ) {
					cur = "";
				} else {
					pop = parts.pop();

				if ( pop == null ) {
					pop = context;

				Expr.relative[ cur ]( checkSet, pop, contextXML );
		} else {
			checkSet = parts = [];

	if ( !checkSet ) {
		checkSet = set;

	if ( !checkSet ) {
		Sizzle.error( cur || selector );

	if ( === "[object Array]" ) {
		if ( !prune ) {
			results.push.apply( results, checkSet );
		} else if ( context && context.nodeType === 1 ) {
			for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
				if ( checkSet[i] && (checkSet[i] === true || checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 && Sizzle.contains(context, checkSet[i])) ) {
					results.push( set[i] );
		} else {
			for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
				if ( checkSet[i] && checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
					results.push( set[i] );
	} else {
		makeArray( checkSet, results );

	if ( extra ) {
		Sizzle( extra, origContext, results, seed );
		Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );

	return results;

Sizzle.uniqueSort = function(results){
	if ( sortOrder ) {
		hasDuplicate = baseHasDuplicate;

		if ( hasDuplicate ) {
			for ( var i = 1; i < results.length; i++ ) {
				if ( results[i] === results[i-1] ) {
					results.splice(i--, 1);

	return results;

Sizzle.matches = function(expr, set){
	return Sizzle(expr, null, null, set);

Sizzle.find = function(expr, context, isXML){
	var set;

	if ( !expr ) {
		return [];

	for ( var i = 0, l = Expr.order.length; i < l; i++ ) {
		var type = Expr.order[i], match;
		if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) ) {
			var left = match[1];

			if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) !== "\\" ) {
				match[1] = (match[1] || "").replace(/\\/g, "");
				set = Expr.find[ type ]( match, context, isXML );
				if ( set != null ) {
					expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );

	if ( !set ) {
		set = context.getElementsByTagName("*");

	return {set: set, expr: expr};

Sizzle.filter = function(expr, set, inplace, not){
	var old = expr, result = [], curLoop = set, match, anyFound,
		isXMLFilter = set && set[0] && Sizzle.isXML(set[0]);

	while ( expr && set.length ) {
		for ( var type in Expr.filter ) {
			if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) != null && match[2] ) {
				var filter = Expr.filter[ type ], found, item, left = match[1];
				anyFound = false;


				if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) === "\\" ) {

				if ( curLoop === result ) {
					result = [];

				if ( Expr.preFilter[ type ] ) {
					match = Expr.preFilter[ type ]( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXMLFilter );

					if ( !match ) {
						anyFound = found = true;
					} else if ( match === true ) {

				if ( match ) {
					for ( var i = 0; (item = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
						if ( item ) {
							found = filter( item, match, i, curLoop );
							var pass = not ^ !!found;

							if ( inplace && found != null ) {
								if ( pass ) {
									anyFound = true;
								} else {
									curLoop[i] = false;
							} else if ( pass ) {
								result.push( item );
								anyFound = true;

				if ( found !== undefined ) {
					if ( !inplace ) {
						curLoop = result;

					expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );

					if ( !anyFound ) {
						return [];


		// Improper expression
		if ( expr === old ) {
			if ( anyFound == null ) {
				Sizzle.error( expr );
			} else {

		old = expr;

	return curLoop;

Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
	throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg;

var Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
	order: [ "ID", "NAME", "TAG" ],
	match: {
		ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/,
		CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/,
		NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,
		ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(['"]*)(.*?)\3|)\s*\]/,
		TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*\-]|\\.)+)/,
		CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\((even|odd|[\dn+\-]*)\))?/,
		POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^\-]|$)/,
		PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]?)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/
	leftMatch: {},
	attrMap: {
		"class": "className",
		"for": "htmlFor"
	attrHandle: {
		href: function(elem){
			return elem.getAttribute("href");
	relative: {
		"+": function(checkSet, part){
			var isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
				isTag = isPartStr && !/\W/.test(part),
				isPartStrNotTag = isPartStr && !isTag;

			if ( isTag ) {
				part = part.toLowerCase();

			for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length, elem; i < l; i++ ) {
				if ( (elem = checkSet[i]) ) {
					while ( (elem = elem.previousSibling) && elem.nodeType !== 1 ) {}

					checkSet[i] = isPartStrNotTag || elem && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ?
						elem || false :
						elem === part;

			if ( isPartStrNotTag ) {
				Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
		">": function(checkSet, part){
			var isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
				elem, i = 0, l = checkSet.length;

			if ( isPartStr && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
				part = part.toLowerCase();

				for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
					elem = checkSet[i];
					if ( elem ) {
						var parent = elem.parentNode;
						checkSet[i] = parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ? parent : false;
			} else {
				for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
					elem = checkSet[i];
					if ( elem ) {
						checkSet[i] = isPartStr ?
							elem.parentNode :
							elem.parentNode === part;

				if ( isPartStr ) {
					Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
		"": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
			var doneName = done++, checkFn = dirCheck, nodeCheck;

			if ( typeof part === "string" && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
				part = part.toLowerCase();
				nodeCheck = part;
				checkFn = dirNodeCheck;

			checkFn("parentNode", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML);
		"~": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
			var doneName = done++, checkFn = dirCheck, nodeCheck;

			if ( typeof part === "string" && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
				part = part.toLowerCase();
				nodeCheck = part;
				checkFn = dirNodeCheck;

			checkFn("previousSibling", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML);
	find: {
		ID: function(match, context, isXML){
			if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
				var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
				return m ? [m] : [];
		NAME: function(match, context){
			if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== "undefined" ) {
				var ret = [], results = context.getElementsByName(match[1]);

				for ( var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++ ) {
					if ( results[i].getAttribute("name") === match[1] ) {
						ret.push( results[i] );

				return ret.length === 0 ? null : ret;
		TAG: function(match, context){
			return context.getElementsByTagName(match[1]);
	preFilter: {
		CLASS: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML){
			match = " " + match[1].replace(/\\/g, "") + " ";

			if ( isXML ) {
				return match;

			for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
				if ( elem ) {
					if ( not ^ (elem.className && (" " + elem.className + " ").replace(/[\t\n]/g, " ").indexOf(match) >= 0) ) {
						if ( !inplace ) {
							result.push( elem );
					} else if ( inplace ) {
						curLoop[i] = false;

			return false;
		ID: function(match){
			return match[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
		TAG: function(match, curLoop){
			return match[1].toLowerCase();
		CHILD: function(match){
			if ( match[1] === "nth" ) {
				// parse equations like 'even', 'odd', '5', '2n', '3n+2', '4n-1', '-n+6'
				var test = /(-?)(\d*)n((?:\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(
					match[2] === "even" && "2n" || match[2] === "odd" && "2n+1" ||
					!/\D/.test( match[2] ) && "0n+" + match[2] || match[2]);

				// calculate the numbers (first)n+(last) including if they are negative
				match[2] = (test[1] + (test[2] || 1)) - 0;
				match[3] = test[3] - 0;

			// TODO: Move to normal caching system
			match[0] = done++;

			return match;
		ATTR: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML){
			var name = match[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
			if ( !isXML && Expr.attrMap[name] ) {
				match[1] = Expr.attrMap[name];

			if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
				match[4] = " " + match[4] + " ";

			return match;
		PSEUDO: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not){
			if ( match[1] === "not" ) {
				// If we're dealing with a complex expression, or a simple one
				if ( ( chunker.exec(match[3]) || "" ).length > 1 || /^\w/.test(match[3]) ) {
					match[3] = Sizzle(match[3], null, null, curLoop);
				} else {
					var ret = Sizzle.filter(match[3], curLoop, inplace, true ^ not);
					if ( !inplace ) {
						result.push.apply( result, ret );
					return false;
			} else if ( Expr.match.POS.test( match[0] ) || Expr.match.CHILD.test( match[0] ) ) {
				return true;
			return match;
		POS: function(match){
			match.unshift( true );
			return match;
	filters: {
		enabled: function(elem){
			return elem.disabled === false && elem.type !== "hidden";
		disabled: function(elem){
			return elem.disabled === true;
		checked: function(elem){
			return elem.checked === true;
		selected: function(elem){
			// Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
			// options in Safari work properly
			return elem.selected === true;
		parent: function(elem){
			return !!elem.firstChild;
		empty: function(elem){
			return !elem.firstChild;
		has: function(elem, i, match){
			return !!Sizzle( match[3], elem ).length;
		header: function(elem){
			return (/h\d/i).test( elem.nodeName );
		text: function(elem){
			return "text" === elem.type;
		radio: function(elem){
			return "radio" === elem.type;
		checkbox: function(elem){
			return "checkbox" === elem.type;
		file: function(elem){
			return "file" === elem.type;
		password: function(elem){
			return "password" === elem.type;
		submit: function(elem){
			return "submit" === elem.type;
		image: function(elem){
			return "image" === elem.type;
		reset: function(elem){
			return "reset" === elem.type;
		button: function(elem){
			return "button" === elem.type || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "button";
		input: function(elem){
			return (/input|select|textarea|button/i).test(elem.nodeName);
	setFilters: {
		first: function(elem, i){
			return i === 0;
		last: function(elem, i, match, array){
			return i === array.length - 1;
		even: function(elem, i){
			return i % 2 === 0;
		odd: function(elem, i){
			return i % 2 === 1;
		lt: function(elem, i, match){
			return i < match[3] - 0;
		gt: function(elem, i, match){
			return i > match[3] - 0;
		nth: function(elem, i, match){
			return match[3] - 0 === i;
		eq: function(elem, i, match){
			return match[3] - 0 === i;
	filter: {
		PSEUDO: function(elem, match, i, array){
			var name = match[1], filter = Expr.filters[ name ];

			if ( filter ) {
				return filter( elem, i, match, array );
			} else if ( name === "contains" ) {
				return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || Sizzle.getText([ elem ]) || "").indexOf(match[3]) >= 0;
			} else if ( name === "not" ) {
				var not = match[3];

				for ( var j = 0, l = not.length; j < l; j++ ) {
					if ( not[j] === elem ) {
						return false;

				return true;
			} else {
				Sizzle.error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + name );
		CHILD: function(elem, match){
			var type = match[1], node = elem;
			switch (type) {
				case 'only':
				case 'first':
					while ( (node = node.previousSibling) )	 {
						if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) { 
							return false; 
					if ( type === "first" ) { 
						return true; 
					node = elem;
				case 'last':
					while ( (node = node.nextSibling) )	 {
						if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) { 
							return false; 
					return true;
				case 'nth':
					var first = match[2], last = match[3];

					if ( first === 1 && last === 0 ) {
						return true;
					var doneName = match[0],
						parent = elem.parentNode;
					if ( parent && (parent.sizcache !== doneName || !elem.nodeIndex) ) {
						var count = 0;
						for ( node = parent.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling ) {
							if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
								node.nodeIndex = ++count;
						parent.sizcache = doneName;
					var diff = elem.nodeIndex - last;
					if ( first === 0 ) {
						return diff === 0;
					} else {
						return ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
		ID: function(elem, match){
			return elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.getAttribute("id") === match;
		TAG: function(elem, match){
			return (match === "*" && elem.nodeType === 1) || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === match;
		CLASS: function(elem, match){
			return (" " + (elem.className || elem.getAttribute("class")) + " ")
				.indexOf( match ) > -1;
		ATTR: function(elem, match){
			var name = match[1],
				result = Expr.attrHandle[ name ] ?
					Expr.attrHandle[ name ]( elem ) :
					elem[ name ] != null ?
						elem[ name ] :
						elem.getAttribute( name ),
				value = result + "",
				type = match[2],
				check = match[4];

			return result == null ?
				type === "!=" :
				type === "=" ?
				value === check :
				type === "*=" ?
				value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
				type === "~=" ?
				(" " + value + " ").indexOf(check) >= 0 :
				!check ?
				value && result !== false :
				type === "!=" ?
				value !== check :
				type === "^=" ?
				value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
				type === "$=" ?
				value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :
				type === "|=" ?
				value === check || value.substr(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" :
		POS: function(elem, match, i, array){
			var name = match[2], filter = Expr.setFilters[ name ];

			if ( filter ) {
				return filter( elem, i, match, array );

var origPOS = Expr.match.POS,
	fescape = function(all, num){
		return "\\" + (num - 0 + 1);

for ( var type in Expr.match ) {
	Expr.match[ type ] = new RegExp( Expr.match[ type ].source + (/(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source) );
	Expr.leftMatch[ type ] = new RegExp( /(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + Expr.match[ type ].source.replace(/\\(\d+)/g, fescape) );

var makeArray = function(array, results) {
	array = array, 0 );

	if ( results ) {
		results.push.apply( results, array );
		return results;
	return array;

// Perform a simple check to determine if the browser is capable of
// converting a NodeList to an array using builtin methods.
// Also verifies that the returned array holds DOM nodes
// (which is not the case in the Blackberry browser)
try { document.documentElement.childNodes, 0 )[0].nodeType;

// Provide a fallback method if it does not work
} catch(e){
	makeArray = function(array, results) {
		var ret = results || [], i = 0;

		if ( === "[object Array]" ) {
			Array.prototype.push.apply( ret, array );
		} else {
			if ( typeof array.length === "number" ) {
				for ( var l = array.length; i < l; i++ ) {
					ret.push( array[i] );
			} else {
				for ( ; array[i]; i++ ) {
					ret.push( array[i] );

		return ret;

var sortOrder;

if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
	sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
		if ( !a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ) {
			if ( a == b ) {
				hasDuplicate = true;
			return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1;

		var ret = a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : a === b ? 0 : 1;
		if ( ret === 0 ) {
			hasDuplicate = true;
		return ret;
} else if ( "sourceIndex" in document.documentElement ) {
	sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
		if ( !a.sourceIndex || !b.sourceIndex ) {
			if ( a == b ) {
				hasDuplicate = true;
			return a.sourceIndex ? -1 : 1;

		var ret = a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
		if ( ret === 0 ) {
			hasDuplicate = true;
		return ret;
} else if ( document.createRange ) {
	sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
		if ( !a.ownerDocument || !b.ownerDocument ) {
			if ( a == b ) {
				hasDuplicate = true;
			return a.ownerDocument ? -1 : 1;

		var aRange = a.ownerDocument.createRange(), bRange = b.ownerDocument.createRange();
		aRange.setStart(a, 0);
		aRange.setEnd(a, 0);
		bRange.setStart(b, 0);
		bRange.setEnd(b, 0);
		var ret = aRange.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_END, bRange);
		if ( ret === 0 ) {
			hasDuplicate = true;
		return ret;

// Utility function for retreiving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
Sizzle.getText = function( elems ) {
	var ret = "", elem;

	for ( var i = 0; elems[i]; i++ ) {
		elem = elems[i];

		// Get the text from text nodes and CDATA nodes
		if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 4 ) {
			ret += elem.nodeValue;

		// Traverse everything else, except comment nodes
		} else if ( elem.nodeType !== 8 ) {
			ret += Sizzle.getText( elem.childNodes );

	return ret;

// Check to see if the browser returns elements by name when
// querying by getElementById (and provide a workaround)
	// We're going to inject a fake input element with a specified name
	var form = document.createElement("div"),
		id = "script" + (new Date()).getTime();
	form.innerHTML = "<a name='" + id + "'/>";

	// Inject it into the root element, check its status, and remove it quickly
	var root = document.documentElement;
	root.insertBefore( form, root.firstChild );

	// The workaround has to do additional checks after a getElementById
	// Which slows things down for other browsers (hence the branching)
	if ( document.getElementById( id ) ) {
		Expr.find.ID = function(match, context, isXML){
			if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
				var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
				return m ? === match[1] || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && m.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === match[1] ? [m] : undefined : [];

		Expr.filter.ID = function(elem, match){
			var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
			return elem.nodeType === 1 && node && node.nodeValue === match;

	root.removeChild( form );
	root = form = null; // release memory in IE

	// Check to see if the browser returns only elements
	// when doing getElementsByTagName("*")

	// Create a fake element
	var div = document.createElement("div");
	div.appendChild( document.createComment("") );

	// Make sure no comments are found
	if ( div.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0 ) {
		Expr.find.TAG = function(match, context){
			var results = context.getElementsByTagName(match[1]);

			// Filter out possible comments
			if ( match[1] === "*" ) {
				var tmp = [];

				for ( var i = 0; results[i]; i++ ) {
					if ( results[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
						tmp.push( results[i] );

				results = tmp;

			return results;

	// Check to see if an attribute returns normalized href attributes
	div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
	if ( div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" &&
			div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#" ) {
		Expr.attrHandle.href = function(elem){
			return elem.getAttribute("href", 2);

	div = null; // release memory in IE

if ( document.querySelectorAll ) {
		var oldSizzle = Sizzle, div = document.createElement("div");
		div.innerHTML = "<p class='TEST'></p>";

		// Safari can't handle uppercase or unicode characters when
		// in quirks mode.
		if ( div.querySelectorAll && div.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0 ) {
		Sizzle = function(query, context, extra, seed){
			context = context || document;

			// Only use querySelectorAll on non-XML documents
			// (ID selectors don't work in non-HTML documents)
			if ( !seed && context.nodeType === 9 && !Sizzle.isXML(context) ) {
				try {
					return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll(query), extra );
				} catch(e){}
			return oldSizzle(query, context, extra, seed);

		for ( var prop in oldSizzle ) {
			Sizzle[ prop ] = oldSizzle[ prop ];

		div = null; // release memory in IE

	var div = document.createElement("div");

	div.innerHTML = "<div class='test e'></div><div class='test'></div>";

	// Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6)
	// Also, make sure that getElementsByClassName actually exists
	if ( !div.getElementsByClassName || div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0 ) {

	// Safari caches class attributes, doesn't catch changes (in 3.2)
	div.lastChild.className = "e";

	if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1 ) {
	Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS");
	Expr.find.CLASS = function(match, context, isXML) {
		if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
			return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]);

	div = null; // release memory in IE

function dirNodeCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
	for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
		var elem = checkSet[i];
		if ( elem ) {
			elem = elem[dir];
			var match = false;

			while ( elem ) {
				if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) {
					match = checkSet[elem.sizset];

				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !isXML ){
					elem.sizcache = doneName;
					elem.sizset = i;

				if ( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === cur ) {
					match = elem;

				elem = elem[dir];

			checkSet[i] = match;

function dirCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
	for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
		var elem = checkSet[i];
		if ( elem ) {
			elem = elem[dir];
			var match = false;

			while ( elem ) {
				if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) {
					match = checkSet[elem.sizset];

				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
					if ( !isXML ) {
						elem.sizcache = doneName;
						elem.sizset = i;
					if ( typeof cur !== "string" ) {
						if ( elem === cur ) {
							match = true;

					} else if ( Sizzle.filter( cur, [elem] ).length > 0 ) {
						match = elem;

				elem = elem[dir];

			checkSet[i] = match;

Sizzle.contains = document.compareDocumentPosition ? function(a, b){
	return !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);
} : function(a, b){
	return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true);

Sizzle.isXML = function(elem){
	// documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
	// (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833) 
	var documentElement = (elem ? elem.ownerDocument || elem : 0).documentElement;
	return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;

var posProcess = function(selector, context){
	var tmpSet = [], later = "", match,
		root = context.nodeType ? [context] : context;

	// Position selectors must be done after the filter
	// And so must :not(positional) so we move all PSEUDOs to the end
	while ( (match = Expr.match.PSEUDO.exec( selector )) ) {
		later += match[0];
		selector = selector.replace( Expr.match.PSEUDO, "" );

	selector = Expr.relative[selector] ? selector + "*" : selector;

	for ( var i = 0, l = root.length; i < l; i++ ) {
		Sizzle( selector, root[i], tmpSet );

	return Sizzle.filter( later, tmpSet );


window.tinymce.dom.Sizzle = Sizzle;


(function(tinymce) {
	// Shorten names
	var each = tinymce.each, DOM = tinymce.DOM, isIE = tinymce.isIE, isWebKit = tinymce.isWebKit, Event;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.dom.EventUtils', {
		EventUtils : function() {
			this.inits = []; = [];

		add : function(o, n, f, s) {
			var cb, t = this, el =, r;

			if (n instanceof Array) {
				r = [];

				each(n, function(n) {
					r.push(t.add(o, n, f, s));

				return r;

			// Handle array
			if (o && o.hasOwnProperty && o instanceof Array) {
				r = [];

				each(o, function(o) {
					o = DOM.get(o);
					r.push(t.add(o, n, f, s));

				return r;

			o = DOM.get(o);

			if (!o)

			// Setup event callback
			cb = function(e) {
				// Is all events disabled
				if (t.disabled)

				e = e || window.event;

				// Patch in target, preventDefault and stopPropagation in IE it's W3C valid
				if (e && isIE) {
					if (! = e.srcElement;

					// Patch in preventDefault, stopPropagation methods for W3C compatibility
					tinymce.extend(e, t._stoppers);

				if (!s)
					return f(e);

				return, e);

			if (n == 'unload') {
				tinymce.unloads.unshift({func : cb});
				return cb;

			if (n == 'init') {
				if (t.domLoaded)

				return cb;

			// Store away listener reference
				obj : o,
				name : n,
				func : f,
				cfunc : cb,
				scope : s

			t._add(o, n, cb);

			return f;

		remove : function(o, n, f) {
			var t = this, a =, s = false, r;

			// Handle array
			if (o && o.hasOwnProperty && o instanceof Array) {
				r = [];

				each(o, function(o) {
					o = DOM.get(o);
					r.push(t.remove(o, n, f));

				return r;

			o = DOM.get(o);

			each(a, function(e, i) {
				if (e.obj == o && == n && (!f || (e.func == f || e.cfunc == f))) {
					a.splice(i, 1);
					t._remove(o, n, e.cfunc);
					s = true;
					return false;

			return s;

		clear : function(o) {
			var t = this, a =, i, e;

			if (o) {
				o = DOM.get(o);

				for (i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
					e = a[i];

					if (e.obj === o) {
						t._remove(e.obj,, e.cfunc);
						e.obj = e.cfunc = null;
						a.splice(i, 1);

		cancel : function(e) {
			if (!e)
				return false;


			return this.prevent(e);

		stop : function(e) {
			if (e.stopPropagation)
				e.cancelBubble = true;

			return false;

		prevent : function(e) {
			if (e.preventDefault)
				e.returnValue = false;

			return false;

		destroy : function() {
			var t = this;

			each(, function(e, i) {
				t._remove(e.obj,, e.cfunc);
				e.obj = e.cfunc = null;
			}); = [];
			t = null;

		_add : function(o, n, f) {
			if (o.attachEvent)
				o.attachEvent('on' + n, f);
			else if (o.addEventListener)
				o.addEventListener(n, f, false);
				o['on' + n] = f;

		_remove : function(o, n, f) {
			if (o) {
				try {
					if (o.detachEvent)
						o.detachEvent('on' + n, f);
					else if (o.removeEventListener)
						o.removeEventListener(n, f, false);
						o['on' + n] = null;
				} catch (ex) {
					// Might fail with permission denined on IE so we just ignore that

		_pageInit : function(win) {
			var t = this;

			// Keep it from running more than once
			if (t.domLoaded)

			t.domLoaded = true;

			each(t.inits, function(c) {

			t.inits = [];

		_wait : function(win) {
			var t = this, doc = win.document;

			// No need since the document is already loaded
			if (win.tinyMCE_GZ && tinyMCE_GZ.loaded) {
				t.domLoaded = 1;

			// Use IE method
			if (doc.attachEvent) {
				doc.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function() {
					if (doc.readyState === "complete") {
						doc.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", arguments.callee);

				if (doc.documentElement.doScroll && win == {
					(function() {
						if (t.domLoaded)

						try {
							// If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini
						} catch (ex) {
							setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0);

			} else if (doc.addEventListener) {
				t._add(win, 'DOMContentLoaded', function() {

			t._add(win, 'load', function() {

		_stoppers : {
			preventDefault :  function() {
				this.returnValue = false;

			stopPropagation : function() {
				this.cancelBubble = true;

	Event = tinymce.dom.Event = new tinymce.dom.EventUtils();

	// Dispatch DOM content loaded event for IE and Safari

	tinymce.addUnload(function() {

(function(tinymce) {
	tinymce.dom.Element = function(id, settings) {
		var t = this, dom, el;

		t.settings = settings = settings || {}; = id;
		t.dom = dom = settings.dom || tinymce.DOM;

		// Only IE leaks DOM references, this is a lot faster
		if (!tinymce.isIE)
			el = dom.get(;

				('getPos,getRect,getParent,add,setStyle,getStyle,setStyles,' + 
				'setAttrib,setAttribs,getAttrib,addClass,removeClass,' + 
				'hasClass,getOuterHTML,setOuterHTML,remove,show,hide,' + 
			, function(k) {
				t[k] = function() {
					var a = [id], i;

					for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)

					a = dom[k].apply(dom, a);

					return a;

		tinymce.extend(t, {
			on : function(n, f, s) {
				return tinymce.dom.Event.add(, n, f, s);

			getXY : function() {
				return {
					x : parseInt(t.getStyle('left')),
					y : parseInt(t.getStyle('top'))

			getSize : function() {
				var n = dom.get(;

				return {
					w : parseInt(t.getStyle('width') || n.clientWidth),
					h : parseInt(t.getStyle('height') || n.clientHeight)

			moveTo : function(x, y) {
				t.setStyles({left : x, top : y});

			moveBy : function(x, y) {
				var p = t.getXY();

				t.moveTo(p.x + x, p.y + y);

			resizeTo : function(w, h) {
				t.setStyles({width : w, height : h});

			resizeBy : function(w, h) {
				var s = t.getSize();

				t.resizeTo(s.w + w, s.h + h);

			update : function(k) {
				var b;

				if (tinymce.isIE6 && settings.blocker) {
					k = k || '';

					// Ignore getters
					if (k.indexOf('get') === 0 || k.indexOf('has') === 0 || k.indexOf('is') === 0)

					// Remove blocker on remove
					if (k == 'remove') {

					if (!t.blocker) {
						t.blocker = dom.uniqueId();
						b = dom.add(settings.container || dom.getRoot(), 'iframe', {id : t.blocker, style : 'position:absolute;', frameBorder : 0, src : 'javascript:""'});
						dom.setStyle(b, 'opacity', 0);
					} else
						b = dom.get(t.blocker);

					dom.setStyles(b, {
						left : t.getStyle('left', 1),
						top : t.getStyle('top', 1),
						width : t.getStyle('width', 1),
						height : t.getStyle('height', 1),
						display : t.getStyle('display', 1),
						zIndex : parseInt(t.getStyle('zIndex', 1) || 0) - 1

(function(tinymce) {
	function trimNl(s) {
		return s.replace(/[\n\r]+/g, '');

	// Shorten names
	var is =, isIE = tinymce.isIE, each = tinymce.each;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.dom.Selection', {
		Selection : function(dom, win, serializer) {
			var t = this;

			t.dom = dom; = win;
			t.serializer = serializer;

			// Add events
			], function(e) {
				t[e] = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(t);

			// No W3C Range support
			if (!
				t.tridentSel = new tinymce.dom.TridentSelection(t);

			// Prevent leaks
			tinymce.addUnload(t.destroy, t);

		getContent : function(s) {
			var t = this, r = t.getRng(), e = t.dom.create("body"), se = t.getSel(), wb, wa, n;

			s = s || {};
			wb = wa = '';
			s.get = true;
			s.format = s.format || 'html';
			t.onBeforeGetContent.dispatch(t, s);

			if (s.format == 'text')
				return t.isCollapsed() ? '' : (r.text || (se.toString ? se.toString() : ''));

			if (r.cloneContents) {
				n = r.cloneContents();

				if (n)
			} else if (is(r.item) || is(r.htmlText))
				e.innerHTML = r.item ? r.item(0).outerHTML : r.htmlText;
				e.innerHTML = r.toString();

			// Keep whitespace before and after
			if (/^\s/.test(e.innerHTML))
				wb = ' ';

			if (/\s+$/.test(e.innerHTML))
				wa = ' ';

			s.getInner = true;

			s.content = t.isCollapsed() ? '' : wb + t.serializer.serialize(e, s) + wa;
			t.onGetContent.dispatch(t, s);

			return s.content;

		setContent : function(h, s) {
			var t = this, r = t.getRng(), c, d =;

			s = s || {format : 'html'};
			s.set = true;
			h = s.content = t.dom.processHTML(h);

			// Dispatch before set content event
			t.onBeforeSetContent.dispatch(t, s);
			h = s.content;

			if (r.insertNode) {
				// Make caret marker since insertNode places the caret in the beginning of text after insert
				h += '<span id="__caret">_</span>';

				// Delete and insert new node
				if (r.startContainer == d && r.endContainer ==  d) {
					// WebKit will fail if the body is empty since the range is then invalid and it can't insert contents
					d.body.innerHTML = h;
				} else {
					if (d.body.childNodes.length == 0) {
						d.body.innerHTML = h;
					} else {

				// Move to caret marker
				c = t.dom.get('__caret');
				// Make sure we wrap it compleatly, Opera fails with a simple select call
				r = d.createRange();

				// Remove the caret position
			} else {
				if (r.item) {
					// Delete content and get caret text selection
					d.execCommand('Delete', false, null);
					r = t.getRng();


			// Dispatch set content event
			t.onSetContent.dispatch(t, s);

		getStart : function() {
			var rng = this.getRng(), startElement, parentElement, checkRng, node;

			if (rng.duplicate || rng.item) {
				// Control selection, return first item
				if (rng.item)
					return rng.item(0);

				// Get start element
				checkRng = rng.duplicate();
				startElement = checkRng.parentElement();

				// Check if range parent is inside the start element, then return the inner parent element
				// This will fix issues when a single element is selected, IE would otherwise return the wrong start element
				parentElement = node = rng.parentElement();
				while (node = node.parentNode) {
					if (node == startElement) {
						startElement = parentElement;

				// If start element is body element try to move to the first child if it exists
				if (startElement && startElement.nodeName == 'BODY')
					return startElement.firstChild || startElement;

				return startElement;
			} else {
				startElement = rng.startContainer;

				if (startElement.nodeType == 1 && startElement.hasChildNodes())
					startElement = startElement.childNodes[Math.min(startElement.childNodes.length - 1, rng.startOffset)];

				if (startElement && startElement.nodeType == 3)
					return startElement.parentNode;

				return startElement;

		getEnd : function() {
			var t = this, r = t.getRng(), e, eo;

			if (r.duplicate || r.item) {
				if (r.item)
					return r.item(0);

				r = r.duplicate();
				e = r.parentElement();

				if (e && e.nodeName == 'BODY')
					return e.lastChild || e;

				return e;
			} else {
				e = r.endContainer;
				eo = r.endOffset;

				if (e.nodeType == 1 && e.hasChildNodes())
					e = e.childNodes[eo > 0 ? eo - 1 : eo];

				if (e && e.nodeType == 3)
					return e.parentNode;

				return e;

		getBookmark : function(type, normalized) {
			var t = this, dom = t.dom, rng, rng2, id, collapsed, name, element, index, chr = '\uFEFF', styles;

			function findIndex(name, element) {
				var index = 0;

				each(, function(node, i) {
					if (node == element)
						index = i;

				return index;

			if (type == 2) {
				function getLocation() {
					var rng = t.getRng(true), root = dom.getRoot(), bookmark = {};

					function getPoint(rng, start) {
						var container = rng[start ? 'startContainer' : 'endContainer'],
							offset = rng[start ? 'startOffset' : 'endOffset'], point = [], node, childNodes, after = 0;

						if (container.nodeType == 3) {
							if (normalized) {
								for (node = container.previousSibling; node && node.nodeType == 3; node = node.previousSibling)
									offset += node.nodeValue.length;

						} else {
							childNodes = container.childNodes;

							if (offset >= childNodes.length && childNodes.length) {
								after = 1;
								offset = Math.max(0, childNodes.length - 1);

							point.push(t.dom.nodeIndex(childNodes[offset], normalized) + after);

						for (; container && container != root; container = container.parentNode)
							point.push(t.dom.nodeIndex(container, normalized));

						return point;

					bookmark.start = getPoint(rng, true);

					if (!t.isCollapsed())
						bookmark.end = getPoint(rng);

					return bookmark;

				return getLocation();

			// Handle simple range
			if (type)
				return {rng : t.getRng()};

			rng = t.getRng();
			id = dom.uniqueId();
			collapsed = tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.isCollapsed();
			styles = 'overflow:hidden;line-height:0px';

			// Explorer method
			if (rng.duplicate || rng.item) {
				// Text selection
				if (!rng.item) {
					rng2 = rng.duplicate();

					// Insert start marker
					rng.pasteHTML('<span _mce_type="bookmark" id="' + id + '_start" style="' + styles + '">' + chr + '</span>');

					// Insert end marker
					if (!collapsed) {
						rng2.pasteHTML('<span _mce_type="bookmark" id="' + id + '_end" style="' + styles + '">' + chr + '</span>');
				} else {
					// Control selection
					element = rng.item(0);
					name = element.nodeName;

					return {name : name, index : findIndex(name, element)};
			} else {
				element = t.getNode();
				name = element.nodeName;
				if (name == 'IMG')
					return {name : name, index : findIndex(name, element)};

				// W3C method
				rng2 = rng.cloneRange();

				// Insert end marker
				if (!collapsed) {
					rng2.insertNode(dom.create('span', {_mce_type : "bookmark", id : id + '_end', style : styles}, chr));

				rng.insertNode(dom.create('span', {_mce_type : "bookmark", id : id + '_start', style : styles}, chr));

			t.moveToBookmark({id : id, keep : 1});

			return {id : id};

		moveToBookmark : function(bookmark) {
			var t = this, dom = t.dom, marker1, marker2, rng, root, startContainer, endContainer, startOffset, endOffset;

			// Clear selection cache
			if (t.tridentSel)

			if (bookmark) {
				if (bookmark.start) {
					rng = dom.createRng();
					root = dom.getRoot();

					function setEndPoint(start) {
						var point = bookmark[start ? 'start' : 'end'], i, node, offset, children;

						if (point) {
							// Find container node
							for (node = root, i = point.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
								children = node.childNodes;

								if (children.length)
									node = children[point[i]];

							// Set offset within container node
							if (start)
								rng.setStart(node, point[0]);
								rng.setEnd(node, point[0]);


				} else if ( {
					function restoreEndPoint(suffix) {
						var marker = dom.get( + '_' + suffix), node, idx, next, prev, keep = bookmark.keep;

						if (marker) {
							node = marker.parentNode;

							if (suffix == 'start') {
								if (!keep) {
									idx = dom.nodeIndex(marker);
								} else {
									node = marker.firstChild;
									idx = 1;

								startContainer = endContainer = node;
								startOffset = endOffset = idx;
							} else {
								if (!keep) {
									idx = dom.nodeIndex(marker);
								} else {
									node = marker.firstChild;
									idx = 1;

								endContainer = node;
								endOffset = idx;

							if (!keep) {
								prev = marker.previousSibling;
								next = marker.nextSibling;

								// Remove all marker text nodes
								each(tinymce.grep(marker.childNodes), function(node) {
									if (node.nodeType == 3)
										node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/\uFEFF/g, '');

								// Remove marker but keep children if for example contents where inserted into the marker
								// Also remove duplicated instances of the marker for example by a split operation or by WebKit auto split on paste feature
								while (marker = dom.get( + '_' + suffix))
									dom.remove(marker, 1);

								// If siblings are text nodes then merge them
								if (prev && next && prev.nodeType == next.nodeType && prev.nodeType == 3) {
									idx = prev.nodeValue.length;

									if (suffix == 'start') {
										startContainer = endContainer = prev;
										startOffset = endOffset = idx;
									} else {
										endContainer = prev;
										endOffset = idx;

					function addBogus(node) {
						// Adds a bogus BR element for empty block elements
						// on non IE browsers just to have a place to put the caret
						if (!isIE && dom.isBlock(node) && !node.innerHTML)
							node.innerHTML = '<br _mce_bogus="1" />';

						return node;

					// Restore start/end points

					if (startContainer) {
						rng = dom.createRng();
						rng.setStart(addBogus(startContainer), startOffset);
						rng.setEnd(addBogus(endContainer), endOffset);
				} else if ( {[bookmark.index]);
				} else if (bookmark.rng)

		select : function(node, content) {
			var t = this, dom = t.dom, rng = dom.createRng(), idx;

			idx = dom.nodeIndex(node);
			rng.setStart(node.parentNode, idx);
			rng.setEnd(node.parentNode, idx + 1);

			// Find first/last text node or BR element
			if (content) {
				function setPoint(node, start) {
					var walker = new tinymce.dom.TreeWalker(node, node);

					do {
						// Text node
						if (node.nodeType == 3 && tinymce.trim(node.nodeValue).length != 0) {
							if (start)
								rng.setStart(node, 0);
								rng.setEnd(node, node.nodeValue.length);


						// BR element
						if (node.nodeName == 'BR') {
							if (start)

					} while (node = (start ? : walker.prev()));

				setPoint(node, 1);


			return node;

		isCollapsed : function() {
			var t = this, r = t.getRng(), s = t.getSel();

			if (!r || r.item)
				return false;

			if (r.compareEndPoints)
				return r.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', r) === 0;

			return !s || r.collapsed;

		collapse : function(b) {
			var t = this, r = t.getRng(), n;

			// Control range on IE
			if (r.item) {
				n = r.item(0);
				r =;


		getSel : function() {
			var t = this, w =;

			return w.getSelection ? w.getSelection() : w.document.selection;

		getRng : function(w3c) {
			var t = this, s, r;

			// Found tridentSel object then we need to use that one
			if (w3c && t.tridentSel)
				return t.tridentSel.getRangeAt(0);

			try {
				if (s = t.getSel())
					r = s.rangeCount > 0 ? s.getRangeAt(0) : (s.createRange ? s.createRange() :;
			} catch (ex) {
				// IE throws unspecified error here if TinyMCE is placed in a frame/iframe

			// No range found then create an empty one
			// This can occur when the editor is placed in a hidden container element on Gecko
			// Or on IE when there was an exception
			if (!r)
				r = ? :;

			if (t.selectedRange && t.explicitRange) {
				if (r.compareBoundaryPoints(r.START_TO_START, t.selectedRange) === 0 && r.compareBoundaryPoints(r.END_TO_END, t.selectedRange) === 0) {
					// Safari, Opera and Chrome only ever select text which causes the range to change.
					// This lets us use the originally set range if the selection hasn't been changed by the user.
					r = t.explicitRange;
				} else {
					t.selectedRange = null;
					t.explicitRange = null;
			return r;

		setRng : function(r) {
			var s, t = this;
			if (!t.tridentSel) {
				s = t.getSel();

				if (s) {
					t.explicitRange = r;
					t.selectedRange = s.getRangeAt(0);
			} else {
				// Is W3C Range
				if (r.cloneRange) {

				// Is IE specific range
				try {;
				} catch (ex) {
					// Needed for some odd IE bug #1843306

		setNode : function(n) {
			var t = this;


			return n;

		getNode : function() {
			var t = this, rng = t.getRng(), sel = t.getSel(), elm;

			if (rng.setStart) {
				// Range maybe lost after the editor is made visible again
				if (!rng)
					return t.dom.getRoot();

				elm = rng.commonAncestorContainer;

				// Handle selection a image or other control like element such as anchors
				if (!rng.collapsed) {
					if (rng.startContainer == rng.endContainer) {
						if (rng.startOffset - rng.endOffset < 2) {
							if (rng.startContainer.hasChildNodes())
								elm = rng.startContainer.childNodes[rng.startOffset];

					// If the anchor node is a element instead of a text node then return this element
					if (tinymce.isWebKit && sel.anchorNode && sel.anchorNode.nodeType == 1) 
						return sel.anchorNode.childNodes[sel.anchorOffset]; 

				if (elm && elm.nodeType == 3)
					return elm.parentNode;

				return elm;

			return rng.item ? rng.item(0) : rng.parentElement();

		getSelectedBlocks : function(st, en) {
			var t = this, dom = t.dom, sb, eb, n, bl = [];

			sb = dom.getParent(st || t.getStart(), dom.isBlock);
			eb = dom.getParent(en || t.getEnd(), dom.isBlock);

			if (sb)

			if (sb && eb && sb != eb) {
				n = sb;

				while ((n = n.nextSibling) && n != eb) {
					if (dom.isBlock(n))

			if (eb && sb != eb)

			return bl;

		destroy : function(s) {
			var t = this; = null;

			if (t.tridentSel)

			// Manual destroy then remove unload handler
			if (!s)

(function(tinymce) {
	tinymce.create('tinymce.dom.XMLWriter', {
		node : null,

		XMLWriter : function(s) {
			// Get XML document
			function getXML() {
				var i = document.implementation;

				if (!i || !i.createDocument) {
					// Try IE objects
					try {return new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.DOMDocument');} catch (ex) {}
					try {return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XmlDom');} catch (ex) {}
				} else
					return i.createDocument('', '', null);

			this.doc = getXML();
			// Since Opera and WebKit doesn't escape > into &gt; we need to do it our self to normalize the output for all browsers
			this.valid = tinymce.isOpera || tinymce.isWebKit;


		reset : function() {
			var t = this, d = t.doc;

			if (d.firstChild)

			t.node = d.appendChild(d.createElement("html"));

		writeStartElement : function(n) {
			var t = this;

			t.node = t.node.appendChild(t.doc.createElement(n));

		writeAttribute : function(n, v) {
			if (this.valid)
				v = v.replace(/>/g, '%MCGT%');

			this.node.setAttribute(n, v);

		writeEndElement : function() {
			this.node = this.node.parentNode;

		writeFullEndElement : function() {
			var t = this, n = t.node;

			t.node = n.parentNode;

		writeText : function(v) {
			if (this.valid)
				v = v.replace(/>/g, '%MCGT%');


		writeCDATA : function(v) {

		writeComment : function(v) {
			// Fix for bug #2035694
			if (tinymce.isIE)
				v = v.replace(/^\-|\-$/g, ' ');

			this.node.appendChild(this.doc.createComment(v.replace(/\-\-/g, ' ')));

		getContent : function() {
			var h;

			h = this.doc.xml || new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(this.doc);
			h = h.replace(/<\?[^?]+\?>|<html>|<\/html>|<html\/>|<!DOCTYPE[^>]+>/g, '');
			h = h.replace(/ ?\/>/g, ' />');

			if (this.valid)
				h = h.replace(/\%MCGT%/g, '&gt;');

			return h;

(function(tinymce) {
	tinymce.create('tinymce.dom.StringWriter', {
		str : null,
		tags : null,
		count : 0,
		settings : null,
		indent : null,

		StringWriter : function(s) {
			this.settings = tinymce.extend({
				indent_char : ' ',
				indentation : 0
			}, s);


		reset : function() {
			this.indent = '';
			this.str = "";
			this.tags = [];
			this.count = 0;

		writeStartElement : function(n) {
			this.writeRaw('<' + n);
			this.inAttr = true;
			this.elementCount = this.count;

		writeAttribute : function(n, v) {
			var t = this;

			t.writeRaw(" " + t.encode(n) + '="' + t.encode(v) + '"');

		writeEndElement : function() {
			var n;

			if (this.tags.length > 0) {
				n = this.tags.pop();

				if (this._writeAttributesEnd(1))
					this.writeRaw('</' + n + '>');

				if (this.settings.indentation > 0)

		writeFullEndElement : function() {
			if (this.tags.length > 0) {
				this.writeRaw('</' + this.tags.pop() + '>');

				if (this.settings.indentation > 0)

		writeText : function(v) {

		writeCDATA : function(v) {
			this.writeRaw('<![CDATA[' + v + ']]>');

		writeComment : function(v) {
			this.writeRaw('<!-- ' + v + '-->');

		writeRaw : function(v) {
			this.str += v;

		encode : function(s) {
			return s.replace(/[<>&"]/g, function(v) {
				switch (v) {
					case '<':
						return '&lt;';

					case '>':
						return '&gt;';

					case '&':
						return '&amp;';

					case '"':
						return '&quot;';

				return v;

		getContent : function() {
			return this.str;

		_writeAttributesEnd : function(s) {
			if (!this.inAttr)

			this.inAttr = false;

			if (s && this.elementCount == this.count) {
				this.writeRaw(' />');
				return false;


			return true;

(function(tinymce) {
	// Shorten names
	var extend = tinymce.extend, each = tinymce.each, Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher, isIE = tinymce.isIE, isGecko = tinymce.isGecko;

	function wildcardToRE(s) {
		return s.replace(/([?+*])/g, '.$1');

	tinymce.create('tinymce.dom.Serializer', {
		Serializer : function(s) {
			var t = this;

			t.key = 0;
			t.onPreProcess = new Dispatcher(t);
			t.onPostProcess = new Dispatcher(t);

			try {
				t.writer = new tinymce.dom.XMLWriter();
			} catch (ex) {
				// IE might throw exception if ActiveX is disabled so we then switch to the slightly slower StringWriter
				t.writer = new tinymce.dom.StringWriter();

			// Default settings
			t.settings = s = extend({
				dom : tinymce.DOM,
				valid_nodes : 0,
				node_filter : 0,
				attr_filter : 0,
				invalid_attrs : /^(_mce_|_moz_|sizset|sizcache)/,
				closed : /^(br|hr|input|meta|img|link|param|area)$/,
				entity_encoding : 'named',
				entities : '160,nbsp,161,iexcl,162,cent,163,pound,164,curren,165,yen,166,brvbar,167,sect,168,uml,169,copy,170,ordf,171,laquo,172,not,173,shy,174,reg,175,macr,176,deg,177,plusmn,178,sup2,179,sup3,180,acute,181,micro,182,para,183,middot,184,cedil,185,sup1,186,ordm,187,raquo,188,frac14,189,frac12,190,frac34,191,iquest,192,Agrave,193,Aacute,194,Acirc,195,Atilde,196,Auml,197,Aring,198,AElig,199,Ccedil,200,Egrave,201,Eacute,202,Ecirc,203,Euml,204,Igrave,205,Iacute,206,Icirc,207,Iuml,208,ETH,209,Ntilde,210,Ograve,211,Oacute,212,Ocirc,213,Otilde,214,Ouml,215,times,216,Oslash,217,Ugrave,218,Uacute,219,Ucirc,220,Uuml,221,Yacute,222,THORN,223,szlig,224,agrave,225,aacute,226,acirc,227,atilde,228,auml,229,aring,230,aelig,231,ccedil,232,egrave,233,eacute,234,ecirc,235,euml,236,igrave,237,iacute,238,icirc,239,iuml,240,eth,241,ntilde,242,ograve,243,oacute,244,ocirc,245,otilde,246,ouml,247,divide,248,oslash,249,ugrave,250,uacute,251,ucirc,252,uuml,253,yacute,254,thorn,255,yuml,402,fnof,913,Alpha,914,Beta,915,Gamma,916,Delta,917,Epsilon,918,Zeta,919,Eta,920,Theta,921,Iota,922,Kappa,923,Lambda,924,Mu,925,Nu,926,Xi,927,Omicron,928,Pi,929,Rho,931,Sigma,932,Tau,933,Upsilon,934,Phi,935,Chi,936,Psi,937,Omega,945,alpha,946,beta,947,gamma,948,delta,949,epsilon,950,zeta,951,eta,952,theta,953,iota,954,kappa,955,lambda,956,mu,957,nu,958,xi,959,omicron,960,pi,961,rho,962,sigmaf,963,sigma,964,tau,965,upsilon,966,phi,967,chi,968,psi,969,omega,977,thetasym,978,upsih,982,piv,8226,bull,8230,hellip,8242,prime,8243,Prime,8254,oline,8260,frasl,8472,weierp,8465,image,8476,real,8482,trade,8501,alefsym,8592,larr,8593,uarr,8594,rarr,8595,darr,8596,harr,8629,crarr,8656,lArr,8657,uArr,8658,rArr,8659,dArr,8660,hArr,8704,forall,8706,part,8707,exist,8709,empty,8711,nabla,8712,isin,8713,notin,8715,ni,8719,prod,8721,sum,8722,minus,8727,lowast,8730,radic,8733,prop,8734,infin,8736,ang,8743,and,8744,or,8745,cap,8746,cup,8747,int,8756,there4,8764,sim,8773,cong,8776,asymp,8800,ne,8801,equiv,8804,le,8805,ge,8834,sub,8835,sup,8836,nsub,8838,sube,8839,supe,8853,oplus,8855,otimes,8869,perp,8901,sdot,8968,lceil,8969,rceil,8970,lfloor,8971,rfloor,9001,lang,9002,rang,9674,loz,9824,spades,9827,clubs,9829,hearts,9830,diams,338,OElig,339,oelig,352,Scaron,353,scaron,376,Yuml,710,circ,732,tilde,8194,ensp,8195,emsp,8201,thinsp,8204,zwnj,8205,zwj,8206,lrm,8207,rlm,8211,ndash,8212,mdash,8216,lsquo,8217,rsquo,8218,sbquo,8220,ldquo,8221,rdquo,8222,bdquo,8224,dagger,8225,Dagger,8240,permil,8249,lsaquo,8250,rsaquo,8364,euro',
				valid_elements : '*[*]',
				extended_valid_elements : 0,
				invalid_elements : 0,
				fix_table_elements : 1,
				fix_list_elements : true,
				fix_content_duplication : true,
				convert_fonts_to_spans : false,
				font_size_classes : 0,
				apply_source_formatting : 0,
				indent_mode : 'simple',
				indent_char : '\t',
				indent_levels : 1,
				remove_linebreaks : 1,
				remove_redundant_brs : 1,
				element_format : 'xhtml'
			}, s);

			t.dom = s.dom;
			t.schema = s.schema;

			// Use raw entities if no entities are defined
			if (s.entity_encoding == 'named' && !s.entities)
				s.entity_encoding = 'raw';

			if (s.remove_redundant_brs) {
				t.onPostProcess.add(function(se, o) {
					// Remove single BR at end of block elements since they get rendered
					o.content = o.content.replace(/(<br \/>\s*)+<\/(p|h[1-6]|div|li)>/gi, function(a, b, c) {
						// Check if it's a single element
						if (/^<br \/>\s*<\//.test(a))
							return '</' + c + '>';

						return a;

			// Remove XHTML element endings i.e. produce crap :) XHTML is better
			if (s.element_format == 'html') {
				t.onPostProcess.add(function(se, o) {
					o.content = o.content.replace(/<([^>]+) \/>/g, '<$1>');

			if (s.fix_list_elements) {
				t.onPreProcess.add(function(se, o) {
					var nl, x, a = ['ol', 'ul'], i, n, p, r = /^(OL|UL)$/, np;

					function prevNode(e, n) {
						var a = n.split(','), i;

						while ((e = e.previousSibling) != null) {
							for (i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
								if (e.nodeName == a[i])
									return e;

						return null;

					for (x=0; x<a.length; x++) {
						nl =[x], o.node);

						for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
							n = nl[i];
							p = n.parentNode;

							if (r.test(p.nodeName)) {
								np = prevNode(n, 'LI');

								if (!np) {
									np = t.dom.create('li');
									np.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
									p.insertBefore(np, p.firstChild);
								} else

			if (s.fix_table_elements) {
				t.onPreProcess.add(function(se, o) {
					// Since Opera will crash if you attach the node to a dynamic document we need to brrowser sniff a specific build
					// so Opera users with an older version will have to live with less compaible output not much we can do here
					if (!tinymce.isOpera || opera.buildNumber() >= 1767) {
						each('p table', o.node).reverse(), function(n) {
							var parent = t.dom.getParent(n.parentNode, 'table,p');

							if (parent.nodeName != 'TABLE') {
								try {
									t.dom.split(parent, n);
								} catch (ex) {
									// IE can sometimes fire an unknown runtime error so we just ignore it

		setEntities : function(s) {
			var t = this, a, i, l = {}, v;

			// No need to setup more than once
			if (t.entityLookup)

			// Build regex and lookup array
			a = s.split(',');
			for (i = 0; i < a.length; i += 2) {
				v = a[i];

				// Don't add default &amp; &quot; etc.
				if (v == 34 || v == 38 || v == 60 || v == 62)

				l[String.fromCharCode(a[i])] = a[i + 1];

				v = parseInt(a[i]).toString(16);

			t.entityLookup = l;

		setRules : function(s) {
			var t = this;

			t.rules = {};
			t.wildRules = [];
			t.validElements = {};

			return t.addRules(s);

		addRules : function(s) {
			var t = this, dr;

			if (!s)


			each(s.split(','), function(s) {
				var p = s.split(/\[|\]/), tn = p[0].split('/'), ra, at, wat, va = [];

				// Extend with default rules
				if (dr)
					at = tinymce.extend([], dr.attribs);

				// Parse attributes
				if (p.length > 1) {
					each(p[1].split('|'), function(s) {
						var ar = {}, i;

						at = at || [];

						// Parse attribute rule
						s = s.replace(/::/g, '~');
						s = /^([!\-])?([\w*.?~_\-]+|)([=:<])?(.+)?$/.exec(s);
						s[2] = s[2].replace(/~/g, ':');

						// Add required attributes
						if (s[1] == '!') {
							ra = ra || [];

						// Remove inherited attributes
						if (s[1] == '-') {
							for (i = 0; i <at.length; i++) {
								if (at[i].name == s[2]) {
									at.splice(i, 1);

						switch (s[3]) {
							// Add default attrib values
							case '=':
								ar.defaultVal = s[4] || '';

							// Add forced attrib values
							case ':':
								ar.forcedVal = s[4];

							// Add validation values
							case '<':
								ar.validVals = s[4].split('?');

						if (/[*.?]/.test(s[2])) {
							wat = wat || [];
							ar.nameRE = new RegExp('^' + wildcardToRE(s[2]) + '$');
						} else { = s[2];


				// Handle element names
				each(tn, function(s, i) {
					var pr = s.charAt(0), x = 1, ru = {};

					// Extend with default rule data
					if (dr) {
						if (dr.noEmpty)
							ru.noEmpty = dr.noEmpty;

						if (dr.fullEnd)
							ru.fullEnd = dr.fullEnd;

						if (dr.padd)
							ru.padd = dr.padd;

					// Handle prefixes
					switch (pr) {
						case '-':
							ru.noEmpty = true;

						case '+':
							ru.fullEnd = true;

						case '#':
							ru.padd = true;

							x = 0;

					tn[i] = s = s.substring(x);
					t.validElements[s] = 1;

					// Add element name or element regex
					if (/[*.?]/.test(tn[0])) {
						ru.nameRE = new RegExp('^' + wildcardToRE(tn[0]) + '$');
						t.wildRules = t.wildRules || {};
					} else { = tn[0];

						// Store away default rule
						if (tn[0] == '@')
							dr = ru;

						t.rules[s] = ru;

					ru.attribs = at;

					if (ra)
						ru.requiredAttribs = ra;

					if (wat) {
						// Build valid attributes regexp
						s = '';
						each(va, function(v) {
							if (s)
								s += '|';

							s += '(' + wildcardToRE(v) + ')';
						ru.validAttribsRE = new RegExp('^' + s.toLowerCase() + '$');
						ru.wildAttribs = wat;

			// Build valid elements regexp
			s = '';
			each(t.validElements, function(v, k) {
				if (s)
					s += '|';

				if (k != '@')
					s += k;
			t.validElementsRE = new RegExp('^(' + wildcardToRE(s.toLowerCase()) + ')$');


		findRule : function(n) {
			var t = this, rl = t.rules, i, r;


			// Exact match
			r = rl[n];
			if (r)
				return r;

			// Try wildcards
			rl = t.wildRules;
			for (i = 0; i < rl.length; i++) {
				if (rl[i].nameRE.test(n))
					return rl[i];

			return null;

		findAttribRule : function(ru, n) {
			var i, wa = ru.wildAttribs;

			for (i = 0; i < wa.length; i++) {
				if (wa[i].nameRE.test(n))
					return wa[i];

			return null;

		serialize : function(n, o) {
			var h, t = this, doc, oldDoc, impl, selected;

			o = o || {};
			o.format = o.format || 'html';
			t.processObj = o;

			// IE looses the selected attribute on option elements so we need to store it
			// See:
			if (isIE) {
				selected = [];
				each(n.getElementsByTagName('option'), function(n) {
					var v = t.dom.getAttrib(n, 'selected');

					selected.push(v ? v : null);

			n = n.cloneNode(true);

			// IE looses the selected attribute on option elements so we need to restore it
			if (isIE) {
				each(n.getElementsByTagName('option'), function(n, i) {
					t.dom.setAttrib(n, 'selected', selected[i]);

			// Nodes needs to be attached to something in WebKit/Opera
			// Older builds of Opera crashes if you attach the node to an document created dynamically
			// and since we can't feature detect a crash we need to sniff the acutal build number
			// This fix will make DOM ranges and make Sizzle happy!
			impl = n.ownerDocument.implementation;
			if (impl.createHTMLDocument && (tinymce.isOpera && opera.buildNumber() >= 1767)) {
				// Create an empty HTML document
				doc = impl.createHTMLDocument("");

				// Add the element or it's children if it's a body element to the new document
				each(n.nodeName == 'BODY' ? n.childNodes : [n], function(node) {
					doc.body.appendChild(doc.importNode(node, true));

				// Grab first child or body element for serialization
				if (n.nodeName != 'BODY')
					n = doc.body.firstChild;
					n = doc.body;

				// set the new document in DOMUtils so createElement etc works
				oldDoc = t.dom.doc;
				t.dom.doc = doc;

			t.key = '' + (parseInt(t.key) + 1);

			// Pre process
			if (!o.no_events) {
				o.node = n;
				t.onPreProcess.dispatch(t, o);

			// Serialize HTML DOM into a string
			t._info = o;
			t._serializeNode(n, o.getInner);

			// Post process
			o.content = t.writer.getContent();

			// Restore the old document if it was changed
			if (oldDoc)
				t.dom.doc = oldDoc;

			if (!o.no_events)
				t.onPostProcess.dispatch(t, o);

			o.node = null;

			return tinymce.trim(o.content);

		// Internal functions

		_postProcess : function(o) {
			var t = this, s = t.settings, h = o.content, sc = [], p;

			if (o.format == 'html') {
				// Protect some elements
				p = t._protect({
					content : h,
					patterns : [
						{pattern : /(<script[^>]*>)(.*?)(<\/script>)/g},
						{pattern : /(<noscript[^>]*>)(.*?)(<\/noscript>)/g},
						{pattern : /(<style[^>]*>)(.*?)(<\/style>)/g},
						{pattern : /(<pre[^>]*>)(.*?)(<\/pre>)/g, encode : 1},
						{pattern : /(<!--\[CDATA\[)(.*?)(\]\]-->)/g}

				h = p.content;

				// Entity encode
				if (s.entity_encoding !== 'raw')
					h = t._encode(h);

				// Use BR instead of &nbsp; padded P elements inside editor and use <p>&nbsp;</p> outside editor
/*				if (o.set)
					h = h.replace(/<p>\s+(&nbsp;|&#160;|\u00a0|<br \/>)\s+<\/p>/g, '<p><br /></p>');
					h = h.replace(/<p>\s+(&nbsp;|&#160;|\u00a0|<br \/>)\s+<\/p>/g, '<p>$1</p>');*/

				// Since Gecko and Safari keeps whitespace in the DOM we need to
				// remove it inorder to match other browsers. But I think Gecko and Safari is right.
				// This process is only done when getting contents out from the editor.
				if (!o.set) {
					// We need to replace paragraph whitespace with an nbsp before indentation to keep the \u00a0 char
					h = h.replace(/<p>\s+<\/p>|<p([^>]+)>\s+<\/p>/g, s.entity_encoding == 'numeric' ? '<p$1>&#160;</p>' : '<p$1>&nbsp;</p>');

					if (s.remove_linebreaks) {
						h = h.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, ' ');
						h = h.replace(/(<[^>]+>)\s+/g, '$1 ');
						h = h.replace(/\s+(<\/[^>]+>)/g, ' $1');
						h = h.replace(/<(p|h[1-6]|blockquote|hr|div|table|tbody|tr|td|body|head|html|title|meta|style|pre|script|link|object) ([^>]+)>\s+/g, '<$1 $2>'); // Trim block start
						h = h.replace(/<(p|h[1-6]|blockquote|hr|div|table|tbody|tr|td|body|head|html|title|meta|style|pre|script|link|object)>\s+/g, '<$1>'); // Trim block start
						h = h.replace(/\s+<\/(p|h[1-6]|blockquote|hr|div|table|tbody|tr|td|body|head|html|title|meta|style|pre|script|link|object)>/g, '</$1>'); // Trim block end

					// Simple indentation
					if (s.apply_source_formatting && s.indent_mode == 'simple') {
						// Add line breaks before and after block elements
						h = h.replace(/<(\/?)(ul|hr|table|meta|link|tbody|tr|object|body|head|html|map)(|[^>]+)>\s*/g, '\n<$1$2$3>\n');
						h = h.replace(/\s*<(p|h[1-6]|blockquote|div|title|style|pre|script|td|li|area)(|[^>]+)>/g, '\n<$1$2>');
						h = h.replace(/<\/(p|h[1-6]|blockquote|div|title|style|pre|script|td|li)>\s*/g, '</$1>\n');
						h = h.replace(/\n\n/g, '\n');

				h = t._unprotect(h, p);

				// Restore CDATA sections
				h = h.replace(/<!--\[CDATA\[([\s\S]+)\]\]-->/g, '<![CDATA[$1]]>');

				// Restore the \u00a0 character if raw mode is enabled
				if (s.entity_encoding == 'raw')
					h = h.replace(/<p>&nbsp;<\/p>|<p([^>]+)>&nbsp;<\/p>/g, '<p$1>\u00a0</p>');

				// Restore noscript elements
				h = h.replace(/<noscript([^>]+|)>([\s\S]*?)<\/noscript>/g, function(v, attribs, text) {
					return '<noscript' + attribs + '>' + t.dom.decode(text.replace(/<!--|-->/g, '')) + '</noscript>';

			o.content = h;

		_serializeNode : function(n, inner) {
			var t = this, s = t.settings, w = t.writer, hc, el, cn, i, l, a, at, no, v, nn, ru, ar, iv, closed, keep, type, scopeName;

			if (!s.node_filter || s.node_filter(n)) {
				switch (n.nodeType) {
					case 1: // Element
						if (n.hasAttribute ? n.hasAttribute('_mce_bogus') : n.getAttribute('_mce_bogus'))

						iv = keep = false;
						hc = n.hasChildNodes();
						nn = n.getAttribute('_mce_name') || n.nodeName.toLowerCase();

						// Get internal type
						type = n.getAttribute('_mce_type');
						if (type) {
							if (!t._info.cleanup) {
								iv = true;
							} else
								keep = 1;

						// Add correct prefix on IE
						if (isIE) {
							scopeName = n.scopeName;
							if (scopeName && scopeName !== 'HTML' && scopeName !== 'html')
								nn = scopeName + ':' + nn;

						// Remove mce prefix on IE needed for the abbr element
						if (nn.indexOf('mce:') === 0)
							nn = nn.substring(4);

						// Check if valid
						if (!keep) {
							if (!t.validElementsRE || !t.validElementsRE.test(nn) || (t.invalidElementsRE && t.invalidElementsRE.test(nn)) || inner) {
								iv = true;

						if (isIE) {
							// Fix IE content duplication (DOM can have multiple copies of the same node)
							if (s.fix_content_duplication) {
								if (n._mce_serialized == t.key)

								n._mce_serialized = t.key;

							// IE sometimes adds a / infront of the node name
							if (nn.charAt(0) == '/')
								nn = nn.substring(1);
						} else if (isGecko) {
							// Ignore br elements
							if (n.nodeName === 'BR' && n.getAttribute('type') == '_moz')

						// Check if valid child
						if (s.validate_children) {
							if (t.elementName && !t.schema.isValid(t.elementName, nn)) {
								iv = true;

							t.elementName = nn;

						ru = t.findRule(nn);
						// No valid rule for this element could be found then skip it
						if (!ru) {
							iv = true;

						nn = || nn;
						closed = s.closed.test(nn);

						// Skip empty nodes or empty node name in IE
						if ((!hc && ru.noEmpty) || (isIE && !nn)) {
							iv = true;

						// Check required
						if (ru.requiredAttribs) {
							a = ru.requiredAttribs;

							for (i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
								if (this.dom.getAttrib(n, a[i]) !== '')

							// None of the required was there
							if (i == -1) {
								iv = true;


						// Add ordered attributes
						if (ru.attribs) {
							for (i=0, at = ru.attribs, l = at.length; i<l; i++) {
								a = at[i];
								v = t._getAttrib(n, a);

								if (v !== null)
									w.writeAttribute(, v);

						// Add wild attributes
						if (ru.validAttribsRE) {
							at = t.dom.getAttribs(n);
							for (i=at.length-1; i>-1; i--) {
								no = at[i];

								if (no.specified) {
									a = no.nodeName.toLowerCase();

									if (s.invalid_attrs.test(a) || !ru.validAttribsRE.test(a))

									ar = t.findAttribRule(ru, a);
									v = t._getAttrib(n, ar, a);

									if (v !== null)
										w.writeAttribute(a, v);

						// Keep type attribute
						if (type && keep)
							w.writeAttribute('_mce_type', type);

						// Write text from script
						if (nn === 'script' && tinymce.trim(n.innerHTML)) {
							w.writeText('// '); // Padd it with a comment so it will parse on older browsers
							w.writeCDATA(n.innerHTML.replace(/<!--|-->|<\[CDATA\[|\]\]>/g, '')); // Remove comments and cdata stuctures
							hc = false;

						// Padd empty nodes with a &nbsp;
						if (ru.padd) {
							// If it has only one bogus child, padd it anyway workaround for <td><br /></td> bug
							if (hc && (cn = n.firstChild) && cn.nodeType === 1 && n.childNodes.length === 1) {
								if (cn.hasAttribute ? cn.hasAttribute('_mce_bogus') : cn.getAttribute('_mce_bogus'))
							} else if (!hc)
								w.writeText('\u00a0'); // No children then padd it


					case 3: // Text
						// Check if valid child
						if (s.validate_children && t.elementName && !t.schema.isValid(t.elementName, '#text'))

						return w.writeText(n.nodeValue);

					case 4: // CDATA
						return w.writeCDATA(n.nodeValue);

					case 8: // Comment
						return w.writeComment(n.nodeValue);
			} else if (n.nodeType == 1)
				hc = n.hasChildNodes();

			if (hc && !closed) {
				cn = n.firstChild;

				while (cn) {
					t.elementName = nn;
					cn = cn.nextSibling;

			// Write element end
			if (!iv) {
				if (!closed)

		_protect : function(o) {
			var t = this;

			o.items = o.items || [];

			function enc(s) {
				return s.replace(/[\r\n\\]/g, function(c) {
					if (c === '\n')
						return '\\n';
					else if (c === '\\')
						return '\\\\';

					return '\\r';

			function dec(s) {
				return s.replace(/\\[\\rn]/g, function(c) {
					if (c === '\\n')
						return '\n';
					else if (c === '\\\\')
						return '\\';

					return '\r';

			each(o.patterns, function(p) {
				o.content = dec(enc(o.content).replace(p.pattern, function(x, a, b, c) {
					b = dec(b);

					if (p.encode)
						b = t._encode(b);

					return a + '<!--mce:' + (o.items.length - 1) + '-->' + c;

			return o;

		_unprotect : function(h, o) {
			h = h.replace(/\<!--mce:([0-9]+)--\>/g, function(a, b) {
				return o.items[parseInt(b)];

			o.items = [];

			return h;

		_encode : function(h) {
			var t = this, s = t.settings, l;

			// Entity encode
			if (s.entity_encoding !== 'raw') {
				if (s.entity_encoding.indexOf('named') != -1) {
					l = t.entityLookup;

					h = h.replace(/[\u007E-\uFFFF]/g, function(a) {
						var v;

						if (v = l[a])
							a = '&' + v + ';';

						return a;

				if (s.entity_encoding.indexOf('numeric') != -1) {
					h = h.replace(/[\u007E-\uFFFF]/g, function(a) {
						return '&#' + a.charCodeAt(0) + ';';

			return h;

		_setup : function() {
			var t = this, s = this.settings;

			if (t.done)

			t.done = 1;


			if (s.invalid_elements)
				t.invalidElementsRE = new RegExp('^(' + wildcardToRE(s.invalid_elements.replace(/,/g, '|').toLowerCase()) + ')$');

			if (s.attrib_value_filter)
				t.attribValueFilter = s.attribValueFilter;

		_getAttrib : function(n, a, na) {
			var i, v;

			na = na ||;

			if (a.forcedVal && (v = a.forcedVal)) {
				if (v === '{$uid}')
					return this.dom.uniqueId();

				return v;

			v = this.dom.getAttrib(n, na);

			switch (na) {
				case 'rowspan':
				case 'colspan':
					// Whats the point? Remove usless attribute value
					if (v == '1')
						v = '';


			if (this.attribValueFilter)
				v = this.attribValueFilter(na, v, n);

			if (a.validVals) {
				for (i = a.validVals.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
					if (v == a.validVals[i])

				if (i == -1)
					return null;

			if (v === '' && typeof(a.defaultVal) != 'undefined') {
				v = a.defaultVal;

				if (v === '{$uid}')
					return this.dom.uniqueId();

				return v;
			} else {
				// Remove internal mceItemXX classes when content is extracted from editor
				if (na == 'class' && this.processObj.get)
					v = v.replace(/\s?mceItem\w+\s?/g, '');

			if (v === '')
				return null;

			return v;

(function(tinymce) {
	tinymce.dom.ScriptLoader = function(settings) {
		var QUEUED = 0,
			LOADING = 1,
			LOADED = 2,
			states = {},
			queue = [],
			scriptLoadedCallbacks = {},
			queueLoadedCallbacks = [],
			loading = 0,

		function loadScript(url, callback) {
			var t = this, dom = tinymce.DOM, elm, uri, loc, id;

			// Execute callback when script is loaded
			function done() {

				if (elm)
					elm.onreadystatechange = elm.onload = elm = null;


			id = dom.uniqueId();

			if (tinymce.isIE6) {
				uri = new tinymce.util.URI(url);
				loc = location;

				// If script is from same domain and we
				// use IE 6 then use XHR since it's more reliable
				if ( == loc.hostname && uri.port == loc.port && (uri.protocol + ':') == loc.protocol) {
						url : tinymce._addVer(uri.getURI()),
						success : function(content) {
							// Create new temp script element
							var script = dom.create('script', {
								type : 'text/javascript'

							// Evaluate script in global scope
							script.text = content;



			// Create new script element
			elm = dom.create('script', {
				id : id,
				type : 'text/javascript',
				src : tinymce._addVer(url)

			// Add onload and readystate listeners
			elm.onload = done;
			elm.onreadystatechange = function() {
				var state = elm.readyState;

				// Loaded state is passed on IE 6 however there
				// are known issues with this method but we can't use
				// XHR in a cross domain loading
				if (state == 'complete' || state == 'loaded')

			// Most browsers support this feature so we report errors
			// for those at least to help users track their missing plugins etc
			// todo: Removed since it produced error if the document is unloaded by navigating away, re-add it as an option
			/*elm.onerror = function() {
				alert('Failed to load: ' + url);

			// Add script to document
			(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.body).appendChild(elm);

		this.isDone = function(url) {
			return states[url] == LOADED;

		this.markDone = function(url) {
			states[url] = LOADED;

		this.add = this.load = function(url, callback, scope) {
			var item, state = states[url];

			// Add url to load queue
			if (state == undefined) {
				states[url] = QUEUED;

			if (callback) {
				// Store away callback for later execution
				if (!scriptLoadedCallbacks[url])
					scriptLoadedCallbacks[url] = [];

					func : callback,
					scope : scope || this

		this.loadQueue = function(callback, scope) {
			this.loadScripts(queue, callback, scope);

		this.loadScripts = function(scripts, callback, scope) {
			var loadScripts;

			function execScriptLoadedCallbacks(url) {
				// Execute URL callback functions
				tinymce.each(scriptLoadedCallbacks[url], function(callback) {;

				scriptLoadedCallbacks[url] = undefined;

				func : callback,
				scope : scope || this

			loadScripts = function() {
				var loadingScripts = tinymce.grep(scripts);

				// Current scripts has been handled
				scripts.length = 0;

				// Load scripts that needs to be loaded
				tinymce.each(loadingScripts, function(url) {
					// Script is already loaded then execute script callbacks directly
					if (states[url] == LOADED) {

					// Is script not loading then start loading it
					if (states[url] != LOADING) {
						states[url] = LOADING;

						loadScript(url, function() {
							states[url] = LOADED;


							// Load more scripts if they where added by the recently loaded script

				// No scripts are currently loading then execute all pending queue loaded callbacks
				if (!loading) {
					tinymce.each(queueLoadedCallbacks, function(callback) {;

					queueLoadedCallbacks.length = 0;


	// Global script loader
	tinymce.ScriptLoader = new tinymce.dom.ScriptLoader();

tinymce.dom.TreeWalker = function(start_node, root_node) {
	var node = start_node;

	function findSibling(node, start_name, sibling_name, shallow) {
		var sibling, parent;

		if (node) {
			// Walk into nodes if it has a start
			if (!shallow && node[start_name])
				return node[start_name];

			// Return the sibling if it has one
			if (node != root_node) {
				sibling = node[sibling_name];
				if (sibling)
					return sibling;

				// Walk up the parents to look for siblings
				for (parent = node.parentNode; parent && parent != root_node; parent = parent.parentNode) {
					sibling = parent[sibling_name];
					if (sibling)
						return sibling;

	this.current = function() {
		return node;
	}; = function(shallow) {
		return (node = findSibling(node, 'firstChild', 'nextSibling', shallow));

	this.prev = function(shallow) {
		return (node = findSibling(node, 'lastChild', 'lastSibling', shallow));

(function() {
	var transitional = {};

	function unpack(lookup, data) {
		var key;

		function replace(value) {
			return value.replace(/[A-Z]+/g, function(key) {
				return replace(lookup[key]);

		// Unpack lookup
		for (key in lookup) {
			if (lookup.hasOwnProperty(key))
				lookup[key] = replace(lookup[key]);

		// Unpack and parse data into object map
		replace(data).replace(/#/g, '#text').replace(/(\w+)\[([^\]]+)\]/g, function(str, name, children) {
			var i, map = {};

			children = children.split(/\|/);

			for (i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
				map[children[i]] = 1;

			transitional[name] = map;

	// This is the XHTML 1.0 transitional elements with it's children packed to reduce it's size
	// we will later include the attributes here and use it as a default for valid elements but it
	// requires us to rewrite the serializer engine
		Z : '#|H|K|N|O|P',
		Y : '#|X|form|R|Q',
		X : 'p|T|div|U|W|isindex|fieldset|table',
		W : 'pre|hr|blockquote|address|center|noframes',
		U : 'ul|ol|dl|menu|dir',
		ZC : '#|p|Y|div|U|W|table|br|span|bdo|object|applet|img|map|K|N|Q',
		T : 'h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6',
		ZB : '#|X|S|Q',
		S : 'R|P',
		ZA : '#|a|G|J|M|O|P',
		R : '#|a|H|K|N|O',
		Q : 'noscript|P',
		P : 'ins|del|script',
		O : 'input|select|textarea|label|button',
		N : 'M|L',
		M : 'em|strong|dfn|code|q|samp|kbd|var|cite|abbr|acronym',
		L : 'sub|sup',
		K : 'J|I',
		J : 'tt|i|b|u|s|strike',
		I : 'big|small|font|basefont',
		H : 'G|F',
		G : 'br|span|bdo',
		F : 'object|applet|img|map|iframe'
	}, 'script[]' + 
		'style[]' + 
		'object[#|param|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'param[]' + 
		'p[S]' + 
		'a[Z]' + 
		'br[]' + 
		'span[S]' + 
		'bdo[S]' + 
		'applet[#|param|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'h1[S]' + 
		'img[]' + 
		'map[X|form|Q|area]' + 
		'h2[S]' + 
		'iframe[#|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'h3[S]' + 
		'tt[S]' + 
		'i[S]' + 
		'b[S]' + 
		'u[S]' + 
		's[S]' + 
		'strike[S]' + 
		'big[S]' + 
		'small[S]' + 
		'font[S]' + 
		'basefont[]' + 
		'em[S]' + 
		'strong[S]' + 
		'dfn[S]' + 
		'code[S]' + 
		'q[S]' + 
		'samp[S]' + 
		'kbd[S]' + 
		'var[S]' + 
		'cite[S]' + 
		'abbr[S]' + 
		'acronym[S]' + 
		'sub[S]' + 
		'sup[S]' + 
		'input[]' + 
		'select[optgroup|option]' + 
		'optgroup[option]' + 
		'option[]' + 
		'textarea[]' + 
		'label[S]' + 
		'button[#|p|T|div|U|W|table|G|object|applet|img|map|K|N|Q]' + 
		'h4[S]' + 
		'ins[#|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'h5[S]' + 
		'del[#|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'h6[S]' + 
		'div[#|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'ul[li]' + 
		'li[#|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'ol[li]' + 
		'dl[dt|dd]' + 
		'dt[S]' + 
		'dd[#|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'menu[li]' + 
		'dir[li]' + 
		'pre[ZA]' + 
		'hr[]' + 
		'blockquote[#|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'address[S|p]' + 
		'center[#|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'noframes[#|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'isindex[]' + 
		'fieldset[#|legend|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'legend[S]' + 
		'table[caption|col|colgroup|thead|tfoot|tbody|tr]' + 
		'caption[S]' + 
		'col[]' + 
		'colgroup[col]' + 
		'thead[tr]' + 
		'tr[th|td]' + 
		'th[#|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'form[#|X|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'noscript[#|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'td[#|X|form|a|H|K|N|O|Q]' + 
		'tfoot[tr]' + 
		'tbody[tr]' + 
		'area[]' + 
		'base[]' + 

	tinymce.dom.Schema = function() {
		var t = this, elements = transitional;

		t.isValid = function(name, child_name) {
			var element = elements[name];

			return !!(element && (!child_name || element[child_name]));
(function(tinymce) {
	tinymce.dom.RangeUtils = function(dom) {

		this.walk = function(rng, callback) {
			var startContainer = rng.startContainer,
				startOffset = rng.startOffset,
				endContainer = rng.endContainer,
				endOffset = rng.endOffset,
				ancestor, startPoint,
				endPoint, node, parent, siblings, nodes;

			// Handle table cell selection the table plugin enables
			// you to fake select table cells and perform formatting actions on them
			nodes ='td.mceSelected,th.mceSelected');
			if (nodes.length > 0) {
				tinymce.each(nodes, function(node) {


			function collectSiblings(node, name, end_node) {
				var siblings = [];

				for (; node && node != end_node; node = node[name])

				return siblings;

			function findEndPoint(node, root) {
				do {
					if (node.parentNode == root)
						return node;

					node = node.parentNode;
				} while(node);

			function walkBoundary(start_node, end_node, next) {
				var siblingName = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';

				for (node = start_node, parent = node.parentNode; node && node != end_node; node = parent) {
					parent = node.parentNode;
					siblings = collectSiblings(node == start_node ? node : node[siblingName], siblingName);

					if (siblings.length) {
						if (!next)


			// If index based start position then resolve it
			if (startContainer.nodeType == 1 && startContainer.hasChildNodes())
				startContainer = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];

			// If index based end position then resolve it
			if (endContainer.nodeType == 1 && endContainer.hasChildNodes())
				endContainer = endContainer.childNodes[Math.min(startOffset == endOffset ? endOffset : endOffset - 1, endContainer.childNodes.length - 1)];

			// Find common ancestor and end points
			ancestor = dom.findCommonAncestor(startContainer, endContainer);

			// Same container
			if (startContainer == endContainer)
				return callback([startContainer]);

			// Process left side
			for (node = startContainer; node; node = node.parentNode) {
				if (node == endContainer)
					return walkBoundary(startContainer, ancestor, true);

				if (node == ancestor)

			// Process right side
			for (node = endContainer; node; node = node.parentNode) {
				if (node == startContainer)
					return walkBoundary(endContainer, ancestor);

				if (node == ancestor)

			// Find start/end point
			startPoint = findEndPoint(startContainer, ancestor) || startContainer;
			endPoint = findEndPoint(endContainer, ancestor) || endContainer;

			// Walk left leaf
			walkBoundary(startContainer, startPoint, true);

			// Walk the middle from start to end point
			siblings = collectSiblings(
				startPoint == startContainer ? startPoint : startPoint.nextSibling,
				endPoint == endContainer ? endPoint.nextSibling : endPoint

			if (siblings.length)

			// Walk right leaf
			walkBoundary(endContainer, endPoint);

		/*		this.split = function(rng) {
			var startContainer = rng.startContainer,
				startOffset = rng.startOffset,
				endContainer = rng.endContainer,
				endOffset = rng.endOffset;

			function splitText(node, offset) {
				if (offset == node.nodeValue.length)

				node = node.splitText(offset);

				if (node.nodeValue === INVISIBLE_CHAR)
					node.nodeValue = '';

				return node;

			// Handle single text node
			if (startContainer == endContainer) {
				if (startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
					if (startOffset != 0)
						startContainer = endContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset);

					if (endOffset - startOffset != startContainer.nodeValue.length)
						splitText(startContainer, endOffset - startOffset);
			} else {
				// Split startContainer text node if needed
				if (startContainer.nodeType == 3 && startOffset != 0) {
					startContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset);
					startOffset = 0;

				// Split endContainer text node if needed
				if (endContainer.nodeType == 3 && endOffset != endContainer.nodeValue.length) {
					endContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling;
					endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;

			return {
				startContainer : startContainer,
				startOffset : startOffset,
				endContainer : endContainer,
				endOffset : endOffset

	tinymce.dom.RangeUtils.compareRanges = function(rng1, rng2) {
		if (rng1 && rng2) {
			// Compare native IE ranges
			if (rng1.item || rng1.duplicate) {
				// Both are control ranges and the selected element matches
				if (rng1.item && rng2.item && rng1.item(0) === rng2.item(0))
					return true;

				// Both are text ranges and the range matches
				if (rng1.isEqual && rng2.isEqual && rng2.isEqual(rng1))
					return true;
			} else {
				// Compare w3c ranges
				return rng1.startContainer == rng2.startContainer && rng1.startOffset == rng2.startOffset;

		return false;

(function(tinymce) {
	// Shorten class names
	var DOM = tinymce.DOM, is =;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.Control', {
		Control : function(id, s) { = id;
			this.settings = s = s || {};
			this.rendered = false;
			this.onRender = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(this);
			this.classPrefix = '';
			this.scope = s.scope || this;
			this.disabled = 0; = 0;

		setDisabled : function(s) {
			var e;

			if (s != this.disabled) {
				e = DOM.get(;

				// Add accessibility title for unavailable actions
				if (e && this.settings.unavailable_prefix) {
					if (s) {
						this.prevTitle = e.title;
						e.title = this.settings.unavailable_prefix + ": " + e.title;
					} else
						e.title = this.prevTitle;

				this.setState('Disabled', s);
				this.setState('Enabled', !s);
				this.disabled = s;

		isDisabled : function() {
			return this.disabled;

		setActive : function(s) {
			if (s != {
				this.setState('Active', s); = s;

		isActive : function() {

		setState : function(c, s) {
			var n = DOM.get(;

			c = this.classPrefix + c;

			if (s)
				DOM.addClass(n, c);
				DOM.removeClass(n, c);

		isRendered : function() {
			return this.rendered;

		renderHTML : function() {

		renderTo : function(n) {
			DOM.setHTML(n, this.renderHTML());

		postRender : function() {
			var t = this, b;

			// Set pending states
			if (is(t.disabled)) {
				b = t.disabled;
				t.disabled = -1;

			if (is( {
				b =; = -1;

		remove : function() {

		destroy : function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.Container:tinymce.ui.Control', {
	Container : function(id, s) {
		this.parent(id, s);

		this.controls = [];

		this.lookup = {};

	add : function(c) {
		this.lookup[] = c;

		return c;

	get : function(n) {
		return this.lookup[n];

tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.Separator:tinymce.ui.Control', {
	Separator : function(id, s) {
		this.parent(id, s);
		this.classPrefix = 'mceSeparator';

	renderHTML : function() {
		return tinymce.DOM.createHTML('span', {'class' : this.classPrefix});

(function(tinymce) {
	var is =, DOM = tinymce.DOM, each = tinymce.each, walk = tinymce.walk;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.MenuItem:tinymce.ui.Control', {
		MenuItem : function(id, s) {
			this.parent(id, s);
			this.classPrefix = 'mceMenuItem';

		setSelected : function(s) {
			this.setState('Selected', s);
			this.selected = s;

		isSelected : function() {
			return this.selected;

		postRender : function() {
			var t = this;

			// Set pending state
			if (is(t.selected))

(function(tinymce) {
	var is =, DOM = tinymce.DOM, each = tinymce.each, walk = tinymce.walk;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.Menu:tinymce.ui.MenuItem', {
		Menu : function(id, s) {
			var t = this;

			t.parent(id, s);
			t.items = {};
			t.collapsed = false;
			t.menuCount = 0;
			t.onAddItem = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(this);

		expand : function(d) {
			var t = this;

			if (d) {
				walk(t, function(o) {
					if (o.expand)
				}, 'items', t);

			t.collapsed = false;

		collapse : function(d) {
			var t = this;

			if (d) {
				walk(t, function(o) {
					if (o.collapse)
				}, 'items', t);

			t.collapsed = true;

		isCollapsed : function() {
			return this.collapsed;

		add : function(o) {
			if (!o.settings)
				o = new tinymce.ui.MenuItem( || DOM.uniqueId(), o);

			this.onAddItem.dispatch(this, o);

			return this.items[] = o;

		addSeparator : function() {
			return this.add({separator : true});

		addMenu : function(o) {
			if (!o.collapse)
				o = this.createMenu(o);


			return this.add(o);

		hasMenus : function() {
			return this.menuCount !== 0;

		remove : function(o) {
			delete this.items[];

		removeAll : function() {
			var t = this;

			walk(t, function(o) {
				if (o.removeAll)

			}, 'items', t);

			t.items = {};

		createMenu : function(o) {
			var m = new tinymce.ui.Menu( || DOM.uniqueId(), o);

			m.onAddItem.add(this.onAddItem.dispatch, this.onAddItem);

			return m;
(function(tinymce) {
	var is =, DOM = tinymce.DOM, each = tinymce.each, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, Element = tinymce.dom.Element;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.DropMenu:tinymce.ui.Menu', {
		DropMenu : function(id, s) {
			s = s || {};
			s.container = s.container || DOM.doc.body;
			s.offset_x = s.offset_x || 0;
			s.offset_y = s.offset_y || 0;
			s.vp_offset_x = s.vp_offset_x || 0;
			s.vp_offset_y = s.vp_offset_y || 0;

			if (is(s.icons) && !s.icons)
				s['class'] += ' mceNoIcons';

			this.parent(id, s);
			this.onShowMenu = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(this);
			this.onHideMenu = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(this);
			this.classPrefix = 'mceMenu';

		createMenu : function(s) {
			var t = this, cs = t.settings, m;

			s.container = s.container || cs.container;
			s.parent = t;
			s.constrain = s.constrain || cs.constrain;
			s['class'] = s['class'] || cs['class'];
			s.vp_offset_x = s.vp_offset_x || cs.vp_offset_x;
			s.vp_offset_y = s.vp_offset_y || cs.vp_offset_y;
			m = new tinymce.ui.DropMenu( || DOM.uniqueId(), s);

			m.onAddItem.add(t.onAddItem.dispatch, t.onAddItem);

			return m;

		update : function() {
			var t = this, s = t.settings, tb = DOM.get('menu_' + + '_tbl'), co = DOM.get('menu_' + + '_co'), tw, th;

			tw = s.max_width ? Math.min(tb.clientWidth, s.max_width) : tb.clientWidth;
			th = s.max_height ? Math.min(tb.clientHeight, s.max_height) : tb.clientHeight;

			if (!DOM.boxModel)
				t.element.setStyles({width : tw + 2, height : th + 2});
				t.element.setStyles({width : tw, height : th});

			if (s.max_width)
				DOM.setStyle(co, 'width', tw);

			if (s.max_height) {
				DOM.setStyle(co, 'height', th);

				if (tb.clientHeight < s.max_height)
					DOM.setStyle(co, 'overflow', 'hidden');

		showMenu : function(x, y, px) {
			var t = this, s = t.settings, co, vp = DOM.getViewPort(), w, h, mx, my, ot = 2, dm, tb, cp = t.classPrefix;


			if (t.isMenuVisible)

			if (!t.rendered) {
				co = DOM.add(t.settings.container, t.renderNode());

				each(t.items, function(o) {

				t.element = new Element('menu_' +, {blocker : 1, container : s.container});
			} else
				co = DOM.get('menu_' +;

			// Move layer out of sight unless it's Opera since it scrolls to top of page due to an bug
			if (!tinymce.isOpera)
				DOM.setStyles(co, {left : -0xFFFF , top : -0xFFFF});;

			x += s.offset_x || 0;
			y += s.offset_y || 0;
			vp.w -= 4;
			vp.h -= 4;

			// Move inside viewport if not submenu
			if (s.constrain) {
				w = co.clientWidth - ot;
				h = co.clientHeight - ot;
				mx = vp.x + vp.w;
				my = vp.y + vp.h;

				if ((x + s.vp_offset_x + w) > mx)
					x = px ? px - w : Math.max(0, (mx - s.vp_offset_x) - w);

				if ((y + s.vp_offset_y + h) > my)
					y = Math.max(0, (my - s.vp_offset_y) - h);

			DOM.setStyles(co, {left : x , top : y});

			t.isMenuVisible = 1;
			t.mouseClickFunc = Event.add(co, 'click', function(e) {
				var m;

				e =;

				if (e && (e = DOM.getParent(e, 'tr')) && !DOM.hasClass(e, cp + 'ItemSub')) {
					m = t.items[];

					if (m.isDisabled())

					dm = t;

					while (dm) {
						if (dm.hideMenu)

						dm = dm.settings.parent;

					if (m.settings.onclick)

					return Event.cancel(e); // Cancel to fix onbeforeunload problem

			if (t.hasMenus()) {
				t.mouseOverFunc = Event.add(co, 'mouseover', function(e) {
					var m, r, mi;

					e =;
					if (e && (e = DOM.getParent(e, 'tr'))) {
						m = t.items[];

						if (t.lastMenu)

						if (m.isDisabled())

						if (e && DOM.hasClass(e, cp + 'ItemSub')) {
							//p = DOM.getPos(s.container);
							r = DOM.getRect(e);
							m.showMenu((r.x + r.w - ot), r.y - ot, r.x);
							t.lastMenu = m;
							DOM.addClass(DOM.get(, cp + 'ItemActive');


			if (s.keyboard_focus) {
				Event.add(co, 'keydown', t._keyHandler, t);'a', 'menu_' +[0].focus(); // Select first link
				t._focusIdx = 0;

		hideMenu : function(c) {
			var t = this, co = DOM.get('menu_' +, e;

			if (!t.isMenuVisible)

			Event.remove(co, 'mouseover', t.mouseOverFunc);
			Event.remove(co, 'click', t.mouseClickFunc);
			Event.remove(co, 'keydown', t._keyHandler);
			t.isMenuVisible = 0;

			if (!c)

			if (t.element)

			if (e = DOM.get(
				DOM.removeClass(e.firstChild, t.classPrefix + 'ItemActive');


		add : function(o) {
			var t = this, co;

			o = t.parent(o);

			if (t.isRendered && (co = DOM.get('menu_' +
				t._add('tbody', co)[0], o);

			return o;

		collapse : function(d) {

		remove : function(o) {

			return this.parent(o);

		destroy : function() {
			var t = this, co = DOM.get('menu_' +;

			Event.remove(co, 'mouseover', t.mouseOverFunc);
			Event.remove(co, 'click', t.mouseClickFunc);

			if (t.element)


		renderNode : function() {
			var t = this, s = t.settings, n, tb, co, w;

			w = DOM.create('div', {id : 'menu_' +, 'class' : s['class'], 'style' : 'position:absolute;left:0;top:0;z-index:200000'});
			co = DOM.add(w, 'div', {id : 'menu_' + + '_co', 'class' : t.classPrefix + (s['class'] ? ' ' + s['class'] : '')});
			t.element = new Element('menu_' +, {blocker : 1, container : s.container});

			if (s.menu_line)
				DOM.add(co, 'span', {'class' : t.classPrefix + 'Line'});

//			n = DOM.add(co, 'div', {id : 'menu_' + + '_co', 'class' : 'mceMenuContainer'});
			n = DOM.add(co, 'table', {id : 'menu_' + + '_tbl', border : 0, cellPadding : 0, cellSpacing : 0});
			tb = DOM.add(n, 'tbody');

			each(t.items, function(o) {
				t._add(tb, o);

			t.rendered = true;

			return w;

		// Internal functions

		_keyHandler : function(e) {
			var t = this, kc = e.keyCode;

			function focus(d) {
				var i = t._focusIdx + d, e ='a', 'menu_' +[i];

				if (e) {
					t._focusIdx = i;

			switch (kc) {
				case 38:
					focus(-1); // Select first link

				case 40:

				case 13:

				case 27:
					return this.hideMenu();

		_add : function(tb, o) {
			var n, s = o.settings, a, ro, it, cp = this.classPrefix, ic;

			if (s.separator) {
				ro = DOM.add(tb, 'tr', {id :, 'class' : cp + 'ItemSeparator'});
				DOM.add(ro, 'td', {'class' : cp + 'ItemSeparator'});

				if (n = ro.previousSibling)
					DOM.addClass(n, 'mceLast');


			n = ro = DOM.add(tb, 'tr', {id :, 'class' : cp + 'Item ' + cp + 'ItemEnabled'});
			n = it = DOM.add(n, 'td');
			n = a = DOM.add(n, 'a', {href : 'javascript:;', onclick : "return false;", onmousedown : 'return false;'});

			DOM.addClass(it, s['class']);
//			n = DOM.add(n, 'span', {'class' : 'item'});

			ic = DOM.add(n, 'span', {'class' : 'mceIcon' + (s.icon ? ' mce_' + s.icon : '')});

			if (s.icon_src)
				DOM.add(ic, 'img', {src : s.icon_src});

			n = DOM.add(n, s.element || 'span', {'class' : 'mceText', title : o.settings.title}, o.settings.title);

			if (
				DOM.setAttrib(n, 'style',;

			if (tb.childNodes.length == 1)
				DOM.addClass(ro, 'mceFirst');

			if ((n = ro.previousSibling) && DOM.hasClass(n, cp + 'ItemSeparator'))
				DOM.addClass(ro, 'mceFirst');

			if (o.collapse)
				DOM.addClass(ro, cp + 'ItemSub');

			if (n = ro.previousSibling)
				DOM.removeClass(n, 'mceLast');

			DOM.addClass(ro, 'mceLast');
(function(tinymce) {
	var DOM = tinymce.DOM;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.Button:tinymce.ui.Control', {
		Button : function(id, s) {
			this.parent(id, s);
			this.classPrefix = 'mceButton';

		renderHTML : function() {
			var cp = this.classPrefix, s = this.settings, h, l;

			l = DOM.encode(s.label || '');
			h = '<a id="' + + '" href="javascript:;" class="' + cp + ' ' + cp + 'Enabled ' + s['class'] + (l ? ' ' + cp + 'Labeled' : '') +'" onmousedown="return false;" onclick="return false;" title="' + DOM.encode(s.title) + '">';

			if (s.image)
				h += '<img class="mceIcon" src="' + s.image + '" />' + l + '</a>';
				h += '<span class="mceIcon ' + s['class'] + '"></span>' + (l ? '<span class="' + cp + 'Label">' + l + '</span>' : '') + '</a>';

			return h;

		postRender : function() {
			var t = this, s = t.settings;

			tinymce.dom.Event.add(, 'click', function(e) {
				if (!t.isDisabled())
					return, e);

(function(tinymce) {
	var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, each = tinymce.each, Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.ListBox:tinymce.ui.Control', {
		ListBox : function(id, s) {
			var t = this;

			t.parent(id, s);

			t.items = [];

			t.onChange = new Dispatcher(t);

			t.onPostRender = new Dispatcher(t);

			t.onAdd = new Dispatcher(t);

			t.onRenderMenu = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(this);

			t.classPrefix = 'mceListBox';

		select : function(va) {
			var t = this, fv, f;

			if (va == undefined)
				return t.selectByIndex(-1);

			// Is string or number make function selector
			if (va &&
				f = va;
			else {
				f = function(v) {
					return v == va;

			// Do we need to do something?
			if (va != t.selectedValue) {
				// Find item
				each(t.items, function(o, i) {
					if (f(o.value)) {
						fv = 1;
						return false;

				if (!fv)

		selectByIndex : function(idx) {
			var t = this, e, o;

			if (idx != t.selectedIndex) {
				e = DOM.get( + '_text');
				o = t.items[idx];

				if (o) {
					t.selectedValue = o.value;
					t.selectedIndex = idx;
					DOM.setHTML(e, DOM.encode(o.title));
					DOM.removeClass(e, 'mceTitle');
				} else {
					DOM.setHTML(e, DOM.encode(t.settings.title));
					DOM.addClass(e, 'mceTitle');
					t.selectedValue = t.selectedIndex = null;

				e = 0;

		add : function(n, v, o) {
			var t = this;

			o = o || {};
			o = tinymce.extend(o, {
				title : n,
				value : v

			t.onAdd.dispatch(t, o);

		getLength : function() {
			return this.items.length;

		renderHTML : function() {
			var h = '', t = this, s = t.settings, cp = t.classPrefix;

			h = '<table id="' + + '" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="' + cp + ' ' + cp + 'Enabled' + (s['class'] ? (' ' + s['class']) : '') + '"><tbody><tr>';
			h += '<td>' + DOM.createHTML('a', {id : + '_text', href : 'javascript:;', 'class' : 'mceText', onclick : "return false;", onmousedown : 'return false;'}, DOM.encode(t.settings.title)) + '</td>';
			h += '<td>' + DOM.createHTML('a', {id : + '_open', tabindex : -1, href : 'javascript:;', 'class' : 'mceOpen', onclick : "return false;", onmousedown : 'return false;'}, '<span></span>') + '</td>';
			h += '</tr></tbody></table>';

			return h;

		showMenu : function() {
			var t = this, p1, p2, e = DOM.get(, m;

			if (t.isDisabled() || t.items.length == 0)

			if ( &&
				return t.hideMenu();

			if (!t.isMenuRendered) {
				t.isMenuRendered = true;

			p1 = DOM.getPos(this.settings.menu_container);
			p2 = DOM.getPos(e);

			m =;
			m.settings.offset_x = p2.x;
			m.settings.offset_y = p2.y;
			m.settings.keyboard_focus = !tinymce.isOpera; // Opera is buggy when it comes to auto focus

			// Select in menu
			if (t.oldID)

			each(t.items, function(o) {
				if (o.value === t.selectedValue) {
					t.oldID =;

			m.showMenu(0, e.clientHeight);

			Event.add(DOM.doc, 'mousedown', t.hideMenu, t);
			DOM.addClass(, t.classPrefix + 'Selected');

			//DOM.get( + '_text').focus();

		hideMenu : function(e) {
			var t = this;

			if ( && {
				// Prevent double toogles by canceling the mouse click event to the button
				if (e && e.type == "mousedown" && ( == + '_text' || == + '_open'))

				if (!e || !DOM.getParent(, '.mceMenu')) {
					DOM.removeClass(, t.classPrefix + 'Selected');
					Event.remove(DOM.doc, 'mousedown', t.hideMenu, t);;

		renderMenu : function() {
			var t = this, m;

			m = t.settings.control_manager.createDropMenu( + '_menu', {
				menu_line : 1,
				'class' : t.classPrefix + 'Menu mceNoIcons',
				max_width : 150,
				max_height : 150

			m.onHideMenu.add(t.hideMenu, t);

				title : t.settings.title,
				'class' : 'mceMenuItemTitle',
				onclick : function() {
					if (t.settings.onselect('') !== false)''); // Must be runned after

			each(t.items, function(o) {
				// No value then treat it as a title
				if (o.value === undefined) {
						title : o.title,
						'class' : 'mceMenuItemTitle',
						onclick : function() {
							if (t.settings.onselect('') !== false)''); // Must be runned after
				} else { = DOM.uniqueId();
					o.onclick = function() {
						if (t.settings.onselect(o.value) !== false); // Must be runned after


			t.onRenderMenu.dispatch(t, m); = m;

		postRender : function() {
			var t = this, cp = t.classPrefix;

			Event.add(, 'click', t.showMenu, t);
			Event.add( + '_text', 'focus', function() {
				if (!t._focused) {
					t.keyDownHandler = Event.add( + '_text', 'keydown', function(e) {
						var idx = -1, v, kc = e.keyCode;

						// Find current index
						each(t.items, function(v, i) {
							if (t.selectedValue == v.value)
								idx = i;

						// Move up/down
						if (kc == 38)
							v = t.items[idx - 1];
						else if (kc == 40)
							v = t.items[idx + 1];
						else if (kc == 13) {
							// Fake select on enter
							v = t.selectedValue;
							t.selectedValue = null; // Needs to be null to fake change
							return Event.cancel(e);

						if (v) {

				t._focused = 1;
			Event.add( + '_text', 'blur', function() {Event.remove( + '_text', 'keydown', t.keyDownHandler); t._focused = 0;});

			// Old IE doesn't have hover on all elements
			if (tinymce.isIE6 || !DOM.boxModel) {
				Event.add(, 'mouseover', function() {
					if (!DOM.hasClass(, cp + 'Disabled'))
						DOM.addClass(, cp + 'Hover');

				Event.add(, 'mouseout', function() {
					if (!DOM.hasClass(, cp + 'Disabled'))
						DOM.removeClass(, cp + 'Hover');

			t.onPostRender.dispatch(t, DOM.get(;

		destroy : function() {

			Event.clear( + '_text');
			Event.clear( + '_open');
(function(tinymce) {
	var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, each = tinymce.each, Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.NativeListBox:tinymce.ui.ListBox', {
		NativeListBox : function(id, s) {
			this.parent(id, s);
			this.classPrefix = 'mceNativeListBox';

		setDisabled : function(s) {
			DOM.get( = s;

		isDisabled : function() {
			return DOM.get(;

		select : function(va) {
			var t = this, fv, f;

			if (va == undefined)
				return t.selectByIndex(-1);

			// Is string or number make function selector
			if (va &&
				f = va;
			else {
				f = function(v) {
					return v == va;

			// Do we need to do something?
			if (va != t.selectedValue) {
				// Find item
				each(t.items, function(o, i) {
					if (f(o.value)) {
						fv = 1;
						return false;

				if (!fv)

		selectByIndex : function(idx) {
			DOM.get( = idx + 1;
			this.selectedValue = this.items[idx] ? this.items[idx].value : null;

		add : function(n, v, a) {
			var o, t = this;

			a = a || {};
			a.value = v;

			if (t.isRendered())
				DOM.add(DOM.get(, 'option', a, n);

			o = {
				title : n,
				value : v,
				attribs : a

			t.onAdd.dispatch(t, o);

		getLength : function() {
			return this.items.length;

		renderHTML : function() {
			var h, t = this;

			h = DOM.createHTML('option', {value : ''}, '-- ' + t.settings.title + ' --');

			each(t.items, function(it) {
				h += DOM.createHTML('option', {value : it.value}, it.title);

			h = DOM.createHTML('select', {id :, 'class' : 'mceNativeListBox'}, h);

			return h;

		postRender : function() {
			var t = this, ch;

			t.rendered = true;

			function onChange(e) {
				var v = t.items[ - 1];

				if (v && (v = v.value)) {
					t.onChange.dispatch(t, v);

					if (t.settings.onselect)

			Event.add(, 'change', onChange);

			// Accessibility keyhandler
			Event.add(, 'keydown', function(e) {
				var bf;

				Event.remove(, 'change', ch);

				bf = Event.add(, 'blur', function() {
					Event.add(, 'change', onChange);
					Event.remove(, 'blur', bf);

				if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) {
					return Event.cancel(e);

			t.onPostRender.dispatch(t, DOM.get(;
(function(tinymce) {
	var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, each = tinymce.each;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.MenuButton:tinymce.ui.Button', {
		MenuButton : function(id, s) {
			this.parent(id, s);

			this.onRenderMenu = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(this);

			s.menu_container = s.menu_container || DOM.doc.body;

		showMenu : function() {
			var t = this, p1, p2, e = DOM.get(, m;

			if (t.isDisabled())

			if (!t.isMenuRendered) {
				t.isMenuRendered = true;

			if (t.isMenuVisible)
				return t.hideMenu();

			p1 = DOM.getPos(t.settings.menu_container);
			p2 = DOM.getPos(e);

			m =;
			m.settings.offset_x = p2.x;
			m.settings.offset_y = p2.y;
			m.settings.vp_offset_x = p2.x;
			m.settings.vp_offset_y = p2.y;
			m.settings.keyboard_focus = t._focused;
			m.showMenu(0, e.clientHeight);

			Event.add(DOM.doc, 'mousedown', t.hideMenu, t);
			t.setState('Selected', 1);

			t.isMenuVisible = 1;

		renderMenu : function() {
			var t = this, m;

			m = t.settings.control_manager.createDropMenu( + '_menu', {
				menu_line : 1,
				'class' : this.classPrefix + 'Menu',
				icons : t.settings.icons

			m.onHideMenu.add(t.hideMenu, t);

			t.onRenderMenu.dispatch(t, m); = m;

		hideMenu : function(e) {
			var t = this;

			// Prevent double toogles by canceling the mouse click event to the button
			if (e && e.type == "mousedown" && DOM.getParent(, function(e) {return === || === + '_open';}))

			if (!e || !DOM.getParent(, '.mceMenu')) {
				t.setState('Selected', 0);
				Event.remove(DOM.doc, 'mousedown', t.hideMenu, t);
				if (;

			t.isMenuVisible = 0;

		postRender : function() {
			var t = this, s = t.settings;

			Event.add(, 'click', function() {
				if (!t.isDisabled()) {
					if (s.onclick)


(function(tinymce) {
	var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, each = tinymce.each;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.SplitButton:tinymce.ui.MenuButton', {
		SplitButton : function(id, s) {
			this.parent(id, s);
			this.classPrefix = 'mceSplitButton';

		renderHTML : function() {
			var h, t = this, s = t.settings, h1;

			h = '<tbody><tr>';

			if (s.image)
				h1 = DOM.createHTML('img ', {src : s.image, 'class' : 'mceAction ' + s['class']});
				h1 = DOM.createHTML('span', {'class' : 'mceAction ' + s['class']}, '');

			h += '<td>' + DOM.createHTML('a', {id : + '_action', href : 'javascript:;', 'class' : 'mceAction ' + s['class'], onclick : "return false;", onmousedown : 'return false;', title : s.title}, h1) + '</td>';
			h1 = DOM.createHTML('span', {'class' : 'mceOpen ' + s['class']});
			h += '<td>' + DOM.createHTML('a', {id : + '_open', href : 'javascript:;', 'class' : 'mceOpen ' + s['class'], onclick : "return false;", onmousedown : 'return false;', title : s.title}, h1) + '</td>';

			h += '</tr></tbody>';

			return DOM.createHTML('table', {id :, 'class' : 'mceSplitButton mceSplitButtonEnabled ' + s['class'], cellpadding : '0', cellspacing : '0', onmousedown : 'return false;', title : s.title}, h);

		postRender : function() {
			var t = this, s = t.settings;

			if (s.onclick) {
				Event.add( + '_action', 'click', function() {
					if (!t.isDisabled())

			Event.add( + '_open', 'click', t.showMenu, t);
			Event.add( + '_open', 'focus', function() {t._focused = 1;});
			Event.add( + '_open', 'blur', function() {t._focused = 0;});

			// Old IE doesn't have hover on all elements
			if (tinymce.isIE6 || !DOM.boxModel) {
				Event.add(, 'mouseover', function() {
					if (!DOM.hasClass(, 'mceSplitButtonDisabled'))
						DOM.addClass(, 'mceSplitButtonHover');

				Event.add(, 'mouseout', function() {
					if (!DOM.hasClass(, 'mceSplitButtonDisabled'))
						DOM.removeClass(, 'mceSplitButtonHover');

		destroy : function() {

			Event.clear( + '_action');
			Event.clear( + '_open');

(function(tinymce) {
	var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, is =, each = tinymce.each;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.ColorSplitButton:tinymce.ui.SplitButton', {
		ColorSplitButton : function(id, s) {
			var t = this;

			t.parent(id, s);

			t.settings = s = tinymce.extend({
				colors : '000000,993300,333300,003300,003366,000080,333399,333333,800000,FF6600,808000,008000,008080,0000FF,666699,808080,FF0000,FF9900,99CC00,339966,33CCCC,3366FF,800080,999999,FF00FF,FFCC00,FFFF00,00FF00,00FFFF,00CCFF,993366,C0C0C0,FF99CC,FFCC99,FFFF99,CCFFCC,CCFFFF,99CCFF,CC99FF,FFFFFF',
				grid_width : 8,
				default_color : '#888888'
			}, t.settings);

			t.onShowMenu = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(t);

			t.onHideMenu = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(t);

			t.value = s.default_color;

		showMenu : function() {
			var t = this, r, p, e, p2;

			if (t.isDisabled())

			if (!t.isMenuRendered) {
				t.isMenuRendered = true;

			if (t.isMenuVisible)
				return t.hideMenu();

			e = DOM.get(; + '_menu');
			DOM.addClass(e, 'mceSplitButtonSelected');
			p2 = DOM.getPos(e);
			DOM.setStyles( + '_menu', {
				left : p2.x,
				top : p2.y + e.clientHeight,
				zIndex : 200000
			e = 0;

			Event.add(DOM.doc, 'mousedown', t.hideMenu, t);

			if (t._focused) {
				t._keyHandler = Event.add( + '_menu', 'keydown', function(e) {
					if (e.keyCode == 27)
				});'a', + '_menu')[0].focus(); // Select first link

			t.isMenuVisible = 1;

		hideMenu : function(e) {
			var t = this;

			// Prevent double toogles by canceling the mouse click event to the button
			if (e && e.type == "mousedown" && DOM.getParent(, function(e) {return === + '_open';}))

			if (!e || !DOM.getParent(, '.mceSplitButtonMenu')) {
				DOM.removeClass(, 'mceSplitButtonSelected');
				Event.remove(DOM.doc, 'mousedown', t.hideMenu, t);
				Event.remove( + '_menu', 'keydown', t._keyHandler);
				DOM.hide( + '_menu');


			t.isMenuVisible = 0;

		renderMenu : function() {
			var t = this, m, i = 0, s = t.settings, n, tb, tr, w;

			w = DOM.add(s.menu_container, 'div', {id : + '_menu', 'class' : s['menu_class'] + ' ' + s['class'], style : 'position:absolute;left:0;top:-1000px;'});
			m = DOM.add(w, 'div', {'class' : s['class'] + ' mceSplitButtonMenu'});
			DOM.add(m, 'span', {'class' : 'mceMenuLine'});

			n = DOM.add(m, 'table', {'class' : 'mceColorSplitMenu'});
			tb = DOM.add(n, 'tbody');

			// Generate color grid
			i = 0;
			each(is(s.colors, 'array') ? s.colors : s.colors.split(','), function(c) {
				c = c.replace(/^#/, '');

				if (!i--) {
					tr = DOM.add(tb, 'tr');
					i = s.grid_width - 1;

				n = DOM.add(tr, 'td');

				n = DOM.add(n, 'a', {
					href : 'javascript:;',
					style : {
						backgroundColor : '#' + c
					_mce_color : '#' + c

			if (s.more_colors_func) {
				n = DOM.add(tb, 'tr');
				n = DOM.add(n, 'td', {colspan : s.grid_width, 'class' : 'mceMoreColors'});
				n = DOM.add(n, 'a', {id : + '_more', href : 'javascript:;', onclick : 'return false;', 'class' : 'mceMoreColors'}, s.more_colors_title);

				Event.add(n, 'click', function(e) { || this);
					return Event.cancel(e); // Cancel to fix onbeforeunload problem

			DOM.addClass(m, 'mceColorSplitMenu');

			Event.add( + '_menu', 'click', function(e) {
				var c;

				e =;

				if (e.nodeName == 'A' && (c = e.getAttribute('_mce_color')))

				return Event.cancel(e); // Prevent IE auto save warning

			return w;

		setColor : function(c) {
			var t = this;

			DOM.setStyle( + '_preview', 'backgroundColor', c);

			t.value = c;

		postRender : function() {
			var t = this, id =;

			DOM.add(id + '_action', 'div', {id : id + '_preview', 'class' : 'mceColorPreview'});
			DOM.setStyle( + '_preview', 'backgroundColor', t.value);

		destroy : function() {

			Event.clear( + '_menu');
			Event.clear( + '_more');
			DOM.remove( + '_menu');

tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.Toolbar:tinymce.ui.Container', {
	renderHTML : function() {
		var t = this, h = '', c, co, dom = tinymce.DOM, s = t.settings, i, pr, nx, cl;

		cl = t.controls;
		for (i=0; i<cl.length; i++) {
			// Get current control, prev control, next control and if the control is a list box or not
			co = cl[i];
			pr = cl[i - 1];
			nx = cl[i + 1];

			// Add toolbar start
			if (i === 0) {
				c = 'mceToolbarStart';

				if (co.Button)
					c += ' mceToolbarStartButton';
				else if (co.SplitButton)
					c += ' mceToolbarStartSplitButton';
				else if (co.ListBox)
					c += ' mceToolbarStartListBox';

				h += dom.createHTML('td', {'class' : c}, dom.createHTML('span', null, '<!-- IE -->'));

			// Add toolbar end before list box and after the previous button
			// This is to fix the o2k7 editor skins
			if (pr && co.ListBox) {
				if (pr.Button || pr.SplitButton)
					h += dom.createHTML('td', {'class' : 'mceToolbarEnd'}, dom.createHTML('span', null, '<!-- IE -->'));

			// Render control HTML

			// IE 8 quick fix, needed to propertly generate a hit area for anchors
			if (dom.stdMode)
				h += '<td style="position: relative">' + co.renderHTML() + '</td>';
				h += '<td>' + co.renderHTML() + '</td>';

			// Add toolbar start after list box and before the next button
			// This is to fix the o2k7 editor skins
			if (nx && co.ListBox) {
				if (nx.Button || nx.SplitButton)
					h += dom.createHTML('td', {'class' : 'mceToolbarStart'}, dom.createHTML('span', null, '<!-- IE -->'));

		c = 'mceToolbarEnd';

		if (co.Button)
			c += ' mceToolbarEndButton';
		else if (co.SplitButton)
			c += ' mceToolbarEndSplitButton';
		else if (co.ListBox)
			c += ' mceToolbarEndListBox';

		h += dom.createHTML('td', {'class' : c}, dom.createHTML('span', null, '<!-- IE -->'));

		return dom.createHTML('table', {id :, 'class' : 'mceToolbar' + (s['class'] ? ' ' + s['class'] : ''), cellpadding : '0', cellspacing : '0', align : t.settings.align || ''}, '<tbody><tr>' + h + '</tr></tbody>');

(function(tinymce) {
	var Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher, each = tinymce.each;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.AddOnManager', {
		AddOnManager : function() {
			var self = this;

			self.items = [];
			self.urls = {};
			self.lookup = {};
			self.onAdd = new Dispatcher(self);

		get : function(n) {
			return this.lookup[n];

		requireLangPack : function(n) {
			var s = tinymce.settings;

			if (s && s.language)
				tinymce.ScriptLoader.add(this.urls[n] + '/langs/' + s.language + '.js');

		add : function(id, o) {
			this.lookup[id] = o;
			this.onAdd.dispatch(this, id, o);

			return o;

		load : function(n, u, cb, s) {
			var t = this;

			if (t.urls[n])

			if (u.indexOf('/') != 0 && u.indexOf('://') == -1)
				u = tinymce.baseURL + '/' +  u;

			t.urls[n] = u.substring(0, u.lastIndexOf('/'));

			if (!t.lookup[n])
				tinymce.ScriptLoader.add(u, cb, s);

	// Create plugin and theme managers
	tinymce.PluginManager = new tinymce.AddOnManager();
	tinymce.ThemeManager = new tinymce.AddOnManager();

(function(tinymce) {
	// Shorten names
	var each = tinymce.each, extend = tinymce.extend,
		DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event,
		ThemeManager = tinymce.ThemeManager, PluginManager = tinymce.PluginManager,
		explode = tinymce.explode,
		Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher, undefined, instanceCounter = 0;

	// Setup some URLs where the editor API is located and where the document is
	tinymce.documentBaseURL = window.location.href.replace(/[\?#].*$/, '').replace(/[\/\\][^\/]+$/, '');
	if (!/[\/\\]$/.test(tinymce.documentBaseURL))
		tinymce.documentBaseURL += '/';

	tinymce.baseURL = new tinymce.util.URI(tinymce.documentBaseURL).toAbsolute(tinymce.baseURL);

	tinymce.baseURI = new tinymce.util.URI(tinymce.baseURL);

	// Add before unload listener
	// This was required since IE was leaking memory if you added and removed beforeunload listeners
	// with attachEvent/detatchEvent so this only adds one listener and instances can the attach to the onBeforeUnload event
	tinymce.onBeforeUnload = new Dispatcher(tinymce);

	// Must be on window or IE will leak if the editor is placed in frame or iframe
	Event.add(window, 'beforeunload', function(e) {
		tinymce.onBeforeUnload.dispatch(tinymce, e);

	tinymce.onAddEditor = new Dispatcher(tinymce);

	tinymce.onRemoveEditor = new Dispatcher(tinymce);

	tinymce.EditorManager = extend(tinymce, {
		editors : [],

		i18n : {},

		activeEditor : null,

		init : function(s) {
			var t = this, pl, sl = tinymce.ScriptLoader, e, el = [], ed;

			function execCallback(se, n, s) {
				var f = se[n];

				if (!f)

				if (, 'string')) {
					s = f.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
					s = s ? tinymce.resolve(s) : 0;
					f = tinymce.resolve(f);

				return f.apply(s || this,, 2));

			s = extend({
				theme : "simple",
				language : "en"
			}, s);

			t.settings = s;

			// Legacy call
			Event.add(document, 'init', function() {
				var l, co;

				execCallback(s, 'onpageload');

				switch (s.mode) {
					case "exact":
						l = s.elements || '';

						if(l.length > 0) {
							each(explode(l), function(v) {
								if (DOM.get(v)) {
									ed = new tinymce.Editor(v, s);
								} else {
									each(document.forms, function(f) {
										each(f.elements, function(e) {
											if ( === v) {
												v = 'mce_editor_' + instanceCounter++;
												DOM.setAttrib(e, 'id', v);

												ed = new tinymce.Editor(v, s);

					case "textareas":
					case "specific_textareas":
						function hasClass(n, c) {
							return c.constructor === RegExp ? c.test(n.className) : DOM.hasClass(n, c);

						each('textarea'), function(v) {
							if (s.editor_deselector && hasClass(v, s.editor_deselector))

							if (!s.editor_selector || hasClass(v, s.editor_selector)) {
								// Can we use the name
								e = DOM.get(;
								if (! && !e) =;

								// Generate unique name if missing or already exists
								if (! || t.get( = DOM.uniqueId();

								ed = new tinymce.Editor(, s);

				// Call onInit when all editors are initialized
				if (s.oninit) {
					l = co = 0;

					each(el, function(ed) {

						if (!ed.initialized) {
							// Wait for it
							ed.onInit.add(function() {

								// All done
								if (l == co)
									execCallback(s, 'oninit');
						} else

						// All done
						if (l == co)
							execCallback(s, 'oninit');					

		get : function(id) {
			if (id === undefined)
				return this.editors;

			return this.editors[id];

		getInstanceById : function(id) {
			return this.get(id);

		add : function(editor) {
			var self = this, editors = self.editors;

			// Add named and index editor instance
			editors[] = editor;

			self.onAddEditor.dispatch(self, editor);

			return editor;

		remove : function(editor) {
			var t = this, i, editors = t.editors;

			// Not in the collection
			if (!editors[])
				return null;

			delete editors[];

			for (i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) {
				if (editors[i] == editor) {
					editors.splice(i, 1);

			// Select another editor since the active one was removed
			if (t.activeEditor == editor)

			t.onRemoveEditor.dispatch(t, editor);

			return editor;

		execCommand : function(c, u, v) {
			var t = this, ed = t.get(v), w;

			// Manager commands
			switch (c) {
				case "mceFocus":
					return true;

				case "mceAddEditor":
				case "mceAddControl":
					if (!t.get(v))
						new tinymce.Editor(v, t.settings).render();

					return true;

				case "mceAddFrameControl":
					w = v.window;

					// Add tinyMCE global instance and tinymce namespace to specified window
					w.tinyMCE = tinyMCE;
					w.tinymce = tinymce;

					tinymce.DOM.doc = w.document; = w;

					ed = new tinymce.Editor(v.element_id, v);

					// Fix IE memory leaks
					if (tinymce.isIE) {
						function clr() {
							w.detachEvent('onunload', clr);
							w = w.tinyMCE = w.tinymce = null; // IE leak

						w.attachEvent('onunload', clr);

					v.page_window = null;

					return true;

				case "mceRemoveEditor":
				case "mceRemoveControl":
					if (ed)

					return true;

				case 'mceToggleEditor':
					if (!ed) {
						t.execCommand('mceAddControl', 0, v);
						return true;

					if (ed.isHidden());

					return true;

			// Run command on active editor
			if (t.activeEditor)
				return t.activeEditor.execCommand(c, u, v);

			return false;

		execInstanceCommand : function(id, c, u, v) {
			var ed = this.get(id);

			if (ed)
				return ed.execCommand(c, u, v);

			return false;

		triggerSave : function() {
			each(this.editors, function(e) {;

		addI18n : function(p, o) {
			var lo, i18n = this.i18n;

			if (!, 'string')) {
				each(p, function(o, lc) {
					each(o, function(o, g) {
						each(o, function(o, k) {
							if (g === 'common')
								i18n[lc + '.' + k] = o;
								i18n[lc + '.' + g + '.' + k] = o;
			} else {
				each(o, function(o, k) {
					i18n[p + '.' + k] = o;

		// Private methods

		_setActive : function(editor) {
			this.selectedInstance = this.activeEditor = editor;

(function(tinymce) {
	// Shorten these names
	var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, extend = tinymce.extend,
		Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher, each = tinymce.each, isGecko = tinymce.isGecko,
		isIE = tinymce.isIE, isWebKit = tinymce.isWebKit, is =,
		ThemeManager = tinymce.ThemeManager, PluginManager = tinymce.PluginManager,
		inArray = tinymce.inArray, grep = tinymce.grep, explode = tinymce.explode;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.Editor', {
		Editor : function(id, s) {
			var t = this; = t.editorId = id;

			t.execCommands = {};
			t.queryStateCommands = {};
			t.queryValueCommands = {};

			t.isNotDirty = false;

			t.plugins = {};

			// Add events to the editor


































			], function(e) {
				t[e] = new Dispatcher(t);

			t.settings = s = extend({
				id : id,
				language : 'en',
				docs_language : 'en',
				theme : 'simple',
				skin : 'default',
				delta_width : 0,
				delta_height : 0,
				popup_css : '',
				plugins : '',
				document_base_url : tinymce.documentBaseURL,
				add_form_submit_trigger : 1,
				submit_patch : 1,
				add_unload_trigger : 1,
				convert_urls : 1,
				relative_urls : 1,
				remove_script_host : 1,
				table_inline_editing : 0,
				object_resizing : 1,
				cleanup : 1,
				accessibility_focus : 1,
				custom_shortcuts : 1,
				custom_undo_redo_keyboard_shortcuts : 1,
				custom_undo_redo_restore_selection : 1,
				custom_undo_redo : 1,
				doctype : tinymce.isIE6 ? '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">' : '<!DOCTYPE>', // Use old doctype on IE 6 to avoid horizontal scroll
				visual_table_class : 'mceItemTable',
				visual : 1,
				font_size_style_values : 'xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large',
				apply_source_formatting : 1,
				directionality : 'ltr',
				forced_root_block : 'p',
				valid_elements : '@[id|class|style|title|dir<ltr?rtl|lang|xml::lang|onclick|ondblclick|onmousedown|onmouseup|onmouseover|onmousemove|onmouseout|onkeypress|onkeydown|onkeyup],a[rel|rev|charset|hreflang|tabindex|accesskey|type|name|href|target|title|class|onfocus|onblur],strong/b,em/i,strike,u,#p,-ol[type|compact],-ul[type|compact],-li,br,img[longdesc|usemap|src|border|alt=|title|hspace|vspace|width|height|align],-sub,-sup,-blockquote[cite],-table[border|cellspacing|cellpadding|width|frame|rules|height|align|summary|bgcolor|background|bordercolor],-tr[rowspan|width|height|align|valign|bgcolor|background|bordercolor],tbody,thead,tfoot,#td[colspan|rowspan|width|height|align|valign|bgcolor|background|bordercolor|scope],#th[colspan|rowspan|width|height|align|valign|scope],caption,-div,-span,-code,-pre,address,-h1,-h2,-h3,-h4,-h5,-h6,hr[size|noshade],-font[face|size|color],dd,dl,dt,cite,abbr,acronym,del[datetime|cite],ins[datetime|cite],object[classid|width|height|codebase|*],param[name|value],embed[type|width|height|src|*],script[src|type],map[name],area[shape|coords|href|alt|target],bdo,button,col[align|char|charoff|span|valign|width],colgroup[align|char|charoff|span|valign|width],dfn,fieldset,form[action|accept|accept-charset|enctype|method],input[accept|alt|checked|disabled|maxlength|name|readonly|size|src|type|value|tabindex|accesskey],kbd,label[for],legend,noscript,optgroup[label|disabled],option[disabled|label|selected|value],q[cite],samp,select[disabled|multiple|name|size],small,textarea[cols|rows|disabled|name|readonly],tt,var,big',
				hidden_input : 1,
				padd_empty_editor : 1,
				render_ui : 1,
				init_theme : 1,
				force_p_newlines : 1,
				indentation : '30px',
				keep_styles : 1,
				fix_table_elements : 1,
				inline_styles : 1,
				convert_fonts_to_spans : true
			}, s);

			t.documentBaseURI = new tinymce.util.URI(s.document_base_url || tinymce.documentBaseURL, {
				base_uri : tinyMCE.baseURI

			t.baseURI = tinymce.baseURI;

			// Call setup
			t.execCallback('setup', t);

		render : function(nst) {
			var t = this, s = t.settings, id =, sl = tinymce.ScriptLoader;

			// Page is not loaded yet, wait for it
			if (!Event.domLoaded) {
				Event.add(document, 'init', function() {

			tinyMCE.settings = s;

			// Element not found, then skip initialization
			if (!t.getElement())

			// Is a iPad/iPhone, then skip initialization. We need to sniff here since the
			// browser says it has contentEditable support but there is no visible caret
			// We will remove this check ones Apple implements full contentEditable support
			if (tinymce.isIDevice)

			// Add hidden input for non input elements inside form elements
			if (!/TEXTAREA|INPUT/i.test(t.getElement().nodeName) && s.hidden_input && DOM.getParent(id, 'form'))
				DOM.insertAfter(DOM.create('input', {type : 'hidden', name : id}), id);

			if (tinymce.WindowManager)
				t.windowManager = new tinymce.WindowManager(t);

			if (s.encoding == 'xml') {
				t.onGetContent.add(function(ed, o) {
					if (
						o.content = DOM.encode(o.content);

			if (s.add_form_submit_trigger) {
				t.onSubmit.addToTop(function() {
					if (t.initialized) {;
						t.isNotDirty = 1;

			if (s.add_unload_trigger) {
				t._beforeUnload = tinyMCE.onBeforeUnload.add(function() {
					if (t.initialized && !t.destroyed && !t.isHidden()){format : 'raw', no_events : true});

			tinymce.addUnload(t.destroy, t);

			if (s.submit_patch) {
				t.onBeforeRenderUI.add(function() {
					var n = t.getElement().form;

					if (!n)

					// Already patched
					if (n._mceOldSubmit)

					// Check page uses id="submit" or name="submit" for it's submit button
					if (!n.submit.nodeType && !n.submit.length) {
						t.formElement = n;
						n._mceOldSubmit = n.submit;
						n.submit = function() {
							// Save all instances
							t.isNotDirty = 1;

							return t.formElement._mceOldSubmit(t.formElement);

					n = null;

			// Load scripts
			function loadScripts() {
				if (s.language)
					sl.add(tinymce.baseURL + '/langs/' + s.language + '.js');

				if (s.theme && s.theme.charAt(0) != '-' && !ThemeManager.urls[s.theme])
					ThemeManager.load(s.theme, 'themes/' + s.theme + '/editor_template' + tinymce.suffix + '.js');

				each(explode(s.plugins), function(p) {
					if (p && p.charAt(0) != '-' && !PluginManager.urls[p]) {
						// Skip safari plugin, since it is removed as of 3.3b1
						if (p == 'safari')

						PluginManager.load(p, 'plugins/' + p + '/editor_plugin' + tinymce.suffix + '.js');

				// Init when que is loaded
				sl.loadQueue(function() {
					if (!t.removed)


		init : function() {
			var n, t = this, s = t.settings, w, h, e = t.getElement(), o, ti, u, bi, bc, re;


			if (s.theme) {
				s.theme = s.theme.replace(/-/, '');
				o = ThemeManager.get(s.theme);
				t.theme = new o();

				if (t.theme.init && s.init_theme)
					t.theme.init(t, ThemeManager.urls[s.theme] || tinymce.documentBaseURL.replace(/\/$/, ''));

			// Create all plugins
			each(explode(s.plugins.replace(/\-/g, '')), function(p) {
				var c = PluginManager.get(p), u = PluginManager.urls[p] || tinymce.documentBaseURL.replace(/\/$/, ''), po;

				if (c) {
					po = new c(t, u);

					t.plugins[p] = po;

					if (po.init)
						po.init(t, u);

			// Setup popup CSS path(s)
			if (s.popup_css !== false) {
				if (s.popup_css)
					s.popup_css = t.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(s.popup_css);
					s.popup_css = t.baseURI.toAbsolute("themes/" + s.theme + "/skins/" + + "/dialog.css");

			if (s.popup_css_add)
				s.popup_css += ',' + t.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(s.popup_css_add);

			t.controlManager = new tinymce.ControlManager(t);

			if (s.custom_undo_redo) {
				// Add initial undo level
				t.onBeforeExecCommand.add(function(ed, cmd, ui, val, a) {
					if (cmd != 'Undo' && cmd != 'Redo' && cmd != 'mceRepaint' && (!a || !a.skip_undo)) {
						if (!t.undoManager.hasUndo())

				t.onExecCommand.add(function(ed, cmd, ui, val, a) {
					if (cmd != 'Undo' && cmd != 'Redo' && cmd != 'mceRepaint' && (!a || !a.skip_undo))

			t.onExecCommand.add(function(ed, c) {
				// Don't refresh the select lists until caret move
				if (!/^(FontName|FontSize)$/.test(c))

			// Remove ghost selections on images and tables in Gecko
			if (isGecko) {
				function repaint(a, o) {
					if (!o || !o.initial)


			// Enables users to override the control factory
			t.onBeforeRenderUI.dispatch(t, t.controlManager);

			// Measure box
			if (s.render_ui) {
				w = s.width || || e.offsetWidth;
				h = s.height || || e.offsetHeight;
				t.orgDisplay =;
				re = /^[0-9\.]+(|px)$/i;

				if (re.test('' + w))
					w = Math.max(parseInt(w) + (o.deltaWidth || 0), 100);

				if (re.test('' + h))
					h = Math.max(parseInt(h) + (o.deltaHeight || 0), 100);

				// Render UI
				o = t.theme.renderUI({
					targetNode : e,
					width : w,
					height : h,
					deltaWidth : s.delta_width,
					deltaHeight : s.delta_height

				t.editorContainer = o.editorContainer;

			// User specified a document.domain value
			if (document.domain && location.hostname != document.domain)
				tinymce.relaxedDomain = document.domain;

			// Resize editor
			DOM.setStyles(o.sizeContainer || o.editorContainer, {
				width : w,
				height : h

			h = (o.iframeHeight || h) + (typeof(h) == 'number' ? (o.deltaHeight || 0) : '');
			if (h < 100)
				h = 100;

			t.iframeHTML = s.doctype + '<html><head xmlns="">';

			// We only need to override paths if we have to
			// IE has a bug where it remove site absolute urls to relative ones if this is specified
			if (s.document_base_url != tinymce.documentBaseURL)
				t.iframeHTML += '<base href="' + t.documentBaseURI.getURI() + '" />';

			t.iframeHTML += '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" /><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />';

			if (tinymce.relaxedDomain)
				t.iframeHTML += '<script type="text/javascript">document.domain = "' + tinymce.relaxedDomain + '";</script>';

			bi = s.body_id || 'tinymce';
			if (bi.indexOf('=') != -1) {
				bi = t.getParam('body_id', '', 'hash');
				bi = bi[] || bi;

			bc = s.body_class || '';
			if (bc.indexOf('=') != -1) {
				bc = t.getParam('body_class', '', 'hash');
				bc = bc[] || '';

			t.iframeHTML += '</head><body id="' + bi + '" class="mceContentBody ' + bc + '"></body></html>';

			// Domain relaxing enabled, then set document domain
			if (tinymce.relaxedDomain) {
				// We need to write the contents here in IE since multiple writes messes up refresh button and back button
				if (isIE || (tinymce.isOpera && parseFloat(opera.version()) >= 9.5))
					u = 'javascript:(function(){;document.domain="' + document.domain + '";var ed = window.parent.tinyMCE.get("' + + '");document.write(ed.iframeHTML);document.close();ed.setupIframe();})()';
				else if (tinymce.isOpera)
					u = 'javascript:(function(){;document.domain="' + document.domain + '";document.close();ed.setupIframe();})()';					

			// Create iframe
			n = DOM.add(o.iframeContainer, 'iframe', {
				id : + "_ifr",
				src : u || 'javascript:""', // Workaround for HTTPS warning in IE6/7
				frameBorder : '0',
				style : {
					width : '100%',
					height : h

			t.contentAreaContainer = o.iframeContainer;
			DOM.get(o.editorContainer).style.display = t.orgDisplay;
			DOM.get( = 'none';

			if (!isIE || !tinymce.relaxedDomain)

			e = n = o = null; // Cleanup

		setupIframe : function() {
			var t = this, s = t.settings, e = DOM.get(, d = t.getDoc(), h, b;

			// Setup iframe body
			if (!isIE || !tinymce.relaxedDomain) {;

			// Design mode needs to be added here Ctrl+A will fail otherwise
			if (!isIE) {
				try {
					if (!s.readonly)
						d.designMode = 'On';
				} catch (ex) {
					// Will fail on Gecko if the editor is placed in an hidden container element
					// The design mode will be set ones the editor is focused

			// IE needs to use contentEditable or it will display non secure items for HTTPS
			if (isIE) {
				// It will not steal focus if we hide it while setting contentEditable
				b = t.getBody();

				if (!s.readonly)
					b.contentEditable = true;;

			t.dom = new tinymce.dom.DOMUtils(t.getDoc(), {
				keep_values : true,
				url_converter : t.convertURL,
				url_converter_scope : t,
				hex_colors : s.force_hex_style_colors,
				class_filter : s.class_filter,
				update_styles : 1,
				fix_ie_paragraphs : 1,
				valid_styles : s.valid_styles

			t.schema = new tinymce.dom.Schema();

			t.serializer = new tinymce.dom.Serializer(extend(s, {
				valid_elements : s.verify_html === false ? '*[*]' : s.valid_elements,
				dom : t.dom,
				schema : t.schema

			t.selection = new tinymce.dom.Selection(t.dom, t.getWin(), t.serializer);

			t.formatter = new tinymce.Formatter(this);

			// Register default formats
				alignleft : [
					{selector : 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li', styles : {textAlign : 'left'}},
					{selector : 'img,table', styles : {'float' : 'left'}}

				aligncenter : [
					{selector : 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li', styles : {textAlign : 'center'}},
					{selector : 'img', styles : {display : 'block', marginLeft : 'auto', marginRight : 'auto'}},
					{selector : 'table', styles : {marginLeft : 'auto', marginRight : 'auto'}}

				alignright : [
					{selector : 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li', styles : {textAlign : 'right'}},
					{selector : 'img,table', styles : {'float' : 'right'}}

				alignfull : [
					{selector : 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li', styles : {textAlign : 'justify'}}

				bold : [
					{inline : 'strong'},
					{inline : 'span', styles : {fontWeight : 'bold'}},
					{inline : 'b'}

				italic : [
					{inline : 'em'},
					{inline : 'span', styles : {fontStyle : 'italic'}},
					{inline : 'i'}

				underline : [
					{inline : 'span', styles : {textDecoration : 'underline'}, exact : true},
					{inline : 'u'}

				strikethrough : [
					{inline : 'span', styles : {textDecoration : 'line-through'}, exact : true},
					{inline : 'u'}

				forecolor : {inline : 'span', styles : {color : '%value'}},
				hilitecolor : {inline : 'span', styles : {backgroundColor : '%value'}},
				fontname : {inline : 'span', styles : {fontFamily : '%value'}},
				fontsize : {inline : 'span', styles : {fontSize : '%value'}},
				fontsize_class : {inline : 'span', attributes : {'class' : '%value'}},
				blockquote : {block : 'blockquote', wrapper : 1, remove : 'all'},

				removeformat : [
					{selector : 'b,strong,em,i,font,u,strike', remove : 'all', split : true, expand : false, block_expand : true, deep : true},
					{selector : 'span', attributes : ['style', 'class'], remove : 'empty', split : true, expand : false, deep : true},
					{selector : '*', attributes : ['style', 'class'], split : false, expand : false, deep : true}

			// Register default block formats
			each('p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div address pre div code dt dd samp'.split(/\s/), function(name) {
				t.formatter.register(name, {block : name, remove : 'all'});

			// Register user defined formats

			t.undoManager = new tinymce.UndoManager(t);

			// Pass through
			t.undoManager.onAdd.add(function(um, l) {
				if (!l.initial)
					return t.onChange.dispatch(t, l, um);

			t.undoManager.onUndo.add(function(um, l) {
				return t.onUndo.dispatch(t, l, um);

			t.undoManager.onRedo.add(function(um, l) {
				return t.onRedo.dispatch(t, l, um);

			t.forceBlocks = new tinymce.ForceBlocks(t, {
				forced_root_block : s.forced_root_block

			t.editorCommands = new tinymce.EditorCommands(t);

			// Pass through
			t.serializer.onPreProcess.add(function(se, o) {
				return t.onPreProcess.dispatch(t, o, se);

			t.serializer.onPostProcess.add(function(se, o) {
				return t.onPostProcess.dispatch(t, o, se);


			if (!s.gecko_spellcheck)
				t.getBody().spellcheck = 0;

			if (!s.readonly)

			t.controlManager.onPostRender.dispatch(t, t.controlManager);

			if (s.directionality)
				t.getBody().dir = s.directionality;

			if (s.nowrap)
				t.getBody().style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";

			if (s.custom_elements) {
				function handleCustom(ed, o) {
					each(explode(s.custom_elements), function(v) {
						var n;

						if (v.indexOf('~') === 0) {
							v = v.substring(1);
							n = 'span';
						} else
							n = 'div';

						o.content = o.content.replace(new RegExp('<(' + v + ')([^>]*)>', 'g'), '<' + n + ' _mce_name="$1"$2>');
						o.content = o.content.replace(new RegExp('</(' + v + ')>', 'g'), '</' + n + '>');

				t.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
					if (o.set)
						handleCustom(ed, o);

			if (s.handle_node_change_callback) {
				t.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm, n) {
					t.execCallback('handle_node_change_callback',, n, -1, -1, true, t.selection.isCollapsed());

			if (s.save_callback) {
				t.onSaveContent.add(function(ed, o) {
					var h = t.execCallback('save_callback',, o.content, t.getBody());

					if (h)
						o.content = h;

			if (s.onchange_callback) {
				t.onChange.add(function(ed, l) {
					t.execCallback('onchange_callback', t, l);

			if (s.convert_newlines_to_brs) {
				t.onBeforeSetContent.add(function(ed, o) {
					if (o.initial)
						o.content = o.content.replace(/\r?\n/g, '<br />');

			if (s.fix_nesting && isIE) {
				t.onBeforeSetContent.add(function(ed, o) {
					o.content = t._fixNesting(o.content);

			if (s.preformatted) {
				t.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
					o.content = o.content.replace(/^\s*<pre.*?>/, '');
					o.content = o.content.replace(/<\/pre>\s*$/, '');

					if (o.set)
						o.content = '<pre class="mceItemHidden">' + o.content + '</pre>';

			if (s.verify_css_classes) {
				t.serializer.attribValueFilter = function(n, v) {
					var s, cl;

					if (n == 'class') {
						// Build regexp for classes
						if (!t.classesRE) {
							cl = t.dom.getClasses();

							if (cl.length > 0) {
								s = '';

								each (cl, function(o) {
									s += (s ? '|' : '') + o['class'];

								t.classesRE = new RegExp('(' + s + ')', 'gi');

						return !t.classesRE || /(\bmceItem\w+\b|\bmceTemp\w+\b)/g.test(v) || t.classesRE.test(v) ? v : '';

					return v;

			if (s.cleanup_callback) {
				t.onBeforeSetContent.add(function(ed, o) {
					o.content = t.execCallback('cleanup_callback', 'insert_to_editor', o.content, o);

				t.onPreProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
					if (o.set)
						t.execCallback('cleanup_callback', 'insert_to_editor_dom', o.node, o);

					if (o.get)
						t.execCallback('cleanup_callback', 'get_from_editor_dom', o.node, o);

				t.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
					if (o.set)
						o.content = t.execCallback('cleanup_callback', 'insert_to_editor', o.content, o);

					if (o.get)						
						o.content = t.execCallback('cleanup_callback', 'get_from_editor', o.content, o);

			if (s.save_callback) {
				t.onGetContent.add(function(ed, o) {
					if (
						o.content = t.execCallback('save_callback',, o.content, t.getBody());

			if (s.handle_event_callback) {
				t.onEvent.add(function(ed, e, o) {
					if (t.execCallback('handle_event_callback', e, ed, o) === false)

			// Add visual aids when new contents is added
			t.onSetContent.add(function() {

			// Remove empty contents
			if (s.padd_empty_editor) {
				t.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
					o.content = o.content.replace(/^(<p[^>]*>(&nbsp;|&#160;|\s|\u00a0|)<\/p>[\r\n]*|<br \/>[\r\n]*)$/, '');

			if (isGecko) {
				// Fix gecko link bug, when a link is placed at the end of block elements there is
				// no way to move the caret behind the link. This fix adds a bogus br element after the link
				function fixLinks(ed, o) {
					each('a'), function(n) {
						var pn = n.parentNode;

						if (ed.dom.isBlock(pn) && pn.lastChild === n)
							ed.dom.add(pn, 'br', {'_mce_bogus' : 1});

				t.onExecCommand.add(function(ed, cmd) {
					if (cmd === 'CreateLink')


				if (!s.readonly) {
					try {
						// Design mode must be set here once again to fix a bug where
						// Ctrl+A/Delete/Backspace didn't work if the editor was added using mceAddControl then removed then added again
						d.designMode = 'Off';
						d.designMode = 'On';
					} catch (ex) {
						// Will fail on Gecko if the editor is placed in an hidden container element
						// The design mode will be set ones the editor is focused

			// A small timeout was needed since firefox will remove. Bug: #1838304
			setTimeout(function () {
				if (t.removed)

				t.load({initial : true, format : (s.cleanup_on_startup ? 'html' : 'raw')});
				t.startContent = t.getContent({format : 'raw'});
				t.initialized = true;

				t.execCallback('setupcontent_callback',, t.getBody(), t.getDoc());
				t.execCallback('init_instance_callback', t);
				t.nodeChanged({initial : 1});

				// Load specified content CSS last
				if (s.content_css) {
					tinymce.each(explode(s.content_css), function(u) {

				// Handle auto focus
				if (s.auto_focus) {
					setTimeout(function () {
						var ed = tinymce.get(s.auto_focus);, 1);
					}, 100);
			}, 1);
			e = null;

		focus : function(sf) {
			var oed, t = this, ce = t.settings.content_editable, ieRng, controlElm, doc = t.getDoc();

			if (!sf) {
				// Get selected control element
				ieRng = t.selection.getRng();
				if (ieRng.item) {
					controlElm = ieRng.item(0);

				// Is not content editable
				if (!ce)

				// Restore selected control element
				// This is needed when for example an image is selected within a
				// layer a call to focus will then remove the control selection
				if (controlElm && controlElm.ownerDocument == doc) {
					ieRng = doc.body.createControlRange();


			if (tinymce.activeEditor != t) {
				if ((oed = tinymce.activeEditor) != null)
					oed.onDeactivate.dispatch(oed, t);

				t.onActivate.dispatch(t, oed);


		execCallback : function(n) {
			var t = this, f = t.settings[n], s;

			if (!f)

			// Look through lookup
			if (t.callbackLookup && (s = t.callbackLookup[n])) {
				f = s.func;
				s = s.scope;

			if (is(f, 'string')) {
				s = f.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
				s = s ? tinymce.resolve(s) : 0;
				f = tinymce.resolve(f);
				t.callbackLookup = t.callbackLookup || {};
				t.callbackLookup[n] = {func : f, scope : s};

			return f.apply(s || t,, 1));

		translate : function(s) {
			var c = this.settings.language || 'en', i18n = tinymce.i18n;

			if (!s)
				return '';

			return i18n[c + '.' + s] || s.replace(/{\#([^}]+)\}/g, function(a, b) {
				return i18n[c + '.' + b] || '{#' + b + '}';

		getLang : function(n, dv) {
			return tinymce.i18n[(this.settings.language || 'en') + '.' + n] || (is(dv) ? dv : '{#' + n + '}');

		getParam : function(n, dv, ty) {
			var tr = tinymce.trim, v = is(this.settings[n]) ? this.settings[n] : dv, o;

			if (ty === 'hash') {
				o = {};

				if (is(v, 'string')) {
					each(v.indexOf('=') > 0 ? v.split(/[;,](?![^=;,]*(?:[;,]|$))/) : v.split(','), function(v) {
						v = v.split('=');

						if (v.length > 1)
							o[tr(v[0])] = tr(v[1]);
							o[tr(v[0])] = tr(v);
				} else
					o = v;

				return o;

			return v;

		nodeChanged : function(o) {
			var t = this, s = t.selection, n = (isIE ? s.getNode() : s.getStart()) || t.getBody();

			// Fix for bug #1896577 it seems that this can not be fired while the editor is loading
			if (t.initialized) {
				o = o || {};
				n = isIE && n.ownerDocument != t.getDoc() ? t.getBody() : n; // Fix for IE initial state

				// Get parents and add them to object
				o.parents = [];
				t.dom.getParent(n, function(node) {
					if (node.nodeName == 'BODY')
						return true;


					o ? o.controlManager || t.controlManager : t.controlManager,

		addButton : function(n, s) {
			var t = this;

			t.buttons = t.buttons || {};
			t.buttons[n] = s;

		addCommand : function(n, f, s) {
			this.execCommands[n] = {func : f, scope : s || this};

		addQueryStateHandler : function(n, f, s) {
			this.queryStateCommands[n] = {func : f, scope : s || this};

		addQueryValueHandler : function(n, f, s) {
			this.queryValueCommands[n] = {func : f, scope : s || this};

		addShortcut : function(pa, desc, cmd_func, sc) {
			var t = this, c;

			if (!t.settings.custom_shortcuts)
				return false;

			t.shortcuts = t.shortcuts || {};

			if (is(cmd_func, 'string')) {
				c = cmd_func;

				cmd_func = function() {
					t.execCommand(c, false, null);

			if (is(cmd_func, 'object')) {
				c = cmd_func;

				cmd_func = function() {
					t.execCommand(c[0], c[1], c[2]);

			each(explode(pa), function(pa) {
				var o = {
					func : cmd_func,
					scope : sc || this,
					desc : desc,
					alt : false,
					ctrl : false,
					shift : false

				each(explode(pa, '+'), function(v) {
					switch (v) {
						case 'alt':
						case 'ctrl':
						case 'shift':
							o[v] = true;

							o.charCode = v.charCodeAt(0);
							o.keyCode = v.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);

				t.shortcuts[(o.ctrl ? 'ctrl' : '') + ',' + (o.alt ? 'alt' : '') + ',' + (o.shift ? 'shift' : '') + ',' + o.keyCode] = o;

			return true;

		execCommand : function(cmd, ui, val, a) {
			var t = this, s = 0, o, st;

			if (!/^(mceAddUndoLevel|mceEndUndoLevel|mceBeginUndoLevel|mceRepaint|SelectAll)$/.test(cmd) && (!a || !a.skip_focus))

			o = {};
			t.onBeforeExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, o);
			if (o.terminate)
				return false;

			// Command callback
			if (t.execCallback('execcommand_callback',, t.selection.getNode(), cmd, ui, val)) {
				t.onExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, a);
				return true;

			// Registred commands
			if (o = t.execCommands[cmd]) {
				st =, ui, val);

				// Fall through on true
				if (st !== true) {
					t.onExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, a);
					return st;

			// Plugin commands
			each(t.plugins, function(p) {
				if (p.execCommand && p.execCommand(cmd, ui, val)) {
					t.onExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, a);
					s = 1;
					return false;

			if (s)
				return true;

			// Theme commands
			if (t.theme && t.theme.execCommand && t.theme.execCommand(cmd, ui, val)) {
				t.onExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, a);
				return true;

			// Execute global commands
			if (tinymce.GlobalCommands.execCommand(t, cmd, ui, val)) {
				t.onExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, a);
				return true;

			// Editor commands
			if (t.editorCommands.execCommand(cmd, ui, val)) {
				t.onExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, a);
				return true;

			// Browser commands
			t.getDoc().execCommand(cmd, ui, val);
			t.onExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, a);

		queryCommandState : function(cmd) {
			var t = this, o, s;

			// Is hidden then return undefined
			if (t._isHidden())

			// Registred commands
			if (o = t.queryStateCommands[cmd]) {
				s =;

				// Fall though on true
				if (s !== true)
					return s;

			// Registred commands
			o = t.editorCommands.queryCommandState(cmd);
			if (o !== -1)
				return o;

			// Browser commands
			try {
				return this.getDoc().queryCommandState(cmd);
			} catch (ex) {
				// Fails sometimes see bug: 1896577

		queryCommandValue : function(c) {
			var t = this, o, s;

			// Is hidden then return undefined
			if (t._isHidden())

			// Registred commands
			if (o = t.queryValueCommands[c]) {
				s =;

				// Fall though on true
				if (s !== true)
					return s;

			// Registred commands
			o = t.editorCommands.queryCommandValue(c);
			if (is(o))
				return o;

			// Browser commands
			try {
				return this.getDoc().queryCommandValue(c);
			} catch (ex) {
				// Fails sometimes see bug: 1896577

		show : function() {
			var t = this;;

		hide : function() {
			var t = this, d = t.getDoc();

			// Fixed bug where IE has a blinking cursor left from the editor
			if (isIE && d)

			// We must save before we hide so Safari doesn't crash;
			DOM.setStyle(, 'display', t.orgDisplay);

		isHidden : function() {
			return !DOM.isHidden(;

		setProgressState : function(b, ti, o) {
			this.onSetProgressState.dispatch(this, b, ti, o);

			return b;

		load : function(o) {
			var t = this, e = t.getElement(), h;

			if (e) {
				o = o || {};
				o.load = true;

				// Double encode existing entities in the value
				h = t.setContent(is(e.value) ? e.value : e.innerHTML, o);
				o.element = e;

				if (!o.no_events)
					t.onLoadContent.dispatch(t, o);

				o.element = e = null;

				return h;

		save : function(o) {
			var t = this, e = t.getElement(), h, f;

			if (!e || !t.initialized)

			o = o || {}; = true;

			// Add undo level will trigger onchange event
			if (!o.no_events) {
				t.undoManager.typing = 0;

			o.element = e;
			h = o.content = t.getContent(o);

			if (!o.no_events)
				t.onSaveContent.dispatch(t, o);

			h = o.content;

			if (!/TEXTAREA|INPUT/i.test(e.nodeName)) {
				e.innerHTML = h;

				// Update hidden form element
				if (f = DOM.getParent(, 'form')) {
					each(f.elements, function(e) {
						if ( == {
							e.value = h;
							return false;
			} else
				e.value = h;

			o.element = e = null;

			return h;

		setContent : function(h, o) {
			var t = this;

			o = o || {};
			o.format = o.format || 'html';
			o.set = true;
			o.content = h;

			if (!o.no_events)
				t.onBeforeSetContent.dispatch(t, o);

			// Padd empty content in Gecko and Safari. Commands will otherwise fail on the content
			// It will also be impossible to place the caret in the editor unless there is a BR element present
			if (!tinymce.isIE && (h.length === 0 || /^\s+$/.test(h))) {
				o.content = t.dom.setHTML(t.getBody(), '<br _mce_bogus="1" />');
				o.format = 'raw';

			o.content = t.dom.setHTML(t.getBody(), tinymce.trim(o.content));

			if (o.format != 'raw' && t.settings.cleanup) {
				o.getInner = true;
				o.content = t.dom.setHTML(t.getBody(), t.serializer.serialize(t.getBody(), o));

			if (!o.no_events)
				t.onSetContent.dispatch(t, o);

			return o.content;

		getContent : function(o) {
			var t = this, h;

			o = o || {};
			o.format = o.format || 'html';
			o.get = true;

			if (!o.no_events)
				t.onBeforeGetContent.dispatch(t, o);

			if (o.format != 'raw' && t.settings.cleanup) {
				o.getInner = true;
				h = t.serializer.serialize(t.getBody(), o);
			} else
				h = t.getBody().innerHTML;

			h = h.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '');
			o.content = h;

			if (!o.no_events)
				t.onGetContent.dispatch(t, o);

			return o.content;

		isDirty : function() {
			var t = this;

			return tinymce.trim(t.startContent) != tinymce.trim(t.getContent({format : 'raw', no_events : 1})) && !t.isNotDirty;

		getContainer : function() {
			var t = this;

			if (!t.container)
				t.container = DOM.get(t.editorContainer || + '_parent');

			return t.container;

		getContentAreaContainer : function() {
			return this.contentAreaContainer;

		getElement : function() {
			return DOM.get(this.settings.content_element ||;

		getWin : function() {
			var t = this, e;

			if (!t.contentWindow) {
				e = DOM.get( + "_ifr");

				if (e)
					t.contentWindow = e.contentWindow;

			return t.contentWindow;

		getDoc : function() {
			var t = this, w;

			if (!t.contentDocument) {
				w = t.getWin();

				if (w)
					t.contentDocument = w.document;

			return t.contentDocument;

		getBody : function() {
			return this.bodyElement || this.getDoc().body;

		convertURL : function(u, n, e) {
			var t = this, s = t.settings;

			// Use callback instead
			if (s.urlconverter_callback)
				return t.execCallback('urlconverter_callback', u, e, true, n);

			// Don't convert link href since thats the CSS files that gets loaded into the editor also skip local file URLs
			if (!s.convert_urls || (e && e.nodeName == 'LINK') || u.indexOf('file:') === 0)
				return u;

			// Convert to relative
			if (s.relative_urls)
				return t.documentBaseURI.toRelative(u);

			// Convert to absolute
			u = t.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(u, s.remove_script_host);

			return u;

		addVisual : function(e) {
			var t = this, s = t.settings;

			e = e || t.getBody();

			if (!is(t.hasVisual))
				t.hasVisual = s.visual;

			each('table,a', e), function(e) {
				var v;

				switch (e.nodeName) {
					case 'TABLE':
						v = t.dom.getAttrib(e, 'border');

						if (!v || v == '0') {
							if (t.hasVisual)
								t.dom.addClass(e, s.visual_table_class);
								t.dom.removeClass(e, s.visual_table_class);


					case 'A':
						v = t.dom.getAttrib(e, 'name');

						if (v) {
							if (t.hasVisual)
								t.dom.addClass(e, 'mceItemAnchor');
								t.dom.removeClass(e, 'mceItemAnchor');


			t.onVisualAid.dispatch(t, e, t.hasVisual);

		remove : function() {
			var t = this, e = t.getContainer();

			t.removed = 1; // Cancels post remove event execution

			t.execCallback('remove_instance_callback', t);

			// Clear all execCommand listeners this is required to avoid errors if the editor was removed inside another command
			t.onExecCommand.listeners = [];


		destroy : function(s) {
			var t = this;

			// One time is enough
			if (t.destroyed)

			if (!s) {

				// Manual destroy
				if (t.theme && t.theme.destroy)

				// Destroy controls, selection and dom

				// Remove all events

				// Don't clear the window or document if content editable
				// is enabled since other instances might still be present
				if (!t.settings.content_editable) {


			if (t.formElement) {
				t.formElement.submit = t.formElement._mceOldSubmit;
				t.formElement._mceOldSubmit = null;

			t.contentAreaContainer = t.formElement = t.container = t.settings.content_element = t.bodyElement = t.contentDocument = t.contentWindow = null;

			if (t.selection)
				t.selection = = t.selection.dom = t.selection.dom.doc = null;

			t.destroyed = 1;

		// Internal functions

		_addEvents : function() {
			// 'focus', 'blur', 'dblclick', 'beforedeactivate', submit, reset
			var t = this, i, s = t.settings, lo = {
				mouseup : 'onMouseUp',
				mousedown : 'onMouseDown',
				click : 'onClick',
				keyup : 'onKeyUp',
				keydown : 'onKeyDown',
				keypress : 'onKeyPress',
				submit : 'onSubmit',
				reset : 'onReset',
				contextmenu : 'onContextMenu',
				dblclick : 'onDblClick',
				paste : 'onPaste' // Doesn't work in all browsers yet

			function eventHandler(e, o) {
				var ty = e.type;

				// Don't fire events when it's removed
				if (t.removed)

				// Generic event handler
				if (t.onEvent.dispatch(t, e, o) !== false) {
					// Specific event handler
					t[lo[e.fakeType || e.type]].dispatch(t, e, o);

			// Add DOM events
			each(lo, function(v, k) {
				switch (k) {
					case 'contextmenu':
						if (tinymce.isOpera) {
							// Fake contextmenu on Opera
							t.dom.bind(t.getBody(), 'mousedown', function(e) {
								if (e.ctrlKey) {
									e.fakeType = 'contextmenu';
						} else
							t.dom.bind(t.getBody(), k, eventHandler);

					case 'paste':
						t.dom.bind(t.getBody(), k, function(e) {

					case 'submit':
					case 'reset':
						t.dom.bind(t.getElement().form || DOM.getParent(, 'form'), k, eventHandler);

						t.dom.bind(s.content_editable ? t.getBody() : t.getDoc(), k, eventHandler);

			t.dom.bind(s.content_editable ? t.getBody() : (isGecko ? t.getDoc() : t.getWin()), 'focus', function(e) {

			// Fixes bug where a specified document_base_uri could result in broken images
			// This will also fix drag drop of images in Gecko
			if (tinymce.isGecko) {
				// Convert all images to absolute URLs
/*				t.onSetContent.add(function(ed, o) {
					each('img'), function(e) {
						var v;

						if (v = e.getAttribute('_mce_src'))
							e.src = t.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(v);

				t.dom.bind(t.getDoc(), 'DOMNodeInserted', function(e) {
					var v;

					e =;

					if (e.nodeType === 1 && e.nodeName === 'IMG' && (v = e.getAttribute('_mce_src')))
						e.src = t.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(v);

			// Set various midas options in Gecko
			if (isGecko) {
				function setOpts() {
					var t = this, d = t.getDoc(), s = t.settings;

					if (isGecko && !s.readonly) {
						if (t._isHidden()) {
							try {
								if (!s.content_editable)
									d.designMode = 'On';
							} catch (ex) {
								// Fails if it's hidden

						try {
							// Try new Gecko method
							d.execCommand("styleWithCSS", 0, false);
						} catch (ex) {
							// Use old method
							if (!t._isHidden())
								try {d.execCommand("useCSS", 0, true);} catch (ex) {}

						if (!s.table_inline_editing)
							try {d.execCommand('enableInlineTableEditing', false, false);} catch (ex) {}

						if (!s.object_resizing)
							try {d.execCommand('enableObjectResizing', false, false);} catch (ex) {}


			// Workaround for bug,
			// WebKit can't even do simple things like selecting an image
			// This also fixes so it's possible to select mceItemAnchors
			if (tinymce.isWebKit) {
				t.onClick.add(function(ed, e) {
					e =;

					// Needs tobe the setBaseAndExtend or it will fail to select floated images
					if (e.nodeName == 'IMG' || (e.nodeName == 'A' && t.dom.hasClass(e, 'mceItemAnchor')))
						t.selection.getSel().setBaseAndExtent(e, 0, e, 1);

			// Add node change handlers
			t.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) {
				var c = e.keyCode;

				if ((c >= 33 && c <= 36) || (c >= 37 && c <= 40) || c == 13 || c == 45 || c == 46 || c == 8 || (tinymce.isMac && (c == 91 || c == 93)) || e.ctrlKey)

			// Add reset handler
			t.onReset.add(function() {
				t.setContent(t.startContent, {format : 'raw'});

			// Add shortcuts
			if (s.custom_shortcuts) {
				if (s.custom_undo_redo_keyboard_shortcuts) {
					t.addShortcut('ctrl+z', t.getLang('undo_desc'), 'Undo');
					t.addShortcut('ctrl+y', t.getLang('redo_desc'), 'Redo');

				// Add default shortcuts for gecko
				t.addShortcut('ctrl+b', t.getLang('bold_desc'), 'Bold');
				t.addShortcut('ctrl+i', t.getLang('italic_desc'), 'Italic');
				t.addShortcut('ctrl+u', t.getLang('underline_desc'), 'Underline');

				// BlockFormat shortcuts keys
				for (i=1; i<=6; i++)
					t.addShortcut('ctrl+' + i, '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'h' + i]);

				t.addShortcut('ctrl+7', '', ['FormatBlock', false, '<p>']);
				t.addShortcut('ctrl+8', '', ['FormatBlock', false, '<div>']);
				t.addShortcut('ctrl+9', '', ['FormatBlock', false, '<address>']);

				function find(e) {
					var v = null;

					if (!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey)
						return v;

					each(t.shortcuts, function(o) {
						if (tinymce.isMac && o.ctrl != e.metaKey)
						else if (!tinymce.isMac && o.ctrl != e.ctrlKey)

						if (o.alt != e.altKey)

						if (o.shift != e.shiftKey)

						if (e.keyCode == o.keyCode || (e.charCode && e.charCode == o.charCode)) {
							v = o;
							return false;

					return v;

				t.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) {
					var o = find(e);

					if (o)
						return Event.cancel(e);

				t.onKeyPress.add(function(ed, e) {
					var o = find(e);

					if (o)
						return Event.cancel(e);

				t.onKeyDown.add(function(ed, e) {
					var o = find(e);

					if (o) {;
						return Event.cancel(e);

			if (tinymce.isIE) {
				// Fix so resize will only update the width and height attributes not the styles of an image
				// It will also block mceItemNoResize items
				t.dom.bind(t.getDoc(), 'controlselect', function(e) {
					var re = t.resizeInfo, cb;

					e =;

					// Don't do this action for non image elements
					if (e.nodeName !== 'IMG')

					if (re)
						t.dom.unbind(re.node, re.ev, re.cb);

					if (!t.dom.hasClass(e, 'mceItemNoResize')) {
						ev = 'resizeend';
						cb = t.dom.bind(e, ev, function(e) {
							var v;

							e =;

							if (v = t.dom.getStyle(e, 'width')) {
								t.dom.setAttrib(e, 'width', v.replace(/[^0-9%]+/g, ''));
								t.dom.setStyle(e, 'width', '');

							if (v = t.dom.getStyle(e, 'height')) {
								t.dom.setAttrib(e, 'height', v.replace(/[^0-9%]+/g, ''));
								t.dom.setStyle(e, 'height', '');
					} else {
						ev = 'resizestart';
						cb = t.dom.bind(e, 'resizestart', Event.cancel, Event);

					re = t.resizeInfo = {
						node : e,
						ev : ev,
						cb : cb

				t.onKeyDown.add(function(ed, e) {
					switch (e.keyCode) {
						case 8:
							// Fix IE control + backspace browser bug
							if (t.selection.getRng().item) {
								return Event.cancel(e);

				/*if (t.dom.boxModel) {
					t.getBody().style.height = '100%';

					Event.add(t.getWin(), 'resize', function(e) {
						var docElm = t.getDoc().documentElement; = (docElm.offsetHeight - 10) + 'px';

			if (tinymce.isOpera) {
				t.onClick.add(function(ed, e) {

			// Add custom undo/redo handlers
			if (s.custom_undo_redo) {
				function addUndo() {
					t.undoManager.typing = 0;

				t.dom.bind(t.getDoc(), 'focusout', function(e) {
					if (!t.removed && t.undoManager.typing)

				t.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) {
					if ((e.keyCode >= 33 && e.keyCode <= 36) || (e.keyCode >= 37 && e.keyCode <= 40) || e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 45 || e.ctrlKey)

				t.onKeyDown.add(function(ed, e) {
					var rng, parent, bookmark;

					// IE has a really odd bug where the DOM might include an node that doesn't have
					// a proper structure. If you try to access nodeValue it would throw an illegal value exception.
					// This seems to only happen when you delete contents and it seems to be avoidable if you refresh the element
					// after you delete contents from it. See: #3008923
					if (isIE && e.keyCode == 46) {
						rng = t.selection.getRng();

						if (rng.parentElement) {
							parent = rng.parentElement();

							// Select next word when ctrl key is used in combo with delete
							if (e.ctrlKey) {
								rng.moveEnd('word', 1);;

							// Delete contents

							// Check if we are within the same parent
							if (rng.parentElement() == parent) {
								bookmark = t.selection.getBookmark();

								try {
									// Update the HTML and hopefully it will remove the artifacts
									parent.innerHTML = parent.innerHTML;
								} catch (ex) {
									// And since it's IE it can sometimes produce an unknown runtime error

								// Restore the caret position

							// Block the default delete behavior since it might be broken

					// Is caracter positon keys
					if ((e.keyCode >= 33 && e.keyCode <= 36) || (e.keyCode >= 37 && e.keyCode <= 40) || e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 45) {
						if (t.undoManager.typing)


					if (!t.undoManager.typing) {
						t.undoManager.typing = 1;

				t.onMouseDown.add(function() {
					if (t.undoManager.typing)

		_isHidden : function() {
			var s;

			if (!isGecko)
				return 0;

			// Weird, wheres that cursor selection?
			s = this.selection.getSel();
			return (!s || !s.rangeCount || s.rangeCount == 0);

		// Fix for bug #1867292
		_fixNesting : function(s) {
			var d = [], i;

			s = s.replace(/<(\/)?([^\s>]+)[^>]*?>/g, function(a, b, c) {
				var e;

				// Handle end element
				if (b === '/') {
					if (!d.length)
						return '';

					if (c !== d[d.length - 1].tag) {
						for (i=d.length - 1; i>=0; i--) {
							if (d[i].tag === c) {
								d[i].close = 1;

						return '';
					} else {

						if (d.length && d[d.length - 1].close) {
							a = a + '</' + d[d.length - 1].tag + '>';
				} else {
					// Ignore these
					if (/^(br|hr|input|meta|img|link|param)$/i.test(c))
						return a;

					// Ignore closed ones
					if (/\/>$/.test(a))
						return a;

					d.push({tag : c}); // Push start element

				return a;

			// End all open tags
			for (i=d.length - 1; i>=0; i--)
				s += '</' + d[i].tag + '>';

			return s;

(function(tinymce) {
	// Added for compression purposes
	var each = tinymce.each, undefined, TRUE = true, FALSE = false;

	tinymce.EditorCommands = function(editor) {
		var dom = editor.dom,
			selection = editor.selection,
			commands = {state: {}, exec : {}, value : {}},
			settings = editor.settings,

		function execCommand(command, ui, value) {
			var func;

			command = command.toLowerCase();
			if (func = commands.exec[command]) {
				func(command, ui, value);
				return TRUE;

			return FALSE;

		function queryCommandState(command) {
			var func;

			command = command.toLowerCase();
			if (func = commands.state[command])
				return func(command);

			return -1;

		function queryCommandValue(command) {
			var func;

			command = command.toLowerCase();
			if (func = commands.value[command])
				return func(command);

			return FALSE;

		function addCommands(command_list, type) {
			type = type || 'exec';

			each(command_list, function(callback, command) {
				each(command.toLowerCase().split(','), function(command) {
					commands[type][command] = callback;

		// Expose public methods
		tinymce.extend(this, {
			execCommand : execCommand,
			queryCommandState : queryCommandState,
			queryCommandValue : queryCommandValue,
			addCommands : addCommands

		// Private methods

		function execNativeCommand(command, ui, value) {
			if (ui === undefined)
				ui = FALSE;

			if (value === undefined)
				value = null;

			return editor.getDoc().execCommand(command, ui, value);

		function isFormatMatch(name) {
			return editor.formatter.match(name);

		function toggleFormat(name, value) {
			editor.formatter.toggle(name, value ? {value : value} : undefined);

		function storeSelection(type) {
			bookmark = selection.getBookmark(type);

		function restoreSelection() {

		// Add execCommand overrides
			// Ignore these, added for compatibility
			'mceResetDesignMode,mceBeginUndoLevel' : function() {},

			// Add undo manager logic
			'mceEndUndoLevel,mceAddUndoLevel' : function() {

			'Cut,Copy,Paste' : function(command) {
				var doc = editor.getDoc(), failed;

				// Try executing the native command
				try {
				} catch (ex) {
					// Command failed
					failed = TRUE;

				// Present alert message about clipboard access not being available
				if (failed || !doc.queryCommandSupported(command)) {
					if (tinymce.isGecko) {
						editor.windowManager.confirm(editor.getLang('clipboard_msg'), function(state) {
							if (state)
								open('', '_blank');
					} else

			// Override unlink command
			unlink : function(command) {
				if (selection.isCollapsed());


			// Override justify commands to use the text formatter engine
			'JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull' : function(command) {
				var align = command.substring(7);

				// Remove all other alignments first
				each('left,center,right,full'.split(','), function(name) {
					if (align != name)
						editor.formatter.remove('align' + name);

				toggleFormat('align' + align);

			// Override list commands to fix WebKit bug
			'InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList' : function(command) {
				var listElm, listParent;


				// WebKit produces lists within block elements so we need to split them
				// we will replace the native list creation logic to custom logic later on
				// TODO: Remove this when the list creation logic is removed
				listElm = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'ol,ul');
				if (listElm) {
					listParent = listElm.parentNode;

					// If list is within a text block then split that block
					if (/^(H[1-6]|P|ADDRESS|PRE)$/.test(listParent.nodeName)) {
						dom.split(listParent, listElm);

			// Override commands to use the text formatter engine
			'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough' : function(command) {

			// Override commands to use the text formatter engine
			'ForeColor,HiliteColor,FontName' : function(command, ui, value) {
				toggleFormat(command, value);

			FontSize : function(command, ui, value) {
				var fontClasses, fontSizes;

				// Convert font size 1-7 to styles
				if (value >= 1 && value <= 7) {
					fontSizes = tinymce.explode(settings.font_size_style_values);
					fontClasses = tinymce.explode(settings.font_size_classes);

					if (fontClasses)
						value = fontClasses[value - 1] || value;
						value = fontSizes[value - 1] || value;

				toggleFormat(command, value);

			RemoveFormat : function(command) {

			mceBlockQuote : function(command) {

			FormatBlock : function(command, ui, value) {
				return toggleFormat(value || 'p');

			mceCleanup : function() {
				var bookmark = selection.getBookmark();

				editor.setContent(editor.getContent({cleanup : TRUE}), {cleanup : TRUE});


			mceRemoveNode : function(command, ui, value) {
				var node = value || selection.getNode();

				// Make sure that the body node isn't removed
				if (node != editor.getBody()) {
					editor.dom.remove(node, TRUE);

			mceSelectNodeDepth : function(command, ui, value) {
				var counter = 0;

				dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), function(node) {
					if (node.nodeType == 1 && counter++ == value) {;
						return FALSE;
				}, editor.getBody());

			mceSelectNode : function(command, ui, value) {;

			mceInsertContent : function(command, ui, value) {

			mceInsertRawHTML : function(command, ui, value) {
				editor.setContent(editor.getContent().replace(/tiny_mce_marker/g, function() { return value }));

			mceSetContent : function(command, ui, value) {

			'Indent,Outdent' : function(command) {
				var intentValue, indentUnit, value;

				// Setup indent level
				intentValue = settings.indentation;
				indentUnit = /[a-z%]+$/i.exec(intentValue);
				intentValue = parseInt(intentValue);

				if (!queryCommandState('InsertUnorderedList') && !queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList')) {
					each(selection.getSelectedBlocks(), function(element) {
						if (command == 'outdent') {
							value = Math.max(0, parseInt( || 0) - intentValue);
							dom.setStyle(element, 'paddingLeft', value ? value + indentUnit : '');
						} else
							dom.setStyle(element, 'paddingLeft', (parseInt( || 0) + intentValue) + indentUnit);
				} else

			mceRepaint : function() {
				var bookmark;

				if (tinymce.isGecko) {
					try {

						if (selection.getSel())

					} catch (ex) {
						// Ignore

			mceToggleFormat : function(command, ui, value) {

			InsertHorizontalRule : function() {
				selection.setContent('<hr />');

			mceToggleVisualAid : function() {
				editor.hasVisual = !editor.hasVisual;

			mceReplaceContent : function(command, ui, value) {
				selection.setContent(value.replace(/\{\$selection\}/g, selection.getContent({format : 'text'})));

			mceInsertLink : function(command, ui, value) {
				var link = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'a');

				if (, 'string'))
					value = {href : value};

				if (!link) {
					execNativeCommand('CreateLink', FALSE, 'javascript:mctmp(0);');
					each('a[href=javascript:mctmp(0);]'), function(link) {
						dom.setAttribs(link, value);
				} else {
					if (value.href)
						dom.setAttribs(link, value);
						editor.dom.remove(link, TRUE);
			selectAll : function() {
				var root = dom.getRoot(), rng = dom.createRng();

				rng.setStart(root, 0);
				rng.setEnd(root, root.childNodes.length);


		// Add queryCommandState overrides
			// Override justify commands
			'JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull' : function(command) {
				return isFormatMatch('align' + command.substring(7));

			'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough' : function(command) {
				return isFormatMatch(command);

			mceBlockQuote : function() {
				return isFormatMatch('blockquote');

			Outdent : function() {
				var node;

				if (settings.inline_styles) {
					if ((node = dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), dom.isBlock)) && parseInt( > 0)
						return TRUE;

					if ((node = dom.getParent(selection.getEnd(), dom.isBlock)) && parseInt( > 0)
						return TRUE;

				return queryCommandState('InsertUnorderedList') || queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList') || (!settings.inline_styles && !!dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'BLOCKQUOTE'));

			'InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList' : function(command) {
				return dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), command == 'insertunorderedlist' ? 'UL' : 'OL');
		}, 'state');

		// Add queryCommandValue overrides
			'FontSize,FontName' : function(command) {
				var value = 0, parent;

				if (parent = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'span')) {
					if (command == 'fontsize')
						value =;
						value =, /g, ',').replace(/[\'\"]/g, '').toLowerCase();

				return value;
		}, 'value');

		// Add undo manager logic
		if (settings.custom_undo_redo) {
				Undo : function() {

				Redo : function() {
(function(tinymce) {
	var Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher;

	tinymce.UndoManager = function(editor) {
		var self, index = 0, data = [];

		function getContent() {
			return tinymce.trim(editor.getContent({format : 'raw', no_events : 1}));

		return self = {
			typing : 0,

			onAdd : new Dispatcher(self),
			onUndo : new Dispatcher(self),
			onRedo : new Dispatcher(self),

			add : function(level) {
				var i, settings = editor.settings, lastLevel;

				level = level || {};
				level.content = getContent();

				// Add undo level if needed
				lastLevel = data[index];
				if (lastLevel && lastLevel.content == level.content) {
					if (index > 0 || data.length == 1)
						return null;

				// Time to compress
				if (settings.custom_undo_redo_levels) {
					if (data.length > settings.custom_undo_redo_levels) {
						for (i = 0; i < data.length - 1; i++)
							data[i] = data[i + 1];

						index = data.length;

				// Get a non intrusive normalized bookmark
				level.bookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark(2, true);

				// Crop array if needed
				if (index < data.length - 1) {
					// Treat first level as initial
					if (index == 0)
						data = [];
						data.length = index + 1;

				index = data.length - 1;

				self.onAdd.dispatch(self, level);
				editor.isNotDirty = 0;

				return level;

			undo : function() {
				var level, i;

				if (self.typing) {
					self.typing = 0;

				if (index > 0) {
					level = data[--index];

					editor.setContent(level.content, {format : 'raw'});

					self.onUndo.dispatch(self, level);

				return level;

			redo : function() {
				var level;

				if (index < data.length - 1) {
					level = data[++index];

					editor.setContent(level.content, {format : 'raw'});

					self.onRedo.dispatch(self, level);

				return level;

			clear : function() {
				data = [];
				index = self.typing = 0;

			hasUndo : function() {
				return index > 0 || self.typing;

			hasRedo : function() {
				return index < data.length - 1;

(function(tinymce) {
	// Shorten names
	var Event = tinymce.dom.Event,
		isIE = tinymce.isIE,
		isGecko = tinymce.isGecko,
		isOpera = tinymce.isOpera,
		each = tinymce.each,
		extend = tinymce.extend,
		TRUE = true,
		FALSE = false;

	function cloneFormats(node) {
		var clone, temp, inner;

		do {
			if (/^(SPAN|STRONG|B|EM|I|FONT|STRIKE|U)$/.test(node.nodeName)) {
				if (clone) {
					temp = node.cloneNode(false);
					clone = temp;
				} else {
					clone = inner = node.cloneNode(false);

		} while (node = node.parentNode);

		if (clone)
			return {wrapper : clone, inner : inner};

	// Checks if the selection/caret is at the end of the specified block element
	function isAtEnd(rng, par) {
		var rng2 = par.ownerDocument.createRange();

		rng2.setStart(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset);

		// Get number of characters to the right of the cursor if it's zero then we are at the end and need to merge the next block element
		return rng2.cloneContents().textContent.length == 0;

	function isEmpty(n) {
		n = n.innerHTML;

		n = n.replace(/<(img|hr|table|input|select|textarea)[ \>]/gi, '-'); // Keep these convert them to - chars
		n = n.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, ''); // Remove all tags

		return n.replace(/[ \u00a0\t\r\n]+/g, '') == '';

	function splitList(selection, dom, li) {
		var listBlock, block;

		if (isEmpty(li)) {
			listBlock = dom.getParent(li, 'ul,ol');

			if (!dom.getParent(listBlock.parentNode, 'ul,ol')) {
				dom.split(listBlock, li);
				block = dom.create('p', 0, '<br _mce_bogus="1" />');
				dom.replace(block, li);, 1);

			return FALSE;

		return TRUE;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.ForceBlocks', {
		ForceBlocks : function(ed) {
			var t = this, s = ed.settings, elm;

			t.editor = ed;
			t.dom = ed.dom;
			elm = (s.forced_root_block || 'p').toLowerCase();
			s.element = elm.toUpperCase();

			ed.onPreInit.add(t.setup, t);

			t.reOpera = new RegExp('(\\u00a0|&#160;|&nbsp;)<\/' + elm + '>', 'gi');
			t.rePadd = new RegExp('<p( )([^>]+)><\\\/p>|<p( )([^>]+)\\\/>|<p( )([^>]+)>\\s+<\\\/p>|<p><\\\/p>|<p\\\/>|<p>\\s+<\\\/p>'.replace(/p/g, elm), 'gi');
			t.reNbsp2BR1 = new RegExp('<p( )([^>]+)>[\\s\\u00a0]+<\\\/p>|<p>[\\s\\u00a0]+<\\\/p>'.replace(/p/g, elm), 'gi');
			t.reNbsp2BR2 = new RegExp('<%p()([^>]+)>(&nbsp;|&#160;)<\\\/%p>|<%p>(&nbsp;|&#160;)<\\\/%p>'.replace(/%p/g, elm), 'gi');
			t.reBR2Nbsp = new RegExp('<p( )([^>]+)>\\s*<br \\\/>\\s*<\\\/p>|<p>\\s*<br \\\/>\\s*<\\\/p>'.replace(/p/g, elm), 'gi');

			function padd(ed, o) {
				if (isOpera)
					o.content = o.content.replace(t.reOpera, '</' + elm + '>');

				o.content = o.content.replace(t.rePadd, '<' + elm + '$1$2$3$4$5$6>\u00a0</' + elm + '>');

				if (!isIE && !isOpera && o.set) {
					// Use &nbsp; instead of BR in padded paragraphs
					o.content = o.content.replace(t.reNbsp2BR1, '<' + elm + '$1$2><br /></' + elm + '>');
					o.content = o.content.replace(t.reNbsp2BR2, '<' + elm + '$1$2><br /></' + elm + '>');
				} else
					o.content = o.content.replace(t.reBR2Nbsp, '<' + elm + '$1$2>\u00a0</' + elm + '>');


			if (s.forced_root_block) {
				ed.onInit.add(t.forceRoots, t);
				ed.onSetContent.add(t.forceRoots, t);
				ed.onBeforeGetContent.add(t.forceRoots, t);

		setup : function() {
			var t = this, ed = t.editor, s = ed.settings, dom = ed.dom, selection = ed.selection;

			// Force root blocks when typing and when getting output
			if (s.forced_root_block) {
				ed.onBeforeExecCommand.add(t.forceRoots, t);
				ed.onKeyUp.add(t.forceRoots, t);
				ed.onPreProcess.add(t.forceRoots, t);

			if (s.force_br_newlines) {
				// Force IE to produce BRs on enter
				if (isIE) {
					ed.onKeyPress.add(function(ed, e) {
						var n;

						if (e.keyCode == 13 && selection.getNode().nodeName != 'LI') {
							selection.setContent('<br id="__" /> ', {format : 'raw'});
							n = dom.get('__');
							return Event.cancel(e);

			if (s.force_p_newlines) {
				if (!isIE) {
					ed.onKeyPress.add(function(ed, e) {
						if (e.keyCode == 13 && !e.shiftKey && !t.insertPara(e))
				} else {
					// Ungly hack to for IE to preserve the formatting when you press
					// enter at the end of a block element with formatted contents
					// This logic overrides the browsers default logic with
					// custom logic that enables us to control the output
					tinymce.addUnload(function() {
						t._previousFormats = 0; // Fix IE leak

					ed.onKeyPress.add(function(ed, e) {
						t._previousFormats = 0;

						// Clone the current formats, this will later be applied to the new block contents
						if (e.keyCode == 13 && !e.shiftKey && ed.selection.isCollapsed() && s.keep_styles)
							t._previousFormats = cloneFormats(ed.selection.getStart());

					ed.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) {
						// Let IE break the element and the wrap the new caret location in the previous formats
						if (e.keyCode == 13 && !e.shiftKey) {
							var parent = ed.selection.getStart(), fmt = t._previousFormats;

							// Parent is an empty block
							if (!parent.hasChildNodes() && fmt) {
								parent = dom.getParent(parent, dom.isBlock);

								if (parent && parent.nodeName != 'LI') {
									parent.innerHTML = '';

									if (t._previousFormats) {
										fmt.inner.innerHTML = '\uFEFF';
									} else
										parent.innerHTML = '\uFEFF';
, 1);
									ed.getDoc().execCommand('Delete', false, null);
									t._previousFormats = 0;

				if (isGecko) {
					ed.onKeyDown.add(function(ed, e) {
						if ((e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46) && !e.shiftKey)
							t.backspaceDelete(e, e.keyCode == 8);

			// Workaround for missing shift+enter support,
			if (tinymce.isWebKit) {
				function insertBr(ed) {
					var rng = selection.getRng(), br, div = dom.create('div', null, ' '), divYPos, vpHeight = dom.getViewPort(ed.getWin()).h;

					// Insert BR element
					rng.insertNode(br = dom.create('br'));

					// Place caret after BR

					// Could not place caret after BR then insert an nbsp entity and move the caret
					if (selection.getSel().focusNode == br.previousSibling) {'\u00a0'), br));

					// Create a temporary DIV after the BR and get the position as it
					// seems like getPos() returns 0 for text nodes and BR elements.
					dom.insertAfter(div, br);
					divYPos = dom.getPos(div).y;

					// Scroll to new position, scrollIntoView can't be used due to bug:
					if (divYPos > vpHeight) // It is not necessary to scroll if the DIV is inside the view port.
						ed.getWin().scrollTo(0, divYPos);

				ed.onKeyPress.add(function(ed, e) {
					if (e.keyCode == 13 && (e.shiftKey || (s.force_br_newlines && !dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,ol,ul')))) {

			// Padd empty inline elements within block elements
			// For example: <p><strong><em></em></strong></p> becomes <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p>
			ed.onPreProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
				each('p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,div', o.node), function(p) {
					if (isEmpty(p)) {
						each('span,em,strong,b,i', o.node), function(n) {
							if (!n.hasChildNodes()) {
								return FALSE; // Break the loop one padding is enough

			// IE specific fixes
			if (isIE) {
				// Replaces IE:s auto generated paragraphs with the specified element name
				if (s.element != 'P') {
					ed.onKeyPress.add(function(ed, e) {
						t.lastElm = selection.getNode().nodeName;

					ed.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) {
						var bl, n = selection.getNode(), b = ed.getBody();

						if (b.childNodes.length === 1 && n.nodeName == 'P') {
							n = dom.rename(n, s.element);;
						} else if (e.keyCode == 13 && !e.shiftKey && t.lastElm != 'P') {
							bl = dom.getParent(n, 'p');

							if (bl) {
								dom.rename(bl, s.element);

		find : function(n, t, s) {
			var ed = this.editor, w = ed.getDoc().createTreeWalker(n, 4, null, FALSE), c = -1;

			while (n = w.nextNode()) {

				// Index by node
				if (t == 0 && n == s)
					return c;

				// Node by index
				if (t == 1 && c == s)
					return n;

			return -1;

		forceRoots : function(ed, e) {
			var t = this, ed = t.editor, b = ed.getBody(), d = ed.getDoc(), se = ed.selection, s = se.getSel(), r = se.getRng(), si = -2, ei, so, eo, tr, c = -0xFFFFFF;
			var nx, bl, bp, sp, le, nl = b.childNodes, i, n, eid;

			// Fix for bug #1863847
			//if (e && e.keyCode == 13)
			//	return TRUE;

			// Wrap non blocks into blocks
			for (i = nl.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
				nx = nl[i];

				// Ignore internal elements
				if (nx.nodeType === 1 && nx.getAttribute('_mce_type')) {
					bl = null;

				// Is text or non block element
				if (nx.nodeType === 3 || (!t.dom.isBlock(nx) && nx.nodeType !== 8 && !/^(script|mce:script|style|mce:style)$/i.test(nx.nodeName))) {
					if (!bl) {
						// Create new block but ignore whitespace
						if (nx.nodeType != 3 || /[^\s]/g.test(nx.nodeValue)) {
							// Store selection
							if (si == -2 && r) {
								if (!isIE) {
									// If selection is element then mark it
									if (r.startContainer.nodeType == 1 && (n = r.startContainer.childNodes[r.startOffset]) && n.nodeType == 1) {
										// Save the id of the selected element
										eid = n.getAttribute("id");
										n.setAttribute("id", "__mce");
									} else {
										// If element is inside body, might not be the case in contentEdiable mode
										if (ed.dom.getParent(r.startContainer, function(e) {return e === b;})) {
											so = r.startOffset;
											eo = r.endOffset;
											si = t.find(b, 0, r.startContainer);
											ei = t.find(b, 0, r.endContainer);
								} else {
									// Force control range into text range
									if (r.item) {
										tr = d.body.createTextRange();
										r = tr;

									tr = d.body.createTextRange();
									bp = tr.move('character', c) * -1;

									tr = r.duplicate();
									sp = tr.move('character', c) * -1;

									tr = r.duplicate();
									le = (tr.move('character', c) * -1) - sp;

									si = sp - bp;
									ei = le;

							// Uses replaceChild instead of cloneNode since it removes selected attribute from option elements on IE
							// See:
							bl = ed.dom.create(ed.settings.forced_root_block);
							nx.parentNode.replaceChild(bl, nx);
					} else {
						if (bl.hasChildNodes())
							bl.insertBefore(nx, bl.firstChild);
				} else
					bl = null; // Time to create new block

			// Restore selection
			if (si != -2) {
				if (!isIE) {
					bl = b.getElementsByTagName(ed.settings.element)[0];
					r = d.createRange();

					// Select last location or generated block
					if (si != -1)
						r.setStart(t.find(b, 1, si), so);
						r.setStart(bl, 0);

					// Select last location or generated block
					if (ei != -1)
						r.setEnd(t.find(b, 1, ei), eo);
						r.setEnd(bl, 0);

					if (s) {
				} else {
					try {
						r = s.createRange();
						r.moveStart('character', si);
						r.moveEnd('character', ei);;
					} catch (ex) {
						// Ignore
			} else if (!isIE && (n = ed.dom.get('__mce'))) {
				// Restore the id of the selected element
				if (eid)
					n.setAttribute('id', eid);

				// Move caret before selected element
				r = d.createRange();

		getParentBlock : function(n) {
			var d = this.dom;

			return d.getParent(n, d.isBlock);

		insertPara : function(e) {
			var t = this, ed = t.editor, dom = ed.dom, d = ed.getDoc(), se = ed.settings, s = ed.selection.getSel(), r = s.getRangeAt(0), b = d.body;
			var rb, ra, dir, sn, so, en, eo, sb, eb, bn, bef, aft, sc, ec, n, vp = dom.getViewPort(ed.getWin()), y, ch, car;

			// If root blocks are forced then use Operas default behavior since it's really good
// Removed due to bug: #1853816
//			if (se.forced_root_block && isOpera)
//				return TRUE;

			// Setup before range
			rb = d.createRange();

			// If is before the first block element and in body, then move it into first block element
			rb.setStart(s.anchorNode, s.anchorOffset);

			// Setup after range
			ra = d.createRange();

			// If is before the first block element and in body, then move it into first block element
			ra.setStart(s.focusNode, s.focusOffset);

			// Setup start/end points
			dir = rb.compareBoundaryPoints(rb.START_TO_END, ra) < 0;
			sn = dir ? s.anchorNode : s.focusNode;
			so = dir ? s.anchorOffset : s.focusOffset;
			en = dir ? s.focusNode : s.anchorNode;
			eo = dir ? s.focusOffset : s.anchorOffset;

			// If selection is in empty table cell
			if (sn === en && /^(TD|TH)$/.test(sn.nodeName)) {
				if (sn.firstChild.nodeName == 'BR')
					dom.remove(sn.firstChild); // Remove BR

				// Create two new block elements
				if (sn.childNodes.length == 0) {
					ed.dom.add(sn, se.element, null, '<br />');
					aft = ed.dom.add(sn, se.element, null, '<br />');
				} else {
					n = sn.innerHTML;
					sn.innerHTML = '';
					ed.dom.add(sn, se.element, null, n);
					aft = ed.dom.add(sn, se.element, null, '<br />');

				// Move caret into the last one
				r = d.createRange();

				return FALSE;

			// If the caret is in an invalid location in FF we need to move it into the first block
			if (sn == b && en == b && b.firstChild && ed.dom.isBlock(b.firstChild)) {
				sn = en = sn.firstChild;
				so = eo = 0;
				rb = d.createRange();
				rb.setStart(sn, 0);
				ra = d.createRange();
				ra.setStart(en, 0);

			// Never use body as start or end node
			sn = sn.nodeName == "HTML" ? d.body : sn; // Fix for Opera bug:
			sn = sn.nodeName == "BODY" ? sn.firstChild : sn;
			en = en.nodeName == "HTML" ? d.body : en; // Fix for Opera bug:
			en = en.nodeName == "BODY" ? en.firstChild : en;

			// Get start and end blocks
			sb = t.getParentBlock(sn);
			eb = t.getParentBlock(en);
			bn = sb ? sb.nodeName : se.element; // Get block name to create

			// Return inside list use default browser behavior
			if (n = t.dom.getParent(sb, 'li,pre')) {
				if (n.nodeName == 'LI')
					return splitList(ed.selection, t.dom, n);

				return TRUE;

			// If caption or absolute layers then always generate new blocks within
			if (sb && (sb.nodeName == 'CAPTION' || /absolute|relative|fixed/gi.test(dom.getStyle(sb, 'position', 1)))) {
				bn = se.element;
				sb = null;

			// If caption or absolute layers then always generate new blocks within
			if (eb && (eb.nodeName == 'CAPTION' || /absolute|relative|fixed/gi.test(dom.getStyle(sb, 'position', 1)))) {
				bn = se.element;
				eb = null;

			// Use P instead
			if (/(TD|TABLE|TH|CAPTION)/.test(bn) || (sb && bn == "DIV" && /left|right/gi.test(dom.getStyle(sb, 'float', 1)))) {
				bn = se.element;
				sb = eb = null;

			// Setup new before and after blocks
			bef = (sb && sb.nodeName == bn) ? sb.cloneNode(0) : ed.dom.create(bn);
			aft = (eb && eb.nodeName == bn) ? eb.cloneNode(0) : ed.dom.create(bn);

			// Remove id from after clone

			// Is header and cursor is at the end, then force paragraph under
			if (/^(H[1-6])$/.test(bn) && isAtEnd(r, sb))
				aft = ed.dom.create(se.element);

			// Find start chop node
			n = sc = sn;
			do {
				if (n == b || n.nodeType == 9 || t.dom.isBlock(n) || /(TD|TABLE|TH|CAPTION)/.test(n.nodeName))

				sc = n;
			} while ((n = n.previousSibling ? n.previousSibling : n.parentNode));

			// Find end chop node
			n = ec = en;
			do {
				if (n == b || n.nodeType == 9 || t.dom.isBlock(n) || /(TD|TABLE|TH|CAPTION)/.test(n.nodeName))

				ec = n;
			} while ((n = n.nextSibling ? n.nextSibling : n.parentNode));

			// Place first chop part into before block element
			if (sc.nodeName == bn)
				rb.setStart(sc, 0);

			rb.setEnd(sn, so);
			bef.appendChild(rb.cloneContents() || d.createTextNode('')); // Empty text node needed for Safari

			// Place secnd chop part within new block element
			try {
			} catch(ex) {
				//console.debug(s.focusNode, s.focusOffset);

			ra.setStart(en, eo);
			aft.appendChild(ra.cloneContents() || d.createTextNode('')); // Empty text node needed for Safari

			// Create range around everything
			r = d.createRange();
			if (!sc.previousSibling && sc.parentNode.nodeName == bn) {
			} else {
				if (rb.startContainer.nodeName == bn && rb.startOffset == 0)
					r.setStart(rb.startContainer, rb.startOffset);

			if (!ec.nextSibling && ec.parentNode.nodeName == bn)
				r.setEnd(ra.endContainer, ra.endOffset);

			// Delete and replace it with new block elements

			if (isOpera)
				ed.getWin().scrollTo(0, vp.y);

			// Never wrap blocks in blocks
			if (bef.firstChild && bef.firstChild.nodeName == bn)
				bef.innerHTML = bef.firstChild.innerHTML;

			if (aft.firstChild && aft.firstChild.nodeName == bn)
				aft.innerHTML = aft.firstChild.innerHTML;

			// Padd empty blocks
			if (isEmpty(bef))
				bef.innerHTML = '<br />';

			function appendStyles(e, en) {
				var nl = [], nn, n, i;

				e.innerHTML = '';

				// Make clones of style elements
				if (se.keep_styles) {
					n = en;
					do {
						// We only want style specific elements
						if (/^(SPAN|STRONG|B|EM|I|FONT|STRIKE|U)$/.test(n.nodeName)) {
							nn = n.cloneNode(FALSE);
							dom.setAttrib(nn, 'id', ''); // Remove ID since it needs to be unique
					} while (n = n.parentNode);

				// Append style elements to aft
				if (nl.length > 0) {
					for (i = nl.length - 1, nn = e; i >= 0; i--)
						nn = nn.appendChild(nl[i]);

					// Padd most inner style element
					nl[0].innerHTML = isOpera ? '&nbsp;' : '<br />'; // Extra space for Opera so that the caret can move there
					return nl[0]; // Move caret to most inner element
				} else
					e.innerHTML = isOpera ? '&nbsp;' : '<br />'; // Extra space for Opera so that the caret can move there

			// Fill empty afterblook with current style
			if (isEmpty(aft))
				car = appendStyles(aft, en);

			// Opera needs this one backwards for older versions
			if (isOpera && parseFloat(opera.version()) < 9.5) {
			} else {

			// Normalize

			function first(n) {
				return d.createTreeWalker(n, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, FALSE).nextNode() || n;

			// Move cursor and scroll into view
			r = d.createRange();
			r.selectNodeContents(isGecko ? first(car || aft) : car || aft);

			// scrollIntoView seems to scroll the parent window in most browsers now including FF 3.0b4 so it's time to stop using it and do it our selfs
			y = ed.dom.getPos(aft).y;
			ch = aft.clientHeight;

			// Is element within viewport
			if (y < vp.y || y + ch > vp.y + vp.h) {
				ed.getWin().scrollTo(0, y < vp.y ? y : y - vp.h + 25); // Needs to be hardcoded to roughly one line of text if a huge text block is broken into two blocks
				//console.debug('SCROLL!', 'vp.y: ' + vp.y, 'y' + y, 'vp.h' + vp.h, 'clientHeight' + aft.clientHeight, 'yyy: ' + (y < vp.y ? y : y - vp.h + aft.clientHeight));

			return FALSE;

		backspaceDelete : function(e, bs) {
			var t = this, ed = t.editor, b = ed.getBody(), dom = ed.dom, n, se = ed.selection, r = se.getRng(), sc = r.startContainer, n, w, tn, walker;

			// Delete when caret is behind a element doesn't work correctly on Gecko see #3011651
			if (!bs && r.collapsed && sc.nodeType == 1 && r.startOffset == sc.childNodes.length) {
				walker = new tinymce.dom.TreeWalker(sc.lastChild, sc);

				// Walk the dom backwards until we find a text node
				for (n = sc.lastChild; n; n = walker.prev()) {
					if (n.nodeType == 3) {
						r.setStart(n, n.nodeValue.length);

			// The caret sometimes gets stuck in Gecko if you delete empty paragraphs
			// This workaround removes the element by hand and moves the caret to the previous element
			if (sc && ed.dom.isBlock(sc) && !/^(TD|TH)$/.test(sc.nodeName) && bs) {
				if (sc.childNodes.length == 0 || (sc.childNodes.length == 1 && sc.firstChild.nodeName == 'BR')) {
					// Find previous block element
					n = sc;
					while ((n = n.previousSibling) && !ed.dom.isBlock(n)) ;

					if (n) {
						if (sc != b.firstChild) {
							// Find last text node
							w = ed.dom.doc.createTreeWalker(n, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, FALSE);
							while (tn = w.nextNode())
								n = tn;

							// Place caret at the end of last text node
							r = ed.getDoc().createRange();
							r.setStart(n, n.nodeValue ? n.nodeValue.length : 0);
							r.setEnd(n, n.nodeValue ? n.nodeValue.length : 0);

							// Remove the target container

						return Event.cancel(e);

(function(tinymce) {
	// Shorten names
	var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, each = tinymce.each, extend = tinymce.extend;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.ControlManager', {
		ControlManager : function(ed, s) {
			var t = this, i;

			s = s || {};
			t.editor = ed;
			t.controls = {};
			t.onAdd = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(t);
			t.onPostRender = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(t);
			t.prefix = s.prefix || + '_';
			t._cls = {};

			t.onPostRender.add(function() {
				each(t.controls, function(c) {

		get : function(id) {
			return this.controls[this.prefix + id] || this.controls[id];

		setActive : function(id, s) {
			var c = null;

			if (c = this.get(id))

			return c;

		setDisabled : function(id, s) {
			var c = null;

			if (c = this.get(id))

			return c;

		add : function(c) {
			var t = this;

			if (c) {
				t.controls[] = c;
				t.onAdd.dispatch(c, t);

			return c;

		createControl : function(n) {
			var c, t = this, ed = t.editor;

			each(ed.plugins, function(p) {
				if (p.createControl) {
					c = p.createControl(n, t);

					if (c)
						return false;

			switch (n) {
				case "|":
				case "separator":
					return t.createSeparator();

			if (!c && ed.buttons && (c = ed.buttons[n]))
				return t.createButton(n, c);

			return t.add(c);

		createDropMenu : function(id, s, cc) {
			var t = this, ed = t.editor, c, bm, v, cls;

			s = extend({
				'class' : 'mceDropDown',
				constrain : ed.settings.constrain_menus
			}, s);

			s['class'] = s['class'] + ' ' + ed.getParam('skin') + 'Skin';
			if (v = ed.getParam('skin_variant'))
				s['class'] += ' ' + ed.getParam('skin') + 'Skin' + v.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + v.substring(1);

			id = t.prefix + id;
			cls = cc || t._cls.dropmenu || tinymce.ui.DropMenu;
			c = t.controls[id] = new cls(id, s);
			c.onAddItem.add(function(c, o) {
				var s = o.settings;

				s.title = ed.getLang(s.title, s.title);

				if (!s.onclick) {
					s.onclick = function(v) {
						if (s.cmd)
							ed.execCommand(s.cmd, s.ui || false, s.value);

			ed.onRemove.add(function() {

			// Fix for bug #1897785, #1898007
			if (tinymce.isIE) {
				c.onShowMenu.add(function() {
					// IE 8 needs focus in order to store away a range with the current collapsed caret location

					bm = ed.selection.getBookmark(1);

				c.onHideMenu.add(function() {
					if (bm) {
						bm = 0;

			return t.add(c);

		createListBox : function(id, s, cc) {
			var t = this, ed = t.editor, cmd, c, cls;

			if (t.get(id))
				return null;

			s.title = ed.translate(s.title);
			s.scope = s.scope || ed;

			if (!s.onselect) {
				s.onselect = function(v) {
					ed.execCommand(s.cmd, s.ui || false, v || s.value);

			s = extend({
				title : s.title,
				'class' : 'mce_' + id,
				scope : s.scope,
				control_manager : t
			}, s);

			id = t.prefix + id;

			if (ed.settings.use_native_selects)
				c = new tinymce.ui.NativeListBox(id, s);
			else {
				cls = cc || t._cls.listbox || tinymce.ui.ListBox;
				c = new cls(id, s);

			t.controls[id] = c;

			// Fix focus problem in Safari
			if (tinymce.isWebKit) {
				c.onPostRender.add(function(c, n) {
					// Store bookmark on mousedown
					Event.add(n, 'mousedown', function() {
						ed.bookmark = ed.selection.getBookmark(1);

					// Restore on focus, since it might be lost
					Event.add(n, 'focus', function() {
						ed.bookmark = null;

			if (c.hideMenu)
				ed.onMouseDown.add(c.hideMenu, c);

			return t.add(c);

		createButton : function(id, s, cc) {
			var t = this, ed = t.editor, o, c, cls;

			if (t.get(id))
				return null;

			s.title = ed.translate(s.title);
			s.label = ed.translate(s.label);
			s.scope = s.scope || ed;

			if (!s.onclick && !s.menu_button) {
				s.onclick = function() {
					ed.execCommand(s.cmd, s.ui || false, s.value);

			s = extend({
				title : s.title,
				'class' : 'mce_' + id,
				unavailable_prefix : ed.getLang('unavailable', ''),
				scope : s.scope,
				control_manager : t
			}, s);

			id = t.prefix + id;

			if (s.menu_button) {
				cls = cc || t._cls.menubutton || tinymce.ui.MenuButton;
				c = new cls(id, s);
				ed.onMouseDown.add(c.hideMenu, c);
			} else {
				cls = t._cls.button || tinymce.ui.Button;
				c = new cls(id, s);

			return t.add(c);

		createMenuButton : function(id, s, cc) {
			s = s || {};
			s.menu_button = 1;

			return this.createButton(id, s, cc);

		createSplitButton : function(id, s, cc) {
			var t = this, ed = t.editor, cmd, c, cls;

			if (t.get(id))
				return null;

			s.title = ed.translate(s.title);
			s.scope = s.scope || ed;

			if (!s.onclick) {
				s.onclick = function(v) {
					ed.execCommand(s.cmd, s.ui || false, v || s.value);

			if (!s.onselect) {
				s.onselect = function(v) {
					ed.execCommand(s.cmd, s.ui || false, v || s.value);

			s = extend({
				title : s.title,
				'class' : 'mce_' + id,
				scope : s.scope,
				control_manager : t
			}, s);

			id = t.prefix + id;
			cls = cc || t._cls.splitbutton || tinymce.ui.SplitButton;
			c = t.add(new cls(id, s));
			ed.onMouseDown.add(c.hideMenu, c);

			return c;

		createColorSplitButton : function(id, s, cc) {
			var t = this, ed = t.editor, cmd, c, cls, bm;

			if (t.get(id))
				return null;

			s.title = ed.translate(s.title);
			s.scope = s.scope || ed;

			if (!s.onclick) {
				s.onclick = function(v) {
					if (tinymce.isIE)
						bm = ed.selection.getBookmark(1);

					ed.execCommand(s.cmd, s.ui || false, v || s.value);

			if (!s.onselect) {
				s.onselect = function(v) {
					ed.execCommand(s.cmd, s.ui || false, v || s.value);

			s = extend({
				title : s.title,
				'class' : 'mce_' + id,
				'menu_class' : ed.getParam('skin') + 'Skin',
				scope : s.scope,
				more_colors_title : ed.getLang('more_colors')
			}, s);

			id = t.prefix + id;
			cls = cc || t._cls.colorsplitbutton || tinymce.ui.ColorSplitButton;
			c = new cls(id, s);
			ed.onMouseDown.add(c.hideMenu, c);

			// Remove the menu element when the editor is removed
			ed.onRemove.add(function() {

			// Fix for bug #1897785, #1898007
			if (tinymce.isIE) {
				c.onShowMenu.add(function() {
					// IE 8 needs focus in order to store away a range with the current collapsed caret location
					bm = ed.selection.getBookmark(1);

				c.onHideMenu.add(function() {
					if (bm) {
						bm = 0;

			return t.add(c);

		createToolbar : function(id, s, cc) {
			var c, t = this, cls;

			id = t.prefix + id;
			cls = cc || t._cls.toolbar || tinymce.ui.Toolbar;
			c = new cls(id, s);

			if (t.get(id))
				return null;

			return t.add(c);

		createSeparator : function(cc) {
			var cls = cc || this._cls.separator || tinymce.ui.Separator;

			return new cls();

		setControlType : function(n, c) {
			return this._cls[n.toLowerCase()] = c;
		destroy : function() {
			each(this.controls, function(c) {

			this.controls = null;

(function(tinymce) {
	var Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher, each = tinymce.each, isIE = tinymce.isIE, isOpera = tinymce.isOpera;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.WindowManager', {
		WindowManager : function(ed) {
			var t = this;

			t.editor = ed;
			t.onOpen = new Dispatcher(t);
			t.onClose = new Dispatcher(t);
			t.params = {};
			t.features = {};

		open : function(s, p) {
			var t = this, f = '', x, y, mo = t.editor.settings.dialog_type == 'modal', w, sw, sh, vp = tinymce.DOM.getViewPort(), u;

			// Default some options
			s = s || {};
			p = p || {};
			sw = isOpera ? vp.w : screen.width; // Opera uses windows inside the Opera window
			sh = isOpera ? vp.h : screen.height; = || 'mc_' + new Date().getTime();
			s.width = parseInt(s.width || 320);
			s.height = parseInt(s.height || 240);
			s.resizable = true;
			s.left = s.left || parseInt(sw / 2.0) - (s.width / 2.0); = || parseInt(sh / 2.0) - (s.height / 2.0);
			p.inline = false;
			p.mce_width = s.width;
			p.mce_height = s.height;
			p.mce_auto_focus = s.auto_focus;

			if (mo) {
				if (isIE) { = true; = false;
					s.dialogWidth = s.width + 'px';
					s.dialogHeight = s.height + 'px';
					s.scroll = s.scrollbars || false;

			// Build features string
			each(s, function(v, k) {
				if (, 'boolean'))
					v = v ? 'yes' : 'no';

				if (!/^(name|url)$/.test(k)) {
					if (isIE && mo)
						f += (f ? ';' : '') + k + ':' + v;
						f += (f ? ',' : '') + k + '=' + v;

			t.features = s;
			t.params = p;
			t.onOpen.dispatch(t, s, p);

			u = s.url || s.file;
			u = tinymce._addVer(u);

			try {
				if (isIE && mo) {
					w = 1;
					window.showModalDialog(u, window, f);
				} else
					w =,, f);
			} catch (ex) {
				// Ignore

			if (!w)

		close : function(w) {

		createInstance : function(cl, a, b, c, d, e) {
			var f = tinymce.resolve(cl);

			return new f(a, b, c, d, e);

		confirm : function(t, cb, s, w) {
			w = w || window; || this, w.confirm(this._decode(this.editor.getLang(t, t))));

		alert : function(tx, cb, s, w) {
			var t = this;

			w = w || window;
			w.alert(t._decode(t.editor.getLang(tx, tx)));

			if (cb) || t);

		resizeBy : function(dw, dh, win) {
			win.resizeBy(dw, dh);

		// Internal functions

		_decode : function(s) {
			return tinymce.DOM.decode(s).replace(/\\n/g, '\n');
(function(tinymce) {
	function CommandManager() {
		var execCommands = {}, queryStateCommands = {}, queryValueCommands = {};

		function add(collection, cmd, func, scope) {
			if (typeof(cmd) == 'string')
				cmd = [cmd];

			tinymce.each(cmd, function(cmd) {
				collection[cmd.toLowerCase()] = {func : func, scope : scope};

		tinymce.extend(this, {
			add : function(cmd, func, scope) {
				add(execCommands, cmd, func, scope);

			addQueryStateHandler : function(cmd, func, scope) {
				add(queryStateCommands, cmd, func, scope);

			addQueryValueHandler : function(cmd, func, scope) {
				add(queryValueCommands, cmd, func, scope);

			execCommand : function(scope, cmd, ui, value, args) {
				if (cmd = execCommands[cmd.toLowerCase()]) {
					if ( || cmd.scope, ui, value, args) !== false)
						return true;

			queryCommandValue : function() {
				if (cmd = queryValueCommands[cmd.toLowerCase()])
					return || cmd.scope, ui, value, args);

			queryCommandState : function() {
				if (cmd = queryStateCommands[cmd.toLowerCase()])
					return || cmd.scope, ui, value, args);

	tinymce.GlobalCommands = new CommandManager();
(function(tinymce) {
	tinymce.Formatter = function(ed) {
		var formats = {},
			each = tinymce.each,
			dom = ed.dom,
			selection = ed.selection,
			TreeWalker = tinymce.dom.TreeWalker,
			rangeUtils = new tinymce.dom.RangeUtils(dom),
			isValid = ed.schema.isValid,
			isBlock = dom.isBlock,
			forcedRootBlock = ed.settings.forced_root_block,
			nodeIndex = dom.nodeIndex,
			MCE_ATTR_RE = /^(src|href|style)$/,
			FALSE = false,
			TRUE = true,
			pendingFormats = {apply : [], remove : []};

		function isArray(obj) {
			return obj instanceof Array;

		function getParents(node, selector) {
			return dom.getParents(node, selector, dom.getRoot());

		function isCaretNode(node) {
			return node.nodeType === 1 && (node.face === 'mceinline' || === 'mceinline');

		// Public functions

		function get(name) {
			return name ? formats[name] : formats;

		function register(name, format) {
			if (name) {
				if (typeof(name) !== 'string') {
					each(name, function(format, name) {
						register(name, format);
				} else {
					// Force format into array and add it to internal collection
					format = format.length ? format : [format];

					each(format, function(format) {
						// Set deep to false by default on selector formats this to avoid removing
						// alignment on images inside paragraphs when alignment is changed on paragraphs
						if (format.deep === undefined)
							format.deep = !format.selector;

						// Default to true
						if (format.split === undefined)
							format.split = !format.selector || format.inline;

						// Default to true
						if (format.remove === undefined && format.selector && !format.inline)
							format.remove = 'none';

						// Mark format as a mixed format inline + block level
						if (format.selector && format.inline) {
							format.mixed = true;
							format.block_expand = true;

						// Split classes if needed
						if (typeof(format.classes) === 'string')
							format.classes = format.classes.split(/\s+/);

					formats[name] = format;

		function apply(name, vars, node) {
			var formatList = get(name), format = formatList[0], bookmark, rng, i;

			function moveStart(rng) {
				var container = rng.startContainer,
					offset = rng.startOffset,
					walker, node;

				// Move startContainer/startOffset in to a suitable node
				if (container.nodeType == 1 || container.nodeValue === "") {
					container = container.nodeType == 1 ? container.childNodes[offset] : container;

					// Might fail if the offset is behind the last element in it's container
					if (container) {
						walker = new TreeWalker(container, container.parentNode);
						for (node = walker.current(); node; node = {
							if (node.nodeType == 3 && !isWhiteSpaceNode(node)) {
								rng.setStart(node, 0);

				return rng;

			function setElementFormat(elm, fmt) {
				fmt = fmt || format;

				if (elm) {
					each(fmt.styles, function(value, name) {
						dom.setStyle(elm, name, replaceVars(value, vars));

					each(fmt.attributes, function(value, name) {
						dom.setAttrib(elm, name, replaceVars(value, vars));

					each(fmt.classes, function(value) {
						value = replaceVars(value, vars);

						if (!dom.hasClass(elm, value))
							dom.addClass(elm, value);

			function applyRngStyle(rng) {
				var newWrappers = [], wrapName, wrapElm;

				// Setup wrapper element
				wrapName = format.inline || format.block;
				wrapElm = dom.create(wrapName);

				rangeUtils.walk(rng, function(nodes) {
					var currentWrapElm;

					function process(node) {
						var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), parentName = node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase(), found;

						// Stop wrapping on br elements
						if (isEq(nodeName, 'br')) {
							currentWrapElm = 0;

							// Remove any br elements when we wrap things
							if (format.block)


						// If node is wrapper type
						if (format.wrapper && matchNode(node, name, vars)) {
							currentWrapElm = 0;

						// Can we rename the block
						if (format.block && !format.wrapper && isTextBlock(nodeName)) {
							node = dom.rename(node, wrapName);
							currentWrapElm = 0;

						// Handle selector patterns
						if (format.selector) {
							// Look for matching formats
							each(formatList, function(format) {
								if (, format.selector) && !isCaretNode(node)) {
									setElementFormat(node, format);
									found = true;

							// Continue processing if a selector match wasn't found and a inline element is defined
							if (!format.inline || found) {
								currentWrapElm = 0;

						// Is it valid to wrap this item
						if (isValid(wrapName, nodeName) && isValid(parentName, wrapName)) {
							// Start wrapping
							if (!currentWrapElm) {
								// Wrap the node
								currentWrapElm = wrapElm.cloneNode(FALSE);
								node.parentNode.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, node);

						} else {
							// Start a new wrapper for possible children
							currentWrapElm = 0;

							each(tinymce.grep(node.childNodes), process);

							// End the last wrapper
							currentWrapElm = 0;

					// Process siblings from range
					each(nodes, process);

				// Cleanup
				each(newWrappers, function(node) {
					var childCount;

					function getChildCount(node) {
						var count = 0;

						each(node.childNodes, function(node) {
							if (!isWhiteSpaceNode(node) && !isBookmarkNode(node))

						return count;

					function mergeStyles(node) {
						var child, clone;

						each(node.childNodes, function(node) {
							if (node.nodeType == 1 && !isBookmarkNode(node) && !isCaretNode(node)) {
								child = node;
								return FALSE; // break loop

						// If child was found and of the same type as the current node
						if (child && matchName(child, format)) {
							clone = child.cloneNode(FALSE);

							dom.replace(clone, node, TRUE);
							dom.remove(child, 1);

						return clone || node;

					childCount = getChildCount(node);

					// Remove empty nodes
					if (childCount === 0) {
						dom.remove(node, 1);

					if (format.inline || format.wrapper) {
						// Merges the current node with it's children of similar type to reduce the number of elements
						if (!format.exact && childCount === 1)
							node = mergeStyles(node);

						// Remove/merge children
						each(formatList, function(format) {
							// Merge all children of similar type will move styles from child to parent
							// this: <span style="color:red"><b><span style="color:red; font-size:10px">text</span></b></span>
							// will become: <span style="color:red"><b><span style="font-size:10px">text</span></b></span>
							each(, node), function(child) {
								removeFormat(format, vars, child, format.exact ? child : null);

						// Remove child if direct parent is of same type
						if (matchNode(node.parentNode, name, vars)) {
							dom.remove(node, 1);
							node = 0;
							return TRUE;

						// Look for parent with similar style format
						if (format.merge_with_parents) {
							dom.getParent(node.parentNode, function(parent) {
								if (matchNode(parent, name, vars)) {
									dom.remove(node, 1);
									node = 0;
									return TRUE;

						// Merge next and previous siblings if they are similar <b>text</b><b>text</b> becomes <b>texttext</b>
						if (node) {
							node = mergeSiblings(getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node), node);
							node = mergeSiblings(node, getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, TRUE));

			if (format) {
				if (node) {
					rng = dom.createRng();


					applyRngStyle(expandRng(rng, formatList));
				} else {
					if (!selection.isCollapsed() || !format.inline) {
						// Apply formatting to selection
						bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
						applyRngStyle(expandRng(selection.getRng(TRUE), formatList));

					} else
						performCaretAction('apply', name, vars);

		function remove(name, vars, node) {
			var formatList = get(name), format = formatList[0], bookmark, i, rng;

			function moveStart(rng) {
				var container = rng.startContainer,
					offset = rng.startOffset,
					walker, node, nodes, tmpNode;

				// Convert text node into index if possible
				if (container.nodeType == 3 && offset >= container.nodeValue.length - 1) {
					container = container.parentNode;
					offset = nodeIndex(container) + 1;

				// Move startContainer/startOffset in to a suitable node
				if (container.nodeType == 1) {
					nodes = container.childNodes;
					container = nodes[Math.min(offset, nodes.length - 1)];
					walker = new TreeWalker(container);

					// If offset is at end of the parent node walk to the next one
					if (offset > nodes.length - 1);

					for (node = walker.current(); node; node = {
						if (node.nodeType == 3 && !isWhiteSpaceNode(node)) {
							// IE has a "neat" feature where it moves the start node into the closest element
							// we can avoid this by inserting an element before it and then remove it after we set the selection
							tmpNode = dom.create('a', null, INVISIBLE_CHAR);
							node.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpNode, node);

							// Set selection and remove tmpNode
							rng.setStart(node, 0);


			// Merges the styles for each node
			function process(node) {
				var children, i, l;

				// Grab the children first since the nodelist might be changed
				children = tinymce.grep(node.childNodes);

				// Process current node
				for (i = 0, l = formatList.length; i < l; i++) {
					if (removeFormat(formatList[i], vars, node, node))

				// Process the children
				if (format.deep) {
					for (i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)

			function findFormatRoot(container) {
				var formatRoot;

				// Find format root
				each(getParents(container.parentNode).reverse(), function(parent) {
					var format;

					// Find format root element
					if (!formatRoot && != '_start' && != '_end') {
						// Is the node matching the format we are looking for
						format = matchNode(parent, name, vars);
						if (format && format.split !== false)
							formatRoot = parent;

				return formatRoot;

			function wrapAndSplit(format_root, container, target, split) {
				var parent, clone, lastClone, firstClone, i, formatRootParent;

				// Format root found then clone formats and split it
				if (format_root) {
					formatRootParent = format_root.parentNode;

					for (parent = container.parentNode; parent && parent != formatRootParent; parent = parent.parentNode) {
						clone = parent.cloneNode(FALSE);

						for (i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) {
							if (removeFormat(formatList[i], vars, clone, clone)) {
								clone = 0;

						// Build wrapper node
						if (clone) {
							if (lastClone)

							if (!firstClone)
								firstClone = clone;

							lastClone = clone;

					// Never split block elements if the format is mixed
					if (split && (!format.mixed || !isBlock(format_root)))
						container = dom.split(format_root, container);

					// Wrap container in cloned formats
					if (lastClone) {
						target.parentNode.insertBefore(lastClone, target);

				return container;

			function splitToFormatRoot(container) {
				return wrapAndSplit(findFormatRoot(container), container, container, true);

			function unwrap(start) {
				var node = dom.get(start ? '_start' : '_end'),
					out = node[start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];

				// If the end is placed within the start the result will be removed
				// So this checks if the out node is a bookmark node if it is it
				// checks for another more suitable node
				if (isBookmarkNode(out))
					out = out[start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];

				dom.remove(node, true);

				return out;

			function removeRngStyle(rng) {
				var startContainer, endContainer;

				rng = expandRng(rng, formatList, TRUE);

				if (format.split) {
					startContainer = getContainer(rng, TRUE);
					endContainer = getContainer(rng);

					if (startContainer != endContainer) {
						// Wrap start/end nodes in span element since these might be cloned/moved
						startContainer = wrap(startContainer, 'span', {id : '_start', _mce_type : 'bookmark'});
						endContainer = wrap(endContainer, 'span', {id : '_end', _mce_type : 'bookmark'});

						// Split start/end

						// Unwrap start/end to get real elements again
						startContainer = unwrap(TRUE);
						endContainer = unwrap();
					} else
						startContainer = endContainer = splitToFormatRoot(startContainer);

					// Update range positions since they might have changed after the split operations
					rng.startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
					rng.startOffset = nodeIndex(startContainer);
					rng.endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
					rng.endOffset = nodeIndex(endContainer) + 1;

				// Remove items between start/end
				rangeUtils.walk(rng, function(nodes) {
					each(nodes, function(node) {

			// Handle node
			if (node) {
				rng = dom.createRng();

			if (!selection.isCollapsed() || !format.inline) {
				bookmark = selection.getBookmark();

				// Check if start element still has formatting then we are at: "<b>text|</b>text" and need to move the start into the next text node
				if (match(name, vars, selection.getStart())) {

			} else
				performCaretAction('remove', name, vars);

		function toggle(name, vars, node) {
			if (match(name, vars, node))
				remove(name, vars, node);
				apply(name, vars, node);

		function matchNode(node, name, vars, similar) {
			var formatList = get(name), format, i, classes;

			function matchItems(node, format, item_name) {
				var key, value, items = format[item_name], i;

				// Check all items
				if (items) {
					// Non indexed object
					if (items.length === undefined) {
						for (key in items) {
							if (items.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
								if (item_name === 'attributes')
									value = dom.getAttrib(node, key);
									value = getStyle(node, key);

								if (similar && !value && !format.exact)

								if ((!similar || format.exact) && !isEq(value, replaceVars(items[key], vars)))
					} else {
						// Only one match needed for indexed arrays
						for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
							if (item_name === 'attributes' ? dom.getAttrib(node, items[i]) : getStyle(node, items[i]))
								return format;

				return format;

			if (formatList && node) {
				// Check each format in list
				for (i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) {
					format = formatList[i];

					// Name name, attributes, styles and classes
					if (matchName(node, format) && matchItems(node, format, 'attributes') && matchItems(node, format, 'styles')) {
						// Match classes
						if (classes = format.classes) {
							for (i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
								if (!dom.hasClass(node, classes[i]))

						return format;

		function match(name, vars, node) {
			var startNode, i;

			function matchParents(node) {
				// Find first node with similar format settings
				node = dom.getParent(node, function(node) {
					return !!matchNode(node, name, vars, true);

				// Do an exact check on the similar format element
				return matchNode(node, name, vars);

			// Check specified node
			if (node)
				return matchParents(node);

			// Check pending formats
			if (selection.isCollapsed()) {
				for (i = pendingFormats.apply.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
					if (pendingFormats.apply[i].name == name)
						return true;

				for (i = pendingFormats.remove.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
					if (pendingFormats.remove[i].name == name)
						return false;

				return matchParents(selection.getNode());

			// Check selected node
			node = selection.getNode();
			if (matchParents(node))
				return TRUE;

			// Check start node if it's different
			startNode = selection.getStart();
			if (startNode != node) {
				if (matchParents(startNode))
					return TRUE;

			return FALSE;

		function matchAll(names, vars) {
			var startElement, matchedFormatNames = [], checkedMap = {}, i, ni, name;

			// If the selection is collapsed then check pending formats
			if (selection.isCollapsed()) {
				for (ni = 0; ni < names.length; ni++) {
					// If the name is to be removed, then stop it from being added
					for (i = pendingFormats.remove.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
						name = names[ni];

						if (pendingFormats.remove[i].name == name) {
							checkedMap[name] = true;

				// If the format is to be applied
				for (i = pendingFormats.apply.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
					for (ni = 0; ni < names.length; ni++) {
						name = names[ni];

						if (!checkedMap[name] && pendingFormats.apply[i].name == name) {
							checkedMap[name] = true;

			// Check start of selection for formats
			startElement = selection.getStart();
			dom.getParent(startElement, function(node) {
				var i, name;

				for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
					name = names[i];

					if (!checkedMap[name] && matchNode(node, name, vars)) {
						checkedMap[name] = true;

			return matchedFormatNames;

		function canApply(name) {
			var formatList = get(name), startNode, parents, i, x, selector;

			if (formatList) {
				startNode = selection.getStart();
				parents = getParents(startNode);

				for (x = formatList.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
					selector = formatList[x].selector;

					// Format is not selector based, then always return TRUE
					if (!selector)
						return TRUE;

					for (i = parents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
						if ([i], selector))
							return TRUE;

			return FALSE;

		// Expose to public
		tinymce.extend(this, {
			get : get,
			register : register,
			apply : apply,
			remove : remove,
			toggle : toggle,
			match : match,
			matchAll : matchAll,
			matchNode : matchNode,
			canApply : canApply

		// Private functions

		function matchName(node, format) {
			// Check for inline match
			if (isEq(node, format.inline))
				return TRUE;

			// Check for block match
			if (isEq(node, format.block))
				return TRUE;

			// Check for selector match
			if (format.selector)
				return, format.selector);

		function isEq(str1, str2) {
			str1 = str1 || '';
			str2 = str2 || '';

			str1 = '' + (str1.nodeName || str1);
			str2 = '' + (str2.nodeName || str2);

			return str1.toLowerCase() == str2.toLowerCase();

		function getStyle(node, name) {
			var styleVal = dom.getStyle(node, name);

			// Force the format to hex
			if (name == 'color' || name == 'backgroundColor')
				styleVal = dom.toHex(styleVal);

			// Opera will return bold as 700
			if (name == 'fontWeight' && styleVal == 700)
				styleVal = 'bold';

			return '' + styleVal;

		function replaceVars(value, vars) {
			if (typeof(value) != "string")
				value = value(vars);
			else if (vars) {
				value = value.replace(/%(\w+)/g, function(str, name) {
					return vars[name] || str;

			return value;

		function isWhiteSpaceNode(node) {
			return node && node.nodeType === 3 && /^([\s\r\n]+|)$/.test(node.nodeValue);

		function wrap(node, name, attrs) {
			var wrapper = dom.create(name, attrs);

			node.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, node);

			return wrapper;

		function expandRng(rng, format, remove) {
			var startContainer = rng.startContainer,
				startOffset = rng.startOffset,
				endContainer = rng.endContainer,
				endOffset = rng.endOffset, sibling, lastIdx;

			// This function walks up the tree if there is no siblings before/after the node
			function findParentContainer(container, child_name, sibling_name, root) {
				var parent, child;

				root = root || dom.getRoot();

				for (;;) {
					// Check if we can move up are we at root level or body level
					parent = container.parentNode;

					// Stop expanding on block elements or root depending on format
					if (parent == root || (!format[0].block_expand && isBlock(parent)))
						return container;

					for (sibling = parent[child_name]; sibling && sibling != container; sibling = sibling[sibling_name]) {
						if (sibling.nodeType == 1 && !isBookmarkNode(sibling))
							return container;

						if (sibling.nodeType == 3 && !isWhiteSpaceNode(sibling))
							return container;

					container = container.parentNode;

				return container;

			// If index based start position then resolve it
			if (startContainer.nodeType == 1 && startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
				lastIdx = startContainer.childNodes.length - 1;
				startContainer = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : startOffset];

				if (startContainer.nodeType == 3)
					startOffset = 0;

			// If index based end position then resolve it
			if (endContainer.nodeType == 1 && endContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
				lastIdx = endContainer.childNodes.length - 1;
				endContainer = endContainer.childNodes[endOffset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : endOffset - 1];

				if (endContainer.nodeType == 3)
					endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;

			// Exclude bookmark nodes if possible
			if (isBookmarkNode(startContainer.parentNode))
				startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;

			if (isBookmarkNode(startContainer))
				startContainer = startContainer.nextSibling || startContainer;

			if (isBookmarkNode(endContainer.parentNode))
				endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;

			if (isBookmarkNode(endContainer))
				endContainer = endContainer.previousSibling || endContainer;

			// Move start/end point up the tree if the leaves are sharp and if we are in different containers
			// Example * becomes !: !<p><b><i>*text</i><i>text*</i></b></p>!
			// This will reduce the number of wrapper elements that needs to be created
			// Move start point up the tree
			if (format[0].inline || format[0].block_expand) {
				startContainer = findParentContainer(startContainer, 'firstChild', 'nextSibling');
				endContainer = findParentContainer(endContainer, 'lastChild', 'previousSibling');

			// Expand start/end container to matching selector
			if (format[0].selector && format[0].expand !== FALSE && !format[0].inline) {
				function findSelectorEndPoint(container, sibling_name) {
					var parents, i, y;

					if (container.nodeType == 3 && container.nodeValue.length == 0 && container[sibling_name])
						container = container[sibling_name];

					parents = getParents(container);
					for (i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
						for (y = 0; y < format.length; y++) {
							if ([i], format[y].selector))
								return parents[i];

					return container;

				// Find new startContainer/endContainer if there is better one
				startContainer = findSelectorEndPoint(startContainer, 'previousSibling');
				endContainer = findSelectorEndPoint(endContainer, 'nextSibling');

			// Expand start/end container to matching block element or text node
			if (format[0].block || format[0].selector) {
				function findBlockEndPoint(container, sibling_name, sibling_name2) {
					var node;

					// Expand to block of similar type
					if (!format[0].wrapper)
						node = dom.getParent(container, format[0].block);

					// Expand to first wrappable block element or any block element
					if (!node)
						node = dom.getParent(container.nodeType == 3 ? container.parentNode : container, isBlock);

					// Exclude inner lists from wrapping
					if (node && format[0].wrapper)
						node = getParents(node, 'ul,ol').reverse()[0] || node;

					// Didn't find a block element look for first/last wrappable element
					if (!node) {
						node = container;

						while (node[sibling_name] && !isBlock(node[sibling_name])) {
							node = node[sibling_name];

							// Break on BR but include it will be removed later on
							// we can't remove it now since we need to check if it can be wrapped
							if (isEq(node, 'br'))

					return node || container;

				// Find new startContainer/endContainer if there is better one
				startContainer = findBlockEndPoint(startContainer, 'previousSibling');
				endContainer = findBlockEndPoint(endContainer, 'nextSibling');

				// Non block element then try to expand up the leaf
				if (format[0].block) {
					if (!isBlock(startContainer))
						startContainer = findParentContainer(startContainer, 'firstChild', 'nextSibling');

					if (!isBlock(endContainer))
						endContainer = findParentContainer(endContainer, 'lastChild', 'previousSibling');

			// Setup index for startContainer
			if (startContainer.nodeType == 1) {
				startOffset = nodeIndex(startContainer);
				startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;

			// Setup index for endContainer
			if (endContainer.nodeType == 1) {
				endOffset = nodeIndex(endContainer) + 1;
				endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;

			// Return new range like object
			return {
				startContainer : startContainer,
				startOffset : startOffset,
				endContainer : endContainer,
				endOffset : endOffset

		function removeFormat(format, vars, node, compare_node) {
			var i, attrs, stylesModified;

			// Check if node matches format
			if (!matchName(node, format))
				return FALSE;

			// Should we compare with format attribs and styles
			if (format.remove != 'all') {
				// Remove styles
				each(format.styles, function(value, name) {
					value = replaceVars(value, vars);

					// Indexed array
					if (typeof(name) === 'number') {
						name = value;
						compare_node = 0;

					if (!compare_node || isEq(getStyle(compare_node, name), value))
						dom.setStyle(node, name, '');

					stylesModified = 1;

				// Remove style attribute if it's empty
				if (stylesModified && dom.getAttrib(node, 'style') == '') {

				// Remove attributes
				each(format.attributes, function(value, name) {
					var valueOut;

					value = replaceVars(value, vars);

					// Indexed array
					if (typeof(name) === 'number') {
						name = value;
						compare_node = 0;

					if (!compare_node || isEq(dom.getAttrib(compare_node, name), value)) {
						// Keep internal classes
						if (name == 'class') {
							value = dom.getAttrib(node, name);
							if (value) {
								// Build new class value where everything is removed except the internal prefixed classes
								valueOut = '';
								each(value.split(/\s+/), function(cls) {
									if (/mce\w+/.test(cls))
										valueOut += (valueOut ? ' ' : '') + cls;

								// We got some internal classes left
								if (valueOut) {
									dom.setAttrib(node, name, valueOut);

						// IE6 has a bug where the attribute doesn't get removed correctly
						if (name == "class")

						// Remove mce prefixed attributes
						if (MCE_ATTR_RE.test(name))
							node.removeAttribute('_mce_' + name);


				// Remove classes
				each(format.classes, function(value) {
					value = replaceVars(value, vars);

					if (!compare_node || dom.hasClass(compare_node, value))
						dom.removeClass(node, value);

				// Check for non internal attributes
				attrs = dom.getAttribs(node);
				for (i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
					if (attrs[i].nodeName.indexOf('_') !== 0)
						return FALSE;

			// Remove the inline child if it's empty for example <b> or <span>
			if (format.remove != 'none') {
				removeNode(node, format);
				return TRUE;

		function removeNode(node, format) {
			var parentNode = node.parentNode, rootBlockElm;

			if (format.block) {
				if (!forcedRootBlock) {
					function find(node, next, inc) {
						node = getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, next, inc);

						return !node || (node.nodeName == 'BR' || isBlock(node));

					// Append BR elements if needed before we remove the block
					if (isBlock(node) && !isBlock(parentNode)) {
						if (!find(node, FALSE) && !find(node.firstChild, TRUE, 1))
							node.insertBefore(dom.create('br'), node.firstChild);

						if (!find(node, TRUE) && !find(node.lastChild, FALSE, 1))
				} else {
					// Wrap the block in a forcedRootBlock if we are at the root of document
					if (parentNode == dom.getRoot()) {
						if (!format.list_block || !isEq(node, format.list_block)) {
							each(tinymce.grep(node.childNodes), function(node) {
								if (isValid(forcedRootBlock, node.nodeName.toLowerCase())) {
									if (!rootBlockElm)
										rootBlockElm = wrap(node, forcedRootBlock);
								} else
									rootBlockElm = 0;

			// Never remove nodes that isn't the specified inline element if a selector is specified too
			if (format.selector && format.inline && !isEq(format.inline, node))

			dom.remove(node, 1);

		function getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, next, inc) {
			if (node) {
				next = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';

				for (node = inc ? node : node[next]; node; node = node[next]) {
					if (node.nodeType == 1 || !isWhiteSpaceNode(node))
						return node;

		function isBookmarkNode(node) {
			return node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.getAttribute('_mce_type') == 'bookmark';

		function mergeSiblings(prev, next) {
			var marker, sibling, tmpSibling;

			function compareElements(node1, node2) {
				// Not the same name
				if (node1.nodeName != node2.nodeName)
					return FALSE;

				function getAttribs(node) {
					var attribs = {};

					each(dom.getAttribs(node), function(attr) {
						var name = attr.nodeName.toLowerCase();

						// Don't compare internal attributes or style
						if (name.indexOf('_') !== 0 && name !== 'style')
							attribs[name] = dom.getAttrib(node, name);

					return attribs;

				function compareObjects(obj1, obj2) {
					var value, name;

					for (name in obj1) {
						// Obj1 has item obj2 doesn't have
						if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
							value = obj2[name];

							// Obj2 doesn't have obj1 item
							if (value === undefined)
								return FALSE;

							// Obj2 item has a different value
							if (obj1[name] != value)
								return FALSE;

							// Delete similar value
							delete obj2[name];

					// Check if obj 2 has something obj 1 doesn't have
					for (name in obj2) {
						// Obj2 has item obj1 doesn't have
						if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(name))
							return FALSE;

					return TRUE;

				// Attribs are not the same
				if (!compareObjects(getAttribs(node1), getAttribs(node2)))
					return FALSE;

				// Styles are not the same
				if (!compareObjects(dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node1, 'style')), dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node2, 'style'))))
					return FALSE;

				return TRUE;

			// Check if next/prev exists and that they are elements
			if (prev && next) {
				function findElementSibling(node, sibling_name) {
					for (sibling = node; sibling; sibling = sibling[sibling_name]) {
						if (sibling.nodeType == 3 && !isWhiteSpaceNode(sibling))
							return node;

						if (sibling.nodeType == 1 && !isBookmarkNode(sibling))
							return sibling;

					return node;

				// If previous sibling is empty then jump over it
				prev = findElementSibling(prev, 'previousSibling');
				next = findElementSibling(next, 'nextSibling');

				// Compare next and previous nodes
				if (compareElements(prev, next)) {
					// Append nodes between
					for (sibling = prev.nextSibling; sibling && sibling != next;) {
						tmpSibling = sibling;
						sibling = sibling.nextSibling;

					// Remove next node

					// Move children into prev node
					each(tinymce.grep(next.childNodes), function(node) {

					return prev;

			return next;

		function isTextBlock(name) {
			return /^(h[1-6]|p|div|pre|address|dl|dt|dd)$/.test(name);

		function getContainer(rng, start) {
			var container, offset, lastIdx;

			container = rng[start ? 'startContainer' : 'endContainer'];
			offset = rng[start ? 'startOffset' : 'endOffset'];

			if (container.nodeType == 1) {
				lastIdx = container.childNodes.length - 1;

				if (!start && offset)

				container = container.childNodes[offset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : offset];

			return container;

		function performCaretAction(type, name, vars) {
			var i, currentPendingFormats = pendingFormats[type],
				otherPendingFormats = pendingFormats[type == 'apply' ? 'remove' : 'apply'];

			function hasPending() {
				return pendingFormats.apply.length || pendingFormats.remove.length;

			function resetPending() {
				pendingFormats.apply = [];
				pendingFormats.remove = [];

			function perform(caret_node) {
				// Apply pending formats
				each(pendingFormats.apply.reverse(), function(item) {
					apply(, item.vars, caret_node);

				// Remove pending formats
				each(pendingFormats.remove.reverse(), function(item) {
					remove(, item.vars, caret_node);

				dom.remove(caret_node, 1);

			// Check if it already exists then ignore it
			for (i = currentPendingFormats.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
				if (currentPendingFormats[i].name == name)

			currentPendingFormats.push({name : name, vars : vars});

			// Check if it's in the other type, then remove it
			for (i = otherPendingFormats.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
				if (otherPendingFormats[i].name == name)
					otherPendingFormats.splice(i, 1);

			// Pending apply or remove formats
			if (hasPending()) {
				ed.getDoc().execCommand('FontName', false, 'mceinline');
				pendingFormats.lastRng = selection.getRng();

				// IE will convert the current word
				each('font,span'), function(node) {
					var bookmark;

					if (isCaretNode(node)) {
						bookmark = selection.getBookmark();

				// Only register listeners once if we need to
				if (!pendingFormats.isListening && hasPending()) {
					pendingFormats.isListening = true;

					each('onKeyDown,onKeyUp,onKeyPress,onMouseUp'.split(','), function(event) {
						ed[event].addToTop(function(ed, e) {
							// Do we have pending formats and is the selection moved has moved
							if (hasPending() && !tinymce.dom.RangeUtils.compareRanges(pendingFormats.lastRng, selection.getRng())) {
								each('font,span'), function(node) {
									var textNode, rng;

									// Look for marker
									if (isCaretNode(node)) {
										textNode = node.firstChild;

										if (textNode) {

											rng = dom.createRng();
											rng.setStart(textNode, textNode.nodeValue.length);
											rng.setEnd(textNode, textNode.nodeValue.length);
										} else

								// Always unbind and clear pending styles on keyup
								if (e.type == 'keyup' || e.type == 'mouseup')

tinymce.onAddEditor.add(function(tinymce, ed) {
	var filters, fontSizes, dom, settings = ed.settings;

	if (settings.inline_styles) {
		fontSizes = tinymce.explode(settings.font_size_style_values);

		function replaceWithSpan(node, styles) {
			tinymce.each(styles, function(value, name) {
				if (value)
					dom.setStyle(node, name, value);

			dom.rename(node, 'span');

		filters = {
			font : function(dom, node) {
				replaceWithSpan(node, {
					backgroundColor :,
					color : node.color,
					fontFamily : node.face,
					fontSize : fontSizes[parseInt(node.size) - 1]

			u : function(dom, node) {
				replaceWithSpan(node, {
					textDecoration : 'underline'

			strike : function(dom, node) {
				replaceWithSpan(node, {
					textDecoration : 'line-through'

		function convert(editor, params) {
			dom = editor.dom;

			if (settings.convert_fonts_to_spans) {
				tinymce.each('font,u,strike', params.node), function(node) {
					filters[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()](ed.dom, node);


		ed.onInit.add(function() {