view static/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/skins/o2k7/dialog.css @ 693:ad69236e8501

For issue #52, update many 3rd party Javascript libraries. Updated to jquery 1.10.2, jquery ui 1.10.3. This broke a lot of stuff. - Found a newer version of the jquery cycle all plugin (3.0.3). - Updated JPlayer to 2.4.0. - Updated to MarkItUp 1.1.14. This also required me to add multiline attributes set to true on various buttons in the markdown set. - As per a stackoverflow post, added some code to get multiline titles in a jQuery UI dialog. They removed that functionality but allow you to put it back. Tweaked the MarkItUp preview CSS to show blockquotes in italic. Did not update TinyMCE at this time. I'm not using the JQuery version and this version appears to work ok for now. What I should do is make a repo for MarkItUp and do a vendor branch thing so I don't have to futz around diffing directories to figure out if I'll lose changes when I update.
author Brian Neal <>
date Wed, 04 Sep 2013 19:55:20 -0500
parents 6c182ceb7147
line wrap: on
line source
/* Generic */
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/* Forms */
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/* Buttons */
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/* Browse */
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a.browse span {display:block; width:20px; height:18px; background:url(../../img/icons.gif) -860px 0; border:1px solid #FFF; margin-left:1px;}
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a.browse span.disabled {border:1px solid white; opacity:0.3; -ms-filter:'alpha(opacity=30)'; filter:alpha(opacity=30)}
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.mceOldBoxModel a.pickcolor span {width:21px; height:17px;}
a.pickcolor:hover span {background-color:#B2BBD0;}
a.pickcolor:hover span.disabled {}

/* Charmap */
table.charmap {border:1px solid #AAA; text-align:center}
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/* Source */
.wordWrapCode {vertical-align:middle; border:1px none #000000; background:transparent;}
.mceActionPanel {margin-top:5px;}

/* Tabs classes */
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/* Panels */
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/* Columns */
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.properties .column2 {text-align:left;}

/* Titles */
h1, h2, h3, h4 {color:#2B6FB6; margin:0; padding:0; padding-top:5px;}
h3 {font-size:14px;}
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/* Dialog specific */
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#image .panel_wrapper, #image div.current {height:200px;}
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