view gpp/templates/bio/edit_elsewhere.html @ 505:a5d11471d031

Refactor the logic in the rate limiter decorator. Check to see if the request was ajax, as the ajax view always returns 200. Have to decode the JSON response to see if an error occurred or not.
author Brian Neal <>
date Sat, 03 Dec 2011 19:13:38 +0000
parents c99d8981068b
line wrap: on
line source
{% extends 'bio/base.html' %}
{% load url from future %}
{% block title %}Edit Your Elsewhere Links{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<h2>Edit Your Elsewhere Links</h2>
<h3>Social Networks</h3>
{% if request.user.social_network_profiles.all %}
    {% for profile in request.user.social_network_profiles.all %}
        <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}elsewhere/{{ profile.icon_name }}" alt="{{ }}" />
            <a href="{{ profile.url }}" rel="me">{{ }}</a>
            <form id="delete-network-{{ }}" method="post" action=".">{% csrf_token %}
                <input type="hidden" name="delete_id" value="{{ }}" />
                <input type="submit" name="delete-sn-form" value="Delete" class="button" />
    {% endfor %}
{% else %}
    <p>No social network profiles.</p>
{% endif %}

<form method="post" action=".">{% csrf_token %}
<legend>Add a Social Network</legend>
    {{ sn_form.as_p }}
    For Facebook, you must enter your profile ID in the <em>Username</em> box. Visit your
    Facebook profile. Look at your browser's URL (address) bar. If you see a link of the form<strong>1234567890</strong>, you want that number after the 
    <strong>id=</strong> part. If you don't see a link like that, hover your mouse over your
    profile picture, and a link of the above form should appear in your browser's status bar
    (usually at the bottom). You can right-click on your photo and choose "copy link address" 
    (the exact message will vary by browser) to copy the link. Then paste into the 
    <em>Username</em> box, then delete everything but the long number.
    <p><input type="submit" name="sn-form" value="Add Social Network" class="button" /></p>
<hr />
<h3>Instant Messengers</h3>
{% if request.user.instant_messenger_profiles.all %}
    {% for profile in request.user.instant_messenger_profiles.all %}
        <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}elsewhere/{{ profile.icon_name }}" alt="{{ }}" />
            {{ }}: <a href="{{ profile.url }}">{{ profile.username }}</a>
            <form id="delete-messenger-{{ }}" method="post" action=".">{% csrf_token %}
                <input type="hidden" name="delete_id" value="{{ }}" />
                <input type="submit" name="delete-im-form" value="Delete" class="button" />
    {% endfor %}
{% else %}
    <p>No instant messenger profiles.</p>
{% endif %}

<form method="post" action=".">{% csrf_token %}
<legend>Add an Instant Messenger</legend>
    {{ im_form.as_p }}
    <p><input type="submit" name="im-form" value="Add Instant Messenger" class="button" /></p>
<hr />
{% if request.user.website_profiles.all %}
    {% for profile in request.user.website_profiles.all %}
           <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}icons/world.png" alt="{{ }}" />
            <a href="{{ profile.url }}" rel="me">{{ }}</a>
            <form id="delete-website-{{ }}" method="post" action=".">{% csrf_token %}
                <input type="hidden" name="delete_id" value="{{ }}" />
                <input type="submit" name="delete-w-form" value="Delete" class="button" />
    {% endfor %}
{% else %}
    <p>No website profiles.</p>
{% endif %}

<form method="post" action=".">{% csrf_token %}
<legend>Add a Website</legend>
    {{ w_form.as_p }}
    <p><input type="submit" name="w-form" value="Add Website" class="button" /></p>
<hr />
<p><a href="{% url 'bio-edit_profile' %}">Back to Your Profile</a></p>
{% endblock %}