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view core/management/commands/ @ 921:6d08b1476a52
Weblinks app refactor.
For Django 1.7.7 upgrade.
author | Brian Neal <> |
date | Tue, 07 Apr 2015 20:16:06 -0500 |
parents | 62cd07bb891c |
children | 4619290d171d |
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""" ssl_images is a custom command to convert forum post and comment images to https. It does this by rewriting the markup: - Images with src = are rewritten to be /something. - Non SG101 images that use http: are downloaded, resized, and uploaded to an S3 bucket. The src attribute is replaced with the new S3 URL. """ import base64 import datetime import json import logging from optparse import make_option import os import re import signal import socket import urllib import urlparse import uuid from import NoArgsCommand, CommandError from django.conf import settings from lxml import etree import markdown.inlinepatterns from PIL import Image from comments.models import Comment from forums.models import Post from core.s3 import S3Bucket LOGFILE = os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'logs', 'ssl_images.log') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) IMAGE_LINK_RE = re.compile(markdown.inlinepatterns.IMAGE_LINK_RE, re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE) IMAGE_REF_RE = re.compile(markdown.inlinepatterns.IMAGE_REFERENCE_RE, re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE) SG101_HOSTS = set(['', '']) MODEL_CHOICES = ['comments', 'posts'] PHOTO_MAX_SIZE = (660, 720) PHOTO_BASE_URL = '' PHOTO_BUCKET_NAME = '' CACHE_FILENAME = 'ssl_images_cache.json' quit_flag = False opener = None bucket = None url_cache = {} bad_hosts = set() def signal_handler(signum, frame): """SIGINT signal handler""" global quit_flag quit_flag = True def _setup_logging(): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.propagate = False handler = logging.FileHandler(filename=LOGFILE, encoding='utf-8') formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) class ImageURLopener(urllib.FancyURLopener): """Our URL opener. Handles redirects as per FancyURLopener. But all other errors and authentication requests will raise an IOError. """ HANDLED_ERRORS = set([302, 301, 303, 307]) def http_error_default(self, url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers): return urllib.URLopener.http_error_default(self, url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers) def http_error(self, url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers, data=None): """Handle http errors. We let FancyURLopener handle the redirects, but any other error we want to let fail. """ if errcode in self.HANDLED_ERRORS: name = 'http_error_%d' % errcode method = getattr(self, name) if data is None: result = method(url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers) else: result = method(url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers, data) if result: return result return self.http_error_default(url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers) def download_image(parsed_url): """Downloads the image file from the given source URL. If successful returns the path to the downloaded file. Otherwise None is returned. """ src = parsed_url.geturl()"Retrieving %s", src) try: fn, hdrs = opener.retrieve(src) except IOError as ex: args = ex.args if ex.args else [] if len(args) == 4 and args[0] == 'http error': logger.error("http error: %d - %s", args[1], args[2]) elif len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[1], socket.gaierror): logger.error("gaierror, ignoring host %s", parsed_url.hostname) bad_hosts.add(parsed_url.hostname) else: logger.error("%s", ex) return None # Does it look like an image? content_type = hdrs.get('content-type') if not content_type: logger.error("No content-type header found") return None file_size = os.stat(fn).st_size"Retrieved: %s bytes; content-type: %s", file_size, content_type) parts = content_type.split('/') if len(parts) < 2 or parts[0] != 'image': logger.error("Unknown content-type: %s", content_type) return None return fn def resize_image(img_path): """Resizes the image found at img_path if necessary.""" image = if image.size > PHOTO_MAX_SIZE:'Resizing from %s to %s', image.size, PHOTO_MAX_SIZE) image.thumbnail(PHOTO_MAX_SIZE, Image.ANTIALIAS) def gen_key(): """Return a random key.""" return base64.b64encode(uuid.uuid4().bytes, '-_').rstrip('=') def upload_image(img_path): """Upload image file located at img_path to our S3 bucket. Returns the URL of the image in the bucket or None if an error occurs. """"upload_image starting") # Make a unique name for the image in the bucket ext = os.path.splitext(img_path)[1] file_key = gen_key() + ext try: return bucket.upload_from_filename(file_key, img_path, public=True) except IOError as ex: logger.error("Error uploading file: %s", ex) return None def convert_to_ssl(parsed_url): """Top-level function for moving an image to SSL.""" src = parsed_url.geturl() if parsed_url.hostname in bad_hosts:"Host known to be bad, skipping: %s", src) return None # Check the cache try: new_url = url_cache[src] except KeyError: # cache miss, try to get the file new_url = save_image_to_cloud(parsed_url) url_cache[src] = new_url else: if new_url:"Found URL in cache: %s => %s", src, new_url) else:"URL known to be bad, skipping: %s", src) return new_url def save_image_to_cloud(parsed_url): """Downloads an image at a given source URL. Uploads it to cloud storage. Returns the new URL or None if unsuccessful. """ fn = download_image(parsed_url) if fn: resize_image(fn) return upload_image(fn) return None def replace_image_markup(match): src_parts = if src_parts: src = src_parts[0] if src[0] == "<" and src[-1] == ">": src = src[1:-1] else: src = '' title = '' if len(src_parts) > 1: title = " ".join(src_parts[1:]) alt = new_src = None if src: r = urlparse.urlparse(src) if r.hostname in SG101_HOSTS: new_src = r.path # convert to relative path elif r.scheme == 'http': # Try a few things to get this on ssl: new_src = convert_to_ssl(r) elif r.scheme == 'https': new_src = src # already https, accept it as-is if new_src: if title: s = u''.format(alt=alt, src=new_src, title=title) else: s = u''.format(alt=alt, src=new_src) else: # something's messed up, convert to a link using original src s = u'[{alt}]({src})'.format(alt=alt, src=src) return s def warn_if_image_refs(text, model_name, pk): """Search text for Markdown image reference markup. We aren't expecting these, but we will log something if we see any. """ if logger.warning("Image reference found in %s pk = #%d", model_name, pk) def process_post(text): """Process the post object: A regex substitution is run on the post's text field. This fixes up image links, getting rid of plain old http sources; either converting to https or relative style links (if the link is to SG101). """ return IMAGE_LINK_RE.sub(replace_image_markup, text) def html_check(html): """Return True if the given HTML fragment has <img> tags with src attributes that use http, and False otherwise. """ if not html: return False root = etree.HTML(html) for img in root.iter('img'): src = img.get('src') if src and src.lower().startswith('http:'): return True return False class Command(NoArgsCommand): help = "Rewrite forum posts and comments to not use http for images" option_list = NoArgsCommand.option_list + ( make_option('-m', '--model', choices=MODEL_CHOICES, help="which model to update; must be one of {{{}}}".format( ', '.join(MODEL_CHOICES))), make_option('-i', '--i', type='int', help="optional first slice index; the i in [i:j]"), make_option('-j', '--j', type='int', help="optional second slice index; the j in [i:j]"), make_option('-t', '--timeout', type='int', help="optional socket timeout (secs)"), ) def handle_noargs(self, **options): time_started = _setup_logging()"Starting; arguments received: %s", options) if options['model'] not in MODEL_CHOICES: raise CommandError('Please choose a --model option') if options['model'] == 'comments': qs = Comment.objects.all() text_attr = 'comment' model_name = 'Comment' else: qs = Post.objects.all() text_attr = 'body' model_name = 'Post' i, j = options['i'], options['j'] if i is not None and i < 0: raise CommandError("-i must be >= 0") if j is not None and j < 0: raise CommandError("-j must be >= 0") if j is not None and i is not None and j <= i: raise CommandError("-j must be > -i") if i is not None and j is not None: qs = qs[i:j] elif i is not None and j is None: qs = qs[i:] elif i is None and j is not None: qs = qs[:j] # Set global socket timeout timeout = options.get('timeout', 30)"Setting socket timeout to %d", timeout) socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout) # Install signal handler for ctrl-c signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # Create URL opener to download photos global opener opener = ImageURLopener() # Create bucket to upload photos global bucket bucket = S3Bucket(access_key=settings.USER_PHOTOS_ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=settings.USER_PHOTOS_SECRET_KEY, base_url=PHOTO_BASE_URL, bucket_name=PHOTO_BUCKET_NAME) # Load cached info from previous runs load_cache() if i is None: i = 0 count = 0 for n, model in enumerate(qs.iterator()): if quit_flag: logger.warning("SIGINT received, exiting") break"Processing %s #%d (pk = %d)", model_name, n + i, txt = getattr(model, text_attr) warn_if_image_refs(txt, model_name, new_txt = process_post(txt) if txt != new_txt:"Content changed on %s #%d (pk = %d)", model_name, n + i, logger.debug("original: %s", txt) logger.debug("changed: %s", new_txt) setattr(model, text_attr, new_txt) elif html_check(model.html): # Check for content generated with older smiley code that used # absolute URLs for the smiley images. If True, then just save # the model again to force updated HTML to be created."Older Smiley HTML detected, forcing a save") count += 1 time_finished = elapsed = time_finished - time_started"ssl_images exiting; number of objects: %d; elapsed: %s", count, elapsed) http_images = len(url_cache) https_images = sum(1 for v in url_cache.itervalues() if v) bad_images = http_images - https_images if http_images > 0: pct_saved = float(https_images) / http_images * 100.0 else: pct_saved = 0.0"Summary: http: %d; https: %d; lost: %d; saved: %3.1f %%", http_images, https_images, bad_images, pct_saved) save_cache()"ssl_images done") def load_cache(): """Load cache from previous runs.""""Loading cached information") try: with open(CACHE_FILENAME, 'r') as fp: d = json.load(fp) except IOError as ex: logger.error("Cache file (%s) IOError: %s", CACHE_FILENAME, ex) return except ValueError: logger.error("Mangled cache file: %s", CACHE_FILENAME) return global bad_hosts, url_cache try: bad_hosts = set(d['bad_hosts']) url_cache = d['url_cache'] except KeyError: logger.error("Malformed cache file: %s", CACHE_FILENAME) def save_cache(): """Save our cache to a file for future runs.""""Saving cached information") d = {'bad_hosts': list(bad_hosts), 'url_cache': url_cache} with open(CACHE_FILENAME, 'w') as fp: json.dump(d, fp, indent=4)