Mercurial > public > sg101
view static/js/markitup/jquery.markitup.js @ 697:67f8d49a9377
Cleaned up the code a bit.
Separated the S3 stuff out into its own class.
This class maybe should be in core.
Still want to do some kind of context manager around the temporary file we are
creating to ensure it gets deleted.
author | Brian Neal <> |
date | Sun, 08 Sep 2013 21:02:58 -0500 (2013-09-09) |
parents | d280b27fed17 |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // markItUp! Universal MarkUp Engine, JQuery plugin // v 1.1.x // Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Jay Salvat // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function($) { $.fn.markItUp = function(settings, extraSettings) { var options, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey; ctrlKey = shiftKey = altKey = false; options = { id: '', nameSpace: '', root: '', previewInWindow: '', // 'width=800, height=600, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes' previewAutoRefresh: true, previewPosition: 'after', previewTemplatePath: '~/templates/preview.html', previewParser: false, previewParserPath: '', previewParserVar: 'data', resizeHandle: true, beforeInsert: '', afterInsert: '', onEnter: {}, onShiftEnter: {}, onCtrlEnter: {}, onTab: {}, markupSet: [ { /* set */ } ] }; $.extend(options, settings, extraSettings); // compute markItUp! path if (!options.root) { $('script').each(function(a, tag) { miuScript = $(tag).get(0).src.match(/(.*)jquery\.markitup(\.pack)?\.js$/); if (miuScript !== null) { options.root = miuScript[1]; } }); } return this.each(function() { var $$, textarea, levels, scrollPosition, caretPosition, caretOffset, clicked, hash, header, footer, previewWindow, template, iFrame, abort; $$ = $(this); textarea = this; levels = []; abort = false; scrollPosition = caretPosition = 0; caretOffset = -1; options.previewParserPath = localize(options.previewParserPath); options.previewTemplatePath = localize(options.previewTemplatePath); // apply the computed path to ~/ function localize(data, inText) { if (inText) { return data.replace(/("|')~\//g, "$1"+options.root); } return data.replace(/^~\//, options.root); } // init and build editor function init() { id = ''; nameSpace = ''; if ( { id = 'id="''"'; } else if ($$.attr("id")) { id = 'id="markItUp'+($$.attr("id").substr(0, 1).toUpperCase())+($$.attr("id").substr(1))+'"'; } if (options.nameSpace) { nameSpace = 'class="'+options.nameSpace+'"'; } $$.wrap('<div '+nameSpace+'></div>'); $$.wrap('<div '+id+' class="markItUp"></div>'); $$.wrap('<div class="markItUpContainer"></div>'); $$.addClass("markItUpEditor"); // add the header before the textarea header = $('<div class="markItUpHeader"></div>').insertBefore($$); $(dropMenus(options.markupSet)).appendTo(header); // add the footer after the textarea footer = $('<div class="markItUpFooter"></div>').insertAfter($$); // add the resize handle after textarea if (options.resizeHandle === true && $.browser.safari !== true) { resizeHandle = $('<div class="markItUpResizeHandle"></div>') .insertAfter($$) .bind("mousedown", function(e) { var h = $$.height(), y = e.clientY, mouseMove, mouseUp; mouseMove = function(e) { $$.css("height", Math.max(20, e.clientY+h-y)+"px"); return false; }; mouseUp = function(e) { $("html").unbind("mousemove", mouseMove).unbind("mouseup", mouseUp); return false; }; $("html").bind("mousemove", mouseMove).bind("mouseup", mouseUp); }); footer.append(resizeHandle); } // listen key events $$.keydown(keyPressed).keyup(keyPressed); // bind an event to catch external calls $$.bind("insertion", function(e, settings) { if ( !== false) { get(); } if (textarea === $.markItUp.focused) { markup(settings); } }); // remember the last focus $$.focus(function() { $.markItUp.focused = this; }); } // recursively build header with dropMenus from markupset function dropMenus(markupSet) { var ul = $('<ul></ul>'), i = 0; $('li:hover > ul', ul).css('display', 'block'); $.each(markupSet, function() { var button = this, t = '', title, li, j; title = (button.key) ? (||'')+' [Ctrl+'+button.key+']' : (||''); key = (button.key) ? 'accesskey="'+button.key+'"' : ''; if (button.separator) { li = $('<li class="markItUpSeparator">'+(button.separator||'')+'</li>').appendTo(ul); } else { i++; for (j = levels.length -1; j >= 0; j--) { t += levels[j]+"-"; } li = $('<li class="markItUpButton markItUpButton'+t+(i)+' '+(button.className||'')+'"><a href="" '+key+' title="'+title+'">'+(||'')+'</a></li>') .bind("contextmenu", function() { // prevent contextmenu on mac and allow ctrl+click return false; }).click(function() { return false; }).bind("focusin", function(){ $$.focus(); }).mouseup(function() { if ( { eval(; } setTimeout(function() { markup(button) },1); return false; }).hover(function() { $('> ul', this).show(); $(document).one('click', function() { // close dropmenu if click outside $('ul ul', header).hide(); } ); }, function() { $('> ul', this).hide(); } ).appendTo(ul); if (button.dropMenu) { levels.push(i); $(li).addClass('markItUpDropMenu').append(dropMenus(button.dropMenu)); } } }); levels.pop(); return ul; } // markItUp! markups function magicMarkups(string) { if (string) { string = string.toString(); string = string.replace(/\(\!\(([\s\S]*?)\)\!\)/g, function(x, a) { var b = a.split('|!|'); if (altKey === true) { return (b[1] !== undefined) ? b[1] : b[0]; } else { return (b[1] === undefined) ? "" : b[0]; } } ); // [![prompt]!], [![prompt:!:value]!] string = string.replace(/\[\!\[([\s\S]*?)\]\!\]/g, function(x, a) { var b = a.split(':!:'); if (abort === true) { return false; } value = prompt(b[0], (b[1]) ? b[1] : ''); if (value === null) { abort = true; } return value; } ); return string; } return ""; } // prepare action function prepare(action) { if ($.isFunction(action)) { action = action(hash); } return magicMarkups(action); } // build block to insert function build(string) { var openWith = prepare(clicked.openWith); var placeHolder = prepare(clicked.placeHolder); var replaceWith = prepare(clicked.replaceWith); var closeWith = prepare(clicked.closeWith); var openBlockWith = prepare(clicked.openBlockWith); var closeBlockWith = prepare(clicked.closeBlockWith); var multiline = clicked.multiline; if (replaceWith !== "") { block = openWith + replaceWith + closeWith; } else if (selection === '' && placeHolder !== '') { block = openWith + placeHolder + closeWith; } else { string = string || selection; var lines = selection.split(/\r?\n/), blocks = []; for (var l=0; l < lines.length; l++) { line = lines[l]; var trailingSpaces; if (trailingSpaces = line.match(/ *$/)) { blocks.push(openWith + line.replace(/ *$/g, '') + closeWith + trailingSpaces); } else { blocks.push(openWith + line + closeWith); } } block = blocks.join("\n"); } block = openBlockWith + block + closeBlockWith; return { block:block, openWith:openWith, replaceWith:replaceWith, placeHolder:placeHolder, closeWith:closeWith }; } // define markup to insert function markup(button) { var len, j, n, i; hash = clicked = button; get(); $.extend(hash, { line:"", root:options.root, textarea:textarea, selection:(selection||''), caretPosition:caretPosition, ctrlKey:ctrlKey, shiftKey:shiftKey, altKey:altKey } ); // callbacks before insertion prepare(options.beforeInsert); prepare(clicked.beforeInsert); if ((ctrlKey === true && shiftKey === true) || button.multiline === true) { prepare(clicked.beforeMultiInsert); } $.extend(hash, { line:1 }); if ((ctrlKey === true && shiftKey === true)) { lines = selection.split(/\r?\n/); for (j = 0, n = lines.length, i = 0; i < n; i++) { if ($.trim(lines[i]) !== '') { $.extend(hash, { line:++j, selection:lines[i] } ); lines[i] = build(lines[i]).block; } else { lines[i] = ""; } } string = { block:lines.join('\n')}; start = caretPosition; len = string.block.length + (($.browser.opera) ? n-1 : 0); } else if (ctrlKey === true) { string = build(selection); start = caretPosition + string.openWith.length; len = string.block.length - string.openWith.length - string.closeWith.length; len = len - (string.block.match(/ $/) ? 1 : 0); len -= fixIeBug(string.block); } else if (shiftKey === true) { string = build(selection); start = caretPosition; len = string.block.length; len -= fixIeBug(string.block); } else { string = build(selection); start = caretPosition + string.block.length ; len = 0; start -= fixIeBug(string.block); } if ((selection === '' && string.replaceWith === '')) { caretOffset += fixOperaBug(string.block); start = caretPosition + string.openWith.length; len = string.block.length - string.openWith.length - string.closeWith.length; caretOffset = $$.val().substring(caretPosition, $$.val().length).length; caretOffset -= fixOperaBug($$.val().substring(0, caretPosition)); } $.extend(hash, { caretPosition:caretPosition, scrollPosition:scrollPosition } ); if (string.block !== selection && abort === false) { insert(string.block); set(start, len); } else { caretOffset = -1; } get(); $.extend(hash, { line:'', selection:selection }); // callbacks after insertion if ((ctrlKey === true && shiftKey === true) || button.multiline === true) { prepare(clicked.afterMultiInsert); } prepare(clicked.afterInsert); prepare(options.afterInsert); // refresh preview if opened if (previewWindow && options.previewAutoRefresh) { refreshPreview(); } // reinit keyevent shiftKey = altKey = ctrlKey = abort = false; } // Substract linefeed in Opera function fixOperaBug(string) { if ($.browser.opera) { return string.length - string.replace(/\n*/g, '').length; } return 0; } // Substract linefeed in IE function fixIeBug(string) { if ($.browser.msie) { return string.length - string.replace(/\r*/g, '').length; } return 0; } // add markup function insert(block) { if (document.selection) { var newSelection = document.selection.createRange(); newSelection.text = block; } else { textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, caretPosition) + block + textarea.value.substring(caretPosition + selection.length, textarea.value.length); } } // set a selection function set(start, len) { if (textarea.createTextRange){ // quick fix to make it work on Opera 9.5 if ($.browser.opera && $.browser.version >= 9.5 && len == 0) { return false; } range = textarea.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveStart('character', start); range.moveEnd('character', len);; } else if (textarea.setSelectionRange ){ textarea.setSelectionRange(start, start + len); } textarea.scrollTop = scrollPosition; textarea.focus(); } // get the selection function get() { textarea.focus(); scrollPosition = textarea.scrollTop; if (document.selection) { selection = document.selection.createRange().text; if ($.browser.msie) { // ie var range = document.selection.createRange(), rangeCopy = range.duplicate(); rangeCopy.moveToElementText(textarea); caretPosition = -1; while(rangeCopy.inRange(range)) { rangeCopy.moveStart('character'); caretPosition ++; } } else { // opera caretPosition = textarea.selectionStart; } } else { // gecko & webkit caretPosition = textarea.selectionStart; selection = textarea.value.substring(caretPosition, textarea.selectionEnd); } return selection; } // open preview window function preview() { if (!previewWindow || previewWindow.closed) { if (options.previewInWindow) { previewWindow ='', 'preview', options.previewInWindow); $(window).unload(function() { previewWindow.close(); }); } else { iFrame = $('<iframe class="markItUpPreviewFrame"></iframe>'); if (options.previewPosition == 'after') { iFrame.insertAfter(footer); } else { iFrame.insertBefore(header); } previewWindow = iFrame[iFrame.length - 1].contentWindow || frame[iFrame.length - 1]; } } else if (altKey === true) { if (iFrame) { iFrame.remove(); } else { previewWindow.close(); } previewWindow = iFrame = false; } if (!options.previewAutoRefresh) { refreshPreview(); } if (options.previewInWindow) { previewWindow.focus(); } } // refresh Preview window function refreshPreview() { renderPreview(); } function renderPreview() { var phtml; if (options.previewParser && typeof options.previewParser === 'function') { var data = options.previewParser( $$.val() ); writeInPreview( localize(data, 1) ); } else if (options.previewParserPath !== '') { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'text', global: false, url: options.previewParserPath, data: options.previewParserVar+'='+encodeURIComponent($$.val()), success: function(data) { writeInPreview( localize(data, 1) ); } }); } else { if (!template) { $.ajax({ url: options.previewTemplatePath, dataType: 'text', global: false, success: function(data) { writeInPreview( localize(data, 1).replace(/<!-- content -->/g, $$.val()) ); } }); } } return false; } function writeInPreview(data) { if (previewWindow.document) { try { sp = previewWindow.document.documentElement.scrollTop } catch(e) { sp = 0; }; previewWindow.document.write(data); previewWindow.document.close(); previewWindow.document.documentElement.scrollTop = sp; } } // set keys pressed function keyPressed(e) { shiftKey = e.shiftKey; altKey = e.altKey; ctrlKey = (!(e.altKey && e.ctrlKey)) ? (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) : false; if (e.type === 'keydown') { if (ctrlKey === true) { li = $('a[accesskey="'+String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode)+'"]', header).parent('li'); if (li.length !== 0) { ctrlKey = false; setTimeout(function() { li.triggerHandler('mouseup'); },1); return false; } } if (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 10) { // Enter key if (ctrlKey === true) { // Enter + Ctrl ctrlKey = false; markup(options.onCtrlEnter); return options.onCtrlEnter.keepDefault; } else if (shiftKey === true) { // Enter + Shift shiftKey = false; markup(options.onShiftEnter); return options.onShiftEnter.keepDefault; } else { // only Enter markup(options.onEnter); return options.onEnter.keepDefault; } } if (e.keyCode === 9) { // Tab key if (shiftKey == true || ctrlKey == true || altKey == true) { return false; } if (caretOffset !== -1) { get(); caretOffset = $$.val().length - caretOffset; set(caretOffset, 0); caretOffset = -1; return false; } else { markup(options.onTab); return options.onTab.keepDefault; } } } } init(); }); }; $.fn.markItUpRemove = function() { return this.each(function() { var $$ = $(this).unbind().removeClass('markItUpEditor'); $$.parent('div').parent('div.markItUp').parent('div').replaceWith($$); } ); }; $.markItUp = function(settings) { var options = { target:false }; $.extend(options, settings); if ( { return $( { $(this).focus(); $(this).trigger('insertion', [options]); }); } else { $('textarea').trigger('insertion', [options]); } }; })(jQuery);