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view static/js/tiny_mce/plugins/table/editor_plugin_src.js @ 1121:67c839267220
Finish the bio profile template for V3 design.
author | Brian Neal <> |
date | Wed, 03 Aug 2016 19:35:54 -0500 |
parents | 6c182ceb7147 |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
/** * editor_plugin_src.js * * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB * Released under LGPL License. * * License: * Contributing: */ (function(tinymce) { var each = tinymce.each; // Checks if the selection/caret is at the start of the specified block element function isAtStart(rng, par) { var doc = par.ownerDocument, rng2 = doc.createRange(), elm; rng2.setStartBefore(par); rng2.setEnd(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset); elm = doc.createElement('body'); elm.appendChild(rng2.cloneContents()); // Check for text characters of other elements that should be treated as content return elm.innerHTML.replace(/<(br|img|object|embed|input|textarea)[^>]*>/gi, '-').replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '').length == 0; }; /** * Table Grid class. */ function TableGrid(table, dom, selection) { var grid, startPos, endPos, selectedCell; buildGrid(); selectedCell = dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), 'th,td'); if (selectedCell) { startPos = getPos(selectedCell); endPos = findEndPos(); selectedCell = getCell(startPos.x, startPos.y); } function cloneNode(node, children) { node = node.cloneNode(children); node.removeAttribute('id'); return node; } function buildGrid() { var startY = 0; grid = []; each(['thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot'], function(part) { var rows ='> ' + part + ' tr', table); each(rows, function(tr, y) { y += startY; each('> td, > th', tr), function(td, x) { var x2, y2, rowspan, colspan; // Skip over existing cells produced by rowspan if (grid[y]) { while (grid[y][x]) x++; } // Get col/rowspan from cell rowspan = getSpanVal(td, 'rowspan'); colspan = getSpanVal(td, 'colspan'); // Fill out rowspan/colspan right and down for (y2 = y; y2 < y + rowspan; y2++) { if (!grid[y2]) grid[y2] = []; for (x2 = x; x2 < x + colspan; x2++) { grid[y2][x2] = { part : part, real : y2 == y && x2 == x, elm : td, rowspan : rowspan, colspan : colspan }; } } }); }); startY += rows.length; }); }; function getCell(x, y) { var row; row = grid[y]; if (row) return row[x]; }; function getSpanVal(td, name) { return parseInt(td.getAttribute(name) || 1); }; function setSpanVal(td, name, val) { if (td) { val = parseInt(val); if (val === 1) td.removeAttribute(name, 1); else td.setAttribute(name, val, 1); } } function isCellSelected(cell) { return cell && (dom.hasClass(cell.elm, 'mceSelected') || cell == selectedCell); }; function getSelectedRows() { var rows = []; each(table.rows, function(row) { each(row.cells, function(cell) { if (dom.hasClass(cell, 'mceSelected') || cell == selectedCell.elm) { rows.push(row); return false; } }); }); return rows; }; function deleteTable() { var rng = dom.createRng(); rng.setStartAfter(table); rng.setEndAfter(table); selection.setRng(rng); dom.remove(table); }; function cloneCell(cell) { var formatNode; // Clone formats tinymce.walk(cell, function(node) { var curNode; if (node.nodeType == 3) { each(dom.getParents(node.parentNode, null, cell).reverse(), function(node) { node = cloneNode(node, false); if (!formatNode) formatNode = curNode = node; else if (curNode) curNode.appendChild(node); curNode = node; }); // Add something to the inner node if (curNode) curNode.innerHTML = tinymce.isIE ? ' ' : '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />'; return false; } }, 'childNodes'); cell = cloneNode(cell, false); setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', 1); setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', 1); if (formatNode) { cell.appendChild(formatNode); } else { if (!tinymce.isIE) cell.innerHTML = '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />'; } return cell; }; function cleanup() { var rng = dom.createRng(); // Empty rows each('tr', table), function(tr) { if (tr.cells.length == 0) dom.remove(tr); }); // Empty table if ('tr', table).length == 0) { rng.setStartAfter(table); rng.setEndAfter(table); selection.setRng(rng); dom.remove(table); return; } // Empty header/body/footer each('thead,tbody,tfoot', table), function(part) { if (part.rows.length == 0) dom.remove(part); }); // Restore selection to start position if it still exists buildGrid(); // Restore the selection to the closest table position row = grid[Math.min(grid.length - 1, startPos.y)]; if (row) {[Math.min(row.length - 1, startPos.x)].elm, true); selection.collapse(true); } }; function fillLeftDown(x, y, rows, cols) { var tr, x2, r, c, cell; tr = grid[y][x].elm.parentNode; for (r = 1; r <= rows; r++) { tr = dom.getNext(tr, 'tr'); if (tr) { // Loop left to find real cell for (x2 = x; x2 >= 0; x2--) { cell = grid[y + r][x2].elm; if (cell.parentNode == tr) { // Append clones after for (c = 1; c <= cols; c++) dom.insertAfter(cloneCell(cell), cell); break; } } if (x2 == -1) { // Insert nodes before first cell for (c = 1; c <= cols; c++) tr.insertBefore(cloneCell(tr.cells[0]), tr.cells[0]); } } } }; function split() { each(grid, function(row, y) { each(row, function(cell, x) { var colSpan, rowSpan, newCell, i; if (isCellSelected(cell)) { cell = cell.elm; colSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'colspan'); rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowspan'); if (colSpan > 1 || rowSpan > 1) { setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', 1); setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', 1); // Insert cells right for (i = 0; i < colSpan - 1; i++) dom.insertAfter(cloneCell(cell), cell); fillLeftDown(x, y, rowSpan - 1, colSpan); } } }); }); }; function merge(cell, cols, rows) { var startX, startY, endX, endY, x, y, startCell, endCell, cell, children, count; // Use specified cell and cols/rows if (cell) { pos = getPos(cell); startX = pos.x; startY = pos.y; endX = startX + (cols - 1); endY = startY + (rows - 1); } else { // Use selection startX = startPos.x; startY = startPos.y; endX = endPos.x; endY = endPos.y; } // Find start/end cells startCell = getCell(startX, startY); endCell = getCell(endX, endY); // Check if the cells exists and if they are of the same part for example tbody = tbody if (startCell && endCell && startCell.part == endCell.part) { // Split and rebuild grid split(); buildGrid(); // Set row/col span to start cell startCell = getCell(startX, startY).elm; setSpanVal(startCell, 'colSpan', (endX - startX) + 1); setSpanVal(startCell, 'rowSpan', (endY - startY) + 1); // Remove other cells and add it's contents to the start cell for (y = startY; y <= endY; y++) { for (x = startX; x <= endX; x++) { if (!grid[y] || !grid[y][x]) continue; cell = grid[y][x].elm; if (cell != startCell) { // Move children to startCell children = tinymce.grep(cell.childNodes); each(children, function(node) { startCell.appendChild(node); }); // Remove bogus nodes if there is children in the target cell if (children.length) { children = tinymce.grep(startCell.childNodes); count = 0; each(children, function(node) { if (node.nodeName == 'BR' && dom.getAttrib(node, 'data-mce-bogus') && count++ < children.length - 1) startCell.removeChild(node); }); } // Remove cell dom.remove(cell); } } } // Remove empty rows etc and restore caret location cleanup(); } }; function insertRow(before) { var posY, cell, lastCell, x, rowElm, newRow, newCell, otherCell, rowSpan; // Find first/last row each(grid, function(row, y) { each(row, function(cell, x) { if (isCellSelected(cell)) { cell = cell.elm; rowElm = cell.parentNode; newRow = cloneNode(rowElm, false); posY = y; if (before) return false; } }); if (before) return !posY; }); for (x = 0; x < grid[0].length; x++) { // Cell not found could be because of an invalid table structure if (!grid[posY][x]) continue; cell = grid[posY][x].elm; if (cell != lastCell) { if (!before) { rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowspan'); if (rowSpan > 1) { setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', rowSpan + 1); continue; } } else { // Check if cell above can be expanded if (posY > 0 && grid[posY - 1][x]) { otherCell = grid[posY - 1][x].elm; rowSpan = getSpanVal(otherCell, 'rowSpan'); if (rowSpan > 1) { setSpanVal(otherCell, 'rowSpan', rowSpan + 1); continue; } } } // Insert new cell into new row newCell = cloneCell(cell); setSpanVal(newCell, 'colSpan', cell.colSpan); newRow.appendChild(newCell); lastCell = cell; } } if (newRow.hasChildNodes()) { if (!before) dom.insertAfter(newRow, rowElm); else rowElm.parentNode.insertBefore(newRow, rowElm); } }; function insertCol(before) { var posX, lastCell; // Find first/last column each(grid, function(row, y) { each(row, function(cell, x) { if (isCellSelected(cell)) { posX = x; if (before) return false; } }); if (before) return !posX; }); each(grid, function(row, y) { var cell, rowSpan, colSpan; if (!row[posX]) return; cell = row[posX].elm; if (cell != lastCell) { colSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'colspan'); rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowspan'); if (colSpan == 1) { if (!before) { dom.insertAfter(cloneCell(cell), cell); fillLeftDown(posX, y, rowSpan - 1, colSpan); } else { cell.parentNode.insertBefore(cloneCell(cell), cell); fillLeftDown(posX, y, rowSpan - 1, colSpan); } } else setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', cell.colSpan + 1); lastCell = cell; } }); }; function deleteCols() { var cols = []; // Get selected column indexes each(grid, function(row, y) { each(row, function(cell, x) { if (isCellSelected(cell) && tinymce.inArray(cols, x) === -1) { each(grid, function(row) { var cell = row[x].elm, colSpan; colSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan'); if (colSpan > 1) setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', colSpan - 1); else dom.remove(cell); }); cols.push(x); } }); }); cleanup(); }; function deleteRows() { var rows; function deleteRow(tr) { var nextTr, pos, lastCell; nextTr = dom.getNext(tr, 'tr'); // Move down row spanned cells each(tr.cells, function(cell) { var rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan'); if (rowSpan > 1) { setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', rowSpan - 1); pos = getPos(cell); fillLeftDown(pos.x, pos.y, 1, 1); } }); // Delete cells pos = getPos(tr.cells[0]); each(grid[pos.y], function(cell) { var rowSpan; cell = cell.elm; if (cell != lastCell) { rowSpan = getSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan'); if (rowSpan <= 1) dom.remove(cell); else setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', rowSpan - 1); lastCell = cell; } }); }; // Get selected rows and move selection out of scope rows = getSelectedRows(); // Delete all selected rows each(rows.reverse(), function(tr) { deleteRow(tr); }); cleanup(); }; function cutRows() { var rows = getSelectedRows(); dom.remove(rows); cleanup(); return rows; }; function copyRows() { var rows = getSelectedRows(); each(rows, function(row, i) { rows[i] = cloneNode(row, true); }); return rows; }; function pasteRows(rows, before) { var selectedRows = getSelectedRows(), targetRow = selectedRows[before ? 0 : selectedRows.length - 1], targetCellCount = targetRow.cells.length; // Calc target cell count each(grid, function(row) { var match; targetCellCount = 0; each(row, function(cell, x) { if (cell.real) targetCellCount += cell.colspan; if (cell.elm.parentNode == targetRow) match = 1; }); if (match) return false; }); if (!before) rows.reverse(); each(rows, function(row) { var cellCount = row.cells.length, cell; // Remove col/rowspans for (i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) { cell = row.cells[i]; setSpanVal(cell, 'colSpan', 1); setSpanVal(cell, 'rowSpan', 1); } // Needs more cells for (i = cellCount; i < targetCellCount; i++) row.appendChild(cloneCell(row.cells[cellCount - 1])); // Needs less cells for (i = targetCellCount; i < cellCount; i++) dom.remove(row.cells[i]); // Add before/after if (before) targetRow.parentNode.insertBefore(row, targetRow); else dom.insertAfter(row, targetRow); }); }; function getPos(target) { var pos; each(grid, function(row, y) { each(row, function(cell, x) { if (cell.elm == target) { pos = {x : x, y : y}; return false; } }); return !pos; }); return pos; }; function setStartCell(cell) { startPos = getPos(cell); }; function findEndPos() { var pos, maxX, maxY; maxX = maxY = 0; each(grid, function(row, y) { each(row, function(cell, x) { var colSpan, rowSpan; if (isCellSelected(cell)) { cell = grid[y][x]; if (x > maxX) maxX = x; if (y > maxY) maxY = y; if (cell.real) { colSpan = cell.colspan - 1; rowSpan = cell.rowspan - 1; if (colSpan) { if (x + colSpan > maxX) maxX = x + colSpan; } if (rowSpan) { if (y + rowSpan > maxY) maxY = y + rowSpan; } } } }); }); return {x : maxX, y : maxY}; }; function setEndCell(cell) { var startX, startY, endX, endY, maxX, maxY, colSpan, rowSpan; endPos = getPos(cell); if (startPos && endPos) { // Get start/end positions startX = Math.min(startPos.x, endPos.x); startY = Math.min(startPos.y, endPos.y); endX = Math.max(startPos.x, endPos.x); endY = Math.max(startPos.y, endPos.y); // Expand end positon to include spans maxX = endX; maxY = endY; // Expand startX for (y = startY; y <= maxY; y++) { cell = grid[y][startX]; if (!cell.real) { if (startX - (cell.colspan - 1) < startX) startX -= cell.colspan - 1; } } // Expand startY for (x = startX; x <= maxX; x++) { cell = grid[startY][x]; if (!cell.real) { if (startY - (cell.rowspan - 1) < startY) startY -= cell.rowspan - 1; } } // Find max X, Y for (y = startY; y <= endY; y++) { for (x = startX; x <= endX; x++) { cell = grid[y][x]; if (cell.real) { colSpan = cell.colspan - 1; rowSpan = cell.rowspan - 1; if (colSpan) { if (x + colSpan > maxX) maxX = x + colSpan; } if (rowSpan) { if (y + rowSpan > maxY) maxY = y + rowSpan; } } } } // Remove current selection dom.removeClass('td.mceSelected,th.mceSelected'), 'mceSelected'); // Add new selection for (y = startY; y <= maxY; y++) { for (x = startX; x <= maxX; x++) { if (grid[y][x]) dom.addClass(grid[y][x].elm, 'mceSelected'); } } } }; // Expose to public tinymce.extend(this, { deleteTable : deleteTable, split : split, merge : merge, insertRow : insertRow, insertCol : insertCol, deleteCols : deleteCols, deleteRows : deleteRows, cutRows : cutRows, copyRows : copyRows, pasteRows : pasteRows, getPos : getPos, setStartCell : setStartCell, setEndCell : setEndCell }); }; tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.TablePlugin', { init : function(ed, url) { var winMan, clipboardRows; function createTableGrid(node) { var selection = ed.selection, tblElm = ed.dom.getParent(node || selection.getNode(), 'table'); if (tblElm) return new TableGrid(tblElm, ed.dom, selection); }; function cleanup() { // Restore selection possibilities ed.getBody().style.webkitUserSelect = ''; ed.dom.removeClass('td.mceSelected,th.mceSelected'), 'mceSelected'); }; // Register buttons each([ ['table', 'table.desc', 'mceInsertTable', true], ['delete_table', 'table.del', 'mceTableDelete'], ['delete_col', 'table.delete_col_desc', 'mceTableDeleteCol'], ['delete_row', 'table.delete_row_desc', 'mceTableDeleteRow'], ['col_after', 'table.col_after_desc', 'mceTableInsertColAfter'], ['col_before', 'table.col_before_desc', 'mceTableInsertColBefore'], ['row_after', 'table.row_after_desc', 'mceTableInsertRowAfter'], ['row_before', 'table.row_before_desc', 'mceTableInsertRowBefore'], ['row_props', 'table.row_desc', 'mceTableRowProps', true], ['cell_props', 'table.cell_desc', 'mceTableCellProps', true], ['split_cells', 'table.split_cells_desc', 'mceTableSplitCells', true], ['merge_cells', 'table.merge_cells_desc', 'mceTableMergeCells', true] ], function(c) { ed.addButton(c[0], {title : c[1], cmd : c[2], ui : c[3]}); }); // Select whole table is a table border is clicked if (!tinymce.isIE) { ed.onClick.add(function(ed, e) { e =; if (e.nodeName === 'TABLE') {; ed.nodeChanged(); } }); } ed.onPreProcess.add(function(ed, args) { var nodes, i, node, dom = ed.dom, value; nodes ='table', args.node); i = nodes.length; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; dom.setAttrib(node, 'data-mce-style', ''); if ((value = dom.getAttrib(node, 'width'))) { dom.setStyle(node, 'width', value); dom.setAttrib(node, 'width', ''); } if ((value = dom.getAttrib(node, 'height'))) { dom.setStyle(node, 'height', value); dom.setAttrib(node, 'height', ''); } } }); // Handle node change updates ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm, n) { var p; n = ed.selection.getStart(); p = ed.dom.getParent(n, 'td,th,caption'); cm.setActive('table', n.nodeName === 'TABLE' || !!p); // Disable table tools if we are in caption if (p && p.nodeName === 'CAPTION') p = 0; cm.setDisabled('delete_table', !p); cm.setDisabled('delete_col', !p); cm.setDisabled('delete_table', !p); cm.setDisabled('delete_row', !p); cm.setDisabled('col_after', !p); cm.setDisabled('col_before', !p); cm.setDisabled('row_after', !p); cm.setDisabled('row_before', !p); cm.setDisabled('row_props', !p); cm.setDisabled('cell_props', !p); cm.setDisabled('split_cells', !p); cm.setDisabled('merge_cells', !p); }); ed.onInit.add(function(ed) { var startTable, startCell, dom = ed.dom, tableGrid; winMan = ed.windowManager; // Add cell selection logic ed.onMouseDown.add(function(ed, e) { if (e.button != 2) { cleanup(); startCell = dom.getParent(, 'td,th'); startTable = dom.getParent(startCell, 'table'); } }); dom.bind(ed.getDoc(), 'mouseover', function(e) { var sel, table, target =; if (startCell && (tableGrid || target != startCell) && (target.nodeName == 'TD' || target.nodeName == 'TH')) { table = dom.getParent(target, 'table'); if (table == startTable) { if (!tableGrid) { tableGrid = createTableGrid(table); tableGrid.setStartCell(startCell); ed.getBody().style.webkitUserSelect = 'none'; } tableGrid.setEndCell(target); } // Remove current selection sel = ed.selection.getSel(); try { if (sel.removeAllRanges) sel.removeAllRanges(); else sel.empty(); } catch (ex) { // IE9 might throw errors here } e.preventDefault(); } }); ed.onMouseUp.add(function(ed, e) { var rng, sel = ed.selection, selectedCells, nativeSel = sel.getSel(), walker, node, lastNode, endNode; // Move selection to startCell if (startCell) { if (tableGrid) ed.getBody().style.webkitUserSelect = ''; function setPoint(node, start) { var walker = new tinymce.dom.TreeWalker(node, node); do { // Text node if (node.nodeType == 3 && tinymce.trim(node.nodeValue).length != 0) { if (start) rng.setStart(node, 0); else rng.setEnd(node, node.nodeValue.length); return; } // BR element if (node.nodeName == 'BR') { if (start) rng.setStartBefore(node); else rng.setEndBefore(node); return; } } while (node = (start ? : walker.prev())); }; // Try to expand text selection as much as we can only Gecko supports cell selection selectedCells ='td.mceSelected,th.mceSelected'); if (selectedCells.length > 0) { rng = dom.createRng(); node = selectedCells[0]; endNode = selectedCells[selectedCells.length - 1]; setPoint(node, 1); walker = new tinymce.dom.TreeWalker(node, dom.getParent(selectedCells[0], 'table')); do { if (node.nodeName == 'TD' || node.nodeName == 'TH') { if (!dom.hasClass(node, 'mceSelected')) break; lastNode = node; } } while (node =; setPoint(lastNode); sel.setRng(rng); } ed.nodeChanged(); startCell = tableGrid = startTable = null; } }); ed.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) { cleanup(); }); // Add context menu if (ed && ed.plugins.contextmenu) { ed.plugins.contextmenu.onContextMenu.add(function(th, m, e) { var sm, se = ed.selection, el = se.getNode() || ed.getBody(); if (ed.dom.getParent(e, 'td') || ed.dom.getParent(e, 'th') ||'td.mceSelected,th.mceSelected').length) { m.removeAll(); if (el.nodeName == 'A' && !ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'name')) { m.add({title : 'advanced.link_desc', icon : 'link', cmd : ed.plugins.advlink ? 'mceAdvLink' : 'mceLink', ui : true}); m.add({title : 'advanced.unlink_desc', icon : 'unlink', cmd : 'UnLink'}); m.addSeparator(); } if (el.nodeName == 'IMG' && el.className.indexOf('mceItem') == -1) { m.add({title : 'advanced.image_desc', icon : 'image', cmd : ed.plugins.advimage ? 'mceAdvImage' : 'mceImage', ui : true}); m.addSeparator(); } m.add({title : 'table.desc', icon : 'table', cmd : 'mceInsertTable', value : {action : 'insert'}}); m.add({title : 'table.props_desc', icon : 'table_props', cmd : 'mceInsertTable'}); m.add({title : 'table.del', icon : 'delete_table', cmd : 'mceTableDelete'}); m.addSeparator(); // Cell menu sm = m.addMenu({title : 'table.cell'}); sm.add({title : 'table.cell_desc', icon : 'cell_props', cmd : 'mceTableCellProps'}); sm.add({title : 'table.split_cells_desc', icon : 'split_cells', cmd : 'mceTableSplitCells'}); sm.add({title : 'table.merge_cells_desc', icon : 'merge_cells', cmd : 'mceTableMergeCells'}); // Row menu sm = m.addMenu({title : 'table.row'}); sm.add({title : 'table.row_desc', icon : 'row_props', cmd : 'mceTableRowProps'}); sm.add({title : 'table.row_before_desc', icon : 'row_before', cmd : 'mceTableInsertRowBefore'}); sm.add({title : 'table.row_after_desc', icon : 'row_after', cmd : 'mceTableInsertRowAfter'}); sm.add({title : 'table.delete_row_desc', icon : 'delete_row', cmd : 'mceTableDeleteRow'}); sm.addSeparator(); sm.add({title : 'table.cut_row_desc', icon : 'cut', cmd : 'mceTableCutRow'}); sm.add({title : 'table.copy_row_desc', icon : 'copy', cmd : 'mceTableCopyRow'}); sm.add({title : 'table.paste_row_before_desc', icon : 'paste', cmd : 'mceTablePasteRowBefore'}).setDisabled(!clipboardRows); sm.add({title : 'table.paste_row_after_desc', icon : 'paste', cmd : 'mceTablePasteRowAfter'}).setDisabled(!clipboardRows); // Column menu sm = m.addMenu({title : 'table.col'}); sm.add({title : 'table.col_before_desc', icon : 'col_before', cmd : 'mceTableInsertColBefore'}); sm.add({title : 'table.col_after_desc', icon : 'col_after', cmd : 'mceTableInsertColAfter'}); sm.add({title : 'table.delete_col_desc', icon : 'delete_col', cmd : 'mceTableDeleteCol'}); } else m.add({title : 'table.desc', icon : 'table', cmd : 'mceInsertTable'}); }); } // Fixes an issue on Gecko where it's impossible to place the caret behind a table // This fix will force a paragraph element after the table but only when the forced_root_block setting is enabled if (!tinymce.isIE) { function fixTableCaretPos() { var last; // Skip empty text nodes form the end for (last = ed.getBody().lastChild; last && last.nodeType == 3 && !last.nodeValue.length; last = last.previousSibling) ; if (last && last.nodeName == 'TABLE') ed.dom.add(ed.getBody(), 'p', null, '<br mce_bogus="1" />'); }; // Fixes an bug where it's impossible to place the caret before a table in Gecko // this fix solves it by detecting when the caret is at the beginning of such a table // and then manually moves the caret infront of the table if (tinymce.isGecko) { ed.onKeyDown.add(function(ed, e) { var rng, table, dom = ed.dom; // On gecko it's not possible to place the caret before a table if (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 38) { rng = ed.selection.getRng(); table = dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, 'table'); if (table && ed.getBody().firstChild == table) { if (isAtStart(rng, table)) { rng = dom.createRng(); rng.setStartBefore(table); rng.setEndBefore(table); ed.selection.setRng(rng); e.preventDefault(); } } } }); } ed.onKeyUp.add(fixTableCaretPos); ed.onSetContent.add(fixTableCaretPos); ed.onVisualAid.add(fixTableCaretPos); ed.onPreProcess.add(function(ed, o) { var last = o.node.lastChild; if (last && last.childNodes.length == 1 && last.firstChild.nodeName == 'BR') ed.dom.remove(last); }); fixTableCaretPos(); } }); // Register action commands each({ mceTableSplitCells : function(grid) { grid.split(); }, mceTableMergeCells : function(grid) { var rowSpan, colSpan, cell; cell = ed.dom.getParent(ed.selection.getNode(), 'th,td'); if (cell) { rowSpan = cell.rowSpan; colSpan = cell.colSpan; } if (!'td.mceSelected,th.mceSelected').length) {{ url : url + '/merge_cells.htm', width : 240 + parseInt(ed.getLang('table.merge_cells_delta_width', 0)), height : 110 + parseInt(ed.getLang('table.merge_cells_delta_height', 0)), inline : 1 }, { rows : rowSpan, cols : colSpan, onaction : function(data) { grid.merge(cell, data.cols, data.rows); }, plugin_url : url }); } else grid.merge(); }, mceTableInsertRowBefore : function(grid) { grid.insertRow(true); }, mceTableInsertRowAfter : function(grid) { grid.insertRow(); }, mceTableInsertColBefore : function(grid) { grid.insertCol(true); }, mceTableInsertColAfter : function(grid) { grid.insertCol(); }, mceTableDeleteCol : function(grid) { grid.deleteCols(); }, mceTableDeleteRow : function(grid) { grid.deleteRows(); }, mceTableCutRow : function(grid) { clipboardRows = grid.cutRows(); }, mceTableCopyRow : function(grid) { clipboardRows = grid.copyRows(); }, mceTablePasteRowBefore : function(grid) { grid.pasteRows(clipboardRows, true); }, mceTablePasteRowAfter : function(grid) { grid.pasteRows(clipboardRows); }, mceTableDelete : function(grid) { grid.deleteTable(); } }, function(func, name) { ed.addCommand(name, function() { var grid = createTableGrid(); if (grid) { func(grid); ed.execCommand('mceRepaint'); cleanup(); } }); }); // Register dialog commands each({ mceInsertTable : function(val) {{ url : url + '/table.htm', width : 400 + parseInt(ed.getLang('table.table_delta_width', 0)), height : 320 + parseInt(ed.getLang('table.table_delta_height', 0)), inline : 1 }, { plugin_url : url, action : val ? val.action : 0 }); }, mceTableRowProps : function() {{ url : url + '/row.htm', width : 400 + parseInt(ed.getLang('table.rowprops_delta_width', 0)), height : 295 + parseInt(ed.getLang('table.rowprops_delta_height', 0)), inline : 1 }, { plugin_url : url }); }, mceTableCellProps : function() {{ url : url + '/cell.htm', width : 400 + parseInt(ed.getLang('table.cellprops_delta_width', 0)), height : 295 + parseInt(ed.getLang('table.cellprops_delta_height', 0)), inline : 1 }, { plugin_url : url }); } }, function(func, name) { ed.addCommand(name, function(ui, val) { func(val); }); }); } }); // Register plugin tinymce.PluginManager.add('table', tinymce.plugins.TablePlugin); })(tinymce);