view gpp/templates/forums/display_post.html @ 271:4746df47a538

Follow on to last rev (r292) for #126. Missed updating a shoutbox template. Also the repoze.timeago package uses UTC time by default. Change this to local time for now until we decide to switch over to UTC for everything.
author Brian Neal <>
date Sun, 26 Sep 2010 17:42:00 +0000
parents fe900598f81c
children 8fd4984d5c3b
line wrap: on
line source
{% load avatar_tags %}
{% load forum_tags %}
<tr class="forum-post {% cycle 'odd' 'even' %}" id="post-{{ }}">
   <td class="forum-post-author">
      <a name="p{{ }}"></a>
      <a href="{% url bio-view_profile username=post.user.username %}" title="View Profile for {{ post.user.username }}">{{ post.user.username }}</a><br />
      <a href="{% url bio-view_profile username=post.user.username %}">{% avatar post.user %}</a>
      Joined: {{ post.user.date_joined|date:"M d, Y" }}<br />
      Posts: {{ post.user_profile.forum_post_count }}<br />
      {% if post.user_profile.location %}
      Location: {{ post.user_profile.location }}<br />
      {% endif %}
      {% for bo in post.user_profile.badge_ownership %}
         <img src="{{ bo.badge.image.url }}" alt="{{ bo.badge_count_str }}" title="{{ bo.badge_count_str }}" />
      {% endfor %}
      {% if user.is_authenticated %}
      <a href="{% url messages-compose_to post.user.username %}">
      <img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}icons/note.png" alt="PM" title="Send Private Message to {{ post.user.username }}" /></a>
      {% if not post.user_profile.hide_email %}<a href="mailto:{{ }}">
         <img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}icons/email.png" alt="Email" title="Send Email to {{ post.user.username}}" /></a>{% endif %}
      {% endif %}
   <td class="forum-post-body">
      <div class="forum-post-info quiet{% if post.user_profile.is_stranger %} stranger{% endif %}">
      {% if post.unread %}<img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}icons/new.png" alt="New" title="New" />{% endif %}
      <a href="{{ post.get_absolute_url }}"><img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}icons/link.png" alt="Link" title="Link to this post" /></a>
         Posted on {% forum_date post.creation_date user %}
         {% if can_moderate %}from IP: <a href="{% url forums-post_ip_info %}">{{ post.user_ip }}</a>{% endif %}
      <div class="forum-post-body">
         {{ post.html|safe }}
         {% if post.user_profile.signature_html %}
            &mdash;{{ post.user_profile.signature_html|safe }}
         {% endif %}
         {% if post.has_been_edited %}
         <p class="small quiet">Last edited: {{ post.update_date|date:"M d, Y H:i:s" }}</p>
         {% endif %}
      <div class="forum-post-info-tools">
      {% if can_reply %}
         <a href="{% url forums-new_post %}?quote={{ }}"><img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}icons/comment.png" alt="Reply with quote" title="Reply with quote" /></a>
      {% endif %}
      {% post_edit_button post user can_moderate MEDIA_URL %}
      <a href="#" class="post-flag" id="fp-{{ }}" 
         title="Flag this post as spam, abuse, or a violation of site rules.">
         <img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}icons/flag_red.png" alt="Flag" /></a>
      {% if can_moderate %}
      <a href="#" class="post-delete" id="dp-{{ }}"
         title="Delete this post"><img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}icons/cross.png" alt="Delete post" /></a>
         {% if post.user != user and post.user_profile.is_stranger %}
         <br />
         <span class="quiet">Stranger options:</span>
         <a href="{% url forums-stranger %}" title="This stranger seems legitimate">
            <img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}icons/tick.png" alt="Acquaintance" /></a>
         <a href="{% url forums-spammer %}" title="This is spam">
            <img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}icons/exclamation.png" alt="Spammer" /></a>
         {% endif %}
      {% endif %}