view media/js/tiny_mce/plugins/inlinepopups/editor_plugin_src.js @ 265:1ba2c6bf6eb7

Closing #98. Animated GIFs were losing their transparency and animated properties when saved as avatars. Reworked the avatar save process to only run the avatar through PIL if it is too big. This preserves the original uploaded file if it is within the desired size settings. This may still mangle big animated gifs. If this becomes a problem, then maybe look into calling the PIL Image.resize() method directly. Moved the PIL image specific functions from bio.forms to a new module: core.image for better reusability in the future.
author Brian Neal <>
date Fri, 24 Sep 2010 02:12:09 +0000
parents 149c3567fec1
line wrap: on
line source
 * editor_plugin_src.js
 * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
 * Released under LGPL License.
 * License:
 * Contributing:

(function() {
	var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Element = tinymce.dom.Element, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, each = tinymce.each, is =;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.InlinePopups', {
		init : function(ed, url) {
			// Replace window manager
			ed.onBeforeRenderUI.add(function() {
				ed.windowManager = new tinymce.InlineWindowManager(ed);
				DOM.loadCSS(url + '/skins/' + (ed.settings.inlinepopups_skin || 'clearlooks2') + "/window.css");

		getInfo : function() {
			return {
				longname : 'InlinePopups',
				author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
				authorurl : '',
				infourl : '',
				version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion

	tinymce.create('tinymce.InlineWindowManager:tinymce.WindowManager', {
		InlineWindowManager : function(ed) {
			var t = this;

			t.zIndex = 300000;
			t.count = 0; = {};

		open : function(f, p) {
			var t = this, id, opt = '', ed = t.editor, dw = 0, dh = 0, vp, po, mdf, clf, we, w, u;

			f = f || {};
			p = p || {};

			// Run native windows
			if (!f.inline)
				return t.parent(f, p);

			// Only store selection if the type is a normal window
			if (!f.type)
				t.bookmark = ed.selection.getBookmark(1);

			id = DOM.uniqueId();
			vp = DOM.getViewPort();
			f.width = parseInt(f.width || 320);
			f.height = parseInt(f.height || 240) + (tinymce.isIE ? 8 : 0);
			f.min_width = parseInt(f.min_width || 150);
			f.min_height = parseInt(f.min_height || 100);
			f.max_width = parseInt(f.max_width || 2000);
			f.max_height = parseInt(f.max_height || 2000);
			f.left = f.left || Math.round(Math.max(vp.x, vp.x + (vp.w / 2.0) - (f.width / 2.0))); = || Math.round(Math.max(vp.y, vp.y + (vp.h / 2.0) - (f.height / 2.0)));
			f.movable = f.resizable = true;
			p.mce_width = f.width;
			p.mce_height = f.height;
			p.mce_inline = true;
			p.mce_window_id = id;
			p.mce_auto_focus = f.auto_focus;

			// Transpose
//			po = DOM.getPos(ed.getContainer());
//			f.left -= po.x;
// -= po.y;

			t.features = f;
			t.params = p;
			t.onOpen.dispatch(t, f, p);

			if (f.type) {
				opt += ' mceModal';

				if (f.type)
					opt += ' mce' + f.type.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + f.type.substring(1);

				f.resizable = false;

			if (f.statusbar)
				opt += ' mceStatusbar';

			if (f.resizable)
				opt += ' mceResizable';

			if (f.minimizable)
				opt += ' mceMinimizable';

			if (f.maximizable)
				opt += ' mceMaximizable';

			if (f.movable)
				opt += ' mceMovable';

			// Create DOM objects
				['div', {id : id, 'class' : ed.settings.inlinepopups_skin || 'clearlooks2', style : 'width:100px;height:100px'}, 
					['div', {id : id + '_wrapper', 'class' : 'mceWrapper' + opt},
						['div', {id : id + '_top', 'class' : 'mceTop'}, 
							['div', {'class' : 'mceLeft'}],
							['div', {'class' : 'mceCenter'}],
							['div', {'class' : 'mceRight'}],
							['span', {id : id + '_title'}, f.title || '']

						['div', {id : id + '_middle', 'class' : 'mceMiddle'}, 
							['div', {id : id + '_left', 'class' : 'mceLeft'}],
							['span', {id : id + '_content'}],
							['div', {id : id + '_right', 'class' : 'mceRight'}]

						['div', {id : id + '_bottom', 'class' : 'mceBottom'},
							['div', {'class' : 'mceLeft'}],
							['div', {'class' : 'mceCenter'}],
							['div', {'class' : 'mceRight'}],
							['span', {id : id + '_status'}, 'Content']

						['a', {'class' : 'mceMove', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
						['a', {'class' : 'mceMin', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}],
						['a', {'class' : 'mceMax', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}],
						['a', {'class' : 'mceMed', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}],
						['a', {'class' : 'mceClose', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}],
						['a', {id : id + '_resize_n', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeN', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
						['a', {id : id + '_resize_s', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeS', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
						['a', {id : id + '_resize_w', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeW', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
						['a', {id : id + '_resize_e', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeE', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
						['a', {id : id + '_resize_nw', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeNW', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
						['a', {id : id + '_resize_ne', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeNE', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
						['a', {id : id + '_resize_sw', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeSW', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
						['a', {id : id + '_resize_se', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeSE', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}]

			DOM.setStyles(id, {top : -10000, left : -10000});

			// Fix gecko rendering bug, where the editors iframe messed with window contents
			if (tinymce.isGecko)
				DOM.setStyle(id, 'overflow', 'auto');

			// Measure borders
			if (!f.type) {
				dw += DOM.get(id + '_left').clientWidth;
				dw += DOM.get(id + '_right').clientWidth;
				dh += DOM.get(id + '_top').clientHeight;
				dh += DOM.get(id + '_bottom').clientHeight;

			// Resize window
			DOM.setStyles(id, {top :, left : f.left, width : f.width + dw, height : f.height + dh});

			u = f.url || f.file;
			if (u) {
				if (tinymce.relaxedDomain)
					u += (u.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'mce_rdomain=' + tinymce.relaxedDomain;

				u = tinymce._addVer(u);

			if (!f.type) {
				DOM.add(id + '_content', 'iframe', {id : id + '_ifr', src : 'javascript:""', frameBorder : 0, style : 'border:0;width:10px;height:10px'});
				DOM.setStyles(id + '_ifr', {width : f.width, height : f.height});
				DOM.setAttrib(id + '_ifr', 'src', u);
			} else {
				DOM.add(id + '_wrapper', 'a', {id : id + '_ok', 'class' : 'mceButton mceOk', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}, 'Ok');

				if (f.type == 'confirm')
					DOM.add(id + '_wrapper', 'a', {'class' : 'mceButton mceCancel', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}, 'Cancel');

				DOM.add(id + '_middle', 'div', {'class' : 'mceIcon'});
				DOM.setHTML(id + '_content', f.content.replace('\n', '<br />'));

			// Register events
			mdf = Event.add(id, 'mousedown', function(e) {
				var n =, w, vp;

				w =[id];

				if (n.nodeName == 'A' || n.nodeName == 'a') {
					if (n.className == 'mceMax') {
						w.oldPos = w.element.getXY();
						w.oldSize = w.element.getSize();

						vp = DOM.getViewPort();

						// Reduce viewport size to avoid scrollbars
						vp.w -= 2;
						vp.h -= 2;

						w.element.moveTo(vp.x, vp.y);
						w.element.resizeTo(vp.w, vp.h);
						DOM.setStyles(id + '_ifr', {width : vp.w - w.deltaWidth, height : vp.h - w.deltaHeight});
						DOM.addClass(id + '_wrapper', 'mceMaximized');
					} else if (n.className == 'mceMed') {
						// Reset to old size
						w.element.moveTo(w.oldPos.x, w.oldPos.y);
						w.element.resizeTo(w.oldSize.w, w.oldSize.h);
						w.iframeElement.resizeTo(w.oldSize.w - w.deltaWidth, w.oldSize.h - w.deltaHeight);

						DOM.removeClass(id + '_wrapper', 'mceMaximized');
					} else if (n.className == 'mceMove')
						return t._startDrag(id, e, n.className);
					else if (DOM.hasClass(n, 'mceResize'))
						return t._startDrag(id, e, n.className.substring(13));

			clf = Event.add(id, 'click', function(e) {
				var n =;


				if (n.nodeName == 'A' || n.nodeName == 'a') {
					switch (n.className) {
						case 'mceClose':
							t.close(null, id);
							return Event.cancel(e);

						case 'mceButton mceOk':
						case 'mceButton mceCancel':
							f.button_func(n.className == 'mceButton mceOk');
							return Event.cancel(e);

			// Add window
			w =[id] = {
				id : id,
				mousedown_func : mdf,
				click_func : clf,
				element : new Element(id, {blocker : 1, container : ed.getContainer()}),
				iframeElement : new Element(id + '_ifr'),
				features : f,
				deltaWidth : dw,
				deltaHeight : dh

			w.iframeElement.on('focus', function() {

			// Setup blocker
			if (t.count == 0 && t.editor.getParam('dialog_type', 'modal') == 'modal') {
				DOM.add(DOM.doc.body, 'div', {
					id : 'mceModalBlocker',
					'class' : (t.editor.settings.inlinepopups_skin || 'clearlooks2') + '_modalBlocker',
					style : {zIndex : t.zIndex - 1}
				});'mceModalBlocker'); // Reduces flicker in IE
			} else
				DOM.setStyle('mceModalBlocker', 'z-index', t.zIndex - 1);

			if (tinymce.isIE6 || /Firefox\/2\./.test(navigator.userAgent) || (tinymce.isIE && !DOM.boxModel))
				DOM.setStyles('mceModalBlocker', {position : 'absolute', left : vp.x, top : vp.y, width : vp.w - 2, height : vp.h - 2});

			t._fixIELayout(id, 1);

			// Focus ok button
			if (DOM.get(id + '_ok'))
				DOM.get(id + '_ok').focus();


			return w;

		focus : function(id) {
			var t = this, w;

			if (w =[id]) {
				w.zIndex = this.zIndex++;
				w.element.setStyle('zIndex', w.zIndex);

				id = id + '_wrapper';
				DOM.removeClass(t.lastId, 'mceFocus');
				DOM.addClass(id, 'mceFocus');
				t.lastId = id;

		_addAll : function(te, ne) {
			var i, n, t = this, dom = tinymce.DOM;

			if (is(ne, 'string'))
			else if (ne.length) {
				te = te.appendChild(dom.create(ne[0], ne[1]));

				for (i=2; i<ne.length; i++)
					t._addAll(te, ne[i]);

		_startDrag : function(id, se, ac) {
			var t = this, mu, mm, d = DOM.doc, eb, w =[id], we = w.element, sp = we.getXY(), p, sz, ph, cp, vp, sx, sy, sex, sey, dx, dy, dw, dh;

			// Get positons and sizes
//			cp = DOM.getPos(t.editor.getContainer());
			cp = {x : 0, y : 0};
			vp = DOM.getViewPort();

			// Reduce viewport size to avoid scrollbars while dragging
			vp.w -= 2;
			vp.h -= 2;

			sex = se.screenX;
			sey = se.screenY;
			dx = dy = dw = dh = 0;

			// Handle mouse up
			mu = Event.add(d, 'mouseup', function(e) {
				Event.remove(d, 'mouseup', mu);
				Event.remove(d, 'mousemove', mm);

				if (eb)

				we.moveBy(dx, dy);
				we.resizeBy(dw, dh);
				sz = we.getSize();
				DOM.setStyles(id + '_ifr', {width : sz.w - w.deltaWidth, height : sz.h - w.deltaHeight});
				t._fixIELayout(id, 1);

				return Event.cancel(e);

			if (ac != 'Move')

			function startMove() {
				if (eb)

				t._fixIELayout(id, 0);

				// Setup event blocker
				DOM.add(d.body, 'div', {
					id : 'mceEventBlocker',
					'class' : 'mceEventBlocker ' + (t.editor.settings.inlinepopups_skin || 'clearlooks2'),
					style : {zIndex : t.zIndex + 1}

				if (tinymce.isIE6 || (tinymce.isIE && !DOM.boxModel))
					DOM.setStyles('mceEventBlocker', {position : 'absolute', left : vp.x, top : vp.y, width : vp.w - 2, height : vp.h - 2});

				eb = new Element('mceEventBlocker');

				// Setup placeholder
				p = we.getXY();
				sz = we.getSize();
				sx = cp.x + p.x - vp.x;
				sy = cp.y + p.y - vp.y;
				DOM.add(eb.get(), 'div', {id : 'mcePlaceHolder', 'class' : 'mcePlaceHolder', style : {left : sx, top : sy, width : sz.w, height : sz.h}});
				ph = new Element('mcePlaceHolder');

			// Handle mouse move/drag
			mm = Event.add(d, 'mousemove', function(e) {
				var x, y, v;


				x = e.screenX - sex;
				y = e.screenY - sey;

				switch (ac) {
					case 'ResizeW':
						dx = x;
						dw = 0 - x;

					case 'ResizeE':
						dw = x;

					case 'ResizeN':
					case 'ResizeNW':
					case 'ResizeNE':
						if (ac == "ResizeNW") {
							dx = x;
							dw = 0 - x;
						} else if (ac == "ResizeNE")
							dw = x;

						dy = y;
						dh = 0 - y;

					case 'ResizeS':
					case 'ResizeSW':
					case 'ResizeSE':
						if (ac == "ResizeSW") {
							dx = x;
							dw = 0 - x;
						} else if (ac == "ResizeSE")
							dw = x;

						dh = y;

					case 'mceMove':
						dx = x;
						dy = y;

				// Boundary check
				if (dw < (v = w.features.min_width - sz.w)) {
					if (dx !== 0)
						dx += dw - v;

					dw = v;
				if (dh < (v = w.features.min_height - sz.h)) {
					if (dy !== 0)
						dy += dh - v;

					dh = v;

				dw = Math.min(dw, w.features.max_width - sz.w);
				dh = Math.min(dh, w.features.max_height - sz.h);
				dx = Math.max(dx, vp.x - (sx + vp.x));
				dy = Math.max(dy, vp.y - (sy + vp.y));
				dx = Math.min(dx, (vp.w + vp.x) - (sx + sz.w + vp.x));
				dy = Math.min(dy, (vp.h + vp.y) - (sy + sz.h + vp.y));

				// Move if needed
				if (dx + dy !== 0) {
					if (sx + dx < 0)
						dx = 0;
					if (sy + dy < 0)
						dy = 0;

					ph.moveTo(sx + dx, sy + dy);

				// Resize if needed
				if (dw + dh !== 0)
					ph.resizeTo(sz.w + dw, sz.h + dh);

				return Event.cancel(e);

			return Event.cancel(se);

		resizeBy : function(dw, dh, id) {
			var w =[id];

			if (w) {
				w.element.resizeBy(dw, dh);
				w.iframeElement.resizeBy(dw, dh);

		close : function(win, id) {
			var t = this, w, d = DOM.doc, ix = 0, fw, id;

			id = t._findId(id || win);

			// Probably not inline
			if (![id]) {


			if (t.count == 0)

			if (w =[id]) {
				Event.remove(d, 'mousedown', w.mousedownFunc);
				Event.remove(d, 'click', w.clickFunc);
				Event.clear(id + '_ifr');

				DOM.setAttrib(id + '_ifr', 'src', 'javascript:""'); // Prevent leak

				// Find front most window and focus that
				each (, function(w) {
					if (w.zIndex > ix) {
						fw = w;
						ix = w.zIndex;

				if (fw)

		setTitle : function(w, ti) {
			var e;

			w = this._findId(w);

			if (e = DOM.get(w + '_title'))
				e.innerHTML = DOM.encode(ti);

		alert : function(txt, cb, s) {
			var t = this, w;

			w ={
				title : t,
				type : 'alert',
				button_func : function(s) {
					if (cb) || t, s);

				content : DOM.encode(t.editor.getLang(txt, txt)),
				inline : 1,
				width : 400,
				height : 130

		confirm : function(txt, cb, s) {
			var t = this, w;

			w ={
				title : t,
				type : 'confirm',
				button_func : function(s) {
					if (cb) || t, s);

				content : DOM.encode(t.editor.getLang(txt, txt)),
				inline : 1,
				width : 400,
				height : 130

		// Internal functions

		_findId : function(w) {
			var t = this;

			if (typeof(w) == 'string')
				return w;

			each(, function(wo) {
				var ifr = DOM.get( + '_ifr');

				if (ifr && w == ifr.contentWindow) {
					w =;
					return false;

			return w;

		_fixIELayout : function(id, s) {
			var w, img;

			if (!tinymce.isIE6)

			// Fixes the bug where hover flickers and does odd things in IE6
			each(['n','s','w','e','nw','ne','sw','se'], function(v) {
				var e = DOM.get(id + '_resize_' + v);

				DOM.setStyles(e, {
					width : s ? e.clientWidth : '',
					height : s ? e.clientHeight : '',
					cursor : DOM.getStyle(e, 'cursor', 1)

				DOM.setStyle(id + "_bottom", 'bottom', '-1px');

				e = 0;

			// Fixes graphics glitch
			if (w =[id]) {
				// Fixes rendering bug after resize

				// Forced a repaint of the window
				//DOM.get(id).style.filter = '';

				// IE has a bug where images used in CSS won't get loaded
				// sometimes when the cache in the browser is disabled
				// This fix tries to solve it by loading the images using the image object
				each('div,a', id), function(e, i) {
					if (e.currentStyle.backgroundImage != 'none') {
						img = new Image();
						img.src = e.currentStyle.backgroundImage.replace(/url\(\"(.+)\"\)/, '$1');

				DOM.get(id).style.filter = '';

	// Register plugin
	tinymce.PluginManager.add('inlinepopups', tinymce.plugins.InlinePopups);