view wiki/ @ 733:18e42866b34d

For #56, default to anonymous radio button on donations form. Also improve the donations admin page with a date hierarchy and other fields on the list display.
author Brian Neal <>
date Thu, 24 Oct 2013 21:03:03 -0500 (2013-10-25)
parents a4300639c6e7
children aeafbf3ecebf
line wrap: on
line source
Celery tasks for the wiki app.

import datetime
import logging
import time

from celery.task import task
from django.conf import settings
import redis

from import get_redis_connection

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def expire_cookies():
    Periodically run this task to remove expired cookies from the Redis set
    that is shared between this Django application & the MoinMoin wiki for

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    cutoff = now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=settings.WIKI_COOKIE_AGE)
    min_score = time.mktime(cutoff.utctimetuple())

    conn = get_redis_connection()

    set_name = settings.WIKI_REDIS_SET
        count = conn.zcard(set_name)
    except redis.RedisError:
        logger.error("Error getting zcard")

        removed = conn.zremrangebyscore(set_name, 0.0, min_score)
    except redis.RedisError:
        logger.error("Error removing by score")

    total = count - removed"Expire wiki cookies: removed %d, total is now %d",
            removed, total)