view contact/ @ 661:15dbe0ccda95

Prevent exceptions when viewing downloads in the admin when the file doesn't exist on the filesystem. This is usually seen in development but can also happen in production if the file is missing.
author Brian Neal <>
date Tue, 14 May 2013 21:02:47 -0500
parents ee87ea74d46b
children 38db6ec61af3
line wrap: on
line source
"""forms for the contact application"""

from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from core.functions import send_mail

class ContactForm(forms.Form):
   """Form used to contact the website admins"""
   name = forms.CharField(label = "Your Name", max_length = 61,
         widget = forms.TextInput(attrs = {'size' : 50 }))
   email = forms.EmailField(label = "Your Email",
         widget = forms.TextInput(attrs = {'size' : 50 }))
   subject = forms.CharField(max_length = 64,
         widget = forms.TextInput(attrs = {'size' : 50 }))
   honeypot = forms.CharField(max_length = 64, required = False,
         label = 'If you enter anything in this field your message will be treated as spam')
   message = forms.CharField(label = "Your Message", 
         widget = forms.Textarea(attrs = {'rows' : 16, 'cols' : 50}), 
         max_length = 3000)

   recipient_list = [mail_tuple[1] for mail_tuple in settings.MANAGERS]

   def clean_honeypot(self):
      value = self.cleaned_data['honeypot']
      if value:
         raise forms.ValidationError(self.fields['honeypot'].label)
      return value

   def save(self):
      # Send the feedback message email

      site = Site.objects.get_current()

      msg = render_to_string('contact/contact_email.txt',
               'site_name' :,
               'user_name' : self.cleaned_data['name'],
               'user_email' : self.cleaned_data['email'],
               'message' : self.cleaned_data['message'],

      subject = + ' Feedback: ' + self.cleaned_data['subject']
      send_mail(subject, msg, self.cleaned_data['email'], self.recipient_list)