view core/ @ 933:0aa9aeaa98a6

Add tests for potd signal handlers.
author Brian Neal <>
date Thu, 16 Apr 2015 19:35:08 -0500 (2015-04-17)
parents ee47122d6277
children 51a2051588f5
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"""This module contains a function to upload an image file to a S3Bucket.

The image can be resized and a thumbnail can be generated and uploaded as well.

from base64 import b64encode
import logging
from io import BytesIO
import os.path
import tempfile
import uuid

from PIL import Image

from core.functions import temp_open
from core.image import orient_image

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def make_key():
    """Generate a random key suitable for a filename"""
    return b64encode(uuid.uuid4().bytes, '-_').rstrip('=')

def upload(fp, bucket, metadata=None, new_size=None, thumb_size=None):
    """Upload an image file to a given S3Bucket.

    The image can optionally be resized and a thumbnail can be generated and
    uploaded as well.

        fp - The image file to process. This is expected to be an instance of
             Django's UploadedFile class. The file must have a name attribute and
             we expect the name to have an extension. This is extension is
             used for the uploaded image and thumbnail names.
        bucket - A core.s3.S3Bucket instance to upload to.
        metadata - If not None, must be a dictionary of metadata to apply to the
                   uploaded file and thumbnail.
        new_size - If not None, the image will be resized to the dimensions
                   specified by new_size, which must be a (width, height) tuple.
        thumb_size - If not None, a thumbnail image will be created with the
                     dimensions specified by thumb_size, which must be a (width,
                     height) tuple. The thumbnail will use the same metadata, if
                     present, as the image. The thumbnail filename will be the
                     same basename as the image with a 't' appended. The
                     extension will be the same as the original image.

    A tuple is returned: (image_url, thumb_url) where thumb_url will be None if
    a thumbnail was not requested.

    filename ='Processing image file: %s', filename)

    # Trying to use PIL (or Pillow) on a Django UploadedFile is often
    # problematic because the file is often an in-memory file if it is under
    # a certain size. This complicates matters and many of the operations we try
    # to perform on it fail if this is the case. To get around these issues,
    # we make a copy of the file on the file system and operate on the copy.
    # First generate a unique name and temporary file path.
    unique_key = make_key()
    ext = os.path.splitext([1]
    temp_name = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), unique_key + ext)

    # Write the UploadedFile to a temporary file on disk
    with temp_open(temp_name, 'wb') as temp_file:
        for chunk in fp.chunks():

        # Re-orient if necessary
        image =
        changed, image = orient_image(image)
        if changed:

        # Resize image if necessary
        if new_size:
            image =
            if image.size > new_size:
                logger.debug('Resizing from {} to {}'.format(image.size, new_size))
                image.thumbnail(new_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

        # Create thumbnail if necessary
        thumb = None
        if thumb_size:
            logger.debug('Creating thumbnail {}'.format(thumb_size))
            image =
            image.thumbnail(thumb_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
            thumb = BytesIO()
  , format=image.format)

        # Upload images to S3
        file_key = unique_key + ext
        logging.debug('Uploading image')
        image_url = bucket.upload_from_filename(file_key, temp_name, metadata)

    thumb_url = None
    if thumb:
        logging.debug('Uploading thumbnail')
        thumb_key = '{}t{}'.format(unique_key, ext)
        thumb_url = bucket.upload_from_string(thumb_key,
                                              metadata)'Completed processing image file: %s', filename)

    return (image_url, thumb_url)