annotate gpp/ @ 186:be3fff614b93

Implement #66; use jQuery UI autocomplete widget to replace obsolete jquery-autocomplete plugin. I implemented a very simple caching system.
author Brian Neal <>
date Tue, 30 Mar 2010 01:30:32 +0000
parents 4e1abeb593c2
children d293b423bdaf
rev   line source
gremmie@1 1 # Django settings for gpp project.
gremmie@1 2
gremmie@1 3 import os
gremmie@1 4 import platform
bgneal@38 5 from decimal import Decimal
bgneal@38 6 import logging
bgneal@38 7
gremmie@1 8 import local_settings
bgneal@35 9
gremmie@1 10 project_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(__file__)[0])
gremmie@1 11
gremmie@1 12 DEBUG = local_settings.DEBUG
gremmie@1 14
gremmie@1 15 ADMINS = (
gremmie@1 16 ('Brian Neal', ''),
gremmie@1 17 )
gremmie@1 18
gremmie@1 19 AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'bio.userprofile'
gremmie@1 20
gremmie@1 21 MANAGERS = ADMINS
gremmie@1 22
bgneal@173 23 DATABASES = local_settings.DATABASES
gremmie@1 24
gremmie@1 25 INTERNAL_IPS = local_settings.INTERNAL_IPS
gremmie@1 26
gremmie@1 27 # Local time zone for this installation. Choices can be found here:
gremmie@1 28 #
gremmie@1 29 # although not all choices may be available on all operating systems.
gremmie@1 30 # If running in a Windows environment this must be set to the same as your
gremmie@1 31 # system time zone.
gremmie@1 32 TIME_ZONE = local_settings.TIME_ZONE
gremmie@1 33
gremmie@1 34 # Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here:
gremmie@1 35 #
gremmie@1 36 LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us'
gremmie@1 37
gremmie@1 38 SITE_ID = local_settings.SITE_ID
gremmie@1 39
gremmie@1 40 # If you set this to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not
gremmie@1 41 # to load the internationalization machinery.
gremmie@1 42 USE_I18N = False
gremmie@1 43
gremmie@1 44 # Absolute path to the directory that holds media.
gremmie@1 45 # Example: "/home/media/"
gremmie@1 46 MEDIA_ROOT = local_settings.MEDIA_ROOT
gremmie@1 47
gremmie@1 48 # URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROOT. Make sure to use a
gremmie@1 49 # trailing slash if there is a path component (optional in other cases).
gremmie@1 50 # Examples: "", ""
gremmie@1 51 MEDIA_URL = local_settings.MEDIA_URL
gremmie@1 52
gremmie@1 53 # URL prefix for admin media -- CSS, JavaScript and images. Make sure to use a
gremmie@1 54 # trailing slash.
gremmie@1 55 # Examples: "", "/media/".
gremmie@1 56 ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = local_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
gremmie@1 57
gremmie@1 58 # Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody.
gremmie@1 59 SECRET_KEY = local_settings.SECRET_KEY
gremmie@1 60
bgneal@174 61 # List of Loader classes that know how to import templates from various sources.
bgneal@181 62
bgneal@181 63 if DEBUG:
bgneal@181 64 TEMPLATE_LOADERS = (
bgneal@174 65 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader',
bgneal@178 66 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader',
bgneal@181 67 )
bgneal@181 68 else:
bgneal@181 69 TEMPLATE_LOADERS = (
bgneal@181 70 ('django.template.loaders.cached.Loader', (
bgneal@181 71 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader',
bgneal@181 72 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader',
bgneal@181 73 )),
bgneal@181 74 )
gremmie@1 75
gremmie@1 76 MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = (
gremmie@1 77 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
gremmie@1 78 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
bgneal@178 79 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware',
gremmie@1 80 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
bgneal@42 81 'django.contrib.flatpages.middleware.FlatpageFallbackMiddleware',
bgneal@160 82 'gpp.forums.middleware.WhosOnline',
gremmie@1 83 )
gremmie@1 84
gremmie@1 85 ROOT_URLCONF = 'gpp.urls'
gremmie@1 86
gremmie@1 87 TEMPLATE_DIRS = (
gremmie@1 88 # Put strings here, like "/home/html/django_templates" or "C:/www/django/templates".
gremmie@1 89 # Always use forward slashes, even on Windows.
gremmie@1 90 # Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths.
gremmie@1 91 os.path.join(project_path, 'templates'),
bgneal@29 92 '/home/brian/coding/python/django/django-elsewhere/elsewhere/templates',
gremmie@1 93 )
gremmie@1 94
bgneal@178 96 "django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth",
bgneal@178 97 "django.core.context_processors.debug",
bgneal@178 98 "django.core.context_processors.request",
bgneal@178 99 "",
bgneal@178 100 "django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages",
gremmie@1 101 )
gremmie@1 102
gremmie@1 103 INSTALLED_APPS = (
gremmie@1 104 'django.contrib.admin',
gremmie@1 105 'django.contrib.admindocs',
gremmie@1 106 'django.contrib.auth',
gremmie@1 107 'django.contrib.contenttypes',
bgneal@178 108 'django.contrib.flatpages',
bgneal@28 109 'django.contrib.humanize',
bgneal@178 110 'django.contrib.markup',
bgneal@178 111 'django.contrib.messages',
gremmie@1 112 'django.contrib.sessions',
gremmie@1 113 'django.contrib.sites',
bgneal@29 114 'elsewhere',
gremmie@1 115 'tagging',
gremmie@1 116 'accounts',
gremmie@1 117 'bio',
gremmie@1 118 'bulletins',
gremmie@1 119 'comments',
gremmie@1 120 'contact',
gremmie@1 121 'core',
bgneal@33 122 'donations',
gremmie@1 123 'downloads',
bgneal@75 124 'forums',
gremmie@1 125 'gcalendar',
gremmie@1 126 'irc',
bgneal@180 127 'mailer',
gremmie@1 128 'membermap',
gremmie@1 129 'messages',
gremmie@1 130 'news',
gremmie@1 131 'podcast',
gremmie@1 132 'polls',
gremmie@1 133 'potd',
gremmie@1 134 'shoutbox',
gremmie@1 135 'smiley',
gremmie@1 136 'weblinks',
gremmie@1 137 )
gremmie@1 138
gremmie@1 139 LOGIN_URL = '/accounts/login/'
gremmie@1 140 LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/profile/me/'
gremmie@1 141 LOGOUT_URL = '/accounts/logout/'
gremmie@1 142
bgneal@57 143 FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS = 0644
bgneal@80 144 DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = ADMINS[0][1]
gremmie@1 145
gremmie@1 146 #######################################################################
bgneal@178 147 # Messages
bgneal@178 148 #######################################################################
bgneal@178 149 MESSAGE_STORAGE = ''
bgneal@178 150
bgneal@178 151 #######################################################################
bgneal@180 152 # Email
bgneal@180 153 #######################################################################
bgneal@180 154 EMAIL_HOST = local_settings.EMAIL_HOST
bgneal@180 155 EMAIL_PORT = local_settings.EMAIL_PORT
bgneal@180 156
bgneal@180 157 #######################################################################
bgneal@43 158 # Caching
bgneal@43 159 #######################################################################
bgneal@43 160 if local_settings.USE_CACHE:
bgneal@43 161 CACHE_BACKEND = local_settings.CACHE_BACKEND
bgneal@43 165
bgneal@43 166 #######################################################################
gremmie@1 167 # Tagging Specific Settings
gremmie@1 168 #######################################################################
gremmie@1 169 FORCE_LOWERCASE_TAGS = True
gremmie@1 170 MAX_TAG_LENGTH = 50
gremmie@1 171
gremmie@1 172 #######################################################################
gremmie@1 173 # GPP Specific Settings
gremmie@1 174 #######################################################################
gremmie@1 175 GPP_LOG_LEVEL = 0
bgneal@180 176 GPP_SEND_EMAIL = local_settings.GPP_SEND_EMAIL # see MAILER_ENQUEUE_MAIL
gremmie@1 177 GPP_NO_REPLY_EMAIL = 'no_reply'
gremmie@1 178 AVATAR_DIR = 'avatars'
gremmie@1 179 MAX_AVATAR_SIZE_BYTES = 2 * 1024 * 1024
gremmie@1 180 MAX_AVATAR_SIZE_PIXELS = 100
gremmie@1 181 AVATAR_DEFAULT_URL = MEDIA_URL + AVATAR_DIR + '/default.png'
bgneal@36 182
bgneal@36 183 # Donations application settings:
bgneal@66 184 DONATIONS_DEBUG = local_settings.DONATIONS_DEBUG
bgneal@35 185 DONATIONS_ITEM_NAME = 'Donation for'
bgneal@35 186 DONATIONS_BUSINESS = ''
bgneal@59 188 DONATIONS_GOAL = Decimal('100.00') # monthly goal
bgneal@35 189 DONATIONS_ANON_NAME = u'Anonymous'
bgneal@60 190 DONATIONS_ITEM_NUM = '500' # donation w/name listed
bgneal@60 191 DONATIONS_ITEM_ANON_NUM = '501' # donation listed as anonymous
bgneal@6 192
bgneal@180 193 # If MAILER_ENQUEUE_MAIL is True, all emails will be stored in the
bgneal@180 194 # mailer application's mail queue (database table). It is then expected
bgneal@180 195 # that a daemon or cron job will actually send the mail out. If
bgneal@180 196 # MAILER_ENQUEUE_MAIL is False, then email will only be sent if
bgneal@180 197 # the setting GPP_SEND_EMAIL (above) is True. In any event, emails
bgneal@180 198 # will be logged via the Python logger if the Python logger filter
bgneal@180 199 # DEBUG is active.
bgneal@180 200
bgneal@180 201 MAILER_ENQUEUE_MAIL = True
bgneal@180 202
bgneal@38 203 #######################################################################
bgneal@38 204 # Configure Logging
bgneal@38 205 #######################################################################
bgneal@38 206
bgneal@38 207 logging.basicConfig(
bgneal@38 208 filename=os.path.join(project_path, 'logs', 'gpp.log'),
bgneal@38 209 filemode='a',
bgneal@38 210 format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
bgneal@38 211 level=local_settings.LOG_LEVEL)
bgneal@38 212
bgneal@38 213
bgneal@38 214 #######################################################################
bgneal@6 215 # URL's of 3rd party Javascript and CSS files.
bgneal@6 216 # These dictionaries are used by core/templatetags/script_tags, and
bgneal@6 217 # should also be used by developers when creating form media classes.
bgneal@6 218 GPP_THIRD_PARTY_JS = {
bgneal@6 219 'jquery': (
bgneal@184 220 '',
bgneal@6 221 ),
bgneal@6 222 'jquery-jeditable': (
bgneal@6 223 'js/',
bgneal@6 224 ),
bgneal@6 225 'jquery-ui': (
bgneal@184 226 '',
bgneal@6 227 ),
bgneal@6 228 'markitup': (
bgneal@6 229 'js/markitup/jquery.markitup.pack.js',
bgneal@6 230 'js/markitup/sets/markdown/set.js',
bgneal@6 231 ),
bgneal@7 232 'tiny_mce': (
bgneal@7 233 'js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js',
bgneal@7 234 'js/tiny_mce_init_std.js',
bgneal@7 235 ),
bgneal@6 236 }
bgneal@6 237 GPP_THIRD_PARTY_CSS = {
bgneal@6 238 'jquery-ui': (
bgneal@184 239 '',
bgneal@6 240 ),
bgneal@6 241 'markitup': (
bgneal@6 242 'js/markitup/skins/markitup/style.css',
bgneal@6 243 'js/markitup/sets/markdown/style.css',
bgneal@6 244 ),
bgneal@6 245 }
bgneal@6 246