annotate static/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/skins/default/dialog.css @ 334:6805d15cda13

Adding a script I had to write on the fly to filter out posts from the posts csv file that had no parent topics. MyISAM let me get away with that, but InnoDB won't.
author Brian Neal <>
date Sat, 26 Feb 2011 01:28:22 +0000
parents 88b2b9cb8c1f
rev   line source
bgneal@312 1 /* Generic */
bgneal@312 2 body {
bgneal@312 3 font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:11px;
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bgneal@312 6 scrollbar-base-color:#F0F0EE;
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bgneal@312 9 scrollbar-highlight-color:#F0F0EE;
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bgneal@312 12 background:#F0F0EE;
bgneal@312 13 padding:0;
bgneal@312 14 margin:8px 8px 0 8px;
bgneal@312 15 }
bgneal@312 16
bgneal@312 17 html {background:#F0F0EE;}
bgneal@312 18 td {font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10px;}
bgneal@312 19 textarea {resize:none;outline:none;}
bgneal@312 20 a:link, a:visited {color:black;}
bgneal@312 21 a:hover {color:#2B6FB6;}
bgneal@312 22 .nowrap {white-space: nowrap}
bgneal@312 23
bgneal@312 24 /* Forms */
bgneal@312 25 fieldset {margin:0; padding:4px; border:1px solid #919B9C; font-family:Verdana, Arial; font-size:10px;}
bgneal@312 26 legend {color:#2B6FB6; font-weight:bold;}
bgneal@312 27 label.msg {display:none;}
bgneal@312 28 label.invalid {color:#EE0000; display:inline;}
bgneal@312 29 input.invalid {border:1px solid #EE0000;}
bgneal@312 30 input {background:#FFF; border:1px solid #CCC;}
bgneal@312 31 input, select, textarea {font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10px;}
bgneal@312 32 input, select, textarea {border:1px solid #808080;}
bgneal@312 33 {border:1px none #000000; background:transparent; vertical-align:middle;}
bgneal@312 34 input.checkbox {border:1px none #000000; background:transparent; vertical-align:middle;}
bgneal@312 35 .input_noborder {border:0;}
bgneal@312 36
bgneal@312 37 /* Buttons */
bgneal@312 38 #insert, #cancel, input.button, .updateButton {
bgneal@312 39 border:0; margin:0; padding:0;
bgneal@312 40 font-weight:bold;
bgneal@312 41 width:94px; height:26px;
bgneal@312 42 background:url(img/buttons.png) 0 -26px;
bgneal@312 43 cursor:pointer;
bgneal@312 44 padding-bottom:2px;
bgneal@312 45 float:left;
bgneal@312 46 }
bgneal@312 47
bgneal@312 48 #insert {background:url(img/buttons.png) 0 -52px}
bgneal@312 49 #cancel {background:url(img/buttons.png) 0 0; float:right}
bgneal@312 50
bgneal@312 51 /* Browse */
bgneal@312 52 a.pickcolor, a.browse {text-decoration:none}
bgneal@312 53 a.browse span {display:block; width:20px; height:18px; background:url(../../img/icons.gif) -860px 0; border:1px solid #FFF; margin-left:1px;}
bgneal@312 54 .mceOldBoxModel a.browse span {width:22px; height:20px;}
bgneal@312 55 a.browse:hover span {border:1px solid #0A246A; background-color:#B2BBD0;}
bgneal@312 56 a.browse span.disabled {border:1px solid white; opacity:0.3; -ms-filter:'alpha(opacity=30)'; filter:alpha(opacity=30)}
bgneal@312 57 a.browse:hover span.disabled {border:1px solid white; background-color:transparent;}
bgneal@312 58 a.pickcolor span {display:block; width:20px; height:16px; background:url(../../img/icons.gif) -840px 0; margin-left:2px;}
bgneal@312 59 .mceOldBoxModel a.pickcolor span {width:21px; height:17px;}
bgneal@312 60 a.pickcolor:hover span {background-color:#B2BBD0;}
bgneal@312 61 a.pickcolor:hover span.disabled {}
bgneal@312 62
bgneal@312 63 /* Charmap */
bgneal@312 64 table.charmap {border:1px solid #AAA; text-align:center}
bgneal@312 65 td.charmap, #charmap a {width:18px; height:18px; color:#000; border:1px solid #AAA; text-align:center; font-size:12px; vertical-align:middle; line-height: 18px;}
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bgneal@312 68 #charmap #codeN {font-size:10px; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; text-align:center}
bgneal@312 69 #charmap #codeV {font-size:40px; height:80px; border:1px solid #AAA; text-align:center}
bgneal@312 70
bgneal@312 71 /* Source */
bgneal@312 72 .wordWrapCode {vertical-align:middle; border:1px none #000000; background:transparent;}
bgneal@312 73 .mceActionPanel {margin-top:5px;}
bgneal@312 74
bgneal@312 75 /* Tabs classes */
bgneal@312 76 .tabs {width:100%; height:18px; line-height:normal; background:url(img/tabs.gif) repeat-x 0 -72px;}
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bgneal@312 79 .tabs li.current {background:url(img/tabs.gif) no-repeat 0 -18px; margin-right:2px;}
bgneal@312 80 .tabs span {float:left; display:block; background:url(img/tabs.gif) no-repeat right -36px; padding:0px 10px 0 0;}
bgneal@312 81 .tabs .current span {background:url(img/tabs.gif) no-repeat right -54px;}
bgneal@312 82 .tabs a {text-decoration:none; font-family:Verdana, Arial; font-size:10px;}
bgneal@312 83 .tabs a:link, .tabs a:visited, .tabs a:hover {color:black;}
bgneal@312 84
bgneal@312 85 /* Panels */
bgneal@312 86 .panel_wrapper div.panel {display:none;}
bgneal@312 87 .panel_wrapper div.current {display:block; width:100%; height:300px; overflow:visible;}
bgneal@312 88 .panel_wrapper {border:1px solid #919B9C; border-top:0px; padding:10px; padding-top:5px; clear:both; background:white;}
bgneal@312 89
bgneal@312 90 /* Columns */
bgneal@312 91 .column {float:left;}
bgneal@312 92 .properties {width:100%;}
bgneal@312 93 .properties .column1 {}
bgneal@312 94 .properties .column2 {text-align:left;}
bgneal@312 95
bgneal@312 96 /* Titles */
bgneal@312 97 h1, h2, h3, h4 {color:#2B6FB6; margin:0; padding:0; padding-top:5px;}
bgneal@312 98 h3 {font-size:14px;}
bgneal@312 99 .title {font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; color:#2B6FB6;}
bgneal@312 100
bgneal@312 101 /* Dialog specific */
bgneal@312 102 #link .panel_wrapper, #link div.current {height:125px;}
bgneal@312 103 #image .panel_wrapper, #image div.current {height:200px;}
bgneal@312 104 #plugintable thead {font-weight:bold; background:#DDD;}
bgneal@312 105 #plugintable, #about #plugintable td {border:1px solid #919B9C;}
bgneal@312 106 #plugintable {width:96%; margin-top:10px;}
bgneal@312 107 #pluginscontainer {height:290px; overflow:auto;}
bgneal@312 108 #colorpicker #preview {float:right; width:50px; height:14px;line-height:1px; border:1px solid black; margin-left:5px;}
bgneal@312 109 #colorpicker #colors {float:left; border:1px solid gray; cursor:crosshair;}
bgneal@312 110 #colorpicker #light {border:1px solid gray; margin-left:5px; float:left;width:15px; height:150px; cursor:crosshair;}
bgneal@312 111 #colorpicker #light div {overflow:hidden;}
bgneal@312 112 #colorpicker #previewblock {float:right; padding-left:10px; height:20px;}
bgneal@312 113 #colorpicker .panel_wrapper div.current {height:175px;}
bgneal@312 114 #colorpicker #namedcolors {width:150px;}
bgneal@312 115 #colorpicker #namedcolors a {display:block; float:left; width:10px; height:10px; margin:1px 1px 0 0; overflow:hidden;}
bgneal@312 116 #colorpicker #colornamecontainer {margin-top:5px;}
bgneal@312 117 #colorpicker #picker_panel fieldset {margin:auto;width:325px;}