view content/Coding/001-blogofile-rst.rst @ 12:5ff71680269a

Set DISQUS_NO_ID so we don't confuse Disqus. The Pelican Bootstrap3 theme is by default adding data-disqus-identifier to my comment count links. Since my old blog didn't have these, I think Disqus is getting confused. When I removed this, some blog entries where Disqus didn't know what the comment count was suddenly began showing the correct comment counts (mainly 0 I think).
author Brian Neal <>
date Tue, 04 Feb 2014 18:44:59 -0600
parents 7ce6393e6d30
line wrap: on
line source
Blogofile, reStructuredText, and Pygments

:date: 2011-04-17 19:15
:tags: Blogofile, Pygments, reStructuredText
:slug: blogofile-restructuredtext-and-pygments
:author: Brian Neal

Blogofile_ has support out-of-the-box for reStructuredText_ and Pygments_. Blogofile's
```` filter wants you to mark your code blocks with a token such as
``$$code(lang=python)``. I wanted to use the method I am more familiar with, by configuring
reStructuredText with a `custom directive`_. Luckily this is very easy. Here is how I did it.

First of all, I checked what version of Pygments I had since I used Ubuntu's package
manager to install it. I then visited `Pygments on BitBucket`_, and switched to the tag that matched
my version. I then drilled into the ``external`` directory. I then saved the ````
file to my blog's local repository under the name ````. I named it with a leading
underscore so that Blogofile would ignore it. If this bothers you, you could also add it to
Blogofile's ``site.file_ignore_patterns`` setting.

Next, I tweaked the settings in ```` by un-commenting the ``linenos`` variant.

All we have to do now is to get Blogofile to import this module. This can be accomplished by making
use of the `pre_build() hook`_ in your ```` file. This is a convenient place to hang
custom code that will run before your blog is built. I added the following code to my
```` module

.. sourcecode:: python

   def pre_build():
       # Register the Pygments Docutils directive
       import _rst_directive

This allows me to embed code in my ``.rst`` files with the ``sourcecode`` directive. For example,
here is what I typed to create the source code snippet above::

   .. sourcecode:: python

      def pre_build():
          # Register the Pygments Docutils directive
          import _rst_directive
Of course to get it to look nice, we'll need some CSS. I used this Pygments command to generate 
a ``.css`` file for the blog.

.. sourcecode:: bash

   $ pygmentize -f html -S monokai -a .highlight > pygments.css

I saved ``pygments.css`` in my ``css`` directory and updated my site template to link it in.
Blogofile will copy this file into my ``_site`` directory when I build the blog.

Here is what I added to my blog's main ``.css`` file to style the code snippets. The important thing
for me was to add an ``overflow: auto;`` setting. This will ensure that a scrollbar will
appear on long lines instead of the code being truncated.

.. sourcecode:: css

   .highlight {
      width: 96%;
      padding: 0.5em 0.5em;
      border: 1px solid #00ff00;
      margin: 1.0em auto;
      overflow: auto;
That's it!

.. _Blogofile:
.. _reStructuredText:
.. _Pygments:
.. _custom directive:
.. _Pygments on BitBucket:
.. _pre_build() hook: