view static/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/utils/validate.js @ 55:0176eca97d1d

In the middle of revamping the band application. Moved the base and home templates out of the band directory. Started hacking on the band models, finally getting rid of older models and views. Not everything works yet in this commit.
author Brian Neal <>
date Sat, 07 Apr 2012 15:58:51 -0500 (2012-04-07)
parents 966cde8635c0
line wrap: on
line source
 * validate.js
 * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
 * Released under LGPL License.
 * License:
 * Contributing:

	// String validation:

	if (!Validator.isEmail('myemail'))
		alert('Invalid email.');

	// Form validation:

	var f = document.forms['myform'];

	if (!Validator.isEmail(f.myemail))
		alert('Invalid email.');

var Validator = {
	isEmail : function(s) {
		return this.test(s, '^[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+@[-!#$%&\'*+\\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\.[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+$');

	isAbsUrl : function(s) {
		return this.test(s, '^(news|telnet|nttp|file|http|ftp|https)://[-A-Za-z0-9\\.]+\\/?.*$');

	isSize : function(s) {
		return this.test(s, '^[0-9.]+(%|in|cm|mm|em|ex|pt|pc|px)?$');

	isId : function(s) {
		return this.test(s, '^[A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_])*$');

	isEmpty : function(s) {
		var nl, i;

		if (s.nodeName == 'SELECT' && s.selectedIndex < 1)
			return true;

		if (s.type == 'checkbox' && !s.checked)
			return true;

		if (s.type == 'radio') {
			for (i=0, nl = s.form.elements; i<nl.length; i++) {
				if (nl[i].type == "radio" && nl[i].name == && nl[i].checked)
					return false;

			return true;

		return new RegExp('^\\s*$').test(s.nodeType == 1 ? s.value : s);

	isNumber : function(s, d) {
		return !isNaN(s.nodeType == 1 ? s.value : s) && (!d || !this.test(s, '^-?[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*$'));

	test : function(s, p) {
		s = s.nodeType == 1 ? s.value : s;

		return s == '' || new RegExp(p).test(s);

var AutoValidator = {
	settings : {
		id_cls : 'id',
		int_cls : 'int',
		url_cls : 'url',
		number_cls : 'number',
		email_cls : 'email',
		size_cls : 'size',
		required_cls : 'required',
		invalid_cls : 'invalid',
		min_cls : 'min',
		max_cls : 'max'

	init : function(s) {
		var n;

		for (n in s)
			this.settings[n] = s[n];

	validate : function(f) {
		var i, nl, s = this.settings, c = 0;

		nl = this.tags(f, 'label');
		for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
			this.removeClass(nl[i], s.invalid_cls);
			nl[i].setAttribute('aria-invalid', false);

		c += this.validateElms(f, 'input');
		c += this.validateElms(f, 'select');
		c += this.validateElms(f, 'textarea');

		return c == 3;

	invalidate : function(n) {
		this.mark(n.form, n);
	getErrorMessages : function(f) {
		var nl, i, s = this.settings, field, msg, values, messages = [], ed = tinyMCEPopup.editor;
		nl = this.tags(f, "label");
		for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
			if (this.hasClass(nl[i], s.invalid_cls)) {
				field = document.getElementById(nl[i].getAttribute("for"));
				values = { field: nl[i].textContent };
				if (this.hasClass(field, s.min_cls, true)) {
					message = ed.getLang('invalid_data_min');
					values.min = this.getNum(field, s.min_cls);
				} else if (this.hasClass(field, s.number_cls)) {
					message = ed.getLang('invalid_data_number');
				} else if (this.hasClass(field, s.size_cls)) {
					message = ed.getLang('invalid_data_size');
				} else {
					message = ed.getLang('invalid_data');
				message = message.replace(/{\#([^}]+)\}/g, function(a, b) {
					return values[b] || '{#' + b + '}';
		return messages;

	reset : function(e) {
		var t = ['label', 'input', 'select', 'textarea'];
		var i, j, nl, s = this.settings;

		if (e == null)

		for (i=0; i<t.length; i++) {
			nl = this.tags(e.form ? e.form : e, t[i]);
			for (j=0; j<nl.length; j++) {
				this.removeClass(nl[j], s.invalid_cls);
				nl[j].setAttribute('aria-invalid', false);

	validateElms : function(f, e) {
		var nl, i, n, s = this.settings, st = true, va = Validator, v;

		nl = this.tags(f, e);
		for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
			n = nl[i];

			this.removeClass(n, s.invalid_cls);

			if (this.hasClass(n, s.required_cls) && va.isEmpty(n))
				st = this.mark(f, n);

			if (this.hasClass(n, s.number_cls) && !va.isNumber(n))
				st = this.mark(f, n);

			if (this.hasClass(n, s.int_cls) && !va.isNumber(n, true))
				st = this.mark(f, n);

			if (this.hasClass(n, s.url_cls) && !va.isAbsUrl(n))
				st = this.mark(f, n);

			if (this.hasClass(n, s.email_cls) && !va.isEmail(n))
				st = this.mark(f, n);

			if (this.hasClass(n, s.size_cls) && !va.isSize(n))
				st = this.mark(f, n);

			if (this.hasClass(n, s.id_cls) && !va.isId(n))
				st = this.mark(f, n);

			if (this.hasClass(n, s.min_cls, true)) {
				v = this.getNum(n, s.min_cls);

				if (isNaN(v) || parseInt(n.value) < parseInt(v))
					st = this.mark(f, n);

			if (this.hasClass(n, s.max_cls, true)) {
				v = this.getNum(n, s.max_cls);

				if (isNaN(v) || parseInt(n.value) > parseInt(v))
					st = this.mark(f, n);

		return st;

	hasClass : function(n, c, d) {
		return new RegExp('\\b' + c + (d ? '[0-9]+' : '') + '\\b', 'g').test(n.className);

	getNum : function(n, c) {
		c = n.className.match(new RegExp('\\b' + c + '([0-9]+)\\b', 'g'))[0];
		c = c.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');

		return c;

	addClass : function(n, c, b) {
		var o = this.removeClass(n, c);
		n.className = b ? c + (o != '' ? (' ' + o) : '') : (o != '' ? (o + ' ') : '') + c;

	removeClass : function(n, c) {
		c = n.className.replace(new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + c + "(\\s+|$)"), ' ');
		return n.className = c != ' ' ? c : '';

	tags : function(f, s) {
		return f.getElementsByTagName(s);

	mark : function(f, n) {
		var s = this.settings;

		this.addClass(n, s.invalid_cls);
		n.setAttribute('aria-invalid', 'true');
		this.markLabels(f, n, s.invalid_cls);

		return false;

	markLabels : function(f, n, ic) {
		var nl, i;

		nl = this.tags(f, "label");
		for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
			if (nl[i].getAttribute("for") == || nl[i].htmlFor ==
				this.addClass(nl[i], ic);

		return null;