diff mysite/photologue/models.py @ 1:0dcfcdf50c62

Initial import of Madeira project from the private repository.
author Brian Neal <bgneal@gmail.com>
date Mon, 06 Apr 2009 03:10:59 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mysite/photologue/models.py	Mon Apr 06 03:10:59 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
+import os
+import random
+import shutil
+import zipfile
+from datetime import datetime
+from inspect import isclass
+from django.db import models
+from django.db.models.signals import post_init
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
+from django.utils.functional import curry
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
+# Required PIL classes may or may not be available from the root namespace
+# depending on the installation method used.
+    import Image
+    import ImageFile
+    import ImageFilter
+    import ImageEnhance
+except ImportError:
+    try:
+        from PIL import Image
+        from PIL import ImageFile
+        from PIL import ImageFilter
+        from PIL import ImageEnhance
+    except ImportError:
+        raise ImportError(_('Photologue was unable to import the Python Imaging Library. Please confirm it`s installed and available on your current Python path.'))
+# attempt to load the django-tagging TagField from default location,
+# otherwise we substitude a dummy TagField.
+    from tagging.fields import TagField
+    tagfield_help_text = _('Separate tags with spaces, put quotes around multiple-word tags.')
+except ImportError:
+    class TagField(models.CharField):
+        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+            default_kwargs = {'max_length': 255, 'blank': True}
+            default_kwargs.update(kwargs)
+            super(TagField, self).__init__(**default_kwargs)
+        def get_internal_type(self):
+            return 'CharField'
+    tagfield_help_text = _('Django-tagging was not found, tags will be treated as plain text.')
+from utils import EXIF
+from utils.reflection import add_reflection
+from utils.watermark import apply_watermark
+# Path to sample image
+SAMPLE_IMAGE_PATH = getattr(settings, 'SAMPLE_IMAGE_PATH', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'res', 'sample.jpg')) # os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'photologue', 'res', 'sample.jpg'
+# Modify image file buffer size.
+ImageFile.MAXBLOCK = getattr(settings, 'PHOTOLOGUE_MAXBLOCK', 256 * 2 ** 10)
+# Photologue image path relative to media root
+PHOTOLOGUE_DIR = getattr(settings, 'PHOTOLOGUE_DIR', 'photologue')
+# Look for user function to define file paths
+PHOTOLOGUE_PATH = getattr(settings, 'PHOTOLOGUE_PATH', None)
+if PHOTOLOGUE_PATH is not None:
+    if callable(PHOTOLOGUE_PATH):
+        get_storage_path = PHOTOLOGUE_PATH
+    else:
+        parts = PHOTOLOGUE_PATH.split('.')
+        module_name = '.'.join(parts[:-1])
+        module = __import__(module_name)
+        get_storage_path = getattr(module, parts[-1])
+    def get_storage_path(instance, filename):
+        return os.path.join(PHOTOLOGUE_DIR, 'photos', filename)
+# Quality options for JPEG images
+    (30, _('Very Low')),
+    (40, _('Low')),
+    (50, _('Medium-Low')),
+    (60, _('Medium')),
+    (70, _('Medium-High')),
+    (80, _('High')),
+    (90, _('Very High')),
+# choices for new crop_anchor field in Photo
+    ('top', _('Top')),
+    ('right', _('Right')),
+    ('bottom', _('Bottom')),
+    ('left', _('Left')),
+    ('center', _('Center (Default)')),
+    ('FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT', _('Flip left to right')),
+    ('FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM', _('Flip top to bottom')),
+    ('ROTATE_90', _('Rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise')),
+    ('ROTATE_270', _('Rotate 90 degrees clockwise')),
+    ('ROTATE_180', _('Rotate 180 degrees')),
+    ('tile', _('Tile')),
+    ('scale', _('Scale')),
+# Prepare a list of image filters
+filter_names = []
+for n in dir(ImageFilter):
+    klass = getattr(ImageFilter, n)
+    if isclass(klass) and issubclass(klass, ImageFilter.BuiltinFilter) and \
+        hasattr(klass, 'name'):
+            filter_names.append(klass.__name__)
+IMAGE_FILTERS_HELP_TEXT = _('Chain multiple filters using the following pattern "FILTER_ONE->FILTER_TWO->FILTER_THREE". Image filters will be applied in order. The following filters are available: %s.' % (', '.join(filter_names)))
+class Gallery(models.Model):
+    date_added = models.DateTimeField(_('date published'), default=datetime.now)
+    title = models.CharField(_('title'), max_length=100, unique=True)
+    title_slug = models.SlugField(_('title slug'), unique=True,
+                                  help_text=_('A "slug" is a unique URL-friendly title for an object.'))
+    description = models.TextField(_('description'), blank=True)
+    is_public = models.BooleanField(_('is public'), default=True,
+                                    help_text=_('Public galleries will be displayed in the default views.'))
+    photos = models.ManyToManyField('Photo', related_name='galleries', verbose_name=_('photos'),
+                                    null=True, blank=True)
+    tags = TagField(help_text=tagfield_help_text, verbose_name=_('tags'))
+    class Meta:
+        ordering = ['-date_added']
+        get_latest_by = 'date_added'
+        verbose_name = _('gallery')
+        verbose_name_plural = _('galleries')
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return self.title
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__unicode__()
+    def get_absolute_url(self):
+        return reverse('pl-gallery', args=[self.title_slug])
+    def latest(self, limit=0, public=True):
+        if limit == 0:
+            limit = self.photo_count()
+        if public:
+            return self.public()[:limit]
+        else:
+            return self.photos.all()[:limit]
+    def sample(self, count=0, public=True):
+        if count == 0 or count > self.photo_count():
+            count = self.photo_count()
+        if public:
+            photo_set = self.public()
+        else:
+            photo_set = self.photos.all()
+        return random.sample(photo_set, count)
+    def photo_count(self, public=True):
+        if public:
+            return self.public().count()
+        else:
+            return self.photos.all().count()
+    photo_count.short_description = _('count')
+    def public(self):
+        return self.photos.filter(is_public=True)
+class GalleryUpload(models.Model):
+    zip_file = models.FileField(_('images file (.zip)'), upload_to=PHOTOLOGUE_DIR+"/temp",
+                                help_text=_('Select a .zip file of images to upload into a new Gallery.'))
+    gallery = models.ForeignKey(Gallery, null=True, blank=True, help_text=_('Select a gallery to add these images to. leave this empty to create a new gallery from the supplied title.'))
+    title = models.CharField(_('title'), max_length=75, help_text=_('All photos in the gallery will be given a title made up of the gallery title + a sequential number.'))
+    caption = models.TextField(_('caption'), blank=True, help_text=_('Caption will be added to all photos.'))
+    description = models.TextField(_('description'), blank=True, help_text=_('A description of this Gallery.'))
+    is_public = models.BooleanField(_('is public'), default=True, help_text=_('Uncheck this to make the uploaded gallery and included photographs private.'))
+    tags = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, help_text=tagfield_help_text, verbose_name=_('tags'))
+    class Meta:
+        verbose_name = _('gallery upload')
+        verbose_name_plural = _('gallery uploads')
+    def save(self):
+        super(GalleryUpload, self).save()
+        self.process_zipfile()
+        super(GalleryUpload, self).delete()
+    def process_zipfile(self):
+        if os.path.isfile(self.zip_file.path):
+            # TODO: implement try-except here
+            zip = zipfile.ZipFile(self.zip_file.path)
+            bad_file = zip.testzip()
+            if bad_file:
+                raise Exception('"%s" in the .zip archive is corrupt.' % bad_file)
+            count = 1
+            if self.gallery:
+                gallery = self.gallery
+            else:
+                gallery = Gallery.objects.create(title=self.title,
+                                                 title_slug=slugify(self.title),
+                                                 description=self.description,
+                                                 is_public=self.is_public,
+                                                 tags=self.tags)
+            from cStringIO import StringIO
+            for filename in zip.namelist():
+                if filename.startswith('__'): # do not process meta files
+                    continue
+                data = zip.read(filename)
+                if len(data):
+                    try:
+                        # the following is taken from django.newforms.fields.ImageField:
+                        #  load() is the only method that can spot a truncated JPEG,
+                        #  but it cannot be called sanely after verify()
+                        trial_image = Image.open(StringIO(data))
+                        trial_image.load()
+                        # verify() is the only method that can spot a corrupt PNG,
+                        #  but it must be called immediately after the constructor
+                        trial_image = Image.open(StringIO(data))
+                        trial_image.verify()
+                    except Exception:
+                        # if a "bad" file is found we just skip it.
+                        continue
+                    while 1:
+                        title = ' '.join([self.title, str(count)])
+                        slug = slugify(title)
+                        try:
+                            p = Photo.objects.get(title_slug=slug)
+                        except Photo.DoesNotExist:                            
+                            photo = Photo(title=title, title_slug=slug,
+                                          caption=self.caption,
+                                          is_public=self.is_public,
+                                          tags=self.tags)
+                            photo.image.save(filename, ContentFile(data))
+                            gallery.photos.add(photo)
+                            count = count + 1
+                            break
+                        count = count + 1
+            zip.close()
+class ImageModel(models.Model):
+    image = models.ImageField(_('image'), upload_to=get_storage_path)
+    date_taken = models.DateTimeField(_('date taken'), null=True, blank=True, editable=False)
+    view_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0, editable=False)
+    crop_from = models.CharField(_('crop from'), blank=True, max_length=10, default='center', choices=CROP_ANCHOR_CHOICES)
+    effect = models.ForeignKey('PhotoEffect', null=True, blank=True, related_name="%(class)s_related", verbose_name=_('effect'))
+    class Meta:
+        abstract = True
+    @property
+    def EXIF(self):
+        try:
+            return EXIF.process_file(open(self.image.path, 'rb'))
+        except:
+            try:
+                return EXIF.process_file(open(self.image.path, 'rb'), details=False)
+            except:
+                return {}
+    def admin_thumbnail(self):
+        func = getattr(self, 'get_admin_thumbnail_url', None)
+        if func is None:
+            return _('An "admin_thumbnail" photo size has not been defined.')
+        else:
+            if hasattr(self, 'get_absolute_url'):
+                return u'<a href="%s"><img src="%s"></a>' % \
+                    (self.get_absolute_url(), func())
+            else:
+                return u'<a href="%s"><img src="%s"></a>' % \
+                    (self.image.url, func())
+    admin_thumbnail.short_description = _('Thumbnail')
+    admin_thumbnail.allow_tags = True
+    def cache_path(self):
+        return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.image.path), "cache")
+    def cache_url(self):
+        return '/'.join([os.path.dirname(self.image.url), "cache"])
+    def image_filename(self):
+        return os.path.basename(self.image.path)
+    def _get_filename_for_size(self, size):
+        size = getattr(size, 'name', size)
+        base, ext = os.path.splitext(self.image_filename())
+        return ''.join([base, '_', size, ext])
+    def _get_SIZE_photosize(self, size):
+        return PhotoSizeCache().sizes.get(size)
+    def _get_SIZE_size(self, size):
+        photosize = PhotoSizeCache().sizes.get(size)
+        if not self.size_exists(photosize):
+            self.create_size(photosize)
+        return Image.open(self._get_SIZE_filename(size)).size
+    def _get_SIZE_url(self, size):
+        photosize = PhotoSizeCache().sizes.get(size)
+        if not self.size_exists(photosize):
+            self.create_size(photosize)
+        if photosize.increment_count:
+            self.view_count += 1
+            self.save(update=True)
+        return '/'.join([self.cache_url(), self._get_filename_for_size(photosize.name)])
+    def _get_SIZE_filename(self, size):
+        photosize = PhotoSizeCache().sizes.get(size)
+        return os.path.join(self.cache_path(),
+                            self._get_filename_for_size(photosize.name))
+    def add_accessor_methods(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        for size in PhotoSizeCache().sizes.keys():
+            setattr(self, 'get_%s_size' % size,
+                    curry(self._get_SIZE_size, size=size))
+            setattr(self, 'get_%s_photosize' % size,
+                    curry(self._get_SIZE_photosize, size=size))
+            setattr(self, 'get_%s_url' % size,
+                    curry(self._get_SIZE_url, size=size))
+            setattr(self, 'get_%s_filename' % size,
+                    curry(self._get_SIZE_filename, size=size))
+    def size_exists(self, photosize):
+        func = getattr(self, "get_%s_filename" % photosize.name, None)
+        if func is not None:
+            if os.path.isfile(func()):
+                return True
+        return False
+    def resize_image(self, im, photosize):
+        cur_width, cur_height = im.size
+        new_width, new_height = photosize.size
+        if photosize.crop:
+            ratio = max(float(new_width)/cur_width,float(new_height)/cur_height)
+            x = (cur_width * ratio)
+            y = (cur_height * ratio)
+            xd = abs(new_width - x)
+            yd = abs(new_height - y)
+            x_diff = int(xd / 2)
+            y_diff = int(yd / 2)
+            if self.crop_from == 'top':
+                box = (int(x_diff), 0, int(x_diff+new_width), new_height)
+            elif self.crop_from == 'left':
+                box = (0, int(y_diff), new_width, int(y_diff+new_height))
+            elif self.crop_from == 'bottom':
+                box = (int(x_diff), int(yd), int(x_diff+new_width), int(y)) # y - yd = new_height
+            elif self.crop_from == 'right':
+                box = (int(xd), int(y_diff), int(x), int(y_diff+new_height)) # x - xd = new_width
+            else:
+                box = (int(x_diff), int(y_diff), int(x_diff+new_width), int(y_diff+new_height))
+            im = im.resize((int(x), int(y)), Image.ANTIALIAS).crop(box)
+        else:
+            if not new_width == 0 and not new_height == 0:
+                ratio = min(float(new_width)/cur_width,
+                            float(new_height)/cur_height)
+            else:
+                if new_width == 0:
+                    ratio = float(new_height)/cur_height
+                else:
+                    ratio = float(new_width)/cur_width
+            new_dimensions = (int(round(cur_width*ratio)),
+                              int(round(cur_height*ratio)))
+            if new_dimensions[0] > cur_width or \
+               new_dimensions[1] > cur_height:
+                if not photosize.upscale:
+                    return im
+            im = im.resize(new_dimensions, Image.ANTIALIAS)
+        return im
+    def create_size(self, photosize):
+        if self.size_exists(photosize):
+            return
+        if not os.path.isdir(self.cache_path()):
+            os.makedirs(self.cache_path())
+        try:
+            im = Image.open(self.image.path)
+        except IOError:
+            return
+        # Apply effect if found
+        if self.effect is not None:
+            im = self.effect.pre_process(im)
+        elif photosize.effect is not None:
+            im = photosize.effect.pre_process(im)
+        # Resize/crop image
+        if im.size != photosize.size:
+            im = self.resize_image(im, photosize)
+        # Apply watermark if found
+        if photosize.watermark is not None:
+            im = photosize.watermark.post_process(im)
+        # Apply effect if found
+        if self.effect is not None:
+            im = self.effect.post_process(im)
+        elif photosize.effect is not None:
+            im = photosize.effect.post_process(im)
+        # Save file
+        im_filename = getattr(self, "get_%s_filename" % photosize.name)()
+        try:
+            if im.format == 'JPEG':
+                im.save(im_filename, 'JPEG', quality=int(photosize.quality), optimize=True)
+            else:
+                im.save(im_filename)
+        except IOError, e:
+            if os.path.isfile(im_filename):
+                os.unlink(im_filename)
+            raise e
+    def remove_size(self, photosize, remove_dirs=True):
+        if not self.size_exists(photosize):
+            return
+        filename = getattr(self, "get_%s_filename" % photosize.name)()
+        if os.path.isfile(filename):
+            os.remove(filename)
+        if remove_dirs:
+            self.remove_cache_dirs()
+    def clear_cache(self):
+        cache = PhotoSizeCache()
+        for photosize in cache.sizes.values():
+            self.remove_size(photosize, False)
+        self.remove_cache_dirs()
+    def pre_cache(self):
+        cache = PhotoSizeCache()
+        for photosize in cache.sizes.values():
+            if photosize.pre_cache:
+                self.create_size(photosize)
+    def remove_cache_dirs(self):
+        try:
+            os.removedirs(self.cache_path())
+        except:
+            pass
+    def save(self, update=False):
+        if update:
+            models.Model.save(self)
+            return
+        if self.date_taken is None:
+            try:
+                exif_date = self.EXIF.get('EXIF DateTimeOriginal', None)
+                if exif_date is not None:
+                    d, t = str.split(exif_date.values)
+                    year, month, day = d.split(':')
+                    hour, minute, second = t.split(':')
+                    self.date_taken = datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day),
+                                               int(hour), int(minute), int(second))
+            except:
+                pass
+        if self.date_taken is None:
+            self.date_taken = datetime.now()
+        if self._get_pk_val():
+            self.clear_cache()
+        super(ImageModel, self).save()
+        self.pre_cache()
+    def delete(self):
+        self.clear_cache()
+        super(ImageModel, self).delete()
+class Photo(ImageModel):
+    title = models.CharField(_('title'), max_length=100, unique=True)
+    title_slug = models.SlugField(_('slug'), unique=True,
+                                  help_text=('A "slug" is a unique URL-friendly title for an object.'))
+    caption = models.TextField(_('caption'), blank=True)
+    date_added = models.DateTimeField(_('date added'), default=datetime.now, editable=False)
+    is_public = models.BooleanField(_('is public'), default=True, help_text=_('Public photographs will be displayed in the default views.'))
+    tags = TagField(help_text=tagfield_help_text, verbose_name=_('tags'))
+    class Meta:
+        ordering = ['-date_added']
+        get_latest_by = 'date_added'
+        verbose_name = _("photo")
+        verbose_name_plural = _("photos")
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return self.title
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__unicode__()
+    def save(self, update=False):
+        if self.title_slug is None:
+            self.title_slug = slugify(self.title)
+        super(Photo, self).save(update)
+    def get_absolute_url(self):
+        return reverse('pl-photo', args=[self.title_slug])
+    def public_galleries(self):
+        """Return the public galleries to which this photo belongs."""
+        return self.galleries.filter(is_public=True)
+class BaseEffect(models.Model):
+    name = models.CharField(_('name'), max_length=30, unique=True)
+    description = models.TextField(_('description'), blank=True)
+    class Meta:
+        abstract = True
+    def sample_dir(self):
+        return os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, PHOTOLOGUE_DIR, 'samples')
+    def sample_url(self):
+        return settings.MEDIA_URL + '/'.join([PHOTOLOGUE_DIR, 'samples', '%s %s.jpg' % (self.name.lower(), 'sample')])
+    def sample_filename(self):
+        return os.path.join(self.sample_dir(), '%s %s.jpg' % (self.name.lower(), 'sample'))
+    def create_sample(self):
+        if not os.path.isdir(self.sample_dir()):
+            os.makedirs(self.sample_dir())
+        try:
+            im = Image.open(SAMPLE_IMAGE_PATH)
+        except IOError:
+            raise IOError('Photologue was unable to open the sample image: %s.' % SAMPLE_IMAGE_PATH)
+        im = self.process(im)
+        im.save(self.sample_filename(), 'JPEG', quality=90, optimize=True)
+    def admin_sample(self):
+        return u'<img src="%s">' % self.sample_url()
+    admin_sample.short_description = 'Sample'
+    admin_sample.allow_tags = True
+    def pre_process(self, im):
+        return im
+    def post_process(self, im):
+        return im
+    def process(self, im):
+        im = self.pre_process(im)
+        im = self.post_process(im)
+        return im
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return self.name
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__unicode__()
+    def save(self):
+        try:
+            os.remove(self.sample_filename())
+        except:
+            pass
+        models.Model.save(self)
+        self.create_sample()
+        for size in self.photo_sizes.all():
+            size.clear_cache()
+        # try to clear all related subclasses of ImageModel
+        for prop in [prop for prop in dir(self) if prop[-8:] == '_related']:
+            for obj in getattr(self, prop).all():
+                obj.clear_cache()
+                obj.pre_cache()
+    def delete(self):
+        try:
+            os.remove(self.sample_filename())
+        except:
+            pass
+        super(PhotoEffect, self).delete()
+class PhotoEffect(BaseEffect):
+    """ A pre-defined effect to apply to photos """
+    transpose_method = models.CharField(_('rotate or flip'), max_length=15, blank=True, choices=IMAGE_TRANSPOSE_CHOICES)
+    color = models.FloatField(_('color'), default=1.0, help_text=_("A factor of 0.0 gives a black and white image, a factor of 1.0 gives the original image."))
+    brightness = models.FloatField(_('brightness'), default=1.0, help_text=_("A factor of 0.0 gives a black image, a factor of 1.0 gives the original image."))
+    contrast = models.FloatField(_('contrast'), default=1.0, help_text=_("A factor of 0.0 gives a solid grey image, a factor of 1.0 gives the original image."))
+    sharpness = models.FloatField(_('sharpness'), default=1.0, help_text=_("A factor of 0.0 gives a blurred image, a factor of 1.0 gives the original image."))
+    filters = models.CharField(_('filters'), max_length=200, blank=True, help_text=_(IMAGE_FILTERS_HELP_TEXT))
+    reflection_size = models.FloatField(_('size'), default=0, help_text=_("The height of the reflection as a percentage of the orignal image. A factor of 0.0 adds no reflection, a factor of 1.0 adds a reflection equal to the height of the orignal image."))
+    reflection_strength = models.FloatField(_('strength'), default=0.6, help_text="The initial opacity of the reflection gradient.")
+    background_color = models.CharField(_('color'), max_length=7, default="#FFFFFF", help_text="The background color of the reflection gradient. Set this to match the background color of your page.")
+    class Meta:
+        verbose_name = _("photo effect")
+        verbose_name_plural = _("photo effects")
+    def pre_process(self, im):
+        if self.transpose_method != '':
+            method = getattr(Image, self.transpose_method)
+            im = im.transpose(method)
+        if im.mode != 'RGB' and im.mode != 'RGBA':
+            return im
+        for name in ['Color', 'Brightness', 'Contrast', 'Sharpness']:
+            factor = getattr(self, name.lower())
+            if factor != 1.0:
+                im = getattr(ImageEnhance, name)(im).enhance(factor)
+        for name in self.filters.split('->'):
+            image_filter = getattr(ImageFilter, name.upper(), None)
+            if image_filter is not None:
+                try:
+                    im = im.filter(image_filter)
+                except ValueError:
+                    pass
+        return im
+    def post_process(self, im):
+        if self.reflection_size != 0.0:
+            im = add_reflection(im, bgcolor=self.background_color, amount=self.reflection_size, opacity=self.reflection_strength)
+        return im
+class Watermark(BaseEffect):
+    image = models.ImageField(_('image'), upload_to=PHOTOLOGUE_DIR+"/watermarks")
+    style = models.CharField(_('style'), max_length=5, choices=WATERMARK_STYLE_CHOICES, default='scale')
+    opacity = models.FloatField(_('opacity'), default=1, help_text=_("The opacity of the overlay."))
+    class Meta:
+        verbose_name = _('watermark')
+        verbose_name_plural = _('watermarks')
+    def post_process(self, im):
+        mark = Image.open(self.image.path)
+        return apply_watermark(im, mark, self.style, self.opacity)
+class PhotoSize(models.Model):
+    name = models.CharField(_('name'), max_length=20, unique=True, help_text=_('Photo size name should contain only letters, numbers and underscores. Examples: "thumbnail", "display", "small", "main_page_widget".'))
+    width = models.PositiveIntegerField(_('width'), default=0, help_text=_('If width is set to "0" the image will be scaled to the supplied height.'))
+    height = models.PositiveIntegerField(_('height'), default=0, help_text=_('If height is set to "0" the image will be scaled to the supplied width'))
+    quality = models.PositiveIntegerField(_('quality'), choices=JPEG_QUALITY_CHOICES, default=70, help_text=_('JPEG image quality.'))
+    upscale = models.BooleanField(_('upscale images?'), default=False, help_text=_('If selected the image will be scaled up if necessary to fit the supplied dimensions. Cropped sizes will be upscaled regardless of this setting.'))
+    crop = models.BooleanField(_('crop to fit?'), default=False, help_text=_('If selected the image will be scaled and cropped to fit the supplied dimensions.'))
+    pre_cache = models.BooleanField(_('pre-cache?'), default=False, help_text=_('If selected this photo size will be pre-cached as photos are added.'))
+    increment_count = models.BooleanField(_('increment view count?'), default=False, help_text=_('If selected the image\'s "view_count" will be incremented when this photo size is displayed.'))
+    effect = models.ForeignKey('PhotoEffect', null=True, blank=True, related_name='photo_sizes', verbose_name=_('photo effect'))
+    watermark = models.ForeignKey('Watermark', null=True, blank=True, related_name='photo_sizes', verbose_name=_('watermark image'))
+    class Meta:
+        ordering = ['width', 'height']
+        verbose_name = _('photo size')
+        verbose_name_plural = _('photo sizes')
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return self.name
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__unicode__()
+    def clear_cache(self):
+        for cls in ImageModel.__subclasses__():
+            for obj in cls.objects.all():
+                obj.remove_size(self)
+                if self.pre_cache:
+                    obj.create_size(self)
+        PhotoSizeCache().reset()
+    def save(self):
+        if self.width + self.height <= 0:
+            raise ValueError(_('A PhotoSize must have a positive height or width.'))
+        super(PhotoSize, self).save()
+        PhotoSizeCache().reset()
+        self.clear_cache()
+    def delete(self):
+        self.clear_cache()
+        super(PhotoSize, self).delete()
+    def _get_size(self):
+        return (self.width, self.height)
+    def _set_size(self, value):
+        self.width, self.height = value
+    size = property(_get_size, _set_size)
+class PhotoSizeCache(object):
+    __state = {"sizes": {}}
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__dict__ = self.__state
+        if not len(self.sizes):
+            sizes = PhotoSize.objects.all()
+            for size in sizes:
+                self.sizes[size.name] = size
+    def reset(self):
+        self.sizes = {}
+# Set up the accessor methods
+def add_methods(sender, instance, signal, *args, **kwargs):
+    """ Adds methods to access sized images (urls, paths)
+    after the Photo model's __init__ function completes,
+    this method calls "add_accessor_methods" on each instance.
+    """
+    if hasattr(instance, 'add_accessor_methods'):
+        instance.add_accessor_methods()
+# connect the add_accessor_methods function to the post_init signal