changeset 7:86e0ac713642

Re-added the latest ctrlp.vim plugin. The ctrlp.vim commit was e61e7d5b801ade5fcefeab3aca75c1f37d54bdf1.
author Brian Neal <>
date Sun, 29 Apr 2012 16:20:31 -0500 (2012-04-29)
parents ff60fbc930de
children 097c95760fd0
files vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/.gitignore vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp.vim vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/bookmarkdir.vim vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/buffertag.vim vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/changes.vim vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/dir.vim vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/line.vim vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/mixed.vim vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/mrufiles.vim vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/quickfix.vim vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/rtscript.vim vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/tag.vim vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/undo.vim vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/utils.vim vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/doc/ctrlp.txt vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/plugin/ctrlp.vim vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/
diffstat 17 files changed, 4309 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/.gitignore	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp.vim	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1772 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" File:          autoload/ctrlp.vim
+" Description:   Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder.
+" Author:        Kien Nguyen <>
+" Version:       1.7.6
+" =============================================================================
+" ** Static variables {{{1
+fu! s:ignore() "{{{2
+	let igdirs = [
+		\ '\.git$',
+		\ '\.hg$',
+		\ '\.svn$',
+		\ '_darcs$',
+		\ '\.bzr$',
+		\ '\.cdv$',
+		\ '\~\.dep$',
+		\ '\~\.dot$',
+		\ '\~\.nib$',
+		\ '\~\.plst$',
+		\ '\.pc$',
+		\ '_MTN$',
+		\ '<blib$',
+		\ '<CVS$',
+		\ '<RCS$',
+		\ '<SCCS$',
+		\ '_sgbak$',
+		\ '<autom4te\.cache$',
+		\ '<cover_db$',
+		\ '_build$',
+		\ ]
+	let igfiles = [
+		\ '[.]bak$',
+		\ '\~$',
+		\ '#.+#$',
+		\ '[._].*\.swp$',
+		\ 'core\.\d+$',
+		\ ]
+	retu {
+		\ 'dir': '\v'.join(igdirs, '|'),
+		\ 'file': '\v'.join(igfiles, '|'),
+		\ }
+endf "}}}2
+" Options
+let [s:pref, s:opts, s:new_opts] = ['g:ctrlp_', {
+	\ 'arg_map':               ['s:argmap', 0],
+	\ 'buffer_func':           ['s:buffunc', {}],
+	\ 'by_filename':           ['s:byfname', 0],
+	\ 'clear_cache_on_exit':   ['s:clrex', 1],
+	\ 'custom_ignore':         ['s:usrign', s:ignore()],
+	\ 'default_input':         ['s:deftxt', 0],
+	\ 'dont_split':            ['s:nosplit', 'netrw'],
+	\ 'dotfiles':              ['s:dotfiles', 1],
+	\ 'extensions':            ['s:extensions', []],
+	\ 'follow_symlinks':       ['s:folsym', 0],
+	\ 'highlight_match':       ['s:mathi', [1, 'CtrlPMatch']],
+	\ 'jump_to_buffer':        ['s:jmptobuf', 2],
+	\ 'lazy_update':           ['s:lazy', 0],
+	\ 'match_func':            ['s:matcher', {}],
+	\ 'match_window_bottom':   ['s:mwbottom', 1],
+	\ 'match_window_reversed': ['s:mwreverse', 1],
+	\ 'max_depth':             ['s:maxdepth', 40],
+	\ 'max_files':             ['s:maxfiles', 10000],
+	\ 'max_height':            ['s:mxheight', 10],
+	\ 'max_history':           ['s:maxhst', exists('+hi') ? &hi : 20],
+	\ 'mruf_default_order':    ['s:mrudef', 0],
+	\ 'open_multi':            ['s:opmul', '1v'],
+	\ 'open_new_file':         ['s:newfop', 'v'],
+	\ 'prompt_mappings':       ['s:urprtmaps', 0],
+	\ 'regexp_search':         ['s:regexp', 0],
+	\ 'root_markers':          ['s:rmarkers', []],
+	\ 'split_window':          ['s:splitwin', 0],
+	\ 'status_func':           ['s:status', {}],
+	\ 'use_caching':           ['s:caching', 1],
+	\ 'use_migemo':            ['s:migemo', 0],
+	\ 'user_command':          ['s:usrcmd', ''],
+	\ 'working_path_mode':     ['s:pathmode', 2],
+	\ }, {
+	\ 'open_multiple_files':   's:opmul',
+	\ 'regexp':                's:regexp',
+	\ 'reuse_window':          's:nosplit',
+	\ 'switch_buffer':         's:jmptobuf',
+	\ }]
+" Global options
+let s:glbs = { 'magic': 1, 'to': 1, 'tm': 0, 'sb': 1, 'hls': 0, 'im': 0,
+	\ 'report': 9999, 'sc': 0, 'ss': 0, 'siso': 0, 'mfd': 200, 'mouse': 'n',
+	\ 'gcr': 'a:blinkon0', 'ic': 1, 'scs': 1, 'lmap': '', 'mousef': 0,
+	\ 'imd': 1 }
+" Keymaps
+let [s:lcmap, s:prtmaps] = ['nn <buffer> <silent>', {
+	\ 'PrtBS()':              ['<bs>', '<c-]>'],
+	\ 'PrtDelete()':          ['<del>'],
+	\ 'PrtDeleteWord()':      ['<c-w>'],
+	\ 'PrtClear()':           ['<c-u>'],
+	\ 'PrtSelectMove("j")':   ['<c-j>', '<down>'],
+	\ 'PrtSelectMove("k")':   ['<c-k>', '<up>'],
+	\ 'PrtSelectMove("t")':   ['<Home>', '<kHome>'],
+	\ 'PrtSelectMove("b")':   ['<End>', '<kEnd>'],
+	\ 'PrtSelectMove("u")':   ['<PageUp>', '<kPageUp>'],
+	\ 'PrtSelectMove("d")':   ['<PageDown>', '<kPageDown>'],
+	\ 'PrtHistory(-1)':       ['<c-n>'],
+	\ 'PrtHistory(1)':        ['<c-p>'],
+	\ 'AcceptSelection("e")': ['<cr>', '<2-LeftMouse>'],
+	\ 'AcceptSelection("h")': ['<c-x>', '<c-cr>', '<c-s>'],
+	\ 'AcceptSelection("t")': ['<c-t>'],
+	\ 'AcceptSelection("v")': ['<c-v>', '<RightMouse>'],
+	\ 'ToggleFocus()':        ['<s-tab>'],
+	\ 'ToggleRegex()':        ['<c-r>'],
+	\ 'ToggleByFname()':      ['<c-d>'],
+	\ 'ToggleType(1)':        ['<c-f>', '<c-up>'],
+	\ 'ToggleType(-1)':       ['<c-b>', '<c-down>'],
+	\ 'PrtExpandDir()':       ['<tab>'],
+	\ 'PrtInsert("c")':       ['<MiddleMouse>', '<insert>'],
+	\ 'PrtInsert()':          ['<c-\>'],
+	\ 'PrtCurStart()':        ['<c-a>'],
+	\ 'PrtCurEnd()':          ['<c-e>'],
+	\ 'PrtCurLeft()':         ['<c-h>', '<left>', '<c-^>'],
+	\ 'PrtCurRight()':        ['<c-l>', '<right>'],
+	\ 'PrtClearCache()':      ['<F5>'],
+	\ 'PrtDeleteEnt()':       ['<F7>'],
+	\ 'CreateNewFile()':      ['<c-y>'],
+	\ 'MarkToOpen()':         ['<c-z>'],
+	\ 'OpenMulti()':          ['<c-o>'],
+	\ 'PrtExit()':            ['<esc>', '<c-c>', '<c-g>'],
+	\ }]
+if !has('gui_running') && ( has('win32') || has('win64') )
+	cal add(s:prtmaps['PrtBS()'], remove(s:prtmaps['PrtCurLeft()'], 0))
+let s:lash = ctrlp#utils#lash()
+" Limiters
+let [s:compare_lim, s:nocache_lim] = [3000, 4000]
+" Regexp
+let s:fpats = {
+	\ '^\(\\|\)\|\(\\|\)$': '\\|',
+	\ '^\\\(zs\|ze\|<\|>\)': '^\\\(zs\|ze\|<\|>\)',
+	\ '^\S\*$': '\*',
+	\ '^\S\\?$': '\\?',
+	\ }
+" Specials
+let s:prtunmaps = [
+	\ 'PrtBS()',
+	\ 'PrtDelete()',
+	\ 'PrtDeleteWord()',
+	\ 'PrtClear()',
+	\ 'PrtCurStart()',
+	\ 'PrtCurEnd()',
+	\ 'PrtCurLeft()',
+	\ 'PrtCurRight()',
+	\ 'PrtHistory(-1)',
+	\ 'PrtHistory(1)',
+	\ 'PrtInsert("c")',
+	\ 'PrtInsert()',
+	\ ]
+" Keypad
+let s:kprange = {
+	\ 'Plus': '+',
+	\ 'Minus': '-',
+	\ 'Divide': '/',
+	\ 'Multiply': '*',
+	\ 'Point': '.',
+	\ }
+" Highlight groups
+let s:hlgrps = {
+	\ 'NoEntries': 'Error',
+	\ 'Mode1': 'Character',
+	\ 'Mode2': 'LineNr',
+	\ 'Stats': 'Function',
+	\ 'Match': 'Identifier',
+	\ 'PrtBase': 'Comment',
+	\ 'PrtText': 'Normal',
+	\ 'PrtCursor': 'Constant',
+	\ }
+fu! s:opts() "{{{2
+	" Options
+	unl! s:usrign s:usrcmd s:urprtmaps
+	for each in ['byfname', 'regexp', 'extensions'] | if exists('s:'.each)
+		let {each} = s:{each}
+	en | endfo
+	for [ke, va] in items(s:opts)
+		let {va[0]} = exists( ? {} : va[1]
+	endfo
+	unl va
+	for [ke, va] in items(s:new_opts)
+		let {va} = {exists( ? : va}
+	endfo
+	for each in ['byfname', 'regexp'] | if exists(each)
+		let s:{each} = {each}
+	en | endfo
+	if !exists('g:ctrlp_newcache') | let g:ctrlp_newcache = 0 | en
+	let s:maxdepth = min([s:maxdepth, 100])
+	let s:mxheight = max([s:mxheight, 1])
+	let s:glob = s:dotfiles ? '.*\|*' : '*'
+	let s:igntype = empty(s:usrign) ? -1 : type(s:usrign)
+	if s:lazy
+		cal extend(s:glbs, { 'ut': ( s:lazy > 1 ? s:lazy : 250 ) })
+	en
+	" Extensions
+	if !( exists('extensions') && extensions == s:extensions )
+		for each in s:extensions
+			exe 'ru autoload/ctrlp/'.each.'.vim'
+		endfo
+	en
+	" Keymaps
+	if type(s:urprtmaps) == 4
+		cal extend(s:prtmaps, s:urprtmaps)
+	en
+" * Open & Close {{{1
+fu! s:Open()
+	cal s:log(1)
+	cal s:getenv()
+	cal s:execextvar('enter')
+	sil! exe 'noa keepa' ( s:mwbottom ? 'bo' : 'to' ) '1new ControlP'
+	cal s:buffunc(1)
+	let [s:bufnr, s:prompt, s:winw] = [bufnr('%'), ['', '', ''], winwidth(0)]
+	abc <buffer>
+	if !exists('s:hstry')
+		let hst = filereadable(s:gethistloc()[1]) ? s:gethistdata() : ['']
+		let s:hstry = empty(hst) || !s:maxhst ? [''] : hst
+	en
+	for [ke, va] in items(s:glbs) | if exists('+'.ke)
+		sil! exe 'let s:glb_'.ke.' = &'.ke.' | let &'.ke.' = '.string(va)
+	en | endfo
+	if s:opmul != '0' && has('signs')
+		sign define ctrlpmark text=+> texthl=Search
+	en
+	cal s:setupblank()
+fu! s:Close()
+	cal s:buffunc(0)
+	try | noa bun!
+	cat | noa clo! | endt
+	cal s:unmarksigns()
+	for key in keys(s:glbs) | if exists('+'.key)
+		sil! exe 'let &'.key.' = s:glb_'.key
+	en | endfo
+	if exists('s:glb_acd') | let &acd = s:glb_acd | en
+	let g:ctrlp_lines = []
+	if s:winres[1] >= &lines && s:winres[2] == winnr('$')
+		exe s:winres[0]
+	en
+	unl! s:focus s:hisidx s:hstgot s:marked s:statypes s:cline s:init s:savestr
+		\ s:mrbs
+	cal ctrlp#recordhist()
+	cal s:execextvar('exit')
+	cal s:log(0)
+	ec
+" * Clear caches {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#clr(...)
+	let g:ctrlp_new{ a:0 ? a:1 : 'cache' } = 1
+fu! ctrlp#clra()
+	let cache_dir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir()
+	if isdirectory(cache_dir)
+		let cache_files = split(s:glbpath(cache_dir, '**', 1), "\n")
+		let eval = '!isdirectory(v:val) && fnamemodify(v:val, ":t") !~'
+			\ . ' ''\v^<cache>[.a-z]+$|\.log$'''
+		sil! cal map(filter(cache_files, eval), 'delete(v:val)')
+	en
+	cal ctrlp#clr()
+fu! ctrlp#reset()
+	cal s:opts()
+	cal s:autocmds()
+	cal ctrlp#utils#opts()
+	cal s:execextvar('opts')
+" * Files {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#files()
+	let cafile = ctrlp#utils#cachefile()
+	if g:ctrlp_newcache || !filereadable(cafile) || !s:caching
+		let [lscmd, s:initcwd, g:ctrlp_allfiles] = [s:lsCmd(), s:dyncwd, []]
+		" Get the list of files
+		if empty(lscmd)
+			cal s:GlobPath(s:dyncwd, 0)
+		el
+			sil! cal ctrlp#progress('Indexing...')
+			try | cal s:UserCmd(lscmd)
+			cat | retu [] | endt
+		en
+		" Remove base directory
+		cal ctrlp#rmbasedir(g:ctrlp_allfiles)
+		if len(g:ctrlp_allfiles) <= s:compare_lim
+			cal sort(g:ctrlp_allfiles, 'ctrlp#complen')
+		en
+		cal s:writecache(cafile)
+	el
+		if !( exists('s:initcwd') && s:initcwd == s:dyncwd )
+			let s:initcwd = s:dyncwd
+			let g:ctrlp_allfiles = ctrlp#utils#readfile(cafile)
+		en
+	en
+	retu g:ctrlp_allfiles
+fu! s:GlobPath(dirs, depth)
+	let entries = split(globpath(a:dirs, s:glob), "\n")
+	let [dnf, depth] = [ctrlp#dirnfile(entries), a:depth + 1]
+	cal extend(g:ctrlp_allfiles, dnf[1])
+	if !empty(dnf[0]) && !s:maxf(len(g:ctrlp_allfiles)) && depth <= s:maxdepth
+		sil! cal ctrlp#progress(len(g:ctrlp_allfiles), 1)
+		cal s:GlobPath(join(dnf[0], ','), depth)
+	en
+fu! s:UserCmd(lscmd)
+	let path = s:dyncwd
+	if exists('+ssl') && &ssl
+		let [ssl, &ssl, path] = [&ssl, 0, tr(path, '/', '\')]
+	en
+	let path = exists('*shellescape') ? shellescape(path) : path
+	let g:ctrlp_allfiles = split(system(printf(a:lscmd, path)), "\n")
+	if exists('+ssl') && exists('ssl')
+		let &ssl = ssl
+		cal map(g:ctrlp_allfiles, 'tr(v:val, "\\", "/")')
+	en
+	if exists('s:vcscmd') && s:vcscmd
+		cal map(g:ctrlp_allfiles, 'tr(v:val, "/", "\\")')
+	en
+fu! s:lsCmd()
+	let cmd = s:usrcmd
+	if type(cmd) == 1
+		retu cmd
+	elsei type(cmd) == 3 && len(cmd) >= 2 && cmd[:1] != ['', '']
+		" Find a repo root
+		cal s:findroot(s:dyncwd, cmd[0], 0, 1)
+		if !exists('s:vcsroot')
+			" Try the secondary_command
+			retu len(cmd) == 3 ? cmd[2] : ''
+		en
+		unl s:vcsroot
+		let s:vcscmd = s:lash == '\' ? 1 : 0
+		retu cmd[1]
+	elsei type(cmd) == 4 && has_key(cmd, 'types')
+		for key in sort(keys(cmd['types']), 's:compval')
+			cal s:findroot(s:dyncwd, cmd['types'][key][0], 0, 1)
+			if exists('s:vcsroot') | brea | en
+		endfo
+		if !exists('s:vcsroot')
+			retu has_key(cmd, 'fallback') ? cmd['fallback'] : ''
+		en
+		unl s:vcsroot
+		let s:vcscmd = s:lash == '\' ? 1 : 0
+		retu cmd['types'][key][1]
+	en
+" - Buffers {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#buffers(...)
+	let ids = sort(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'empty(getbufvar(v:val, "&bt"))'
+		\ .' && getbufvar(v:val, "&bl") && strlen(bufname(v:val))'), 's:compmreb')
+	retu a:0 && a:1 == 'id' ? ids : map(ids, 'fnamemodify(bufname(v:val), ":.")')
+" * MatchedItems() {{{1
+fu! s:MatchIt(items, pat, limit, exc)
+	let [lines, id] = [[], 0]
+	for item in a:items
+		let id += 1
+		try | if !( s:ispath && item == a:exc ) && call(s:mfunc, [item, a:pat]) >= 0
+			cal add(lines, item)
+		en | cat | brea | endt
+		if a:limit > 0 && len(lines) >= a:limit | brea | en
+	endfo
+	let s:mdata = [s:dyncwd, s:itemtype, s:regexp, s:sublist(a:items, id, -1)]
+	retu lines
+fu! s:MatchedItems(items, pat, limit)
+	let exc = exists('s:crfilerel') ? s:crfilerel : ''
+	let items = s:narrowable() ? s:matched + s:mdata[3] : a:items
+	if s:matcher != {}
+		let argms = [items, a:pat, a:limit, s:mmode(), s:ispath, exc, s:regexp]
+		let lines = call(s:matcher['match'], argms)
+	el
+		let lines = s:MatchIt(items, a:pat, a:limit, exc)
+	en
+	let s:matches = len(lines)
+	retu lines
+fu! s:SplitPattern(str)
+	let str = a:str
+	if s:migemo && s:regexp && len(str) > 0 && executable('cmigemo')
+		let str = s:migemo(str)
+	en
+	let s:savestr = str
+	if s:regexp
+		let pat = s:regexfilter(str)
+	el
+		let lst = split(str, '\zs')
+		if exists('+ssl') && !&ssl
+			cal map(lst, 'escape(v:val, ''\'')')
+		en
+		for each in ['^', '$', '.']
+			cal map(lst, 'escape(v:val, each)')
+		endfo
+	en
+	if exists('lst')
+		let pat = ''
+		if !empty(lst)
+			let pat = lst[0]
+			for item in range(1, len(lst) - 1)
+				let pat .= '[^'.lst[item - 1].']\{-}'.lst[item]
+			endfo
+		en
+	en
+	retu escape(pat, '~')
+" * BuildPrompt() {{{1
+fu! s:Render(lines, pat)
+	let [&ma, lines, s:height] = [1, a:lines, min([len(a:lines), s:winh])]
+	" Setup the match window
+	sil! exe '%d _ | res' s:height
+	" Print the new items
+	if empty(lines)
+		let [s:matched, s:lines] = [[], []]
+		cal setline(1, ' == NO ENTRIES ==')
+		setl noma nocul
+		cal s:unmarksigns()
+		if s:dohighlight() | cal clearmatches() | en
+		retu
+	en
+	let s:matched = copy(lines)
+	" Sorting
+	if !s:nosort()
+		let s:compat = a:pat
+		cal sort(lines, 's:mixedsort')
+		unl s:compat
+	en
+	if s:mwreverse | cal reverse(lines) | en
+	let s:lines = copy(lines)
+	cal map(lines, 's:formatline(v:val)')
+	cal setline(1, lines)
+	setl noma cul
+	exe 'keepj norm!' ( s:mwreverse ? 'G' : 'gg' ).'1|'
+	cal s:unmarksigns()
+	cal s:remarksigns()
+	if exists('s:cline') && s:nolim != 1
+		cal cursor(s:cline, 1)
+	en
+	" Highlighting
+	if s:dohighlight()
+		cal s:highlight(a:pat, s:mathi[1])
+	en
+fu! s:Update(str)
+	" Get the previous string if existed
+	let oldstr = exists('s:savestr') ? s:savestr : ''
+	" Get the new string sans tail
+	let str = s:sanstail(a:str)
+	" Stop if the string's unchanged
+	if str == oldstr && !empty(str) && !exists('s:force') | retu | en
+	let pat = s:matcher == {} ? s:SplitPattern(str) : str
+	let lines = s:nolim == 1 && empty(str) ? copy(g:ctrlp_lines)
+		\ : s:MatchedItems(g:ctrlp_lines, pat, s:winh)
+	cal s:Render(lines, pat)
+fu! s:ForceUpdate()
+	let [estr, prt] = ['"\', copy(s:prompt)]
+	cal map(prt, 'escape(v:val, estr)')
+	sil! cal s:Update(join(prt, ''))
+fu! s:BuildPrompt(upd, ...)
+	let base = ( s:regexp ? 'r' : '>' ).( s:byfname ? 'd' : '>' ).'> '
+	let [estr, prt] = ['"\', copy(s:prompt)]
+	cal map(prt, 'escape(v:val, estr)')
+	let str = join(prt, '')
+	let lazy = empty(str) || exists('s:force') || !has('autocmd') ? 0 : s:lazy
+	if a:upd && !lazy && ( s:matches || s:regexp
+		\ || match(str, '\(\\\(<\|>\)\|[*|]\)\|\(\\\:\([^:]\|\\:\)*$\)') >= 0 )
+		sil! cal s:Update(str)
+	en
+	sil! cal ctrlp#statusline()
+	" Toggling
+	let [hiactive, hicursor, base] = a:0 && !a:1
+		\ ? ['CtrlPPrtBase', 'CtrlPPrtBase', tr(base, '>', '-')]
+		\ : ['CtrlPPrtText', 'CtrlPPrtCursor', base]
+	let hibase = 'CtrlPPrtBase'
+	" Build it
+	redr
+	exe 'echoh' hibase '| echon "'.base.'"
+		\ | echoh' hiactive '| echon "'.prt[0].'"
+		\ | echoh' hicursor '| echon "'.prt[1].'"
+		\ | echoh' hiactive '| echon "'.prt[2].'" | echoh None'
+	" Append the cursor at the end
+	if empty(prt[1]) && !( a:0 && !a:1 )
+		exe 'echoh' hibase '| echon "_" | echoh None'
+	en
+" - SetDefTxt() {{{1
+fu! s:SetDefTxt()
+	if s:deftxt == '0' || !s:ispath | retu | en
+	let txt = s:deftxt
+	if !type(txt)
+		let txt = txt && !stridx(s:crfpath, s:dyncwd)
+			\ ? ctrlp#rmbasedir([s:crfpath])[0] : ''
+		let txt = txt != '' ? txt.s:lash(s:crfpath) : ''
+	el
+		let txt = expand(txt, 1)
+	en
+	let s:prompt[0] = txt
+" ** Prt Actions {{{1
+" Editing {{{2
+fu! s:PrtClear()
+	unl! s:hstgot
+	let [s:prompt, s:matches] = [['', '', ''], 1]
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
+fu! s:PrtAdd(char)
+	unl! s:hstgot
+	let s:act_add = 1
+	let s:prompt[0] .= a:char
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
+	unl s:act_add
+fu! s:PrtBS()
+	unl! s:hstgot
+	let [s:prompt[0], s:matches] = [substitute(s:prompt[0], '.$', '', ''), 1]
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
+fu! s:PrtDelete()
+	unl! s:hstgot
+	let [prt, s:matches] = [s:prompt, 1]
+	let prt[1] = matchstr(prt[2], '^.')
+	let prt[2] = substitute(prt[2], '^.', '', '')
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
+fu! s:PrtDeleteWord()
+	unl! s:hstgot
+	let [str, s:matches] = [s:prompt[0], 1]
+	let str = match(str, '\W\w\+$') >= 0 ? matchstr(str, '^.\+\W\ze\w\+$')
+		\ : match(str, '\w\W\+$') >= 0 ? matchstr(str, '^.\+\w\ze\W\+$')
+		\ : match(str, '\s\+$') >= 0 ? matchstr(str, '^.*[^ \t]\+\ze\s\+$')
+		\ : match(str, ' ') <= 0 ? '' : str
+	let s:prompt[0] = str
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
+fu! s:PrtInsert(...)
+	let type = !a:0 ? '' : a:1
+	if !a:0
+		let type = s:insertstr()
+		if type == 'cancel' | retu | en
+	en
+	unl! s:hstgot
+	let s:act_add = 1
+	let s:prompt[0] .= type == 'w' ? s:crword
+		\ : type == 's' ? getreg('/')
+		\ : type == 'v' ? s:crvisual
+		\ : type == 'c' ? substitute(getreg('+'), '\n', '\\n', 'g')
+		\ : type == 'f' ? s:crgfile : s:prompt[0]
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
+	unl s:act_add
+fu! s:PrtExpandDir()
+	let prt = s:prompt
+	if prt[0] == '' | retu | en
+	unl! s:hstgot
+	let s:act_add = 1
+	let [base, seed] = s:headntail(prt[0])
+	let dirs = s:dircompl(base, seed)
+	if len(dirs) == 1
+		let prt[0] = dirs[0]
+	elsei len(dirs) > 1
+		let prt[0] .= s:findcommon(dirs, prt[0])
+	en
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
+	unl s:act_add
+" Movement {{{2
+fu! s:PrtCurLeft()
+	let prt = s:prompt
+	if !empty(prt[0])
+		let s:prompt = [substitute(prt[0], '.$', '', ''), matchstr(prt[0], '.$'),
+			\ prt[1] . prt[2]]
+	en
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
+fu! s:PrtCurRight()
+	let prt = s:prompt
+	let s:prompt = [prt[0] . prt[1], matchstr(prt[2], '^.'),
+		\ substitute(prt[2], '^.', '', '')]
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
+fu! s:PrtCurStart()
+	let str = join(s:prompt, '')
+	let s:prompt = ['', matchstr(str, '^.'), substitute(str, '^.', '', '')]
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
+fu! s:PrtCurEnd()
+	let s:prompt = [join(s:prompt, ''), '', '']
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
+fu! s:PrtSelectMove(dir)
+	let wht = winheight(0)
+	let dirs = {'t': 'gg','b': 'G','j': 'j','k': 'k','u': wht.'k','d': wht.'j'}
+	exe 'keepj norm!' dirs[a:dir]
+	if s:nolim != 1 | let s:cline = line('.') | en
+	if line('$') > winheight(0) | cal s:BuildPrompt(0, s:Focus()) | en
+fu! s:PrtSelectJump(char, ...)
+	let lines = copy(s:lines)
+	if a:0
+		cal map(lines, 'split(v:val, ''[\/]\ze[^\/]\+$'')[-1]')
+	en
+	" Cycle through matches, use s:jmpchr to store last jump
+	let chr = escape(a:char, '.~')
+	if match(lines, '\c^'.chr) >= 0
+		" If not exists or does but not for the same char
+		let pos = match(lines, '\c^'.chr)
+		if !exists('s:jmpchr') || ( exists('s:jmpchr') && s:jmpchr[0] != chr )
+			let [jmpln, s:jmpchr] = [pos, [chr, pos]]
+		elsei exists('s:jmpchr') && s:jmpchr[0] == chr
+			" Start of lines
+			if s:jmpchr[1] == -1 | let s:jmpchr[1] = pos | en
+			let npos = match(lines, '\c^'.chr, s:jmpchr[1] + 1)
+			let [jmpln, s:jmpchr] = [npos == -1 ? pos : npos, [chr, npos]]
+		en
+		keepj exe jmpln + 1
+		if s:nolim != 1 | let s:cline = line('.') | en
+		if line('$') > winheight(0) | cal s:BuildPrompt(0, s:Focus()) | en
+	en
+" Misc {{{2
+fu! s:PrtClearCache()
+	if s:itemtype == 0
+		cal ctrlp#clr()
+	elsei s:itemtype > 2
+		cal ctrlp#clr(s:statypes[s:itemtype][1])
+	en
+	if s:itemtype == 2
+		let g:ctrlp_lines = ctrlp#mrufiles#refresh()
+	el
+		cal ctrlp#setlines()
+	en
+	let s:force = 1
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
+	unl s:force
+fu! s:PrtDeleteEnt()
+	if s:itemtype == 2
+		cal s:PrtDeleteMRU()
+	elsei type(s:getextvar('wipe')) == 1
+		cal s:delent(s:getextvar('wipe'))
+	en
+fu! s:PrtDeleteMRU()
+	if s:itemtype == 2
+		cal s:delent('ctrlp#mrufiles#remove')
+	en
+fu! s:PrtExit()
+	if !has('autocmd') | cal s:Close() | en
+	winc p
+fu! s:PrtHistory(...)
+	if !s:maxhst | retu | en
+	let [str, hst, s:matches] = [join(s:prompt, ''), s:hstry, 1]
+	" Save to history if not saved before
+	let [hst[0], hslen] = [exists('s:hstgot') ? hst[0] : str, len(hst)]
+	let idx = exists('s:hisidx') ? s:hisidx + a:1 : a:1
+	" Limit idx within 0 and hslen
+	let idx = idx < 0 ? 0 : idx >= hslen ? hslen > 1 ? hslen - 1 : 0 : idx
+	let s:prompt = [hst[idx], '', '']
+	let [s:hisidx, s:hstgot, s:force] = [idx, 1, 1]
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
+	unl s:force
+" * MapKeys() {{{1
+fu! s:MapKeys(...)
+	" Normal keys
+	let pfunc = a:0 && !a:1 ? 'PrtSelectJump' : 'PrtAdd'
+	let dojmp = s:byfname && a:0 && !a:1 ? ', 1' : ''
+	let pcmd = "nn \<buffer> \<silent> \<k%s> :\<c-u>cal \<SID>%s(\"%s\"%s)\<cr>"
+	let cmd = substitute(pcmd, 'k%s', 'char-%d', '')
+	for each in range(32, 126)
+		exe printf(cmd, each, pfunc, escape(nr2char(each), '"|\'), dojmp)
+	endfo
+	for each in range(0, 9)
+		exe printf(pcmd, each, pfunc, each, dojmp)
+	endfo
+	for [ke, va] in items(s:kprange)
+		exe printf(pcmd, ke, pfunc, va, dojmp)
+	endfo
+	" Special keys
+	if a:0 < 2
+		cal call('s:MapSpecs', a:0 && !a:1 ? [1] : [])
+	en
+fu! s:MapSpecs(...)
+	" Correct arrow keys in terminal
+	if ( has('termresponse') && match(v:termresponse, "\<ESC>") >= 0 )
+		\ || &term =~? '\vxterm|<k?vt|gnome|screen|linux'
+		for each in ['\A <up>','\B <down>','\C <right>','\D <left>']
+			exe s:lcmap.' <esc>['.each
+		endfo
+	en
+	if a:0
+		for ke in s:prtunmaps | for kp in s:prtmaps[ke]
+			exe s:lcmap kp '<Nop>'
+		endfo | endfo
+	el
+		for [ke, va] in items(s:prtmaps) | for kp in va
+			exe s:lcmap kp ':<c-u>cal <SID>'.ke.'<cr>'
+		endfo | endfo
+	en
+" * Toggling {{{1
+fu! s:Focus()
+	retu !exists('s:focus') ? 1 : s:focus
+fu! s:ToggleFocus()
+	let s:focus = !exists('s:focus') || s:focus ? 0 : 1
+	cal s:MapKeys(s:focus)
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(0, s:focus)
+fu! s:ToggleRegex()
+	let s:regexp = s:regexp ? 0 : 1
+	cal s:PrtSwitcher()
+fu! s:ToggleByFname()
+	if s:ispath
+		let s:byfname = s:byfname ? 0 : 1
+		let s:mfunc = s:mfunc()
+		cal s:MapKeys(s:Focus(), 1)
+		cal s:PrtSwitcher()
+	en
+fu! s:ToggleType(dir)
+	let max = len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars) + 2
+	let next = s:walker(max, s:itemtype, a:dir)
+	cal ctrlp#syntax()
+	cal ctrlp#setlines(next)
+	cal s:PrtSwitcher()
+fu! s:PrtSwitcher()
+	let [s:force, s:matches] = [1, 1]
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(1, s:Focus())
+	unl s:force
+" - SetWD() {{{1
+fu! s:SetWD(...)
+	let pathmode = s:wpmode
+	let [s:crfilerel, s:dyncwd] = [fnamemodify(s:crfile, ':.'), getcwd()]
+	if a:0 && strlen(a:1) | if type(a:1)
+		cal ctrlp#setdir(a:1) | retu
+	el
+		let pathmode = a:1
+	en | en
+	if a:0 < 2
+		if match(s:crfile, '\v^<.+>://') >= 0 || !pathmode | retu | en
+		if exists('+acd') | let [s:glb_acd, &acd] = [&acd, 0] | en
+		cal ctrlp#setdir(s:crfpath)
+	en
+	if pathmode == 1 | retu | en
+	let markers = ['root.dir', '.git/', '.hg/', '.svn/', '.bzr/', '_darcs/']
+	if type(s:rmarkers) == 3 && !empty(s:rmarkers)
+		cal extend(markers, s:rmarkers, 0)
+	en
+	for marker in markers
+		cal s:findroot(s:dyncwd, marker, 0, 0)
+		if exists('s:foundroot') | brea | en
+	endfo
+	unl! s:foundroot
+" * AcceptSelection() {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#acceptfile(mode, line, ...)
+	let [md, filpath] = [a:mode, fnamemodify(a:line, ':p')]
+	cal s:PrtExit()
+	let [bufnr, tail] = [bufnr('^'.filpath.'$'), s:tail()]
+	let j2l = a:0 ? a:1 : str2nr(matchstr(tail, '^ +\D*\zs\d\+\ze\D*'))
+	if s:jmptobuf && bufnr > 0 && md =~ 'e\|t'
+		let [jmpb, bufwinnr] = [1, bufwinnr(bufnr)]
+		let buftab = s:jmptobuf > 1 ? s:buftab(bufnr, md) : [0, 0]
+	en
+	" Switch to existing buffer or open new one
+	if exists('jmpb') && bufwinnr > 0 && md != 't'
+		exe bufwinnr.'winc w'
+		if j2l | cal ctrlp#j2l(j2l) | en
+	elsei exists('jmpb') && buftab[0]
+		exe 'tabn' buftab[0]
+		exe buftab[1].'winc w'
+		if j2l | cal ctrlp#j2l(j2l) | en
+	el
+		" Determine the command to use
+		let useb = bufnr > 0 && buflisted(bufnr) && empty(tail)
+		let cmd =
+			\ md == 't' || s:splitwin == 1 ? ( useb ? 'tab sb' : 'tabe' ) :
+			\ md == 'h' || s:splitwin == 2 ? ( useb ? 'sb' : 'new' ) :
+			\ md == 'v' || s:splitwin == 3 ? ( useb ? 'vert sb' : 'vne' ) :
+			\ call('ctrlp#normcmd', useb ? ['b', 'bo vert sb'] : ['e'])
+		" Reset &switchbuf option
+		let [swb, &swb] = [&swb, '']
+		" Open new window/buffer
+		let args = [cmd, useb ? bufnr : filpath, a:0 ? ' +'.a:1 : tail, useb, j2l]
+		cal call('s:openfile', args)
+		let &swb = swb
+	en
+fu! s:SpecInputs(str)
+	let spi = !s:itemtype || s:getextvar('specinput') > 0
+	if a:str == '..' && spi
+		cal s:parentdir(s:dyncwd)
+		cal ctrlp#setlines()
+		cal s:PrtClear()
+		retu 1
+	elsei a:str =~ '^[\/]$' && spi
+		cal s:SetWD(2, 0)
+		cal ctrlp#setlines()
+		cal s:PrtClear()
+		retu 1
+	elsei a:str == '?'
+		cal s:PrtExit()
+		let hlpwin = &columns > 159 ? '| vert res 80' : ''
+		sil! exe 'bo vert h ctrlp-mappings' hlpwin '| norm! 0'
+		retu 1
+	en
+	retu 0
+fu! s:AcceptSelection(mode)
+	let str = join(s:prompt, '')
+	if a:mode == 'e' | if s:SpecInputs(str) | retu | en | en
+	" Get the selected line
+	let line = !empty(s:lines) ? s:lines[line('.') - 1] : ''
+	if a:mode != 'e' && s:itemtype < 3 && line == ''
+		\ && str !~ '\v^(\.\.|/|\\|\?)$'
+		cal s:CreateNewFile(a:mode) | retu
+	en
+	if empty(line) | retu | en
+	" Do something with it
+	let actfunc = s:itemtype < 3 ? 'ctrlp#acceptfile' : s:getextvar('accept')
+	cal call(actfunc, [a:mode, line])
+" - CreateNewFile() {{{1
+fu! s:CreateNewFile(...)
+	let [md, str] = ['', join(s:prompt, '')]
+	if empty(str) | retu | en
+	if s:argmap && !a:0
+		" Get the extra argument
+		let md = s:argmaps(md, 1)
+		if md == 'cancel' | retu | en
+	en
+	let str = s:sanstail(str)
+	let [base, fname] = s:headntail(str)
+	if fname =~ '^[\/]$' | retu | en
+	if exists('s:marked') && len(s:marked)
+		" Use the first marked file's path
+		let path = fnamemodify(values(s:marked)[0], ':p:h')
+		let base = path.s:lash(path).base
+		let str = fnamemodify(base.s:lash.fname, ':.')
+	en
+	if base != '' | if isdirectory(ctrlp#utils#mkdir(base))
+		let optyp = str | en | el | let optyp = fname
+	en
+	if !exists('optyp') | retu | en
+	let [filpath, tail] = [fnamemodify(optyp, ':p'), s:tail()]
+	if !stridx(filpath, s:dyncwd) | cal s:insertcache(str) | en
+	cal s:PrtExit()
+	let cmd = md == 'r' ? ctrlp#normcmd('e') :
+		\ s:newfop =~ '1\|t' || ( a:0 && a:1 == 't' ) || md == 't' ? 'tabe' :
+		\ s:newfop =~ '2\|h' || ( a:0 && a:1 == 'h' ) || md == 'h' ? 'new' :
+		\ s:newfop =~ '3\|v' || ( a:0 && a:1 == 'v' ) || md == 'v' ? 'vne' :
+		\ ctrlp#normcmd('e')
+	cal s:openfile(cmd, filpath, tail)
+" * OpenMulti() {{{1
+fu! s:MarkToOpen()
+	if s:bufnr <= 0 || s:opmul == '0'
+		\ || ( s:itemtype > 2 && s:getextvar('opmul') != 1 )
+		retu
+	en
+	let line = !empty(s:lines) ? s:lines[line('.') - 1] : ''
+	if empty(line) | retu | en
+	let filpath = s:ispath ? fnamemodify(line, ':p') : line
+	if exists('s:marked') && s:dictindex(s:marked, filpath) > 0
+		" Unmark and remove the file from s:marked
+		let key = s:dictindex(s:marked, filpath)
+		cal remove(s:marked, key)
+		if empty(s:marked) | unl s:marked | en
+		if has('signs')
+			exe 'sign unplace' key 'buffer='.s:bufnr
+		en
+	el
+		" Add to s:marked and place a new sign
+		if exists('s:marked')
+			let vac = s:vacantdict(s:marked)
+			let key = empty(vac) ? len(s:marked) + 1 : vac[0]
+			let s:marked = extend(s:marked, { key : filpath })
+		el
+			let [key, s:marked] = [1, { 1 : filpath }]
+		en
+		if has('signs')
+			exe 'sign place' key 'line='.line('.').' name=ctrlpmark buffer='.s:bufnr
+		en
+	en
+	sil! cal ctrlp#statusline()
+fu! s:OpenMulti()
+	if !exists('s:marked') || s:opmul == '0' || !s:ispath | retu | en
+	" Get the options
+	let opts = matchlist(s:opmul, '\v^(\d+)=(\w)=(\w)=$')
+	if opts == [] | retu | en
+	let [nr, md, ucr] = opts[1:3]
+	if s:argmap
+		let md = s:argmaps(md)
+		if md == 'cancel' | retu | en
+	en
+	let mkd = values(s:marked)
+	cal s:sanstail(join(s:prompt, ''))
+	cal s:PrtExit()
+	if !nr || md == 'i'
+		retu map(mkd, "s:openfile('bad', fnamemodify(v:val, ':.'), '')")
+	en
+	" Move the cursor to a reusable window
+	let [tail, fnesc] = [s:tail(), exists('*fnameescape') && v:version > 701]
+	let [emptytail, nwpt] = [empty(tail), exists('g:ctrlp_open_multiple_files')]
+	let bufnr = bufnr('^'.mkd[0].'$')
+	let useb = bufnr > 0 && buflisted(bufnr) && emptytail
+	let fst = call('ctrlp#normcmd', useb ? ['b', 'bo vert sb'] : ['e'])
+	" Check if it's a replaceable buffer
+	let repabl = ( empty(bufname('%')) && empty(&l:ft) ) || s:nosplit()
+	" Commands for the rest of the files
+	let [ic, cmds] = [1, { 'v': ['vert sb', 'vne'], 'h': ['sb', 'new'],
+		\ 't': ['tab sb', 'tabe'] }]
+	let [swb, &swb] = [&swb, '']
+	" Open the files
+	for va in mkd
+		let bufnr = bufnr('^'.va.'$')
+		if bufnr < 0 && getftype(va) == '' | con | en
+		let useb = bufnr > 0 && buflisted(bufnr) && emptytail
+		let snd = md != '' && has_key(cmds, md) ?
+			\ ( useb ? cmds[md][0] : cmds[md][1] ) : ( useb ? 'vert sb' : 'vne' )
+		let cmd = ic == 1 && ( ucr == 'r' || repabl ) ? fst : snd
+		let conds = [( nr != '' && nr > 1 && nr < ic ) || ( nr == '' && ic > 1 ),
+			\ nr != '' && nr < ic]
+		if conds[nwpt]
+			if bufnr <= 0 | if fnesc
+				cal s:openfile('bad', fnamemodify(va, ':.'), '')
+			el
+				cal s:openfile(cmd, va, tail) | sil! hid clo!
+			en | en
+		el
+			cal s:openfile(cmd, useb ? bufnr : va, tail) | let ic += 1
+		en
+	endfo
+	let &swb = swb
+" ** Helper functions {{{1
+" Sorting {{{2
+fu! ctrlp#complen(...)
+	" By length
+	let [len1, len2] = [strlen(a:1), strlen(a:2)]
+	retu len1 == len2 ? 0 : len1 > len2 ? 1 : -1
+fu! s:compmatlen(...)
+	" By match length
+	let mln1 = s:shortest(s:matchlens(a:1, s:compat))
+	let mln2 = s:shortest(s:matchlens(a:2, s:compat))
+	retu mln1 == mln2 ? 0 : mln1 > mln2 ? 1 : -1
+fu! s:comptime(...)
+	" By last modified time
+	let [time1, time2] = [getftime(a:1), getftime(a:2)]
+	retu time1 == time2 ? 0 : time1 < time2 ? 1 : -1
+fu! s:compmreb(...)
+	" By last entered time (bufnr)
+	let [id1, id2] = [index(s:mrbs, a:1), index(s:mrbs, a:2)]
+	retu id1 == id2 ? 0 : id1 > id2 ? 1 : -1
+fu! s:compmref(...)
+	" By last entered time (MRU)
+	let [id1, id2] = [index(g:ctrlp_lines, a:1), index(g:ctrlp_lines, a:2)]
+	retu id1 == id2 ? 0 : id1 > id2 ? 1 : -1
+fu! s:comparent(...)
+	" By same parent dir
+	if !stridx(s:crfpath, s:dyncwd)
+		let [as1, as2] = [s:dyncwd.s:lash().a:1, s:dyncwd.s:lash().a:2]
+		let [loc1, loc2] = [s:getparent(as1), s:getparent(as2)]
+		if loc1 == s:crfpath && loc2 != s:crfpath | retu -1 | en
+		if loc2 == s:crfpath && loc1 != s:crfpath | retu 1  | en
+		retu 0
+	en
+	retu 0
+fu! s:compfnlen(...)
+	" By filename length
+	let len1 = strlen(split(a:1, s:lash)[-1])
+	let len2 = strlen(split(a:2, s:lash)[-1])
+	retu len1 == len2 ? 0 : len1 > len2 ? 1 : -1
+fu! s:matchlens(str, pat, ...)
+	if empty(a:pat) || index(['^', '$'], a:pat) >= 0 | retu {} | en
+	let st   = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
+	let lens = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : {}
+	let nr   = a:0 >= 3 ? a:3 : 0
+	if nr > 20 | retu {} | en
+	if match(a:str, a:pat, st) >= 0
+		let [mst, mnd] = [matchstr(a:str, a:pat, st), matchend(a:str, a:pat, st)]
+		let lens = extend(lens, { nr : [strlen(mst), mst] })
+		let lens = s:matchlens(a:str, a:pat, mnd, lens, nr + 1)
+	en
+	retu lens
+fu! s:shortest(lens)
+	retu min(map(values(a:lens), 'v:val[0]'))
+fu! s:mixedsort(...)
+	let [cln, cml] = [ctrlp#complen(a:1, a:2), s:compmatlen(a:1, a:2)]
+	if s:ispath
+		let ms = []
+		if s:height < 21
+			let ms += [s:compfnlen(a:1, a:2)]
+			if s:itemtype !~ '^[12]$' | let ms += [s:comptime(a:1, a:2)] | en
+			if !s:itemtype | let ms += [s:comparent(a:1, a:2)] | en
+		en
+		if s:itemtype =~ '^[12]$'
+			let ms += [s:compmref(a:1, a:2)] | let cln = 0
+		en
+		let ms += [cml, 0, 0, 0]
+		let mp = call('s:multipliers', ms[:3])
+		retu cln + ms[0] * mp[0] + ms[1] * mp[1] + ms[2] * mp[2] + ms[3] * mp[3]
+	en
+	retu cln + cml * 2
+fu! s:multipliers(...)
+	let mp0 = !a:1 ? 0 : 2
+	let mp1 = !a:2 ? 0 : 1 + ( !mp0 ? 1 : mp0 )
+	let mp2 = !a:3 ? 0 : 1 + ( !( mp0 + mp1 ) ? 1 : ( mp0 + mp1 ) )
+	let mp3 = !a:4 ? 0 : 1 + ( !( mp0 + mp1 + mp2 ) ? 1 : ( mp0 + mp1 + mp2 ) )
+	retu [mp0, mp1, mp2, mp3]
+fu! s:compval(...)
+	retu a:1 - a:2
+" Statusline {{{2
+fu! ctrlp#statusline()
+	if !exists('s:statypes')
+		let s:statypes = [
+			\ ['files', 'fil'],
+			\ ['buffers', 'buf'],
+			\ ['mru files', 'mru'],
+			\ ]
+		if !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
+			cal map(copy(g:ctrlp_ext_vars),
+				\ 'add(s:statypes, [ v:val["lname"], v:val["sname"] ])')
+		en
+	en
+	let tps = s:statypes
+	let max = len(tps) - 1
+	let nxt = tps[s:walker(max, s:itemtype,  1)][1]
+	let prv = tps[s:walker(max, s:itemtype, -1)][1]
+	let item = tps[s:itemtype][0]
+	let focus   = s:Focus() ? 'prt'  : 'win'
+	let byfname = s:byfname ? 'file' : 'path'
+	let marked  = s:opmul != '0' ?
+		\ exists('s:marked') ? ' <'.s:dismrk().'>' : ' <->' : ''
+	if s:status != {}
+		let args = [focus, byfname, s:regexp, prv, item, nxt, marked]
+		let &l:stl = call(s:status['main'], args)
+	el
+		let item    = '%#CtrlPMode1# '.item.' %*'
+		let focus   = '%#CtrlPMode2# '.focus.' %*'
+		let byfname = '%#CtrlPMode1# '.byfname.' %*'
+		let regex   = s:regexp  ? '%#CtrlPMode2# regex %*' : ''
+		let slider  = ' <'.prv.'>={'.item.'}=<'.nxt.'>'
+		let dir     = ' %=%<%#CtrlPMode2# '.s:dyncwd.' %*'
+		let &l:stl  = focus.byfname.regex.slider.marked.dir
+	en
+fu! s:dismrk()
+	retu has('signs') ? len(s:marked) :
+		\ '%<'.join(values(map(copy(s:marked), 'split(v:val, "[\\/]")[-1]')), ', ')
+fu! ctrlp#progress(enum, ...)
+	if has('macunix') || has('mac') | sl 1m | en
+	let txt = a:0 ? '(press ctrl-c to abort)' : ''
+	let &l:stl = s:status != {} ? call(s:status['prog'], [a:enum])
+		\ : '%#CtrlPStats# '.a:enum.' %* '.txt.'%=%<%#CtrlPMode2# '.s:dyncwd.' %*'
+	redraws
+" Paths {{{2
+fu! s:formatline(str)
+	let cond = s:ispath && ( s:winw - 4 ) < s:strwidth(a:str)
+	retu '> '.( cond ? pathshorten(a:str) : a:str )
+fu! s:dircompl(be, sd)
+	if a:sd == '' | retu [] | en
+	let [be, sd] = a:be == '' ? [s:dyncwd, a:sd] : [a:be, a:be.s:lash(a:be).a:sd]
+	let dirs = ctrlp#rmbasedir(split(globpath(be, a:sd.'*/'), "\n"))
+	cal filter(dirs, '!match(v:val, escape(sd, ''~$.\''))'
+		\ . ' && match(v:val, ''\v(^|[\/])\.{1,2}[\/]$'') < 0')
+	retu dirs
+fu! s:findcommon(items, seed)
+	let [items, id, cmn, ic] = [copy(a:items), strlen(a:seed), '', 0]
+	cal map(items, 'strpart(v:val, id)')
+	for char in split(items[0], '\zs')
+		for item in items[1:]
+			if item[ic] != char | let brk = 1 | brea | en
+		endfo
+		if exists('brk') | brea | en
+		let cmn .= char
+		let ic += 1
+	endfo
+	retu cmn
+fu! s:headntail(str)
+	let parts = split(a:str, '[\/]\ze[^\/]\+[\/:]\?$')
+	retu len(parts) == 1 ? ['', parts[0]] : len(parts) == 2 ? parts : []
+fu! s:lash(...)
+	retu match(a:0 ? a:1 : s:dyncwd, '[\/]$') < 0 ? s:lash : ''
+fu! s:ispathitem()
+	retu s:itemtype < 3 || ( s:itemtype > 2 && s:getextvar('type') == 'path' )
+fu! ctrlp#dirnfile(entries)
+	let [items, cwd] = [[[], []], s:dyncwd.s:lash()]
+	for each in a:entries
+		let etype = getftype(each)
+		if s:igntype >= 0 && s:usrign(each, etype) | con | en
+		if etype == 'dir'
+			if s:dotfiles | if match(each, '[\/]\.\{1,2}$') < 0
+				cal add(items[0], each)
+			en | el
+				cal add(items[0], each)
+			en
+		elsei etype == 'link'
+			if s:folsym
+				let isfile = !isdirectory(each)
+				if !s:samerootsyml(each, isfile, cwd)
+					cal add(items[isfile], each)
+				en
+			en
+		elsei etype == 'file'
+			cal add(items[1], each)
+		en
+	endfo
+	retu items
+fu! s:usrign(item, type)
+	retu s:igntype == 1 ? a:item =~ s:usrign
+		\ : s:igntype == 4 && has_key(s:usrign, a:type) && s:usrign[a:type] != ''
+		\ ? a:item =~ s:usrign[a:type] : 0
+fu! s:samerootsyml(each, isfile, cwd)
+	let resolve = fnamemodify(resolve(a:each), ':p:h')
+	let resolve .= s:lash(resolve)
+	retu !( stridx(resolve, a:cwd) && ( stridx(a:cwd, resolve) || a:isfile ) )
+fu! ctrlp#rmbasedir(items)
+	if a:items != [] && !stridx(a:items[0], s:dyncwd)
+		let idx = strlen(s:dyncwd) + ( match(s:dyncwd, '[\/]$') < 0 )
+		retu map(a:items, 'strpart(v:val, idx)')
+	en
+	retu a:items
+fu! s:parentdir(curr)
+	let parent = s:getparent(a:curr)
+	if parent != a:curr | cal ctrlp#setdir(parent) | en
+fu! s:getparent(item)
+	let parent = substitute(a:item, '[\/][^\/]\+[\/:]\?$', '', '')
+	if parent == '' || match(parent, '[\/]') < 0
+		let parent .= s:lash
+	en
+	retu parent
+fu! s:findroot(curr, mark, depth, type)
+	let [depth, notfound] = [a:depth + 1, empty(s:glbpath(a:curr, a:mark, 1))]
+	if !notfound || depth > s:maxdepth
+		if notfound | cal ctrlp#setdir(s:cwd) | en
+		if a:type && depth <= s:maxdepth
+			let s:vcsroot = a:curr
+		elsei !a:type && !notfound
+			cal ctrlp#setdir(a:curr) | let s:foundroot = 1
+		en
+	el
+		let parent = s:getparent(a:curr)
+		if parent != a:curr | cal s:findroot(parent, a:mark, depth, a:type) | en
+	en
+fu! s:glbpath(...)
+	let cond = v:version > 702 || ( v:version == 702 && has('patch051') )
+	retu call('globpath', cond ? a:000 : a:000[:1])
+fu! ctrlp#fnesc(path)
+	retu exists('*fnameescape') ? fnameescape(a:path) : escape(a:path, " %#*?|<\"\n")
+fu! ctrlp#setdir(path, ...)
+	let cmd = a:0 ? a:1 : 'lc!'
+	sil! exe cmd ctrlp#fnesc(a:path)
+	let [s:crfilerel, s:dyncwd] = [fnamemodify(s:crfile, ':.'), getcwd()]
+fu! ctrlp#setlcdir()
+	if exists('*haslocaldir')
+		cal ctrlp#setdir(getcwd(), haslocaldir() ? 'lc!' : 'cd!')
+	en
+" Highlighting {{{2
+fu! ctrlp#syntax()
+	if ctrlp#nosy() | retu | en
+	for [ke, va] in items(s:hlgrps) | cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlP'.ke, va) | endfo
+	if !hlexists('CtrlPLinePre')
+		\ && synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), 'bg') !~ '^-1$\|^$'
+		sil! exe 'hi CtrlPLinePre '.( has("gui_running") ? 'gui' : 'cterm' ).'fg=bg'
+	en
+	sy match CtrlPNoEntries '^ == NO ENTRIES ==$'
+	if hlexists('CtrlPLinePre')
+		sy match CtrlPLinePre '^>'
+	en
+fu! s:highlight(pat, grp)
+	if s:matcher != {} | retu | en
+	cal clearmatches()
+	if !empty(a:pat) && s:ispath
+		let pat = s:regexp ? substitute(a:pat, '\\\@<!\^', '^> \\zs', 'g') : a:pat
+		if s:byfname
+			" Match only filename
+			let pat = substitute(pat, '\[\^\(.\{-}\)\]\\{-}', '[^\\/\1]\\{-}', 'g')
+			let pat = substitute(pat, '\$\@<!$', '\\ze[^\\/]*$', 'g')
+		en
+		cal matchadd(a:grp, '\c'.pat)
+		cal matchadd('CtrlPLinePre', '^>')
+	en
+fu! s:dohighlight()
+	retu s:mathi[0] && exists('*clearmatches') && !ctrlp#nosy()
+" Prompt history {{{2
+fu! s:gethistloc()
+	let utilcadir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir()
+	let cache_dir = utilcadir.s:lash(utilcadir).'hist'
+	retu [cache_dir, cache_dir.s:lash(cache_dir).'cache.txt']
+fu! s:gethistdata()
+	retu ctrlp#utils#readfile(s:gethistloc()[1])
+fu! ctrlp#recordhist()
+	let str = join(s:prompt, '')
+	if empty(str) || !s:maxhst | retu | en
+	let hst = s:hstry
+	if len(hst) > 1 && hst[1] == str | retu | en
+	cal extend(hst, [str], 1)
+	if len(hst) > s:maxhst | cal remove(hst, s:maxhst, -1) | en
+	cal ctrlp#utils#writecache(hst, s:gethistloc()[0], s:gethistloc()[1])
+" Signs {{{2
+fu! s:unmarksigns()
+	if !s:dosigns() | retu | en
+	for key in keys(s:marked)
+		exe 'sign unplace' key 'buffer='.s:bufnr
+	endfo
+fu! s:remarksigns()
+	if !s:dosigns() | retu | en
+	for ic in range(1, len(s:lines))
+		let line = s:ispath ? fnamemodify(s:lines[ic - 1], ':p') : s:lines[ic - 1]
+		let key = s:dictindex(s:marked, line)
+		if key > 0
+			exe 'sign place' key 'line='.ic.' name=ctrlpmark buffer='.s:bufnr
+		en
+	endfo
+fu! s:dosigns()
+	retu exists('s:marked') && s:bufnr > 0 && s:opmul != '0' && has('signs')
+" Lists & Dictionaries {{{2
+fu! s:dictindex(dict, expr)
+	for key in keys(a:dict)
+		if a:dict[key] == a:expr | retu key | en
+	endfo
+	retu -1
+fu! s:vacantdict(dict)
+	retu filter(range(1, max(keys(a:dict))), '!has_key(a:dict, v:val)')
+fu! s:sublist(l, s, e)
+	retu v:version > 701 ? a:l[(a:s):(a:e)] : s:sublist7071(a:l, a:s, a:e)
+fu! s:sublist7071(l, s, e)
+	let [newlist, id, ae] = [[], a:s, a:e == -1 ? len(a:l) - 1 : a:e]
+	wh id <= ae
+		cal add(newlist, get(a:l, id))
+		let id += 1
+	endw
+	retu newlist
+" Buffers {{{2
+fu! s:buftab(bufnr, md)
+	for tabnr in range(1, tabpagenr('$'))
+		if tabpagenr() == tabnr && a:md == 't' | con | en
+		let buflist = tabpagebuflist(tabnr)
+		if index(buflist, a:bufnr) >= 0
+			for winnr in range(1, tabpagewinnr(tabnr, '$'))
+				if buflist[winnr - 1] == a:bufnr | retu [tabnr, winnr] | en
+			endfo
+		en
+	endfo
+	retu [0, 0]
+fu! ctrlp#normcmd(cmd, ...)
+	if s:nosplit() | retu a:cmd | en
+	let norwins = filter(range(1, winnr('$')),
+		\ 'empty(getbufvar(winbufnr(v:val), "&bt"))')
+	for each in norwins
+		let bufnr = winbufnr(each)
+		if empty(bufname(bufnr)) && empty(getbufvar(bufnr, '&ft'))
+			let fstemp = each | brea
+		en
+	endfo
+	let norwin = empty(norwins) ? 0 : norwins[0]
+	if norwin
+		if index(norwins, winnr()) < 0
+			exe ( exists('fstemp') ? fstemp : norwin ).'winc w'
+		en
+		retu a:cmd
+	en
+	retu a:0 ? a:1 : 'bo vne'
+fu! s:nosplit()
+	retu !empty(s:nosplit) && match([bufname('%'), &l:ft, &l:bt], s:nosplit) >= 0
+fu! s:setupblank()
+	setl noswf nobl nonu nowrap nolist nospell nocuc wfh
+	setl fdc=0 fdl=99 tw=0 bt=nofile bh=unload
+	if v:version > 702
+		setl nornu noudf cc=0
+	en
+fu! s:leavepre()
+	if exists('s:bufnr') && s:bufnr == bufnr('%') | bw! | en
+	if s:clrex && !( has('clientserver') && len(split(serverlist(), "\n")) > 1 )
+		cal ctrlp#clra()
+	en
+fu! s:checkbuf()
+	if !exists('s:init') && exists('s:bufnr') && s:bufnr > 0
+		exe s:bufnr.'bw!'
+	en
+" Arguments {{{2
+fu! s:tail()
+	if exists('s:optail') && !empty('s:optail')
+		let tailpref = match(s:optail, '^\s*+') < 0 ? ' +' : ' '
+		retu tailpref.s:optail
+	en
+	retu ''
+fu! s:sanstail(str)
+	let [str, pat] = [substitute(a:str, '\\\\', '\', 'g'), '\([^:]\|\\:\)*$']
+	unl! s:optail
+	if match(str, '\\\@<!:'.pat) >= 0
+		let s:optail = matchstr(str, '\\\@<!:\zs'.pat)
+		let str = substitute(str, '\\\@<!:'.pat, '', '')
+	en
+	retu substitute(str, '\\\ze:', '', 'g')
+fu! s:argmaps(md, ...)
+	let roh = a:0 ? ['/[r]eplace', 'r'] : ['/h[i]dden', 'i']
+	let str = '[t]ab/[v]ertical/[h]orizontal'.roh[0].'? '
+	let args = [a:md] + ( a:0 ? [a:1] : [] )
+	retu s:choices(str, ['t', 'v', 'h', roh[1]], 's:argmaps', args)
+fu! s:insertstr()
+	let str = 'Insert: c[w]ord/c[f]ile/[s]earch/[v]isual/[c]lipboard? '
+	retu s:choices(str, ['w', 'f', 's', 'v', 'c'], 's:insertstr', [])
+fu! s:choices(str, choices, func, args)
+	redr
+	echoh MoreMsg
+	echon a:str
+	echoh None
+	let char = nr2char(getchar())
+	if index(a:choices, char) >= 0
+		retu char
+	elsei char =~# "\\v\<Esc>|\<C-c>|\<C-g>|\<C-u>|\<C-w>|\<C-[>"
+		cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
+		retu 'cancel'
+	elsei char =~# "\<CR>" && a:args != []
+		retu a:args[0]
+	en
+	retu call(a:func, a:args)
+" Misc {{{2
+fu! s:modevar()
+	let s:matchtype = s:mtype()
+	let s:ispath = s:ispathitem()
+	if !s:ispath | let s:byfname = 0 | en
+	let s:mfunc = s:mfunc()
+	let s:nolim = s:getextvar('nolim')
+	let s:dosort = s:getextvar('sort')
+fu! s:nosort()
+	retu s:matcher != {} || s:nolim == 1 || ( s:itemtype == 2 && s:mrudef )
+		\ || ( s:itemtype =~ '\v^(1|2)$' && s:prompt == ['', '', ''] ) || !s:dosort
+fu! s:narrowable()
+	retu exists('s:act_add') && exists('s:matched') && s:matched != []
+		\ && exists('s:mdata') && s:mdata[:2] == [s:dyncwd, s:itemtype, s:regexp]
+		\ && s:matcher == {}
+fu! s:migemo(str)
+	let str = a:str
+	let dict = s:glbpath(&rtp, printf("dict/%s/migemo-dict", &enc), 1)
+	if !len(dict)
+		let dict = s:glbpath(&rtp, "dict/migemo-dict", 1)
+	en
+	if len(dict)
+		let [tokens, str, cmd] = [split(str, '\s'), '', 'cmigemo -v -w %s -d %s']
+		for token in tokens
+			let rtn = system(printf(cmd, shellescape(token), shellescape(dict)))
+			let str .= !v:shell_error && strlen(rtn) > 0 ? '.*'.rtn : token
+		endfo
+	en
+	retu str
+fu! s:strwidth(str)
+	retu exists('*strdisplaywidth') ? strdisplaywidth(a:str) : strlen(a:str)
+fu! ctrlp#j2l(nr)
+	exe a:nr
+	sil! norm! zvzz
+fu! s:maxf(len)
+	retu s:maxfiles && a:len > s:maxfiles ? 1 : 0
+fu! s:regexfilter(str)
+	let str = a:str
+	for key in keys(s:fpats) | if match(str, key) >= 0
+		let str = substitute(str, s:fpats[key], '', 'g')
+	en | endfo
+	retu str
+fu! s:walker(m, p, d)
+	retu a:d > 0 ? a:p < a:m ? a:p + a:d : 0 : a:p > 0 ? a:p + a:d : a:m
+fu! s:delent(rfunc)
+	if a:rfunc == '' | retu | en
+	let [s:force, tbrem] = [1, []]
+	if exists('s:marked')
+		let tbrem = values(s:marked)
+		cal s:unmarksigns()
+		unl s:marked
+	en
+	if tbrem == [] && ( has('dialog_gui') || has('dialog_con') ) &&
+		\ confirm("Wipe all entries?", "&OK\n&Cancel") != 1
+		unl s:force
+		cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
+		retu
+	en
+	let g:ctrlp_lines = call(a:rfunc, [tbrem])
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
+	unl s:force
+" Entering & Exiting {{{2
+fu! s:getenv()
+	let [s:cwd, s:winres] = [getcwd(), [winrestcmd(), &lines, winnr('$')]]
+	let [s:crfile, s:crfpath] = [expand('%:p', 1), expand('%:p:h', 1)]
+	let [s:crword, s:crline] = [expand('<cword>', 1), getline('.')]
+	let [s:winh, s:crcursor] = [min([s:mxheight, &lines]), getpos('.')]
+	let [s:crbufnr, s:crvisual] = [bufnr('%'), s:lastvisual()]
+	let s:wpmode = exists('b:ctrlp_working_path_mode')
+		\ ? b:ctrlp_working_path_mode : s:pathmode
+	let [s:mrbs, s:crgfile] = [ctrlp#mrufiles#bufs(), expand('<cfile>', 1)]
+fu! s:lastvisual()
+	let cview = winsaveview()
+	let [ovreg, ovtype] = [getreg('v'), getregtype('v')]
+	let [oureg, outype] = [getreg('"'), getregtype('"')]
+	sil! norm! gv"vy
+	let selected = substitute(getreg('v'), '\n', '\\n', 'g')
+	cal setreg('v', ovreg, ovtype)
+	cal setreg('"', oureg, outype)
+	cal winrestview(cview)
+	retu selected
+fu! s:log(m)
+	if exists('g:ctrlp_log') && g:ctrlp_log | if a:m
+		let cadir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir()
+		sil! exe 'redi! >' cadir.s:lash(cadir).'ctrlp.log'
+	el
+		sil! redi END
+	en | en
+fu! s:buffunc(e)
+	if a:e && has_key(s:buffunc, 'enter')
+		cal call(s:buffunc['enter'], [])
+	elsei !a:e && has_key(s:buffunc, 'exit')
+		cal call(s:buffunc['exit'], [])
+	en
+fu! s:openfile(cmd, fid, tail, ...)
+	let cmd = a:cmd =~ '^[eb]$' && &modified ? 'hid '.a:cmd : a:cmd
+	let cmd = cmd =~ '^tab' ? tabpagenr('$').cmd : cmd
+	let j2l = a:0 && a:1 ? a:2 : 0
+	exe cmd.( a:0 && a:1 ? '' : a:tail ) ctrlp#fnesc(a:fid)
+	if j2l
+		exe j2l
+	en
+	if !empty(a:tail) || j2l
+		sil! norm! zvzz
+	en
+	if cmd != 'bad'
+		cal ctrlp#setlcdir()
+	en
+fu! s:settype(type)
+	retu a:type < 0 ? exists('s:itemtype') ? s:itemtype : 0 : a:type
+" Matching {{{2
+fu! s:matchfname(item, pat)
+	retu match(split(a:item, s:lash)[-1], a:pat)
+fu! s:matchtabs(item, pat)
+	retu match(split(a:item, '\t\+')[0], a:pat)
+fu! s:matchtabe(item, pat)
+	retu match(split(a:item, '\t\+[^\t]\+$')[0], a:pat)
+fu! s:mfunc()
+	let mfunc = 'match'
+	if s:byfname && s:ispath
+		let mfunc = 's:matchfname'
+	elsei s:itemtype > 2
+		let matchtypes = { 'tabs': 's:matchtabs', 'tabe': 's:matchtabe' }
+		if has_key(matchtypes, s:matchtype)
+			let mfunc = matchtypes[s:matchtype]
+		en
+	en
+	retu mfunc
+fu! s:mmode()
+	let matchmodes = {
+		\ 'match': 'full-line',
+		\ 's:matchfname': 'filename-only',
+		\ 's:matchtabs': 'first-non-tab',
+		\ 's:matchtabe': 'until-last-tab',
+		\ }
+	retu matchmodes[s:mfunc]
+" Cache {{{2
+fu! s:writecache(cache_file)
+	let fwrite = len(g:ctrlp_allfiles) > s:nocache_lim
+	if ( g:ctrlp_newcache || !filereadable(a:cache_file) ) && s:caching || fwrite
+		if fwrite | let s:caching = 1 | en
+		cal ctrlp#utils#writecache(g:ctrlp_allfiles)
+		let g:ctrlp_newcache = 0
+	en
+fu! s:insertcache(str)
+	let [data, g:ctrlp_newcache, str] = [g:ctrlp_allfiles, 1, a:str]
+	if strlen(str) <= strlen(data[0])
+		let pos = 0
+	elsei strlen(str) >= strlen(data[-1])
+		let pos = len(data) - 1
+	el
+		let pos = 0
+		for each in data
+			if strlen(each) > strlen(str) | brea | en
+			let pos += 1
+		endfo
+	en
+	cal insert(data, str, pos)
+	cal s:writecache(ctrlp#utils#cachefile())
+" Extensions {{{2
+fu! s:mtype()
+	retu s:itemtype > 2 ? s:getextvar('type') : 'path'
+fu! s:execextvar(key)
+	if !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
+		cal map(filter(copy(g:ctrlp_ext_vars),
+			\ 'has_key(v:val, a:key)'), 'eval(v:val[a:key])')
+	en
+fu! s:getextvar(key)
+	if s:itemtype > 2
+		let vars = g:ctrlp_ext_vars[s:itemtype - 3]
+		retu has_key(vars, a:key) ? vars[a:key] : -1
+	en
+	retu -1
+fu! ctrlp#exit()
+	cal s:PrtExit()
+fu! ctrlp#prtclear()
+	cal s:PrtClear()
+fu! ctrlp#switchtype(id)
+	cal s:ToggleType(a:id - s:itemtype)
+fu! ctrlp#nosy()
+	retu !( has('syntax') && exists('g:syntax_on') )
+fu! ctrlp#hicheck(grp, defgrp)
+	if !hlexists(a:grp)
+		exe 'hi link' a:grp a:defgrp
+	en
+fu! ctrlp#call(func, ...)
+	cal call(a:func, a:000)
+" * Initialization {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#setlines(...)
+	if a:0 | let s:itemtype = a:1 | en
+	cal s:modevar()
+	let types = ['ctrlp#files()', 'ctrlp#buffers()', 'ctrlp#mrufiles#list()']
+	if !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
+		cal map(copy(g:ctrlp_ext_vars), 'add(types, v:val["init"])')
+	en
+	let g:ctrlp_lines = eval(types[s:itemtype])
+fu! ctrlp#init(type, ...)
+	if exists('s:init') | retu | en
+	let [s:matches, s:init] = [1, 1]
+	cal ctrlp#reset()
+	cal s:Open()
+	cal s:SetWD(a:0 ? a:1 : '')
+	cal s:MapKeys()
+	cal ctrlp#syntax()
+	cal ctrlp#setlines(s:settype(a:type))
+	cal s:SetDefTxt()
+	cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
+" - Autocmds {{{1
+if has('autocmd')
+	aug CtrlPAug
+		au!
+		au BufEnter ControlP cal s:checkbuf()
+		au BufLeave ControlP cal s:Close()
+		au VimLeavePre * cal s:leavepre()
+	aug END
+fu! s:autocmds()
+	if !has('autocmd') | retu | en
+	if exists('#CtrlPLazy')
+		au! CtrlPLazy
+	en
+	if s:lazy
+		aug CtrlPLazy
+			au!
+			au CursorHold ControlP cal s:ForceUpdate()
+		aug END
+	en
+" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/bookmarkdir.vim	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" File:          autoload/ctrlp/bookmarkdir.vim
+" Description:   Bookmarked directories extension
+" Author:        Kien Nguyen <>
+" =============================================================================
+" Init {{{1
+if exists('g:loaded_ctrlp_bookmarkdir') && g:loaded_ctrlp_bookmarkdir
+	fini
+let g:loaded_ctrlp_bookmarkdir = 1
+cal add(g:ctrlp_ext_vars, {
+	\ 'init': 'ctrlp#bookmarkdir#init()',
+	\ 'accept': 'ctrlp#bookmarkdir#accept',
+	\ 'lname': 'bookmarked dirs',
+	\ 'sname': 'bkd',
+	\ 'type': 'tabs',
+	\ 'opmul': 1,
+	\ 'nolim': 1,
+	\ 'wipe': 'ctrlp#bookmarkdir#remove',
+	\ })
+let s:id = g:ctrlp_builtins + len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
+" Utilities {{{1
+fu! s:getinput(str, ...)
+	echoh Identifier
+	cal inputsave()
+	let input = call('input', a:0 ? [a:str] + a:000 : [a:str])
+	cal inputrestore()
+	echoh None
+	retu input
+fu! s:cachefile()
+	if !exists('s:cadir') || !exists('s:cafile')
+		let s:cadir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir().ctrlp#utils#lash().'bkd'
+		let s:cafile = s:cadir.ctrlp#utils#lash().'cache.txt'
+	en
+	retu s:cafile
+fu! s:writecache(lines)
+	cal ctrlp#utils#writecache(a:lines, s:cadir, s:cafile)
+fu! s:getbookmarks()
+	retu ctrlp#utils#readfile(s:cachefile())
+fu! s:savebookmark(name, cwd)
+	let entries = filter(s:getbookmarks(), 's:parts(v:val)[1] != a:cwd')
+	cal s:writecache(insert(entries, a:name.'	'.a:cwd))
+fu! s:setentries()
+	let time = getftime(s:cachefile())
+	if !( exists('s:bookmarks') && time == s:bookmarks[0] )
+		let s:bookmarks = [time, s:getbookmarks()]
+	en
+fu! s:parts(str)
+	let mlist = matchlist(a:str, '\v([^\t]+)\t(.*)$')
+	retu mlist != [] ? mlist[1:2] : ['', '']
+fu! s:process(entries, type)
+	retu map(a:entries, 's:modify(v:val, a:type)')
+fu! s:modify(entry, type)
+	let [name, dir] = s:parts(a:entry)
+	let dir = fnamemodify(dir, a:type)
+	retu name.'	'.( dir == '' ? '.' : dir )
+fu! s:msg(name, cwd)
+	redr
+	echoh Identifier | echon 'Bookmarked ' | echoh Constant
+	echon a:name.' ' | echoh Directory | echon a:cwd
+	echoh None
+fu! s:syntax()
+	if !ctrlp#nosy()
+		cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlPBookmark', 'Identifier')
+		cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlPTabExtra', 'Comment')
+		sy match CtrlPBookmark '^> [^\t]\+' contains=CtrlPLinePre
+		sy match CtrlPTabExtra '\zs\t.*\ze$'
+	en
+" Public {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#bookmarkdir#init()
+	cal s:setentries()
+	cal s:syntax()
+	retu s:process(copy(s:bookmarks[1]), ':.')
+fu! ctrlp#bookmarkdir#accept(mode, str)
+	let parts = s:parts(s:modify(a:str, ':p'))
+	cal call('s:savebookmark', parts)
+	if a:mode =~ 't\|v\|h'
+		cal ctrlp#exit()
+	en
+	cal ctrlp#setdir(parts[1], a:mode =~ 't\|h' ? 'chd!' : 'lc!')
+	if a:mode == 'e'
+		cal ctrlp#switchtype(0)
+		cal ctrlp#recordhist()
+		cal ctrlp#prtclear()
+	en
+fu! ctrlp#bookmarkdir#add(dir)
+	let str = 'Directory to bookmark: '
+	let cwd = a:dir != '' ? a:dir : s:getinput(str, getcwd(), 'dir')
+	if cwd == '' | retu | en
+	let cwd = fnamemodify(cwd, ':p')
+	let name = s:getinput('Bookmark as: ', cwd)
+	if name == '' | retu | en
+	let name = tr(name, '	', ' ')
+	cal s:savebookmark(name, cwd)
+	cal s:msg(name, cwd)
+fu! ctrlp#bookmarkdir#remove(entries)
+	cal s:process(a:entries, ':p')
+	cal s:writecache(a:entries == [] ? [] :
+		\ filter(s:getbookmarks(), 'index(a:entries, v:val) < 0'))
+	cal s:setentries()
+	retu s:process(copy(s:bookmarks[1]), ':.')
+fu! ctrlp#bookmarkdir#id()
+	retu s:id
+" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/buffertag.vim	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" File:          autoload/ctrlp/buffertag.vim
+" Description:   Buffer Tag extension
+" Maintainer:    Kien Nguyen <>
+" Credits:       Much of the code was taken from tagbar.vim by Jan Larres, plus
+"                a few lines from taglist.vim by Yegappan Lakshmanan and from
+"                buffertag.vim by Takeshi Nishida.
+" =============================================================================
+" Init {{{1
+if exists('g:loaded_ctrlp_buftag') && g:loaded_ctrlp_buftag
+	fini
+let g:loaded_ctrlp_buftag = 1
+cal add(g:ctrlp_ext_vars, {
+	\ 'init': 'ctrlp#buffertag#init(s:crfile)',
+	\ 'accept': 'ctrlp#buffertag#accept',
+	\ 'lname': 'buffer tags',
+	\ 'sname': 'bft',
+	\ 'exit': 'ctrlp#buffertag#exit()',
+	\ 'type': 'tabs',
+	\ 'opts': 'ctrlp#buffertag#opts()',
+	\ })
+let s:id = g:ctrlp_builtins + len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
+let [s:pref, s:opts] = ['g:ctrlp_buftag_', {
+	\ 'systemenc': ['s:enc', &enc],
+	\ 'ctags_bin': ['s:bin', ''],
+	\ 'types': ['s:usr_types', {}],
+	\ }]
+let s:bins = [
+	\ 'ctags-exuberant',
+	\ 'exuberant-ctags',
+	\ 'exctags',
+	\ '/usr/local/bin/ctags',
+	\ '/opt/local/bin/ctags',
+	\ 'ctags',
+	\ 'ctags.exe',
+	\ 'tags',
+	\ ]
+let s:types = {
+	\ 'asm'    : '%sasm%sasm%sdlmt',
+	\ 'aspperl': '%sasp%sasp%sfsv',
+	\ 'aspvbs' : '%sasp%sasp%sfsv',
+	\ 'awk'    : '%sawk%sawk%sf',
+	\ 'beta'   : '%sbeta%sbeta%sfsv',
+	\ 'c'      : '%sc%sc%sdgsutvf',
+	\ 'cpp'    : '%sc++%sc++%snvdtcgsuf',
+	\ 'cs'     : '%sc#%sc#%sdtncEgsipm',
+	\ 'cobol'  : '%scobol%scobol%sdfgpPs',
+	\ 'eiffel' : '%seiffel%seiffel%scf',
+	\ 'erlang' : '%serlang%serlang%sdrmf',
+	\ 'expect' : '%stcl%stcl%scfp',
+	\ 'fortran': '%sfortran%sfortran%spbceiklmntvfs',
+	\ 'html'   : '%shtml%shtml%saf',
+	\ 'java'   : '%sjava%sjava%spcifm',
+	\ 'javascript': '%sjavascript%sjavascript%sf',
+	\ 'lisp'   : '%slisp%slisp%sf',
+	\ 'lua'    : '%slua%slua%sf',
+	\ 'make'   : '%smake%smake%sm',
+	\ 'pascal' : '%spascal%spascal%sfp',
+	\ 'perl'   : '%sperl%sperl%sclps',
+	\ 'php'    : '%sphp%sphp%scdvf',
+	\ 'python' : '%spython%spython%scmf',
+	\ 'rexx'   : '%srexx%srexx%ss',
+	\ 'ruby'   : '%sruby%sruby%scfFm',
+	\ 'scheme' : '%sscheme%sscheme%ssf',
+	\ 'sh'     : '%ssh%ssh%sf',
+	\ 'csh'    : '%ssh%ssh%sf',
+	\ 'zsh'    : '%ssh%ssh%sf',
+	\ 'slang'  : '%sslang%sslang%snf',
+	\ 'sml'    : '%ssml%ssml%secsrtvf',
+	\ 'sql'    : '%ssql%ssql%scFPrstTvfp',
+	\ 'tcl'    : '%stcl%stcl%scfmp',
+	\ 'vera'   : '%svera%svera%scdefgmpPtTvx',
+	\ 'verilog': '%sverilog%sverilog%smcPertwpvf',
+	\ 'vim'    : '%svim%svim%savf',
+	\ 'yacc'   : '%syacc%syacc%sl',
+	\ }
+cal map(s:types, 'printf(v:val, "--language-force=", " --", "-types=")')
+if executable('jsctags')
+	cal extend(s:types, { 'javascript': { 'args': '-f -', 'bin': 'jsctags' } })
+fu! ctrlp#buffertag#opts()
+	for [ke, va] in items(s:opts)
+		let {va[0]} = exists( ? {} : va[1]
+	endfo
+	" Ctags bin
+	if empty(s:bin)
+		for bin in s:bins | if executable(bin)
+			let s:bin = bin
+			brea
+		en | endfo
+	el
+		let s:bin = expand(s:bin, 1)
+	en
+	" Types
+	cal extend(s:types, s:usr_types)
+" Utilities {{{1
+fu! s:validfile(fname, ftype)
+	if ( !empty(a:fname) || !empty(a:ftype) ) && filereadable(a:fname)
+		\ && index(keys(s:types), a:ftype) >= 0 | retu 1 | en
+	retu 0
+fu! s:exectags(cmd)
+	if exists('+ssl')
+		let [ssl, &ssl] = [&ssl, 0]
+	en
+	if &sh =~ 'cmd\.exe'
+		let [sxq, &sxq, shcf, &shcf] = [&sxq, '"', &shcf, '/s /c']
+	en
+	let output = system(a:cmd)
+	if &sh =~ 'cmd\.exe'
+		let [&sxq, &shcf] = [sxq, shcf]
+	en
+	if exists('+ssl')
+		let &ssl = ssl
+	en
+	retu output
+fu! s:exectagsonfile(fname, ftype)
+	let [ags, ft] = ['-f - --sort=no --excmd=pattern --fields=nKs ', a:ftype]
+	if type(s:types[ft]) == 1
+		let ags .= s:types[ft]
+		let bin = s:bin
+	elsei type(s:types[ft]) == 4
+		let ags = s:types[ft]['args']
+		let bin = expand(s:types[ft]['bin'], 1)
+	en
+	if empty(bin) | retu '' | en
+	let cmd = s:esctagscmd(bin, ags, a:fname)
+	if empty(cmd) | retu '' | en
+	let output = s:exectags(cmd)
+	if v:shell_error || output =~ 'Warning: cannot open' | retu '' | en
+	retu output
+fu! s:esctagscmd(bin, args, ...)
+	if exists('+ssl')
+		let [ssl, &ssl] = [&ssl, 0]
+	en
+	let fname = a:0 == 1 ? shellescape(a:1) : ''
+	let cmd = shellescape(a:bin).' '.a:args.' '.fname
+	if exists('+ssl')
+		let &ssl = ssl
+	en
+	if has('iconv')
+		let last = s:enc != &enc ? s:enc : !empty($LANG) ? $LANG : &enc
+		let cmd = iconv(cmd, &enc, last)
+	en
+	retu cmd
+fu! s:process(fname, ftype)
+	if !s:validfile(a:fname, a:ftype) | retu [] | endif
+	let ftime = getftime(a:fname)
+	if has_key(g:ctrlp_buftags, a:fname)
+		\ && g:ctrlp_buftags[a:fname]['time'] >= ftime
+		let lines = g:ctrlp_buftags[a:fname]['lines']
+	el
+		let data = s:exectagsonfile(a:fname, a:ftype)
+		let [raw, lines] = [split(data, '\n\+'), []]
+		for line in raw | if len(split(line, ';"')) == 2
+			let parsed_line = s:parseline(line)
+			if parsed_line != ''
+				cal add(lines, parsed_line)
+			en
+		en | endfo
+		let cache = { a:fname : { 'time': ftime, 'lines': lines } }
+		cal extend(g:ctrlp_buftags, cache)
+	en
+	retu lines
+fu! s:parseline(line)
+	let eval = '\v^([^\t]+)\t(.+)\t\/\^(.+)\$\/\;\"\t(.+)\tline(no)?\:(\d+)'
+	let vals = matchlist(a:line, eval)
+	if vals == [] | retu '' | en
+	let [bufnr, bufname] = [bufnr('^'.vals[2].'$'), fnamemodify(vals[2], ':p:t')]
+	retu vals[1].'	'.vals[4].'|'.bufnr.':'.bufname.'|'.vals[6].'| '.vals[3]
+fu! s:syntax()
+	if !ctrlp#nosy()
+		cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlPTagKind', 'Title')
+		cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlPBufName', 'Directory')
+		cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlPTabExtra', 'Comment')
+		sy match CtrlPTagKind '\zs[^\t|]\+\ze|\d\+:[^|]\+|\d\+|'
+		sy match CtrlPBufName '|\d\+:\zs[^|]\+\ze|\d\+|'
+		sy match CtrlPTabExtra '\zs\t.*\ze$' contains=CtrlPBufName,CtrlPTagKind
+	en
+" Public {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#buffertag#init(fname)
+	let bufs = exists('s:btmode') && s:btmode
+		\ ? filter(ctrlp#buffers(), 'filereadable(v:val)')
+		\ : [exists('s:bufname') ? s:bufname : a:fname]
+	let lines = []
+	for each in bufs
+		let bname = fnamemodify(each, ':p')
+		let tftype = get(split(getbufvar(bname, '&ft'), '\.'), 0, '')
+		cal extend(lines, s:process(bname, tftype))
+	endfo
+	cal s:syntax()
+	retu lines
+fu! ctrlp#buffertag#accept(mode, str)
+	let vals = matchlist(a:str, '\v^[^\t]+\t+[^\t|]+\|(\d+)\:[^\t|]+\|(\d+)\|')
+	if vals == [] | retu | en
+	let [bufnm, linenr] = [fnamemodify(bufname(str2nr(vals[1])), ':p'), vals[2]]
+	cal ctrlp#acceptfile(a:mode, bufnm, linenr)
+fu! ctrlp#buffertag#cmd(mode, ...)
+	let s:btmode = a:mode
+	if a:0 && !empty(a:1)
+		let s:bufname = fnamemodify(a:1, ':p')
+	en
+	retu s:id
+fu! ctrlp#buffertag#exit()
+	unl! s:btmode s:bufname
+" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/changes.vim	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" File:          autoload/ctrlp/changes.vim
+" Description:   Change list extension
+" Author:        Kien Nguyen <>
+" =============================================================================
+" Init {{{1
+if exists('g:loaded_ctrlp_changes') && g:loaded_ctrlp_changes
+	fini
+let g:loaded_ctrlp_changes = 1
+cal add(g:ctrlp_ext_vars, {
+	\ 'init': 'ctrlp#changes#init(s:bufnr, s:crbufnr)',
+	\ 'accept': 'ctrlp#changes#accept',
+	\ 'lname': 'changes',
+	\ 'sname': 'chs',
+	\ 'exit': 'ctrlp#changes#exit()',
+	\ 'type': 'tabe',
+	\ 'sort': 0,
+	\ 'nolim': 1,
+	\ })
+let s:id = g:ctrlp_builtins + len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
+" Utilities {{{1
+fu! s:changelist(bufnr)
+	sil! exe 'noa hid b' a:bufnr
+	redi => result
+	sil! changes
+	redi END
+	retu map(split(result, "\n")[1:], 'tr(v:val, "	", " ")')
+fu! s:process(clines, ...)
+	let [clines, evas] = [[], []]
+	for each in a:clines
+		let parts = matchlist(each, '\v^.\s*\d+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s(.*)$')
+		if !empty(parts)
+			if parts[3] == '' | let parts[3] = ' ' | en
+			cal add(clines, parts[3].'	|'.a:1.':'.a:2.'|'.parts[1].':'.parts[2].'|')
+		en
+	endfo
+	retu reverse(filter(clines, 'count(clines, v:val) == 1'))
+fu! s:syntax()
+	if !ctrlp#nosy()
+		cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlPBufName', 'Directory')
+		cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlPTabExtra', 'Comment')
+		sy match CtrlPBufName '\t|\d\+:\zs[^|]\+\ze|\d\+:\d\+|$'
+		sy match CtrlPTabExtra '\zs\t.*\ze$' contains=CtrlPBufName
+	en
+" Public {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#changes#init(original_bufnr, bufnr)
+	let bufnr = exists('s:bufnr') ? s:bufnr : a:bufnr
+	let bufs = exists('s:clmode') && s:clmode ? ctrlp#buffers('id') : [bufnr]
+	cal filter(bufs, 'v:val > 0')
+	let [swb, &swb] = [&swb, '']
+	let lines = []
+	for each in bufs
+		let fnamet = fnamemodify(bufname(each), ':t')
+		cal extend(lines, s:process(s:changelist(each), each, fnamet))
+	endfo
+	sil! exe 'noa hid b' a:original_bufnr
+	let &swb = swb
+	cal ctrlp#syntax()
+	cal s:syntax()
+	retu lines
+fu! ctrlp#changes#accept(mode, str)
+	let info = matchlist(a:str, '\t|\(\d\+\):[^|]\+|\(\d\+\):\(\d\+\)|$')
+	if info == [] | retu | en
+	let bufnr = str2nr(get(info, 1))
+	if bufnr
+		cal ctrlp#acceptfile(a:mode, fnamemodify(bufname(bufnr), ':p'))
+		cal cursor(get(info, 2), get(info, 3))
+		sil! norm! zvzz
+	en
+fu! ctrlp#changes#cmd(mode, ...)
+	let s:clmode = a:mode
+	if a:0 && !empty(a:1)
+		let s:bufnr = bufnr('^'.fnamemodify(a:1, ':p').'$')
+	en
+	retu s:id
+fu! ctrlp#changes#exit()
+	unl! s:clmode s:bufnr
+" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/dir.vim	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" File:          autoload/ctrlp/dir.vim
+" Description:   Directory extension
+" Author:        Kien Nguyen <>
+" =============================================================================
+" Init {{{1
+if exists('g:loaded_ctrlp_dir') && g:loaded_ctrlp_dir
+	fini
+let [g:loaded_ctrlp_dir, g:ctrlp_newdir] = [1, 0]
+let s:ars = [
+	\ 's:maxdepth',
+	\ 's:maxfiles',
+	\ 's:compare_lim',
+	\ 's:glob',
+	\ ]
+cal add(g:ctrlp_ext_vars, {
+	\ 'init': 'ctrlp#dir#init('.join(s:ars, ', ').')',
+	\ 'accept': 'ctrlp#dir#accept',
+	\ 'lname': 'dirs',
+	\ 'sname': 'dir',
+	\ 'type': 'path',
+	\ 'specinput': 1,
+	\ })
+let s:id = g:ctrlp_builtins + len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
+" Utilities {{{1
+fu! s:globdirs(dirs, depth)
+	let entries = split(globpath(a:dirs, s:glob), "\n")
+	let [dirs, depth] = [ctrlp#dirnfile(entries)[0], a:depth + 1]
+	cal extend(g:ctrlp_alldirs, dirs)
+	let nr = len(g:ctrlp_alldirs)
+	if !empty(dirs) && !s:max(nr, s:maxfiles) && depth <= s:maxdepth
+		sil! cal ctrlp#progress(nr)
+		cal s:globdirs(join(dirs, ','), depth)
+	en
+fu! s:max(len, max)
+	retu a:max && a:len > a:max ? 1 : 0
+" Public {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#dir#init(...)
+	let s:cwd = getcwd()
+	for each in range(len(s:ars))
+		let {s:ars[each]} = a:{each + 1}
+	endfo
+	let cadir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir().ctrlp#utils#lash().'dir'
+	let cafile = cadir.ctrlp#utils#lash().ctrlp#utils#cachefile('dir')
+	if g:ctrlp_newdir || !filereadable(cafile)
+		let [s:initcwd, g:ctrlp_alldirs] = [s:cwd, []]
+		cal s:globdirs(s:cwd, 0)
+		cal ctrlp#rmbasedir(g:ctrlp_alldirs)
+		if len(g:ctrlp_alldirs) <= s:compare_lim
+			cal sort(g:ctrlp_alldirs, 'ctrlp#complen')
+		en
+		cal ctrlp#utils#writecache(g:ctrlp_alldirs, cadir, cafile)
+		let g:ctrlp_newdir = 0
+	el
+		if !( exists('s:initcwd') && s:initcwd == s:cwd )
+			let s:initcwd = s:cwd
+			let g:ctrlp_alldirs = ctrlp#utils#readfile(cafile)
+		en
+	en
+	retu g:ctrlp_alldirs
+fu! ctrlp#dir#accept(mode, str)
+	let path = a:mode == 'h' ? getcwd() : s:cwd.ctrlp#utils#lash().a:str
+	if a:mode =~ 't\|v\|h'
+		cal ctrlp#exit()
+	en
+	cal ctrlp#setdir(path, a:mode =~ 't\|h' ? 'chd!' : 'lc!')
+	if a:mode == 'e'
+		sil! cal ctrlp#statusline()
+		cal ctrlp#setlines(s:id)
+		cal ctrlp#recordhist()
+		cal ctrlp#prtclear()
+	en
+fu! ctrlp#dir#id()
+	retu s:id
+" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/line.vim	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" File:          autoload/ctrlp/line.vim
+" Description:   Line extension
+" Author:        Kien Nguyen <>
+" =============================================================================
+" Init {{{1
+if exists('g:loaded_ctrlp_line') && g:loaded_ctrlp_line
+	fini
+let g:loaded_ctrlp_line = 1
+cal add(g:ctrlp_ext_vars, {
+	\ 'init': 'ctrlp#line#init()',
+	\ 'accept': 'ctrlp#line#accept',
+	\ 'lname': 'lines',
+	\ 'sname': 'lns',
+	\ 'type': 'tabe',
+	\ })
+let s:id = g:ctrlp_builtins + len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
+" Utilities {{{1
+fu! s:syntax()
+	if !ctrlp#nosy()
+		cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlPBufName', 'Directory')
+		cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlPTabExtra', 'Comment')
+		sy match CtrlPBufName '\t|\zs[^|]\+\ze|\d\+:\d\+|$'
+		sy match CtrlPTabExtra '\zs\t.*\ze$' contains=CtrlPBufName
+	en
+" Public {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#line#init()
+	let [bufs, lines] = [ctrlp#buffers('id'), []]
+	for bufnr in bufs
+		let [lfb, bufn] = [getbufline(bufnr, 1, '$'), bufname(bufnr)]
+		let lfb = lfb == [] ? ctrlp#utils#readfile(fnamemodify(bufn, ':p')) : lfb
+		cal map(lfb, 'tr(v:val, ''	'', '' '')')
+		let [linenr, len_lfb, buft] = [1, len(lfb), fnamemodify(bufn, ':t')]
+		wh linenr <= len_lfb
+			let lfb[linenr - 1] .= '	|'.buft.'|'.bufnr.':'.linenr.'|'
+			let linenr += 1
+		endw
+		cal extend(lines, filter(lfb, 'v:val !~ ''^\s*\t|[^|]\+|\d\+:\d\+|$'''))
+	endfo
+	cal s:syntax()
+	retu lines
+fu! ctrlp#line#accept(mode, str)
+	let info = matchlist(a:str, '\t|[^|]\+|\(\d\+\):\(\d\+\)|$')
+	if info == [] | retu | en
+	let [bufnr, linenr] = [str2nr(get(info, 1)), get(info, 2)]
+	if bufnr > 0
+		cal ctrlp#acceptfile(a:mode, fnamemodify(bufname(bufnr), ':p'), linenr)
+	en
+fu! ctrlp#line#id()
+	retu s:id
+" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/mixed.vim	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" File:          autoload/ctrlp/mixed.vim
+" Description:   Mixing Files + MRU + Buffers
+" Author:        Kien Nguyen <>
+" =============================================================================
+" Init {{{1
+if exists('g:loaded_ctrlp_mixed') && g:loaded_ctrlp_mixed
+	fini
+let [g:loaded_ctrlp_mixed, g:ctrlp_newmix] = [1, 0]
+cal add(g:ctrlp_ext_vars, {
+	\ 'init': 'ctrlp#mixed#init(s:compare_lim)',
+	\ 'accept': 'ctrlp#acceptfile',
+	\ 'lname': 'fil + mru + buf',
+	\ 'sname': 'mix',
+	\ 'type': 'path',
+	\ 'opmul': 1,
+	\ 'specinput': 1,
+	\ })
+let s:id = g:ctrlp_builtins + len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
+" Utilities {{{1
+fu! s:newcache(cwd)
+	if g:ctrlp_newmix || !has_key(g:ctrlp_allmixes, 'data') | retu 1 | en
+	retu g:ctrlp_allmixes['cwd'] != a:cwd
+		\ || g:ctrlp_allmixes['filtime'] < getftime(ctrlp#utils#cachefile())
+		\ || g:ctrlp_allmixes['mrutime'] < getftime(ctrlp#mrufiles#cachefile())
+		\ || g:ctrlp_allmixes['bufs'] < len(ctrlp#mrufiles#bufs())
+fu! s:getnewmix(cwd, clim)
+	if g:ctrlp_newmix
+		cal ctrlp#mrufiles#refresh('raw')
+		let g:ctrlp_newcache = 1
+	en
+	let g:ctrlp_lines = copy(ctrlp#files())
+	cal ctrlp#progress('Mixing...')
+	let mrufs = copy(ctrlp#mrufiles#list('raw'))
+	if exists('+ssl') && &ssl
+		cal map(mrufs, 'tr(v:val, "\\", "/")')
+	en
+	let bufs = map(ctrlp#buffers('id'), 'fnamemodify(bufname(v:val), ":p")')
+	let mrufs = bufs + filter(mrufs, 'index(bufs, v:val) < 0')
+	if len(mrufs) > len(g:ctrlp_lines)
+		cal filter(mrufs, 'stridx(v:val, a:cwd)')
+	el
+		let cwd_mrufs = filter(copy(mrufs), '!stridx(v:val, a:cwd)')
+		let cwd_mrufs = ctrlp#rmbasedir(cwd_mrufs)
+		for each in cwd_mrufs
+			let id = index(g:ctrlp_lines, each)
+			if id >= 0 | cal remove(g:ctrlp_lines, id) | en
+		endfo
+	en
+	cal map(mrufs, 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":.")')
+	let g:ctrlp_lines = len(mrufs) > len(g:ctrlp_lines)
+		\ ? g:ctrlp_lines + mrufs : mrufs + g:ctrlp_lines
+	if len(g:ctrlp_lines) <= a:clim
+		cal sort(g:ctrlp_lines, 'ctrlp#complen')
+	en
+	let g:ctrlp_allmixes = { 'filtime': getftime(ctrlp#utils#cachefile()),
+		\ 'mrutime': getftime(ctrlp#mrufiles#cachefile()), 'cwd': a:cwd,
+		\ 'bufs': len(ctrlp#mrufiles#bufs()), 'data': g:ctrlp_lines }
+" Public {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#mixed#init(clim)
+	let cwd = getcwd()
+	if s:newcache(cwd)
+		cal s:getnewmix(cwd, a:clim)
+	el
+		let g:ctrlp_lines = g:ctrlp_allmixes['data']
+	en
+	let g:ctrlp_newmix = 0
+	retu g:ctrlp_lines
+fu! ctrlp#mixed#id()
+	retu s:id
+" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/mrufiles.vim	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" File:          autoload/ctrlp/mrufiles.vim
+" Description:   Most Recently Used Files extension
+" Author:        Kien Nguyen <>
+" =============================================================================
+" Static variables {{{1
+let [s:mrbs, s:mrufs] = [[], []]
+fu! ctrlp#mrufiles#opts()
+	let [pref, opts] = ['g:ctrlp_mruf_', {
+		\ 'max': ['s:max', 250],
+		\ 'include': ['s:in', ''],
+		\ 'exclude': ['s:ex', ''],
+		\ 'case_sensitive': ['s:cseno', 1],
+		\ 'relative': ['s:re', 0],
+		\ }]
+	for [ke, va] in items(opts)
+		let [{va[0]}, {}] = [, exists( ? {} : va[1]]
+	endfo
+cal ctrlp#mrufiles#opts()
+" Utilities {{{1
+fu! s:excl(fn)
+	retu !empty({s:ex}) && a:fn =~# {s:ex}
+fu! s:mergelists()
+	let diskmrufs = ctrlp#utils#readfile(ctrlp#mrufiles#cachefile())
+	cal filter(diskmrufs, 'index(s:mrufs, v:val) < 0')
+	let mrufs = s:mrufs + diskmrufs
+	retu s:chop(mrufs)
+fu! s:chop(mrufs)
+	if len(a:mrufs) > {s:max} | cal remove(a:mrufs, {s:max}, -1) | en
+	retu a:mrufs
+fu! s:reformat(mrufs)
+	if {s:re}
+		let cwd = exists('+ssl') ? tr(getcwd(), '/', '\') : getcwd()
+		cal filter(a:mrufs, '!stridx(v:val, cwd)')
+	en
+	retu map(a:mrufs, 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":.")')
+fu! s:record(bufnr)
+	if s:locked | retu | en
+	let bufnr = a:bufnr + 0
+	if bufnr <= 0 | retu | en
+	let bufname = bufname(bufnr)
+	if empty(bufname) | retu | en
+	let fn = fnamemodify(bufname, ':p')
+	let fn = exists('+ssl') ? tr(fn, '/', '\') : fn
+	cal filter(s:mrbs, 'v:val != bufnr')
+	cal insert(s:mrbs, bufnr)
+	if ( !empty({s:in}) && fn !~# {s:in} ) || ( !empty({s:ex}) && fn =~# {s:ex} )
+		\ || !empty(&bt) || !filereadable(fn) | retu
+	en
+	cal filter(s:mrufs, 'v:val !='.( {s:cseno} ? '#' : '?' ).' fn')
+	cal insert(s:mrufs, fn)
+fu! s:savetofile(mrufs)
+	cal ctrlp#utils#writecache(a:mrufs, s:cadir, s:cafile)
+" Public {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#mrufiles#refresh(...)
+	let s:mrufs = s:mergelists()
+	cal filter(s:mrufs, '!empty(ctrlp#utils#glob(v:val, 1)) && !s:excl(v:val)')
+	if exists('+ssl')
+		cal map(s:mrufs, 'tr(v:val, "/", "\\")')
+		cal filter(s:mrufs, 'count(s:mrufs, v:val) == 1')
+	en
+	cal s:savetofile(s:mrufs)
+	retu a:0 && a:1 == 'raw' ? [] : s:reformat(copy(s:mrufs))
+fu! ctrlp#mrufiles#remove(files)
+	let s:mrufs = []
+	if a:files != []
+		let s:mrufs = s:mergelists()
+		cal filter(s:mrufs, 'index(a:files, v:val, 0, '.(!{s:cseno}).') < 0')
+	en
+	cal s:savetofile(s:mrufs)
+	retu s:reformat(copy(s:mrufs))
+fu! ctrlp#mrufiles#list(...)
+	retu a:0 ? a:1 == 'raw' ? s:mergelists() : 0 : s:reformat(s:mergelists())
+fu! ctrlp#mrufiles#bufs()
+	retu s:mrbs
+fu! ctrlp#mrufiles#cachefile()
+	if !exists('s:cadir') || !exists('s:cafile')
+		let s:cadir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir().ctrlp#utils#lash().'mru'
+		let s:cafile = s:cadir.ctrlp#utils#lash().'cache.txt'
+	en
+	retu s:cafile
+fu! ctrlp#mrufiles#init()
+	if !has('autocmd') | retu | en
+	let s:locked = 0
+	aug CtrlPMRUF
+		au!
+		au BufAdd,BufEnter,BufLeave,BufUnload * cal s:record(expand('<abuf>', 1))
+		au QuickFixCmdPre  *vimgrep* let s:locked = 1
+		au QuickFixCmdPost *vimgrep* let s:locked = 0
+		au VimLeavePre * cal s:savetofile(s:mergelists())
+	aug END
+" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/quickfix.vim	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" File:          autoload/ctrlp/quickfix.vim
+" Description:   Quickfix extension
+" Author:        Kien Nguyen <>
+" =============================================================================
+" Init {{{1
+if exists('g:loaded_ctrlp_quickfix') && g:loaded_ctrlp_quickfix
+	fini
+let g:loaded_ctrlp_quickfix = 1
+cal add(g:ctrlp_ext_vars, {
+	\ 'init': 'ctrlp#quickfix#init()',
+	\ 'accept': 'ctrlp#quickfix#accept',
+	\ 'lname': 'quickfix',
+	\ 'sname': 'qfx',
+	\ 'type': 'line',
+	\ 'sort': 0,
+	\ 'nolim': 1,
+	\ })
+let s:id = g:ctrlp_builtins + len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
+fu! s:lineout(dict)
+	retu printf('%s|%d:%d| %s', bufname(a:dict['bufnr']), a:dict['lnum'],
+		\ a:dict['col'], matchstr(a:dict['text'], '\s*\zs.*\S'))
+" Utilities {{{1
+fu! s:syntax()
+	if !ctrlp#nosy()
+		cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlPqfLineCol', 'Search')
+		sy match CtrlPqfLineCol '|\zs\d\+:\d\+\ze|'
+	en
+" Public {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#quickfix#init()
+	cal s:syntax()
+	retu map(getqflist(), 's:lineout(v:val)')
+fu! ctrlp#quickfix#accept(mode, str)
+	let items = matchlist(a:str, '^\([^|]\+\ze\)|\(\d\+\):\(\d\+\)|')
+	if items == [] | retu | en
+	let [md, filpath] = [a:mode, fnamemodify(items[1], ':p')]
+	if empty(filpath) | retu | en
+	cal ctrlp#exit()
+	let cmd = md == 't' ? 'tabe' : md == 'h' ? 'new' : md == 'v' ? 'vne'
+		\ : ctrlp#normcmd('e')
+	let cmd = cmd == 'e' && &modified ? 'hid e' : cmd
+	exe cmd ctrlp#fnesc(filpath)
+	cal cursor(items[2], items[3])
+	sil! norm! zvzz
+	cal ctrlp#setlcdir()
+fu! ctrlp#quickfix#id()
+	retu s:id
+" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/rtscript.vim	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" File:          autoload/ctrlp/rtscript.vim
+" Description:   Runtime scripts extension
+" Author:        Kien Nguyen <>
+" =============================================================================
+" Init {{{1
+if exists('g:loaded_ctrlp_rtscript') && g:loaded_ctrlp_rtscript
+	fini
+let [g:loaded_ctrlp_rtscript, g:ctrlp_newrts] = [1, 0]
+cal add(g:ctrlp_ext_vars, {
+	\ 'init': 'ctrlp#rtscript#init()',
+	\ 'accept': 'ctrlp#acceptfile',
+	\ 'lname': 'runtime scripts',
+	\ 'sname': 'rts',
+	\ 'type': 'path',
+	\ 'opmul': 1,
+	\ })
+let s:id = g:ctrlp_builtins + len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
+" Public {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#rtscript#init()
+	if g:ctrlp_newrts
+		\ || !( exists('g:ctrlp_rtscache') && g:ctrlp_rtscache[0] == &rtp )
+		sil! cal ctrlp#progress('Indexing...')
+		let entries = split(globpath(&rtp, '**/*.*'), "\n")
+		cal filter(entries, 'count(entries, v:val) == 1')
+		let [entries, echoed] = [ctrlp#dirnfile(entries)[1], 1]
+	el
+		let [entries, results] = g:ctrlp_rtscache[2:3]
+	en
+	let cwd = getcwd()
+	if g:ctrlp_newrts
+		\ || !( exists('g:ctrlp_rtscache') && g:ctrlp_rtscache[:1] == [&rtp, cwd] )
+		if !exists('echoed') | sil! cal ctrlp#progress('Processing...') | en
+		let results = map(copy(entries), 'fnamemodify(v:val, '':.'')')
+	en
+	let [g:ctrlp_rtscache, g:ctrlp_newrts] = [[&rtp, cwd, entries, results], 0]
+	retu results
+fu! ctrlp#rtscript#id()
+	retu s:id
+" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/tag.vim	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" File:          autoload/ctrlp/tag.vim
+" Description:   Tag file extension
+" Author:        Kien Nguyen <>
+" =============================================================================
+" Init {{{1
+if exists('g:loaded_ctrlp_tag') && g:loaded_ctrlp_tag
+	fini
+let g:loaded_ctrlp_tag = 1
+cal add(g:ctrlp_ext_vars, {
+	\ 'init': 'ctrlp#tag#init()',
+	\ 'accept': 'ctrlp#tag#accept',
+	\ 'lname': 'tags',
+	\ 'sname': 'tag',
+	\ 'enter': 'ctrlp#tag#enter()',
+	\ 'type': 'tabs',
+	\ })
+let s:id = g:ctrlp_builtins + len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
+" Utilities {{{1
+fu! s:findcount(str)
+	let [tg, fname] = split(a:str, '\t\+\ze[^\t]\+$')
+	let [fname, tgs] = [expand(fname, 1), taglist('^'.tg.'$')]
+	if empty(tgs) | retu [1, 1] | en
+	let [fnd, ct, pos] = [0, 0, 0]
+	for each in tgs
+		let ct += 1
+		let fulname = fnamemodify(each["filename"], ':p')
+		if stridx(fulname, fname) >= 0
+			\ && strlen(fname) + stridx(fulname, fname) == strlen(fulname)
+			let fnd += 1
+			let pos = ct
+		en
+		if fnd > 1 | brea | en
+	endfo
+	retu [fnd, pos]
+fu! s:filter(tags)
+	let [nr, alltags] = [0, a:tags]
+	wh 0 < 1
+		if alltags[nr] =~ '^!' && alltags[nr] !~ '^!_TAG_'
+			let nr += 1
+			con
+		en
+		if alltags[nr] =~ '^!_TAG_' && len(alltags) > nr
+			cal remove(alltags, nr)
+		el
+			brea
+		en
+	endw
+	retu alltags
+fu! s:syntax()
+	if !ctrlp#nosy()
+		cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlPTabExtra', 'Comment')
+		sy match CtrlPTabExtra '\zs\t.*\ze$'
+	en
+" Public {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#tag#init()
+	if empty(s:tagfiles) | retu [] | en
+	let g:ctrlp_alltags = []
+	let tagfiles = sort(filter(s:tagfiles, 'count(s:tagfiles, v:val) == 1'))
+	for each in tagfiles
+		let alltags = s:filter(ctrlp#utils#readfile(each))
+		cal extend(g:ctrlp_alltags, alltags)
+	endfo
+	cal s:syntax()
+	retu g:ctrlp_alltags
+fu! ctrlp#tag#accept(mode, str)
+	cal ctrlp#exit()
+	let str = matchstr(a:str, '^[^\t]\+\t\+[^\t]\+\ze\t')
+	let [tg, fnd] = [split(str, '^[^\t]\+\zs\t')[0], s:findcount(str)]
+	let cmds = {
+		\ 't': ['tab sp', 'tab stj'],
+		\ 'h': ['sp', 'stj'],
+		\ 'v': ['vs', 'vert stj'],
+		\ 'e': ['', 'tj'],
+		\ }
+	let cmd = fnd[0] == 1 ? cmds[a:mode][0] : cmds[a:mode][1]
+	let cmd = cmd == 'tj' && &modified ? 'hid '.cmd : cmd
+	let cmd = cmd =~ '^tab' ? tabpagenr('$').cmd : cmd
+	if fnd[0] == 1
+		if cmd != ''
+			exe cmd
+		en
+		exe fnd[1].'ta' tg
+	el
+		exe cmd tg
+	en
+	cal ctrlp#setlcdir()
+fu! ctrlp#tag#id()
+	retu s:id
+fu! ctrlp#tag#enter()
+	let tfs = tagfiles()
+	let s:tagfiles = tfs != [] ? filter(map(tfs, 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":p")'),
+		\ 'filereadable(v:val)') : []
+" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/undo.vim	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" File:          autoload/ctrlp/undo.vim
+" Description:   Undo extension
+" Author:        Kien Nguyen <>
+" =============================================================================
+" Init {{{1
+if ( exists('g:loaded_ctrlp_undo') && g:loaded_ctrlp_undo )
+	fini
+let g:loaded_ctrlp_undo = 1
+cal add(g:ctrlp_ext_vars, {
+	\ 'init': 'ctrlp#undo#init()',
+	\ 'accept': 'ctrlp#undo#accept',
+	\ 'lname': 'undo',
+	\ 'sname': 'udo',
+	\ 'enter': 'ctrlp#undo#enter()',
+	\ 'exit': 'ctrlp#undo#exit()',
+	\ 'type': 'line',
+	\ 'sort': 0,
+	\ 'nolim': 1,
+	\ })
+let s:id = g:ctrlp_builtins + len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
+let s:text = map(['second', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', 'weeks',
+	\ 'months', 'years'], '" ".v:val." ago"')
+" Utilities {{{1
+fu! s:getundo()
+	if exists('*undotree')
+		\ && ( v:version > 703 || ( v:version == 703 && has('patch005') ) )
+		retu [1, undotree()]
+	el
+		redi => result
+		sil! undol
+		redi END
+		retu [0, split(result, "\n")[1:]]
+	en
+fu! s:flatten(tree, cur)
+	let flatdict = {}
+	for each in a:tree
+		let saved = has_key(each, 'save') ? 'saved' : ''
+		let current = each['seq'] == a:cur ? 'current' : ''
+		cal extend(flatdict, { each['seq'] : [each['time'], saved, current] })
+		if has_key(each, 'alt')
+			cal extend(flatdict, s:flatten(each['alt'], a:cur))
+		en
+	endfo
+	retu flatdict
+fu! s:elapsed(nr)
+	let [text, time] = [s:text, localtime() - a:nr]
+	let mins = time / 60
+	let hrs  = time / 3600
+	let days = time / 86400
+	let wks  = time / 604800
+	let mons = time / 2592000
+	let yrs  = time / 31536000
+	if yrs > 1
+		retu yrs.text[7]
+	elsei mons > 1
+		retu mons.text[6]
+	elsei wks > 1
+		retu wks.text[5]
+	elsei days > 1
+		retu days.text[4]
+	elsei hrs > 1
+		retu hrs.text[3]
+	elsei mins > 1
+		retu mins.text[2]
+	elsei time == 1
+		retu time.text[0]
+	elsei time < 120
+		retu time.text[1]
+	en
+fu! s:syntax()
+	if ctrlp#nosy() | retu | en
+	for [ke, va] in items({'T': 'Directory', 'Br': 'Comment', 'Nr': 'String',
+		\ 'Sv': 'Comment', 'Po': 'Title'})
+		cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlPUndo'.ke, va)
+	endfo
+	sy match CtrlPUndoT '\v\d+ \zs[^ ]+\ze|\d+:\d+:\d+'
+	sy match CtrlPUndoBr '\[\|\]'
+	sy match CtrlPUndoNr '\[\d\+\]' contains=CtrlPUndoBr
+	sy match CtrlPUndoSv 'saved'
+	sy match CtrlPUndoPo 'current'
+fu! s:dict2list(dict)
+	for ke in keys(a:dict)
+		let a:dict[ke][0] = s:elapsed(a:dict[ke][0])
+	endfo
+	retu map(keys(a:dict), 'eval(''[v:val, a:dict[v:val]]'')')
+fu! s:compval(...)
+	retu a:2[0] - a:1[0]
+fu! s:format(...)
+	let saved = !empty(a:1[1][1]) ? ' '.a:1[1][1] : ''
+	let current = !empty(a:1[1][2]) ? ' '.a:1[1][2] : ''
+	retu a:1[1][0].' ['.a:1[0].']'.saved.current
+fu! s:formatul(...)
+	let parts = matchlist(a:1,
+		\ '\v^\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\s+([^ ]+\s?[^ ]+|\d+\s\w+\s\w+)(\s*\d*)$')
+	retu parts == [] ? '----'
+		\ : parts[2].' ['.parts[1].']'.( parts[3] != '' ? ' saved' : '' )
+" Public {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#undo#init()
+	let entries = s:undos[0] ? s:undos[1]['entries'] : s:undos[1]
+	if empty(entries) | retu [] | en
+	if !exists('s:lines')
+		if s:undos[0]
+			let entries = s:dict2list(s:flatten(entries, s:undos[1]['seq_cur']))
+			let s:lines = map(sort(entries, 's:compval'), 's:format(v:val)')
+		el
+			let s:lines = map(reverse(entries), 's:formatul(v:val)')
+		en
+	en
+	cal s:syntax()
+	retu s:lines
+fu! ctrlp#undo#accept(mode, str)
+	let undon = matchstr(a:str, '\[\zs\d\+\ze\]')
+	if empty(undon) | retu | en
+	cal ctrlp#exit()
+	exe 'u' undon
+fu! ctrlp#undo#id()
+	retu s:id
+fu! ctrlp#undo#enter()
+	let s:undos = s:getundo()
+fu! ctrlp#undo#exit()
+	unl! s:lines
+" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp/utils.vim	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" File:          autoload/ctrlp/utils.vim
+" Description:   Utilities
+" Author:        Kien Nguyen <>
+" =============================================================================
+" Static variables {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#utils#lash()
+	retu &ssl || !exists('+ssl') ? '/' : '\'
+let s:lash = ctrlp#utils#lash()
+fu! s:lash(...)
+	retu match(a:0 ? a:1 : getcwd(), '[\/]$') < 0 ? s:lash : ''
+fu! ctrlp#utils#opts()
+	let usrhome = $HOME.s:lash($HOME)
+	let cahome = exists('$XDG_CACHE_HOME') ? $XDG_CACHE_HOME : usrhome.'.cache'
+	let s:cache_dir = isdirectory(usrhome.'.ctrlp_cache')
+		\ ? usrhome.'.ctrlp_cache' : cahome.s:lash(cahome).'ctrlp'
+	if exists('g:ctrlp_cache_dir')
+		let s:cache_dir = expand(g:ctrlp_cache_dir, 1)
+		if isdirectory(s:cache_dir.s:lash(s:cache_dir).'.ctrlp_cache')
+			let s:cache_dir = s:cache_dir.s:lash(s:cache_dir).'.ctrlp_cache'
+		en
+	en
+cal ctrlp#utils#opts()
+" Files and Directories {{{1
+fu! ctrlp#utils#cachedir()
+	retu s:cache_dir
+fu! ctrlp#utils#cachefile(...)
+	let [tail, dir] = [a:0 == 1 ? '.'.a:1 : '', a:0 == 2 ? a:1 : getcwd()]
+	let cache_file = substitute(dir, '\([\/]\|^\a\zs:\)', '%', 'g').tail.'.txt'
+	retu a:0 == 1 ? cache_file : s:cache_dir.s:lash(s:cache_dir).cache_file
+fu! ctrlp#utils#readfile(file)
+	if filereadable(a:file)
+		let data = readfile(a:file)
+		if empty(data) || type(data) != 3
+			unl data
+			let data = []
+		en
+		retu data
+	en
+	retu []
+fu! ctrlp#utils#mkdir(dir)
+	if exists('*mkdir') && !isdirectory(a:dir)
+		sil! cal mkdir(a:dir, 'p')
+	en
+	retu a:dir
+fu! ctrlp#utils#writecache(lines, ...)
+	if isdirectory(ctrlp#utils#mkdir(a:0 ? a:1 : s:cache_dir))
+		sil! cal writefile(a:lines, a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : ctrlp#utils#cachefile())
+	en
+fu! ctrlp#utils#glob(...)
+	let cond = v:version > 702 || ( v:version == 702 && has('patch051') )
+	retu call('glob', cond ? a:000 : [a:1])
+" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/doc/ctrlp.txt	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1113 @@
+*ctrlp.txt*       Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder. v1.7.6
+*CtrlP* *ControlP* *'ctrlp'* *'ctrl-p'*
+#                                                                             #
+#          :::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::  :::             :::::::::          #
+#         :+:    :+:    :+:     :+:    :+: :+:             :+:    :+:         #
+#         +:+           +:+     +:+    +:+ +:+             +:+    +:+         #
+#         +#+           +#+     +#++:++#:  +#+             +#++:++#+          #
+#         +#+           +#+     +#+    +#+ +#+             +#+                #
+#         #+#    #+#    #+#     #+#    #+# #+#             #+#                #
+#          ########     ###     ###    ### ##########      ###                #
+#                                                                             #
+CONTENTS                                                       *ctrlp-contents*
+    1. Intro........................................|ctrlp-intro|
+    2. Options......................................|ctrlp-options|
+    3. Commands.....................................|ctrlp-commands|
+    4. Mappings.....................................|ctrlp-mappings|
+    5. Input Formats................................|ctrlp-input-formats|
+    6. Extensions...................................|ctrlp-extensions|
+INTRO                                                             *ctrlp-intro*
+Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder with an intuitive interface.
+Written in pure Vimscript for MacVim and Vim version 7.0+. Has full support for
+Vim’s |regexp| as search pattern, built-in MRU files monitoring, project’s root
+finder, and more.
+To enable optional extensions (tag, dir, rtscript...), see |ctrlp-extensions|.
+OPTIONS                                                         *ctrlp-options*
+  |loaded_ctrlp|                Disable the plugin.
+  |ctrlp_map|                   Default mapping.
+  |ctrlp_cmd|                   Default command used for the default mapping.
+  |ctrlp_by_filename|           Default to filename mode or not.
+  |ctrlp_regexp|                Default to regexp mode or not.
+  |ctrlp_match_window_bottom|   Where to show the match window.
+  |ctrlp_match_window_reversed| Sort order in the match window.
+  |ctrlp_max_height|            Max height of the match window.
+  |ctrlp_switch_buffer|         Jump to an open buffer if already opened.
+  |ctrlp_reuse_window|          Reuse special windows (help, quickfix, etc).
+  |ctrlp_working_path_mode|     How to set CtrlP’s local working directory.
+  |ctrlp_root_markers|          Additional, high priority root markers.
+  |ctrlp_use_caching|           Use per-session caching or not.
+  |ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit|   Keep cache after exiting Vim or not.
+  |ctrlp_cache_dir|             Location of the cache directory.
+  |ctrlp_dotfiles|              Ignore dotfiles and dotdirs or not.
+  |ctrlp_custom_ignore|         Hide stuff when using |globpath()|.
+  |ctrlp_max_files|             Number of files to scan initially.
+  |ctrlp_max_depth|             Directory depth to recurse into when scanning.
+  |ctrlp_user_command|          Use an external scanner.
+  |ctrlp_max_history|           Number of entries saved in the prompt history.
+  |ctrlp_open_new_file|         How to open a file created by <c-y>.
+  |ctrlp_open_multiple_files|   How to open files selected by <c-z>.
+  |ctrlp_arg_map|               Intercept <c-y> and <c-o> or not.
+  |ctrlp_follow_symlinks|       Follow symbolic links or not.
+  |ctrlp_lazy_update|           Only update when typing has stopped.
+  |ctrlp_default_input|         Seed the prompt with an initial string.
+  |ctrlp_use_migemo|            Use Migemo patterns for Japanese filenames.
+  |ctrlp_prompt_mappings|       Change the mappings in the prompt.
+  MRU mode:
+  |ctrlp_mruf_max|              Max MRU entries to remember.
+  |ctrlp_mruf_exclude|          Files that shouldn’t be remembered.
+  |ctrlp_mruf_include|          Files to be remembered.
+  |ctrlp_mruf_relative|         Show only MRU files in the working directory.
+  |ctrlp_mruf_default_order|    Disable sorting.
+  |ctrlp_mruf_case_sensitive|   MRU files are case sensitive or not.
+  Advanced options:
+  |ctrlp_status_func|           Change CtrlP’s two statuslines.
+  |ctrlp_buffer_func|           Call custom functions in the CtrlP buffer.
+  |ctrlp_match_func|            Replace the built-in matching algorithm.
+Detailed descriptions and default values:~
+                                                                *'g:ctrlp_map'*
+Use this option to change the mapping to invoke CtrlP in |Normal| mode: >
+  let g:ctrlp_map = '<c-p>'
+                                                                *'g:ctrlp_cmd'*
+Set the default opening command to use when pressing the above mapping: >
+  let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlP'
+                                                             *'g:loaded_ctrlp'*
+Use this to disable the plugin completely: >
+  let g:loaded_ctrlp = 1
+                                                        *'g:ctrlp_by_filename'*
+Set this to 1 to set searching by filename (as opposed to full path) as the
+default: >
+  let g:ctrlp_by_filename = 0
+Can be toggled on/off by pressing <c-d> inside the prompt.
+                                                             *'g:ctrlp_regexp'*
+Set this to 1 to set regexp search as the default: >
+  let g:ctrlp_regexp = 0
+Can be toggled on/off by pressing <c-r> inside the prompt.
+                                                *'g:ctrlp_match_window_bottom'*
+Set this to 0 to show the match window at the top of the screen: >
+  let g:ctrlp_match_window_bottom = 1
+                                              *'g:ctrlp_match_window_reversed'*
+Change the listing order of the files in the match window. The default setting
+(1) is from bottom to top: >
+  let g:ctrlp_match_window_reversed = 1
+                                                         *'g:ctrlp_max_height'*
+Set the maximum height of the match window: >
+  let g:ctrlp_max_height = 10
+                                                      *'g:ctrlp_switch_buffer'*
+When opening a file with <cr> or <c-t>, if the file’s already opened somewhere
+CtrlP will try to jump to it instead of opening a new instance: >
+  let g:ctrlp_switch_buffer = 2
+  1 - only jump to the buffer if it’s opened in the current tab.
+  2 - jump tab as well if the buffer’s opened in another tab.
+  0 - disable this feature.
+                                                       *'g:ctrlp_reuse_window'*
+When opening a file with <cr>, CtrlP avoids opening it in windows created by
+plugins, help and quickfix. Use this to setup some exceptions: >
+  let g:ctrlp_reuse_window = 'netrw'
+Acceptable values are partial name, filetype or buftype of the special buffers.
+Use regexp to specify the pattern.
+Example: >
+  let g:ctrlp_reuse_window = 'netrw\|help\|quickfix'
+                                                  *'g:ctrlp_working_path_mode'*
+When starting up, CtrlP sets its local working directory according to this
+variable: >
+  let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 2
+  1 - the parent directory of the current file.
+  2 - the nearest ancestor that contains one of these directories or files:
+      .git/ .hg/ .svn/ .bzr/ _darcs/
+  0 - don’t manage working directory.
+Note: you can use b:ctrlp_working_path_mode (a |b:var|) to set this option on a
+per buffer basis.
+                                                       *'g:ctrlp_root_markers'*
+Use this to set your own root markers in addition to the default ones (.git/,
+.hg/, .svn/, .bzr/, and _darcs/). Your markers will take precedence: >
+  let g:ctrlp_root_markers = ['']
+                                                        *'g:ctrlp_use_caching'*
+Set this to 0 to disable per-session caching. When disabled, caching will still
+be enabled for directories that have more than 4000 files: >
+  let g:ctrlp_use_caching = 1
+Note: you can quickly purge the cache by pressing <F5> while inside CtrlP.
+                                                *'g:ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit'*
+Set this to 0 to enable cross-session caching by not deleting the cache files
+upon exiting Vim: >
+  let g:ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit = 1
+                                                          *'g:ctrlp_cache_dir'*
+Set the directory to store the cache files: >
+  let g:ctrlp_cache_dir = $HOME.'/.cache/ctrlp'
+                                                           *'g:ctrlp_dotfiles'*
+Set this to 0 if you don’t want CtrlP to scan for dotfiles and dotdirs: >
+  let g:ctrlp_dotfiles = 1
+You can use |'wildignore'| to exclude anything from the search.
+Examples: >
+  " Excluding version control directories
+  set wildignore+=*/.git/*,*/.hg/*,*/.svn/*  " Linux/MacOSX
+  set wildignore+=.git\*,.hg\*,.svn\*        " Windows
+Note #1: the `*/` in front of each directory glob is required.
+Note #2: |wildignore| influences the result of |expand()|, |globpath()| and
+|glob()| which many plugins use to find stuff on the system (e.g. VCS related
+plugins look for .git/, .hg/,... some other plugins look for external *.exe
+tools on Windows). So be a little mindful of what you put in your |wildignore|.
+                                                      *'g:ctrlp_custom_ignore'*
+In addition to |'wildignore'|, use this for files and directories you want only
+CtrlP to not show. Use regexp to specify the patterns: >
+  let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = ''
+Examples: >
+  let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = '\.git$\|\.hg$\|\.svn$'
+  let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = {
+    \ 'dir':  '\.git$\|\.hg$\|\.svn$',
+    \ 'file': '\.exe$\|\.so$\|\.dll$',
+    \ 'link': 'SOME_BAD_SYMBOLIC_LINKS',
+    \ }
+Note: ignoring only works when |globpath()| is used to scan for files.
+                                                          *'g:ctrlp_max_files'*
+The maximum number of files to scan, set to 0 for no limit: >
+  let g:ctrlp_max_files = 10000
+                                                          *'g:ctrlp_max_depth'*
+The maximum depth of a directory tree to recurse into: >
+  let g:ctrlp_max_depth = 40
+Note: the larger these values, the more memory Vim uses.
+                                                       *'g:ctrlp_user_command'*
+Specify an external tool to use for listing files instead of using Vim’s
+|globpath()|. Use %s in place of the target directory: >
+  let g:ctrlp_user_command = ''
+Examples: >
+  let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'find %s -type f'       " MacOSX/Linux
+  let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'dir %s /-n /b /s /a-d' " Windows
+You can also use 'grep', 'findstr' or something else to filter the results.
+Examples: >
+  let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'find %s -type f | grep (?!tmp/.*)'
+  let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'dir %s /-n /b /s /a-d | findstr .*\.py$'
+Use a version control listing command when inside a repository, this is faster
+when scanning large projects: >
+  let g:ctrlp_user_command = [root_marker, listing_command, fallback_command]
+  let g:ctrlp_user_command = {
+    \ 'types': {
+      \ 1: [root_marker_1, listing_command_1],
+      \ n: [root_marker_n, listing_command_n],
+      \ },
+    \ 'fallback': fallback_command
+    \ }
+Examples: >
+  let g:ctrlp_user_command = ['.git/', 'cd %s && git ls-files']
+  let g:ctrlp_user_command = ['.hg/', 'hg --cwd %s locate -I .']
+  let g:ctrlp_user_command = {
+    \ 'types': {
+      \ 1: ['.git/', 'cd %s && git ls-files'],
+      \ 2: ['.hg/', 'hg --cwd %s locate -I .'],
+      \ },
+    \ 'fallback': 'find %s -type f'
+    \ }
+If the fallback_command is empty or not defined, |globpath()| will then be used
+when searching outside a repo.
+                                                        *'g:ctrlp_max_history'*
+The maximum number of input strings you want CtrlP to remember. The default
+value mirrors Vim’s global |'history'| option: >
+  let g:ctrlp_max_history = &history
+Set to 0 to disable prompt’s history. Browse the history with <c-n> and <c-p>.
+                                                      *'g:ctrlp_open_new_file'*
+Use this option to specify how the newly created file is to be opened when
+pressing <c-y>:
+  t - in a new tab
+  h - in a new horizontal split
+  v - in a new vertical split
+  r - in the current window
+  let g:ctrlp_open_new_file = 'v'
+                                                *'g:ctrlp_open_multiple_files'*
+If non-zero, this will enable opening multiple files with <c-z> and <c-o>: >
+  let g:ctrlp_open_multiple_files = 'v'
+Example: >
+  let g:ctrlp_open_multiple_files = '2vr'
+For the number:
+  - If given, it’ll be used as the maximum number of windows or tabs to create
+    when opening the files (the rest will be opened as hidden buffers).
+  - If not given, <c-o> will open all files, each in a new window or new tab.
+For the letters:
+  t - each file in a new tab.
+  h - each file in a new horizontal split.
+  v - each file in a new vertical split.
+  Reuse the current window:
+  tr,
+  hr,
+  vr - open the first file in the current window, then the remaining files in
+       new splits or new tabs just like with t, h, v.
+                                                            *'g:ctrlp_arg_map'*
+When this is set to 1, the <c-o> and <c-y> mappings will accept one extra key
+as an argument to override their default behavior: >
+  let g:ctrlp_arg_map = 0
+Pressing <c-o> or <c-y> will then prompt for a keypress. The key can be:
+  t - open in tab(s)
+  h - open in horizontal split(s)
+  v - open in vertical split(s)
+  r - open in current window (for <c-y> only)
+  <esc>, <c-c>, <c-g> - cancel and go back to the prompt.
+  <cr> - use the default behavior specified with |g:ctrlp_open_new_file| and
+  |g:ctrlp_open_multiple_files|.
+                                                    *'g:ctrlp_follow_symlinks'*
+Set this to 1 to follow symbolic links when listing files: >
+  let g:ctrlp_follow_symlinks = 0
+When enabled, looped internal symlinks will be ignored to avoid duplicates.
+                                                        *'g:ctrlp_lazy_update'*
+Set this to 1 to enable the lazy-update feature: only update the match window
+after typing’s been stopped for a certain amount of time: >
+  let g:ctrlp_lazy_update = 0
+If is 1, update after 250ms. If bigger than 1, the number will be used as the
+delay time in milliseconds.
+                                                      *'g:ctrlp_default_input'*
+Set this to 1 to enable seeding the prompt with the current file’s relative
+path: >
+  let g:ctrlp_default_input = 0
+                                                         *'g:ctrlp_use_migemo'*
+Set this to 1 to use Migemo Pattern for Japanese filenames. Migemo Search only
+works in regexp mode. To split the pattern, separate words with space: >
+  let g:ctrlp_use_migemo = 0
+                                                    *'g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings'*
+Use this to customize the mappings inside CtrlP’s prompt to your liking. You
+only need to keep the lines that you’ve changed the values (inside []): >
+  let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = {
+    \ 'PrtBS()':              ['<bs>', '<c-]>'],
+    \ 'PrtDelete()':          ['<del>'],
+    \ 'PrtDeleteWord()':      ['<c-w>'],
+    \ 'PrtClear()':           ['<c-u>'],
+    \ 'PrtSelectMove("j")':   ['<c-j>', '<down>'],
+    \ 'PrtSelectMove("k")':   ['<c-k>', '<up>'],
+    \ 'PrtSelectMove("t")':   ['<Home>', '<kHome>'],
+    \ 'PrtSelectMove("b")':   ['<End>', '<kEnd>'],
+    \ 'PrtSelectMove("u")':   ['<PageUp>', '<kPageUp>'],
+    \ 'PrtSelectMove("d")':   ['<PageDown>', '<kPageDown>'],
+    \ 'PrtHistory(-1)':       ['<c-n>'],
+    \ 'PrtHistory(1)':        ['<c-p>'],
+    \ 'AcceptSelection("e")': ['<cr>', '<2-LeftMouse>'],
+    \ 'AcceptSelection("h")': ['<c-x>', '<c-cr>', '<c-s>'],
+    \ 'AcceptSelection("t")': ['<c-t>'],
+    \ 'AcceptSelection("v")': ['<c-v>', '<RightMouse>'],
+    \ 'ToggleFocus()':        ['<s-tab>'],
+    \ 'ToggleRegex()':        ['<c-r>'],
+    \ 'ToggleByFname()':      ['<c-d>'],
+    \ 'ToggleType(1)':        ['<c-f>', '<c-up>'],
+    \ 'ToggleType(-1)':       ['<c-b>', '<c-down>'],
+    \ 'PrtExpandDir()':       ['<tab>'],
+    \ 'PrtInsert("c")':       ['<MiddleMouse>', '<insert>'],
+    \ 'PrtInsert()':          ['<c-\>'],
+    \ 'PrtCurStart()':        ['<c-a>'],
+    \ 'PrtCurEnd()':          ['<c-e>'],
+    \ 'PrtCurLeft()':         ['<c-h>', '<left>', '<c-^>'],
+    \ 'PrtCurRight()':        ['<c-l>', '<right>'],
+    \ 'PrtClearCache()':      ['<F5>'],
+    \ 'PrtDeleteEnt()':       ['<F7>'],
+    \ 'CreateNewFile()':      ['<c-y>'],
+    \ 'MarkToOpen()':         ['<c-z>'],
+    \ 'OpenMulti()':          ['<c-o>'],
+    \ 'PrtExit()':            ['<esc>', '<c-c>', '<c-g>'],
+    \ }
+Note: In some terminals, it’s not possible to remap <c-h> without also changing
+<bs> (|keycodes|). So if pressing <bs> moves the cursor to the left instead of
+deleting a char for you, add this to your |.vimrc| to disable the plugin’s
+default <c-h> mapping: >
+  let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = { 'PrtCurLeft()': ['<left>', '<c-^>'] }
+MRU mode options:~
+                                                           *'g:ctrlp_mruf_max'*
+Specify the number of recently opened files you want CtrlP to remember: >
+  let g:ctrlp_mruf_max = 250
+                                                       *'g:ctrlp_mruf_exclude'*
+Files you don’t want CtrlP to remember. Use regexp to specify the patterns: >
+  let g:ctrlp_mruf_exclude = ''
+Examples: >
+  let g:ctrlp_mruf_exclude = '/tmp/.*\|/temp/.*' " MacOSX/Linux
+  let g:ctrlp_mruf_exclude = '^C:\\dev\\tmp\\.*' " Windows
+                                                       *'g:ctrlp_mruf_include'*
+And if you want CtrlP to only remember some files, specify them here: >
+  let g:ctrlp_mruf_include = ''
+Example: >
+  let g:ctrlp_mruf_include = '\.py$\|\.rb$'
+                                                      *'g:ctrlp_mruf_relative'*
+Set this to 1 to show only MRU files in the current working directory: >
+  let g:ctrlp_mruf_relative = 0
+                                                 *'g:ctrlp_mruf_default_order'*
+Set this to 1 to disable sorting when searching in MRU mode: >
+  let g:ctrlp_mruf_default_order = 0
+                                                *'g:ctrlp_mruf_case_sensitive'*
+Match this with your file system case-sensitivity setting to avoid duplicate
+MRU entries: >
+  let g:ctrlp_mruf_case_sensitive = 1
+Advanced options:~
+                                                        *'g:ctrlp_status_func'*
+Use this to customize the statuslines for the CtrlP window: >
+  let g:ctrlp_status_func = {}
+Example: >
+  let g:ctrlp_status_func = {
+    \ 'main': 'Function_Name_1',
+    \ 'prog': 'Function_Name_2',
+    \ }
+Structure of the functions: >
+  " Main statusline
+  function! Function_Name_1(focus, byfname, regex, prev, item, next, marked)
+    " Arguments:
+    " |
+    " +- a:focus   : The focus of the prompt: "prt" or "win".
+    " |
+    " +- a:byfname : In filename mode or in full path mode: "file" or "path".
+    " |
+    " +- a:regex   : In regex mode: 1 or 0.
+    " |
+    " +- a:prev    : The previous search mode.
+    " |
+    " +- a:item    : The current search mode.
+    " |
+    " +- a:next    : The next search mode.
+    " |
+    " +- a:marked  : The number of marked files, or a comma separated list of
+    "                the filenames.
+    return full_statusline
+  endfunction
+  " Progress statusline
+  function! Function_Name_2(str)
+    " a:str : Either the number of files scanned so far, or a string indicating
+    "         the current directory is being scanned with a user_command.
+    return full_statusline
+  endfunction
+See for a working example.
+                                                        *'g:ctrlp_buffer_func'*
+Specify the functions that will be called after entering and before exiting the
+CtrlP buffer: >
+  let g:ctrlp_buffer_func = {}
+Example: >
+  let g:ctrlp_buffer_func = {
+    \ 'enter': 'Function_Name_1',
+    \ 'exit':  'Function_Name_2',
+    \ }
+                                                         *'g:ctrlp_match_func'*
+Set an external fuzzy matching function for CtrlP to use: >
+  let g:ctrlp_match_func = {}
+Example: >
+  let g:ctrlp_match_func = { 'match': 'Function_Name' }
+Structure of the function: >
+  function! Function_Name(items, str, limit, mmode, ispath, crfile, regex)
+    " Arguments:
+    " |
+    " +- a:items  : The full list of items to search in.
+    " |
+    " +- a:str    : The string entered by the user.
+    " |
+    " +- a:limit  : The max height of the match window. Can be used to limit
+    " |             the number of items to return.
+    " |
+    " +- a:mmode  : The match mode. Can be one of these strings:
+    " |             + "full-line": match the entire line.
+    " |             + "filename-only": match only the filename.
+    " |             + "first-non-tab": match until the first tab char.
+    " |             + "until-last-tab": match until the last tab char.
+    " |
+    " +- a:ispath : Is 1 when searching in file, buffer, mru, dir, and rtscript
+    " |             modes. Is 0 otherwise.
+    " |
+    " +- a:crfile : The file in the current window. Should be excluded from the
+    " |             results when a:ispath == 1.
+    " |
+    " +- a:regex  : In regex mode: 1 or 0.
+    return list_of_matched_items
+  endfunction
+COMMANDS                                                       *ctrlp-commands*
+                                                                       *:CtrlP*
+:CtrlP [starting-directory]
+   Open CtrlP in find file mode.
+   If no argument is given, the value of |g:ctrlp_working_path_mode| will be
+   used to determine the starting directory.
+   You can use <tab> to auto-complete the [starting-directory] when typing it.
+                                                                 *:CtrlPBuffer*
+   Open CtrlP in find buffer mode.
+                                                                    *:CtrlPMRU*
+   Open CtrlP in find Most-Recently-Used file mode.
+                                                               *:CtrlPLastMode*
+   Open CtrlP in the last mode used.
+                                                                   *:CtrlPRoot*
+    This acts like |:CtrlP| with |g:ctrlp_working_path_mode| = 2 (ignores its
+    current value).
+                                                             *:CtrlPClearCache*
+   Flush the cache for the current working directory. The same as pressing <F5>
+   inside CtrlP.
+   To enable or disable caching, use the |g:ctrlp_use_caching| option.
+                                                         *:CtrlPClearAllCaches*
+   Delete all the cache files saved in |g:ctrlp_cache_dir|.
+For commands provided by bundled extensions, see |ctrlp-extensions|.
+MAPPINGS                                                       *ctrlp-mappings*
+                                                                *'ctrlp-<c-p>'*
+   Default |Normal| mode mapping to open the CtrlP prompt in find file mode.
+Once inside the prompt:~
+  <c-d>
+    Toggle between full-path search and filename only search.
+    Note: in filename mode, the prompt’s base is '>d>' instead of '>>>'
+  <c-r>                                                    *'ctrlp-fullregexp'*
+    Toggle between the string mode and full regexp mode.
+    Note: in full regexp mode, the prompt’s base is 'r>>' instead of '>>>'
+    See also |input-formats| (guide) and |g:ctrlp_regexp_search| (option).
+  <c-f>, 'forward'
+  <c-up>
+    Scroll to the 'next' search mode in the sequence.
+  <c-b>, 'backward'
+  <c-down>
+    Scroll to the 'previous' search mode in the sequence.
+  <tab>
+    Auto-complete directory names under the current working directory inside
+    the prompt.
+  <s-tab>
+    Toggle the focus between the match window and the prompt.
+  <c-j>,
+  <down>
+    Move selection down.
+  <c-k>,
+  <up>
+    Move selection up.
+  <c-a>
+    Move the cursor to the 'start' of the prompt.
+  <c-e>
+    Move the cursor to the 'end' of the prompt.
+  <c-h>,
+  <left>,
+  <c-^>
+    Move the cursor one character to the 'left'.
+  <c-l>,
+  <right>
+    Move the cursor one character to the 'right'.
+  <c-]>,
+  <bs>
+    Delete the preceding character.
+  <del>
+    Delete the current character.
+  <c-w>
+    Delete a preceding inner word.
+  <c-u>
+    Clear the input field.
+  <cr>
+    Open selected file in the active window if possible.
+  <c-t>
+    Open selected file in a new 'tab' after the last tabpage.
+  <c-v>
+    Open selected file in a 'vertical' split.
+  <c-x>,
+  <c-cr>,
+  <c-s>
+    Open selected file in a 'horizontal' split.
+  <c-y>
+    Create a new file and its parent directories.
+  <c-n>
+    Next string in the prompt’s history.
+  <c-p>
+    Previous string in the prompt’s history.
+  <c-z>
+    - Mark/unmark a file to be opened with <c-o>.
+    - Or mark/unmark a file to create a new file in its directory using <c-y>.
+  <c-o>
+    Open files marked by <c-z>.
+  <F5>
+    - Refresh the match window and purge the cache for the current directory.
+    - Or remove deleted files from the MRU list.
+  <F7>
+    - Wipe the MRU list.
+    - Or delete MRU entries marked by <c-z>.
+  <insert>
+    Insert the word under the cursor (in the current buffer) into the prompt.
+  <esc>,
+  <c-c>,
+  <c-g>
+    Exit CtrlP.
+    Note: <c-c> can also be used to stop the scan if it’s taking too long.
+Choose your own mappings with |g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings|.
+When inside the match window (press <s-tab> to switch):~
+  a-z
+  0-9
+  ~^-=;`',.+!@#$%&_(){}[]
+    Cycle through the lines with the first letter (of paths or filenames) that
+    matches that key.
+INPUT FORMATS                                             *ctrlp-input-formats*
+Formats for inputting in the prompt:~
+a)  Simple string.
+    E.g. 'abc' is understood internally as 'a[^a]\{-}b[^b]\{-}c'
+b)  When in regexp mode, the input string’s treated as a Vim’s regexp |pattern|
+    without any modification.
+    E.g. 'abc\d*efg' will be read as 'abc\d*efg'.
+    See |ctrlp-fullregexp| (keymap) and |g:ctrlp_regexp_search| (option) for
+    how to enable regexp mode.
+c)  End the string with a colon ':' followed by a Vim command to execute that
+    command after opening the file. If you need to use ':' literally, escape it
+    with a backslash: '\:'. When opening multiple files, the command will be
+    executed on each opening file.
+    E.g. 'abc:45' will open the selected file and jump to line 45.
+         'abc:/any\:string' will open the selected file and jump to the first
+         instance of 'any:string'.
+         'abc:+setf\ myfiletype|50' will open the selected file and set its
+         filetype to 'myfiletype', then jump to line 50.
+         'abc:diffthis' will open the selected files and run |:diffthis| on the
+         first 4 files (if marked).
+    See also Vim’s |++opt| and |+cmd|.
+d)  Type exactly two dots '..' at the start of the prompt and press enter to go
+    backward in the directory tree by 1 level. If the parent directory is
+    large, this might be slow.
+e)  Similarly, submit '/' or '\' to find and go to the project’s root. If the
+    project is large, using a VCS listing command to look for files might help
+    speeding up the intial scan (see |g:ctrlp_user_command| for more details).
+    Note: e) and d) only work in find file mode and directory mode.
+f)  Type the name of a non-existent file and press <c-y> to create it. Mark a
+    file with <c-z> to create the new file in the same directory as the marked
+    file.
+    E.g. 'parentdir/newfile.txt' will create a directory named 'parentdir' as
+         well as 'newfile.txt'.
+         If 'some/old/dirs/oldfile.txt' is marked with <c-z>, then 'parentdir'
+         and 'newfile.txt' will be created in 'some/old/dirs'. The final path
+         will then be 'some/old/dirs/parentdir/newfile.txt'.
+         Use '\' in place of '/' on Windows (if |'ssl'| is not set).
+g)  Submit ? to open this help file.
+EXTENSIONS                                                   *ctrlp-extensions*
+Extensions are optional. To enable an extension, add its name to the variable
+g:ctrlp_extensions: >
+  let g:ctrlp_extensions = ['tag', 'buffertag', 'quickfix', 'dir', 'rtscript',
+                          \ 'undo', 'line', 'changes', 'mixed', 'bookmarkdir']
+The order of the items will be the order they appear on the statusline and when
+using <c-f>, <c-b>.
+Available extensions:~
+                                                                    *:CtrlPTag*
+  * Tag mode:~
+    - Name: 'tag'
+    - Command: ':CtrlPTag'
+    - Search for a tag within a generated central tags file, and jump to the
+      definition. Use the Vim’s option |'tags'| to specify the names and the
+      locations of the tags file(s).
+      E.g. set tags+=doc/tags
+                                                                 *:CtrlPBufTag*
+                                                              *:CtrlPBufTagAll*
+  * Buffer Tag mode:~
+    - Name: 'buffertag'
+    - Commands: ':CtrlPBufTag [buffer]',
+                ':CtrlPBufTagAll'.
+    - Search for a tag within the current buffer or all listed buffers and jump
+      to the definition. Requires |exuberant_ctags| or compatible programs.
+                                                               *:CtrlPQuickfix*
+  * Quickfix mode:~
+    - Name: 'quickfix'
+    - Command: ':CtrlPQuickfix'
+    - Search for an entry in the current quickfix errors and jump to it.
+                                                                    *:CtrlPDir*
+  * Directory mode:~
+    - Name: 'dir'
+    - Command: ':CtrlPDir [starting-directory]'
+    - Search for a directory and change the working directory to it.
+    - Mappings:
+      + <cr> change the local working directory for CtrlP and keep it open.
+      + <c-t> change the global working directory (exit).
+      + <c-v> change the local working directory for the current window (exit).
+      + <c-x> change the global working directory to CtrlP’s current local
+        working directory (exit).
+                                                                    *:CtrlPRTS*
+  * Runtime script mode:~
+    - Name: 'rtscript'
+    - Command: ':CtrlPRTS'
+    - Search for files (vimscripts, docs, snippets...) in runtimepath.
+                                                                   *:CtrlPUndo*
+  * Undo mode:~
+    - Name: 'undo'
+    - Command: ':CtrlPUndo'
+    - Browse undo history.
+                                                                   *:CtrlPLine*
+  * Line mode:~
+    - Name: 'line'
+    - Command: ':CtrlPLine'
+    - Search for a line in all listed buffers.
+                                                                 *:CtrlPChange*
+                                                              *:CtrlPChangeAll*
+  * Change list mode:~
+    - Name: 'changes'
+    - Commands: ':CtrlPChange [buffer]',
+                ':CtrlPChangeAll'.
+    - Search for and jump to a recent change in the current buffer or in all
+      listed buffers.
+                                                                  *:CtrlPMixed*
+  * Mixed mode:~
+    - Name: 'mixed'
+    - Command: ':CtrlPMixed'
+    - Search in files, buffers and MRU files at the same time.
+                                                            *:CtrlPBookmarkDir*
+                                                         *:CtrlPBookmarkDirAdd*
+  * BookmarkDir mode:~
+    - Name: 'bookmarkdir'
+    - Commands: ':CtrlPBookmarkDir',
+                ':CtrlPBookmarkDirAdd [directory]'.
+    - Search for a bookmarked directory and change the working directory to it.
+    - Mappings:
+      + <cr> change the local working directory for CtrlP, keep it open and
+        switch to find file mode.
+      + <c-x> change the global working directory (exit).
+      + <c-v> change the local working directory for the current window (exit).
+      + <F7>
+        - Wipe bookmark list.
+        - Or delete entries marked by <c-z>.
+Buffer Tag mode options:~
+                                                   *'g:ctrlp_buftag_ctags_bin'*
+If ctags isn’t in your $PATH, use this to set its location: >
+  let g:ctrlp_buftag_ctags_bin = ''
+                                                   *'g:ctrlp_buftag_systemenc'*
+Match this with your OS’s encoding (not Vim’s). The default value mirrors Vim’s
+global |'encoding'| option: >
+  let g:ctrlp_buftag_systemenc = &encoding
+                                                       *'g:ctrlp_buftag_types'*
+Use this to set the arguments for ctags, jsctags... for a given filetype: >
+  let g:ctrlp_buftag_types = ''
+Examples: >
+  let g:ctrlp_buftag_types = {
+    \ 'erlang'     : '--language-force=erlang --erlang-types=drmf',
+    \ 'javascript' : {
+      \ 'bin': 'jsctags',
+      \ 'args': '-f -',
+      \ },
+    \ }
+CUSTOMIZATION                                             *ctrlp-customization*
+  * For the CtrlP buffer:
+    CtrlPNoEntries : the message when no match is found (Error)
+    CtrlPMatch     : the matched pattern (Identifier)
+    CtrlPLinePre   : the line prefix '>' in the match window
+    CtrlPPrtBase   : the prompt’s base (Comment)
+    CtrlPPrtText   : the prompt’s text (|hl-Normal|)
+    CtrlPPrtCursor : the prompt’s cursor when moving over the text (Constant)
+  * In extensions:
+    CtrlPTabExtra  : the part of each line that’s not matched against (Comment)
+    CtrlPBufName   : the buffer name an entry belongs to (|hl-Directory|)
+    CtrlPTagKind   : the kind of the tag in buffer-tag mode (|hl-Title|)
+    CtrlPqfLineCol : the line and column numbers in quickfix mode (Comment)
+    CtrlPUndoT     : the elapsed time in undo mode (|hl-Directory|)
+    CtrlPUndoBr    : the square brackets [] in undo mode (Comment)
+    CtrlPUndoNr    : the undo number inside [] in undo mode (String)
+    CtrlPUndoSv    : the point where the file was saved (Comment)
+    CtrlPUndoPo    : the current position in the undo tree (|hl-Title|)
+    CtrlPBookmark  : the name of the bookmark (Identifier)
+  * Highlight groups:
+    CtrlPMode1 : 'prt' or 'win', also for 'regex' (Character)
+    CtrlPMode2 : 'file' or 'path', also for the local working dir (|hl-LineNr|)
+    CtrlPStats : the scanning status (Function)
+  For rebuilding the statuslines, see |g:ctrlp_status_func|.
+MISCELLANEOUS CONFIGS                             *ctrlp-miscellaneous-configs*
+* Use |wildignore| for |g:ctrlp_user_command|:
+  function! s:wig2cmd()
+    " Change wildignore into space or | separated groups
+    " e.g. .aux .out .toc .jpg .bmp .gif
+    " or   .aux$\|.out$\|.toc$\|.jpg$\|.bmp$\|.gif$
+    let pats = ['[*\/]*\([?_.0-9A-Za-z]\+\)\([*\/]*\)\(\\\@<!,\|$\)','\\\@<!,']
+    let subs = has('win32') || has('win64') ? ['\1\3', ' '] : ['\1\2\3', '\\|']
+    let expr = substitute(&wig, pats[0], subs[0], 'g')
+    let expr = substitute(expr, pats[1], subs[1], 'g')
+    let expr = substitute(expr, '\\,', ',', 'g')
+    " Set the user_command option
+    let g:ctrlp_user_command = has('win32') || has('win64')
+      \ ? 'dir %s /-n /b /s /a-d | findstr /V /l "'.expr.'"'
+      \ : 'find %s -type f | grep -v "'.expr .'"'
+  endfunction
+  call s:wig2cmd()
+(submitted by Rich Alesi <>)
+* A standalone function to set the working directory to the project’s root, or
+  to the parent directory of the current file if a root can’t be found:
+  function! s:setcwd()
+    let cph = expand('%:p:h', 1)
+    if match(cph, '\v^<.+>://') >= 0 | retu | en
+    for mkr in ['.git/', '.hg/', '.svn/', '.bzr/', '_darcs/', '.vimprojects']
+      let wd = call('find'.(mkr =~ '/$' ? 'dir' : 'file'), [mkr, cph.';'])
+      if wd != '' | let &acd = 0 | brea | en
+    endfo
+    exe 'lc!' fnameescape(wd == '' ? cph : substitute(wd, mkr.'$', '.', ''))
+  endfunction
+  autocmd BufEnter * call s:setcwd()
+(requires Vim 7.1.299+)
+CREDITS                                                         *ctrlp-credits*
+Developed by Kien Nguyen <>.
+Project’s homepage:
+Git repository:
+Mercurial repository:
+Thanks to everyone that has submitted ideas, bug reports or helped debugging on
+gibhub, bitbucket, and through email.
+Special thanks:~
+    * Woojong Koh <>
+    * Simon Ruderich
+    * Yasuhiro Matsumoto <>
+    * Ken Earley <>
+    * Kyo Nagashima <>
+    * Zak Johnson <>
+    * Diego Viola <>
+    * Piet Delport <>
+    * Thibault Duplessis <>
+    * Kent Sibilev <>
+    * Tacahiroy <>
+    * Luca Pette <>
+CHANGELOG                                                     *ctrlp-changelog*
+    + New option: |g:ctrlp_mruf_default_order|
+    + New feature: Bookmarked directories extension.
+    + New commands: |:CtrlPBookmarkDir|
+                    |:CtrlPBookmarkDirAdd|
+Before 2012/04/15~
+    + New option: |g:ctrlp_buffer_func|, callback functions for CtrlP buffer.
+    + Remove: g:ctrlp_mruf_last_entered, make it a default for MRU mode.
+    + New commands: |:CtrlPLastMode|, open CtrlP in the last mode used.
+                    |:CtrlPMixed|, search in files, buffers and MRU files.
+Before 2012/03/31~
+    + New options: |g:ctrlp_default_input|, default input when entering CtrlP.
+                   |g:ctrlp_match_func|, allow using a custom fuzzy matcher.
+    + Rename:
+        *ClearCtrlPCache* -> |CtrlPClearCache|
+        *ClearAllCtrlPCaches* -> |CtrlPClearAllCaches|
+        *ResetCtrlP* -> |CtrlPReload|
+Before 2012/03/02~
+    + Rename:
+        *g:ctrlp_regexp_search* -> |g:ctrlp_regexp|,
+        *g:ctrlp_dont_split* -> |g:ctrlp_reuse_window|,
+        *g:ctrlp_jump_to_buffer* -> |g:ctrlp_switch_buffer|.
+    + Rename and tweak:
+        *g:ctrlp_open_multi* -> |g:ctrlp_open_multiple_files|.
+    + Deprecate *g:ctrlp_highlight_match*
+    + Extend |g:ctrlp_user_command| to support multiple commands.
+    + New option: |g:ctrlp_mruf_last_entered| change MRU to Recently-Entered.
+Before 2012/01/15~
+    + New mapping: Switch <tab> and <s-tab>. <tab> is now used for completion
+                   of directory names under the current working directory.
+    + New options: |g:ctrlp_arg_map| for <c-y>, <c-o> to accept an argument.
+                   |g:ctrlp_status_func| custom statusline.
+                   |g:ctrlp_mruf_relative| show only MRU files inside cwd.
+    + Extend g:ctrlp_open_multi with new optional values: tr, hr, vr.
+    + Extend |g:ctrlp_custom_ignore| to specifically filter dir, file and link.
+Before 2012/01/05~
+    + New feature: Buffer Tag extension.
+    + New commands: |:CtrlPBufTag|, |:CtrlPBufTagAll|.
+    + New options: |g:ctrlp_cmd|,
+                   |g:ctrlp_custom_ignore|
+Before 2011/11/30~
+    + New features: Tag, Quickfix and Directory extensions.
+    + New commands: |:CtrlPTag|, |:CtrlPQuickfix|, |:CtrlPDir|.
+    + New options: |g:ctrlp_use_migemo|,
+                   |g:ctrlp_lazy_update|,
+                   |g:ctrlp_follow_symlinks|
+Before 2011/11/13~
+    + New special input: '/' and '\' find root (|ctrlp-input-formats| (e))
+    + Remove ctrlp#SetWorkingPath().
+    + Remove *g:ctrlp_mru_files* and make MRU mode permanent.
+    + Extend g:ctrlp_open_multi, add new ways to open files.
+    + New option: g:ctrlp_dont_split,
+                  |g:ctrlp_mruf_case_sensitive|
+Before 2011/10/30~
+    + New feature: Support for custom extensions.
+                   <F5> also removes non-existent files from MRU list.
+    + New option: g:ctrlp_jump_to_buffer
+Before 2011/10/12~
+    + New features: Open multiple files.
+                    Pass Vim’s |++opt| and |+cmd| to the opening file
+                    (|ctrlp-input-formats| (c))
+                    Auto-complete each dir for |:CtrlP| [starting-directory]
+    + New mappings: <c-z> mark/unmark a file to be opened with <c-o>.
+                    <c-o> open all marked files.
+    + New option: g:ctrlp_open_multi
+    + Remove *g:ctrlp_persistent_input* *g:ctrlp_live_update* and <c-^>.
+Before 2011/09/29~
+    + New mappings: <c-n>, <c-p> next/prev string in the input history.
+                    <c-y> create a new file and its parent dirs.
+    + New options: |g:ctrlp_open_new_file|,
+                   |g:ctrlp_max_history|
+    + Added a new open-in-horizontal-split mapping: <c-x>
+Before 2011/09/19~
+    + New command: ResetCtrlP
+    + New options: |g:ctrlp_max_files|,
+                   |g:ctrlp_max_depth|,
+                   g:ctrlp_live_update
+    + New mapping: <c-^>
+Before 2011/09/12~
+    + Ability to cycle through matched lines in the match window.
+    + Extend the behavior of g:ctrlp_persistent_input
+    + Extend the behavior of |:CtrlP|
+    + New options: |g:ctrlp_dotfiles|,
+                   |g:ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit|,
+                   g:ctrlp_highlight_match,
+                   |g:ctrlp_user_command|
+    + New special input: '..' (|ctrlp-input-formats| (d))
+    + New mapping: <F5>.
+    + New commands: |:CtrlPCurWD|,
+                    |:CtrlPCurFile|,
+                    |:CtrlPRoot|
+    + New feature: Search in most recently used (MRU) files
+    + New mapping: <c-b>.
+    + Extended the behavior of <c-f>.
+    + New options: g:ctrlp_mru_files,
+                   |g:ctrlp_mruf_max|,
+                   |g:ctrlp_mruf_exclude|,
+                   |g:ctrlp_mruf_include|
+    + New command: |:CtrlPMRU|
+First public release: 2011/09/06~
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/plugin/ctrlp.vim	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" File:          plugin/ctrlp.vim
+" Description:   Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder.
+" Author:        Kien Nguyen <>
+" =============================================================================
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 3736 1 :AutoInstall:
+if ( exists('g:loaded_ctrlp') && g:loaded_ctrlp ) || v:version < 700 || &cp
+	fini
+let g:loaded_ctrlp = 1
+let [g:ctrlp_lines, g:ctrlp_allfiles, g:ctrlp_alltags, g:ctrlp_alldirs,
+	\ g:ctrlp_allmixes, g:ctrlp_buftags, g:ctrlp_ext_vars, g:ctrlp_builtins]
+	\ = [[], [], [], [], {}, {}, [], 2]
+if !exists('g:ctrlp_map') | let g:ctrlp_map = '<c-p>' | en
+if !exists('g:ctrlp_cmd') | let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlP' | en
+com! -n=? -com=dir CtrlP cal ctrlp#init(0, <q-args>)
+com! CtrlPBuffer   cal ctrlp#init(1)
+com! CtrlPMRUFiles cal ctrlp#init(2)
+com! CtrlPLastMode cal ctrlp#init(-1)
+com! CtrlPClearCache     cal ctrlp#clr()
+com! CtrlPClearAllCaches cal ctrlp#clra()
+com! CtrlPReload         cal ctrlp#reset()
+com! ClearCtrlPCache     cal ctrlp#clr()
+com! ClearAllCtrlPCaches cal ctrlp#clra()
+com! ResetCtrlP          cal ctrlp#reset()
+com! CtrlPCurWD   cal ctrlp#init(0, 0)
+com! CtrlPCurFile cal ctrlp#init(0, 1)
+com! CtrlPRoot    cal ctrlp#init(0, 2)
+if g:ctrlp_map != '' && !hasmapto(':<c-u>'.g:ctrlp_cmd.'<cr>', 'n')
+	exe 'nn <silent>' g:ctrlp_map ':<c-u>'.g:ctrlp_cmd.'<cr>'
+cal ctrlp#mrufiles#init()
+com! CtrlPTag         cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#tag#id())
+com! CtrlPQuickfix    cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#quickfix#id())
+com! -n=? -com=dir CtrlPDir
+	\ cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#dir#id(), <q-args>)
+com! -n=? -com=buffer CtrlPBufTag
+	\ cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#buffertag#cmd(0, <q-args>))
+com! CtrlPBufTagAll   cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#buffertag#cmd(1))
+com! CtrlPRTS         cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#rtscript#id())
+com! CtrlPUndo        cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#undo#id())
+com! CtrlPLine        cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#line#id())
+com! -n=? -com=buffer CtrlPChange
+	\ cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#changes#cmd(0, <q-args>))
+com! CtrlPChangeAll   cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#changes#cmd(1))
+com! CtrlPMixed       cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#mixed#id())
+com! CtrlPBookmarkDir cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#bookmarkdir#id())
+com! -n=? -com=dir CtrlPBookmarkDirAdd
+	\ cal ctrlp#call('ctrlp#bookmarkdir#add', <q-args>)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimfiles/bundle/ctrlp.vim/	Sun Apr 29 16:20:31 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# ctrlp.vim
+Full path fuzzy __file__, __buffer__, __mru__ and __tag__ finder for Vim.
+* Written in pure Vimscript for MacVim and Vim 7.0+.
+* Full support for Vim’s regexp as search pattern.
+* Built-in Most Recently Used (MRU) files monitoring.
+* Built-in project’s root finder.
+* Open Multiple Files.
+* [Extensible][3].
+## Basic Usage
+* Press `<c-p>` or run `:CtrlP` to invoke CtrlP in find file mode.
+* Run `:CtrlPBuffer` or `:CtrlPMRU` to invoke CtrlP in buffer or MRU mode.
+* Or run `:CtrlPMixed` to search in a mix of files, buffers and MRU files.
+Once CtrlP is open:
+* Press `<c-f>` and `<c-b>` to switch between find file, buffer, and MRU file
+* Press `<c-d>` to switch to filename only search instead of full path.
+* Press `<c-r>` to switch to regexp mode.
+* Press `<F5>` to purge the cache for the current directory and get new files.
+* End the input string with a colon `:` followed by a command to execute after
+opening the file.  
+e.g. `abc:45` will open the file matched the pattern and jump to line 45.
+* Submit two dots `..` as the input string to go backward the directory tree by
+1 level.
+* Use `<c-y>` to create a new file and its parent dirs.
+* Use `<c-z>` to mark/unmark multiple files and `<c-o>` to open them.
+## Basic Options
+* Change the mapping to invoke CtrlP:
+    ```vim
+    let g:ctrlp_map = '<c-p>'
+    ```
+* When CtrlP is invoked, it automatically sets its local working directory
+according to this variable:
+    ```vim
+    let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 2
+    ```
+    0 - don’t manage working directory.  
+    1 - the parent directory of the current file.  
+    2 - the nearest ancestor that contains one of these directories or files:
+    `.git/` `.hg/` `.svn/` `.bzr/` `_darcs/`
+* If you want to exclude directories or files from the search, use the Vim’s
+option `wildignore` and/or the option `g:ctrlp_custom_ignore`. Examples:
+    ```vim
+    set wildignore+=*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip  " MacOSX/Linux
+    set wildignore+=tmp\*,*.swp,*.zip,*.exe   " Windows
+    let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = '\.git$\|\.hg$\|\.svn$'
+    let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = {
+      \ 'dir':  '\.git$\|\.hg$\|\.svn$',
+      \ 'file': '\.exe$\|\.so$\|\.dll$',
+      \ 'link': 'some_bad_symbolic_links',
+      \ }
+    ```
+* Use a custom file listing command with:
+    ```vim
+    let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'find %s -type f'        " MacOSX/Linux
+    let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'dir %s /-n /b /s /a-d'  " Windows
+    ```
+_Check [the docs][2] for more mappings, commands and options._